The Three Traditions of Pink


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But after a while and after Emma had mercilessly pounded his dick with her hand a grunt escaped his mouth and a small, pitiful amount of drizzle escaped from his cock.

Huzzah! Alleluia! Finally! My ticket out of here!

Immediately after he had finished, Don went completely limp on the bed with his eyes closed. As Emma was putting her clothes back on she couldn't help but snort out a laugh as she heard his snoring.

Yeah and that about concludes this sorry affair. can't always be on the winning side now, can you? At least we can say that we scratched this itch and there are no regrets to be had, are there?

Chapter 6 (Abigail)

"Are you absolutely sure you're going through with this?"

"Yeah...I've got to give her a second chance...I mean...she did say some spiteful things but maybe I was drunk and she probably had a bad day at the office. I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt."

"Okay...I understand what you're saying there. Well...I wish you the best of luck and should you need anything Abigail...just know that I'm here for you no matter what. Our house is your house too should you need it."

For a lack of a proper reply, Abigail simply opened her arms and gave Aurelia a big hug. They stayed like that, in front of her door for a while until Abi finally disengaged. "This...your words mean a lot to me you know...I owe you massively."

"Just get some luck going your way and we're even."

"Will do my best."

And Abigail was off. It was a relatively pleasant autumn Saturday morning and already the streets were starting to pick up in traffic. Aurelia preferred to walk, rather than take the bus in order to use the time to properly arrange her thoughts. She'd try to give Alexa one last chance she reasoned. She was willing to scratch yesterday's unfortunate incident to work stress and bad timing from her part. Abi figured that they'd sit down, have an adult conversation about all the issues that they might have and together, try to rejuvenate their relationship. At the very least, if everything said or done failed to reconcile them, Abi hoped that they'd end this on a friendly note. Last evening's shouting match had really been depressing for her and she didn't want a repeat. As a token of good gesture, she stopped at a local doughnut shop that made Alexa's favorite caramel glazed variety and picked up a dozen.

After a ten minute brisk walk she was at the outer staircase of their apartment building. "Well, here goes nothing" she said to herself mentally trying to prepare for the talk she was going to have. "I mean, she did ask to see me and she did text me the when, didn't see?" Sure the text had been formal, just like Alexa would have replied to a business associate, but then again one should never jump to conclusions from one's texts because it is not always easy to convey feelings through them.

As she was climbing the creaky old staircase leading to the top third floor she noticed a guy in overalls descending it. "Locksmiths R'Us" read the logo on his work clothes. Not paying any further attention she reached outside their apartment and pulled out her keys. Her key however would refuse to turn. That's when the thought hit her like a bucket of icy water: had Alexa changed the locks? This was certainly not a good omen and it certainly didn't spell success for their talk.

Just then, the door swung open with a whoosh which nearly caused Abigail jump out of her skin with fright. After recovering from her startled response her vision refocused. And there she was, her girlfriend of two years wearing an unreadable mask on her face, neither angry nor happy to see her.

"Welcome" was her neutral and cold introduction.

Abigail was nearly sweating now with anxiety. This was not going well at all.

"I...I ummm...I brought you some doughnuts...ummm...they're your favorite...caramel glazed..."

"Oh...How nice of you. Please leave them on the kitchen table."

"O...okay...Ummm...Did you have the locks changed?"

Alexa turned and gave her a cold, imperious look but didn't answer immediately. Instead she motioned towards a stool at one end of the kitchen isle: "Please be seated."

"Alexa? Why did you change the locks?"

"What's her name?"

"Excuse me?"

"Her name!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you think I'm a complete idiot? Very well...let's play this little game. Who is Emma Sorensen?"

Abigail's stomach started churning inside her. Suddenly her morning breakfast and cocoa weren't sitting too well.

How the fuck does she know that name?

"She...she's a student of mine."

"Do you usually add your students on your social media?"

She's checked my Facebook page...

"Not usually, no. But I still don't get what your problem is."

"Under normal circumstances I wouldn't give a rat's ass. However it would seem that someone was trading relationship Q&A with said student. Viewing bikini-clad images and so forth. And thus my original question still stands. Do you take me for a complete idiot?"

How the hell does she know about all this? Think Abigail, think! Holy SHIT! The goddamned tablet! I left it on the sofa yesterday! Without closing the pages! The bitch must have gone through everything in there! The screen-lock code is a joke anyways...

"You went through my tablet..."

"You're not answering my question."

"Leaving aside your extremely classy behavior of going through my things without me being present, my answer still stands. She's a student of mine whom I added on Facebook. Unless I'm much mistaken that's not a criminal offense now, is it?"

Alexa looked at her with a sardonic smirk on her face.

"You have thirty minutes to pack your things. A mover will be here at that time to assist you with the boxes. You will find empty boxes and tape next to your side of the bed. Anything left behind will be thrown away. Should you need me, I'll be in the kitchen."

Abigail stared at her with her mouth open. "Are you serious? You're ending this? You're kicking me out just like that? For what? You've got hundreds of women on your Facebook page, even past flings of yours and I've never said a thing! And suddenly now because I have a chat with a student of mine, I'm made to be what? An adulteress? A whore? Is that it? Or is it that you're bored and you're looking for a way out? Just say so Alexa, I'd appreciate an adult and straight answer. Just say it! Abigail, I don't like you anymore, we're through! But no! Alexa Vargas never asks, never discusses, and never pleads."

Abigail was shouting now and those damned tears had made their appearance once more.

"You're wasting time. Like I said, I'll be here if you need me."

The goddamned bitch! She's throwing me out just like that! And I've got...shit! Twenty nine minutes to pack! And she'll keep her word too! Anything that is left behind is gone for good. She'll probably light a ceremonial fire and dance around it for good measure! I'm screwed!

Abigail started frantically throwing stuff from her closets and bookshelves into the boxes. She wasn't taking any care into what was being thrown in, she just wanted to salvage as much as she could. The cardboard boxes were filthy second hand ones which had obviously seen heavy use before and were covered in dust and soot. She'd have to wash everything clean! In her panicked frenzy she was stuffing her underwear together with her books, there were just so many things to pack and so little time.

Precisely thirty minutes later the doorbell rang. The movers had showed up to take her things!

Shit! SHIT! SHIT! I haven't finished! I'm not done yet! This can't be happening!

Abigail was a terrible mess! Her clothing was all smudged from handling those boxes and her face covered with a mix of tears, sweat and dust. Her hair had loosened from its ponytail but she didn't dare to fix it what with the filth which covered her hands.

"So where are these boxes that I'm to take?"

"Right this way please."

Alexa showed up together with the mover. "There they are. Miss O'Donnell is going to be escorting them out."

"Right. Let's get started then. I'll begin with these here. Does anyone of these boxes require special care? Any fragile material?"

You've said it! I don't even know which is which anymore and you're telling me about fragile material?"

"Just take them. The sooner we get this over, the better."

Abigail continued her frantic packing, hoping to clear as much of her stuff as possible in the time it took the mover to take the boxes down to the van. It was however, a losing battle and she knew it. She'd have to conduct a triage taking with her the absolute essentials. She focused on getting her clothes, her shoes, her books and reading material and her laptop. All the rest she assumed were lost forever.

The departure of the last box, signaled the end of this miserable affair. With ill hidden rage she unchained her copy of the apartment keys and slammed them on kitchen counter.

"Whatever it is you thought, you could have handled this with a little more class you know. You didn't need to be so damned cruel about it!"

"Well I've arranged for the mover to come over didn't I? I mean, if I was really cruel I could have thrown all your stuff out without a word. What would you have said then?"

"You know...there's one thing good coming out of this mess. It really showed me what a fake you really are! I've fallen but I'll manage to get back on my feet. I only pity the poor souls who'll fall prey to you after I'm gone."

"Yeah, yeah honey! There's many more from where you came from. Oh and Abigail? Please take these on your way out as well" and she handed Abi the box of doughnuts she had brought in.

Abigail took the box and without any further words swiftly exited the apartment. The place she had called home for the past thirteen months was no longer hers. But finding a new home and starting afresh was going to be the easy part. Throwing away the memories of a two year relationship, now that was definitely going to be a challenge.

But there were more pressing issues at hand. Once inside the mover's van there was the issue of where to deliver her stuff. Whipping out her cellphone Abigail dialed her friend and savior, Aurelia.

Please...please pick up! Please...If this guy dumps my stuff on some sidewalk I would probably die of embarrassment.

"Hi there Abi. So how did it go?"

"Worse than tragic. Listen I'm once more in an incredibly tight spot. Alexa has thrown me out and I have my stuff in boxes. I'm in a mover's van and he's asking me where to deliver the boxes. Could I...ummmm...would it be possible..."

"Sure! Bring them over! We have tons of space at the basement. We'll figure it out! Come on over and don't worry about it. I'll be waiting for you and I'll enlist Jer to help too!"

"You're my guardian angel! What would I do without you?"

A few minutes later the van was pulling in Jer and Aurelia's driveway.

"This is it then Miss O'Donnell...and...that will be..."

The bitch didn't even have the dignity of paying them. I should have guessed.

"...eighty five dollars."

Eighty five fucking dollars to have the privilege of having your stuff thrown out! Talk about adding salt to the wound!

The last thing Abigail wanted was to argue with the guy. Silently she fished for her wallet and handed her debit card to the mover. A few seconds later and her account had been swiped to the tune of eighty five dollars less. Just then Jeremy and Aurelia arrived on the scene. Abigail couldn't hold it any longer; once in Aurelia's embrace she burst into sorrowful tears.

"She...she...she threw me out on the street...just like that!"

Aurelia shushed her and cradled her head just like a mother would to a distressed child. "Just forget about it're okay and that's all that matters...we'll get you fixed in no time, this is nothing to worry about. Let's get you inside and Jer will handle all this. Don't you worry about anything..."

Chapter 7 (Emma)

Abigail was busily typing away on her keyboard, totally absorbed in what she was doing. A soft knock on her door reminded her that her office hours for students had arrived. Without looking up from her monitor she answered: "Yes, come in."

Emma stood on the outside of the door with her hand raised in mid-air ready to knock once more when she heard Abigail's voice from the other side prompting her to come inside. Hesitating for only an instant, she pressed the door knob and she discreetly peered inside.

Abigail was sitting behind her desk, eyes glued on the monitor as she feverishly typed away. Unlike in their lecture earlier that day, now her beautiful facial features where framed by a pair of glasses. A stray strand of blonde hair had escaped from her ponytail and was dangling in front of her. For reasons totally unfathomable to her, Emma was drawn to her visage just like an insect is drawn to a lantern. She stood there, door open midway, her gaze completely lost within the blonde's beautifully tranquil blue eyes. Abigail looked up and saw her dazing at her.

She'll probably think I'm retarded or something...way to go Emma!

"Oh Emma, it's you! Do come a seat!"

She's definitely happy to see me...or...maybe she was working on something incredibly boring and is happy for the distraction...

"So...what can I do for you?"

For me or to me? Christ...what's wrong with me!

Emma's wayward thinking caused her to momentarily lapse into an awkward silence. When her consciousness finally registered what her brain had been scheming on she blushed and turned her head down.

Blushing Emma? Really? You've got it bad girl!

"Are you alright? Can I get you something? A glass of water perhaps?"

"'m fine...I...I decided to stop by to..."

Come on...think! Why DID you come here for?

" a look at your collection! Yes! Errr...your personal library as you mentioned last Friday."

"Oh...yes, yes...certainly. Of course! Well, it's not much to look at really, only this small collection behind my back. Please feel free to peruse them while I finish off my work here and then I'm at your disposal. Books are on the left, papers and journals are behind my back."

Emma stood and pretended to have a look around; Abigail's office was honestly nothing more than an enlarged cabin. There was a single window which offered a nice view to the enclosed atrium, Abigail's desk with an out of date computer monitor sitting on it, a couple of chairs and six bookshelves on the wall behind her desk stacked with books and texts.

The fire-haired girl gave a cursory look at the book section and ostensibly focused her search on the publication section of her professor's library which also happened to be right behind her back.

Hmmmm...yes...Colin S. Gray on why is strategy difficult...Seems interesting...And if I wiggle my way a bit towards that paper...

Emma's legging-clad behind brushed briefly with Abigail's swivel chair, causing her to reflexively move forward and turn the chair sideways. And that's when she realized that her face was inches away from one of the most spectacular pair of buttocks she had ever laid her eyes upon. Emma wore black leggings and a dark green hoodie which rode high upon her waist as her body stretched out to reach the higher shelf, leaving her cloth-covered derriere relatively exposed. The way the girl was situated, left extremely little to imagination. The fact that Abigail could make out the contours of the Emma's underwear caused an immediate swelling sensation in her nether region.

Suddenly, whatever she had been typing on her computer became highly irrelevant. With Emma's scent overpowering her senses, the rational part of her brain decided to call it a day.

Rising from her chair she unsteadily offered: "Here...let me help you with that..."

They were dangerously close, was the last thing her mind managed to register. As they looked into each other's eyes, green stormy eyes into timid pools of blue, the distance between them started to close.

We're gonna kiss? Is this really happening? Is it okay to kiss your prof? Since when did you ever care if something was okay? Kiss her now and deal with the music later...

There was a magnetism between them which forced them both closer and closer. Both had their eyes open, Emma's dimmed with ill-conceived lust, Abigail's wide open with shock. But the pull was so strong and the distance so small that their kiss was as inexorable as the sun rising from the east.

What started out as a gentle exploration between their lips quickly escalated into a passionate lip-lock. Hands were brought into the foray, with Abigail's resting on Emma's waistline and Emma's gently cupping her teacher's cheeks. It was a sensuous and passion-driven kiss which fed upon the inexplicably strong chemistry that they had for each other.

Gawwwdd...she's such an addictive kisser...I could do this all day! I wish her hands would go lower and...mmmmmmm...fuck, I haven't been this wet for ages!

A knock on the door made both women nearly jump out of their skin in terror. Abigail's eyes were as large as saucepans with a mixture of fear and surprise in them. Emma's milky white cheeks had turned pinkish in hue and her lips where glistening with saliva. Abigail too felt and looked flustered by the incredibly passionate kiss they had shared only seconds ago.

Shit that was close! She looks totally gone though and I must look just as bad! Anyone with half a brain could guess what we did...

Quickly, Emma made her way to the seat opposite Abigail's desk and sat down as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile Abigail, with a voice shaking from their previous explosive encounter answered the knock:

"Yes...come in."

It was Donovan Sherman, Emma's classmate.

What is this ignorant lumberjack doing here? His timing seems to be just as lousy as his ability in the sack it would seem...Now, now need to be such a bitch, he was drunk after all...but still...Gawwwddd...She's just so friggin' hot! And...and when she gives me that look I just want to storm over that desk and fill her cheeks with kisses and...

"Oh...ummm...sorry...I just had a couple of questions about today's lecture."

"I'll be with you in a minute, we're nearly finished. Please close the door behind you."

True enough, the door closed to be followed by an uncomfortable silence in the room.

What do I say now? Why are my cheeks feeling all hot and bothered? Why does my heart feel like it's about to leap out of my chest? And why do my lips still feel like they're burning?

Abigail was sipping water from her glass, probably preparing to say something when Emma blurted: "Would you like to go out for a coffee?"

Abigail nearly choked and water came running down her nostrils. Emma was on her feet having fished a packet of tissues from her backpack. "Oh God...I'm so let me help..."

Abigail nodded and took the offered tissue.

"Well, I'd better get going..."

"No wait!"

Emma turned expectantly. More silence followed. Finally, Abigail managed a smile. "I...ummm...I'd be happy to have a coffee with you."


"Ummm...Good! Excellent! Errrr...there is this nice little place I's not very far from the campus...perhaps...perhaps we could go there after you finish?"

I feel fourteen again! On my first date! What has the world come to I wonder...