The Three Traditions of Pink


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"Sure...errr...perhaps we should exchange phone numbers? So as to contact you when I'm done that is."

"Oh okay! Yes!" Emma tore a piece of paper from a notepad in her bag and quickly scribbled her mobile number on it. " can call me whenever..."

And with that, Emma was off with a smile on her face and a spring in her stride. In fact her mind was so happily preoccupied with the thought of meeting Abigail again that she failed to notice the leering glance Donovan shot her as he waited to enter next. Had she looked back she would have noticed the borderline stalkerish look as he undressed her with her eyes.

Chapter 8 (Abigail)

Abigail could hear blasting music in her ear piece as the phone picked up.

" that you Emma?"

"That's me."

"'s Abigail..."

"Ohhhhh! Failed to understand your voice over the phone. Umm...hold on...gimme a sec..." said Emma as she pressed pause on the YouTube video playing on her monitor. "...there...that should be better..."

" yeah...I'm done for today and I was wondering if your coffee offer is still up for grabs?"

"Ummm yeah, yeah, absolutely! Just gimme five minutes and I'll be...where do you want me to be?"

With your mouth between my legs preferably!

Abigail felt a tingle in the lower pit of her stomach as that particularly raunchy thought made a fleeting appearance before her eyes.

"Hello? Abigail? You still there?"

"Errr...yes...yes...Errr...can we meet outside the faculty's main entrance hall in...say...ten minutes?"

"Sure! I'll be there! See you in ten."

And with that the connection ended.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm behaving like a schoolgirl! Why do I think about this girl 24/7? Why, when I know that this spells nothing but trouble for me, do I want to jump into it with both feet? Maybe, Abigail, it's because you've always dotted your "I's" and crossed your "T's", that's why. Maybe it's time, just this once, to stop and smell the roses, don't you think?

Abigail didn't have to wait long. Soon enough she felt a pair of warm palms plastered over her eyes.

"Guess who?"


"Emma who?"

With a swift move, Abigail made a hundred and eighty degrees spin on her heels with her face ending inches away from Emma's.

Two can play that game young lady...We're standing here in front of the faculty entrance and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks, but I'm going to kiss you right now.

Abigail embraced and kissed Emma softly on the lips and she could feel the red-head melt in her arms.

I've never ever felt this way before with a woman...she's just makes my heart sing...not to mention other parts combusting...

After their hungry first kiss they simultaneously pulled back a bit. Emma had her eyes still closed; a warm smile made her whole face radiate with happiness.

"That was really nice and much welcome..."

Emma giggled back in reply. "So...where is that you'd like to go? For...our coffee that is..."

Well, if it were up to me I'd take you to my...where would I take you? I've got nowhere to stay at the moment...But I'd find somewhere...anywhere...

" choose..."

"Kay...there is this quaint little coffee shop just off the campus. It's a quiet little place with large booths and old comfortable furniture...I think you'll find yourself right at home there."

"So...if I get this find me bookish and comfortably old, just like an over-worn pair of sweatpants, is that it?"

Abigail's tone was definitely mocking and they broke into laughter. They were so into each other at that moment that they failed to notice a sleek black Mercedes Coupe parked on the opposite sidewalk. Had Abigail been more attentive she would have immediately noted that the car belonged to her notorious ex-girlfriend. A closer inspection would have revealed that someone was sitting behind the wheel.

But that was something that neither observed because at the moment they only had eyes for each other. For Abigail, holding Emma's hand and walking towards the coffee shop came so naturally to her as if she had known the redhead for years. It was the first time in some months now that she felt such happiness permeating through her very soul and that was a very welcome feeling for her.

Within a couple of minutes they were comfortably seated side by side on a worn, but lovingly maintained loveseat sofa. To their surprise they discovered that both of them were not into coffee; Abigail ordered a chocolate milkshake while Emma opted for a hot cocoa. As they sat there, Abigail's jean-clad thigh rubbing with Emma's legging covered one, they were visibly searching for something to say to break the silence between them. The chemistry was obviously there but they both knew next to nothing about each other. Abigail took the initiative and broke the deadlock first.

"So what do we call this? A date?"

"We call it what we want to call it. We shouldn't put any labels on it. I would call it a get-to-know-you-better session if I had is Abigail O'Donnell apart from being my IR theory professor?"

"Well...Abigail is a very boring person I should say. Not much to know about. Classic sub-urban family, grew up in California. I have a younger sister but we don't see each other much as she's stayed over there whereas I moved to the east coast. I was always a straight A student. Always into books, not much fun, not much party. You may ask yourself how that is even possible when one lives in California but that's just how I was. Realized I was into females relatively early on in the game, came out to my parents when I was sixteen. They took it rather well, my dad better than my mom but she came around eventually.

Won a scholarship to the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, finished first of my class. Continued on scholarship for my MA in International Relations at the University of Reading in the UK. Came back and did my PhD and well...they offered me a lectureship. I just couldn't say no and that's how I became the youngest female lecturer this department has ever had.

So that's me in a few lines for you..."

"Yeah well the academics are all stellar but what about your personal life. You did mention coming out to your there must have been a reason for that..."

"True. There was a reason. Her name was Viola, she was my first love."

"Was she just your first love or your first lover?" asked Emma with a cheeky grin.

Abigail visibly blushed as she recalled the memories. "No...Viola...she was my first in all departments..."


Abigail took a big gulp out of her milkshake. "Despite what you may think of me, in reality I'm quite the introvert. I very rarely open myself up. I've never even had a chat with anyone as young as you. God that makes me sound so old doesn't it? I can't even contemplate what it is that we're doing together...But for some reason Emma, I don't know happen to bring out in me things which I've never felt or done before...We sit here chatting and I'm opening my heart to you in ways which I've never done with anyone else...

Anyways...yes Viola was my first lover as well. She was older than me and...well...experienced...and..." Abigail could feel blood coloring her cheeks as she spoke.

"...and you did some wonderfully private first-time things which are no-one's business...But what about after her...I mean you're what? Your bio-page says you're twenty-eight going on to twenty-nine. No relationships? Nothing?"

For a student you're exceedingly mature and foresighted, I'll give you that...

"I've been in a couple of long-term relationships, the latest of which ended dramatically six days ago..."

"How long where you together?"

"With had been twenty five months..."

"So what happened?"

Abigail took a big huffing breath: "Oh boy...where to begin...where to begin..."

Where to begin and what do I tell you?

Emma shot her a cheeky grin. "Right from the beginning I suppose. I'm nothing but a giant ear at this moment."

Why is it that I melt like butter when you smile at me like that?

"Well...I met Alexa at a lesbian bar that I used to frequent back when I was single. Apparently she was the alpha female of the bar or something because as she entered there were all these aahs and oohs...I didn't pay her any attention, but then the first drink arrived. Followed by a tray of shots and so on...then we danced, it was quite provocative...we ended up in bed that night. Suffice to say that I had never ever done anything like that before, it's not my usual modus operandi.

After a year I moved in with her, everything seemed like a fairytale. During the last six months however things started falling apart. We grew apart and the flame we had between us turned cold. There was an argument last week...something really trivial which turned outright nasty...she threw me and my stuff out...I'm currently couch-surfing with a friend..."

"I'm so sorry to hear that..."

"Yeah, well...the writing was on the wall, I just refused to see it. Sometimes a relationship may have died long ago but it continues on by sheer inertia. And then comes an awakening moment when you realize that you're actually living with a complete stranger. And just imagine how horrible things can get if, for example, children are involved or property or worse when things turn ugly..."

"Well it was pretty low of her to throw you out on the street just like that..."

"True and although she did say some incredibly hateful things and I lost quite a bit of my stuff, I'll live. Better that it happened now, than a few years later...just makes you think how little you know someone with whom you spent twenty-five intimate months of your life...But...enough about myself. What about you Emma? What's your story?"

Now that the spotlight has shifted upon her Emma became more somber as she obviously tried to phrase her thoughts.

"Well you obviously know about my family background, I've already told you about that part. We've always been east-coasters, well after my grandfather became involved with Kennedy that is. I was born and raised a New Yorker. I am the youngest from a family of three, I have an older brother and sister. My family is well-off; money has never been an issue. I'm a rather rebellious person if I dare say so myself. I tend to shoot first and ask questions later.

Not to brag or anything but I'm here on a full academic scholarship. I wasn't always like that; during my early teens I was quite a handful. But...there was something which changed me..."

Emma fell silent and she visibly displayed signs of stress. Her green eyes, usually sparkling with energy and mischief where now reminiscent of an overcast lake. obviously painful memory...if I had to bet money on it, I'd say it was a love-related problem...

Abigail reached out and clasped her hand over Emma's. The red-head visibly flinched at the contact but didn't pull away. Abigail looked at her with eyes filled with adoration and warm feelings. When Emma looked back, her face contorted and her eyes once again flashed...this time in warning!

"I don't need your sympathy okay? So quit looking at me as if I'm a lost puppy..."

Where the hell did that come from?

"I...ummm...I'm sorry...I didn't mean...I...we can go if you want..."

"No! Just...just give me a few moments..."

Emma took a sip from her chocolate attempting to gather her thoughts.

"...I've never told anyone about this...I don't know why I'm telling you, okay? I don't even know why since..."

Since what, little one?

Emma was staring far away now. Tears were threatening to spill from those emerald eyes of hers. Abigail wanted nothing more than to hug and caress her ginger-haired companion but because of the previous outburst she stayed put. Apparently, Emma had a temper which was quick to show and Abigail didn't want to push the girl for answers just yet.

"...I was fifteen when I met her. I was running with a rough crowd back then...really stupid stuff...cocaine, Molly...shit like that...until Rhea came along. She was the exact opposite of me but somehow we had this connection together. She had the patience of a saint. She gradually pulled me up from the dark corner I had thrown myself in. I began to shape up. I quit the gangs and the drugs. My grades started improving. We were in love! We had eyes only for each other...except...except for her family. She was brought up in this conservative environment were dating another girl was deemed tantamount to heresy.

For two years we had managed to keep everything secret...or so we thought. We hadn't really done anything sexual, you know...just kissing...some petting over clothes. Then, on my seventeenth birthday..."

Tears were now streaking down her face and those fierce eyes were now reduced to dull grey-green pools of rainwater. Taking a big fortifying breath and with a shaky voice, she went on: "...on my seventeenth birthday, we were at Rhea's house...we were home alone, her parents were out for the night or something. Rhea had kept that a secret from me...when she opened the door, she practically ravaged me right there on the spot...we...we made love that night...we...we ended up...ended up sleeping naked...cuddled against each other...I don't know what happened...we just fell asleep...her parents came...caught as like that...all hell broke loose...she was transferred from our school...I don't know what they did to her but she never answered any of my texts, phone-calls, e-mails...I kept walking past her house, trying in vain to just catch a glimpse of her...then one day the house was put up for rent. They moved and it's just over three years since I last saw her..."

Dear God! And I thought I had it bad with what happened between me and Alexa! This must have been pure hell on earth for her!

"...I...I sought solace with my old nemesis...I...umm...I tried partying...used I got away with it all you might ask. Parents weren't really there to be honest. I think they stay married more for appearances' sake than anything else. Money was never an issue...doesn't take much to fall for that shit. Then one night I really got in comatose friend Anastasia nursed me through it. I never told her the exact details of what had happened but she might have figured it out on her own. When I came back to my senses I vowed never to touch that shit ever again in my life. Rhea...Rhea wouldn't have liked cleaned up my act, studied like a madman I large part because of her..."

"And you did and are doing brilliantly if you don't mind me saying so. There is...errr...there is a final question I'd like to ask...actually..."

Abigail's fiddling about caused the red-head's mood to lighten a bit. Leaving behind her previously downcast mood she sat upright and stared back at her blue eyed professor, some of the fire having returned to her green eyes.

"'s two questions...errr..."

"You're actually blushing!"

"And you're not making this any easier...anyways...I was looking at some of your Facebook pictures...eeerrrmmm...and I must say that you're gorgeous looking, especially with a bikini, but that's not the point. I mean, it's true that you're smashing but...Oh fuck it! The thing is I saw an image of yours kissing with a 1a would be, are know...bisexual? And...question 1b would be...why me?"

Emma actually smiled this time, that wonderfully shiny smile of hers which could melt granite.

And when you do that I feel a million of butterflies doing the salsa in my stomach...

"1b is easy to answer...because I like you! There is no why about it. There is no rationality in one's feelings. The first time I felt it was in the classroom...and I know you felt it too...there's something there which I haven't felt since Rhea. As for 1a...I wouldn't want to put labels on me, I detest them...I'm no virgin but I guess you've already figured that out. I've been with boys and girls alike. I enjoy no-strings-attached sex but you also know about that too...If I was forced at gunpoint to choose I'd say girls do it better for me...Your best answer to 1a though would be that should a relationship come up for me, I would be attached to the personality and not to the gender...oh...and another thing?...because I've heard so much bullshit about it...when I'm dating someone...I'm with him or her, period. When I'm having sex for fun, I'm having sex for fun. I don't like to lead anyone on about anything..."

So how do we proceed from here, my fiery haired beauty?

Silence befell as Abigail stared into Emma's eyes. "So how do we proceed from here?" said Abigail in a whispery tone as the distance between them started to close. "Just...kiss me Abigail...we've worried and talked too much already."

Abigail closed her eyes, feeling Emma's nose slide between hers. Her slightly parted lips felt the warmth of the red-head's cocoa covered ones as they sought her own.

God her lips are dope! Mmmmmmm...

Abigail felt Emma's tongue invade her mouth. Soon it was a playful battle where each of them tried to get the upper hand. Abigail cupped the younger girl's face with her hands as Emma hissed sharply from her nose.

She just tastes like fucking nectar! She's fucking made me wet! If I don't stop now I don't know what will stop me from ripping her clothes apart and eating her whole...But what an amazing feeling this is...

"Emma...honey...we...we'd better stop...or else...I...wont' be able to."

"Then why stop?" The ginger haired girl gave her a playful smirk.

"Because I have feelings for you which I'd like to explore further...Listen...why don't I walk you to your dorm and we can discuss further outside?"


Don't smile like that! No...okay smile, I like your smile, it makes me wanna dance! Oh boy...Abigail...shit've got it really bad! Like...really fucking bad. So much for wanting to take it slow and exploring feelings...yeah if feelings are the only thing you want to explore here.

As they walked side by side, hands being held and hips occasionally rubbing together, Abigail felt happy and content, the best she had been for a long-long while now.

"Listen Emma...I've been thinking...I'd really like to see you again if that's okay with you. And...since I'm homeless and you share a room? Yeah, I thought so...well anyways...I thought we could go on a formal date. Two formal dates to be precise. One which I'll choose the venue and another where you'll call the shots. How does that sound?"

"We can choose anything we like? Anything-anything?"

"Within reason...and I don't really like your sly smile right now..."

"Why wouldn't you like my smile sweet Abi? I would choose something truly innocent, I promise." said Emma in a mock cutesy voice.

"Truly innocent? Okay now I'm worried."

"Why don't we choose now? You can go first if you like."

"Hmmmmm...okay...okay...AHA! Lightbulb moment! Okay, here's the thing. There is a place I'd like us to go to. Can you do tomorrow?"

"Sure! I've got nothing planned. What do you have in mind?"

"Can't tell you that. Formal attire will be required though...AND...and before you raise your hands up in's going to be worth your time I promise! You'll just have to wear a dress..."

"Abi...I don't have a dress...I haven't worn one since I was, I dunno, five maybe? And that dress probably had princess Jasmine on it too!"
