The Trails of Life 04


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She sat on the bed and I offered her the glass back.

"Drink it if you want, I only took it to be polite," She said leaning back to rest on her elbows.

I gulped it down and put the glass on the cabinet.

"Lie down with me," she said.

As I climbed on the bed, she twisted her hips, letting me lie next to her before snuggling back into me. She reached and brought my arm over, holding the back of my hand as she pulled it around my waist.

"I'll be glad when this is all over," she said with a sigh.

So will I, I thought but didn't say. It was comforting to have her pressed against me, having Cathy for the nights made up for having to suffer under Haley during lessons. We lay there for ten minutes before there was a knock at the door.

"Yes!" Cathy shouted, rising up on her elbow.

Gail opened the door and poked her head in. "There's a midnight party in the red dungeon if you're interested. I'm going to have a nap before it starts."

"Okay, thanks," Cathy said as she leaned back against me.

She sighed and I slipped a hand underneath her, pulling her back down.

She twisted to lie on her back. "I don't feel much like partying," she said sounding rhetorical.

I raised my head to look at her and she turned hers to face me, "I should, but I feel like a bit of an outsider, four weeks is a long time to be away. I should mix and mingle but what's the point. Gail and Jenifer are off to Second City and Lola's going back to her planet."

"And you're staying here," I replied.

"Yes, with my sister until I get a place of my own. I'm going to be working at a tourist club, the owner insists on professional qualification which is why I'm here."

"Tourist club?"

"Silk whips and lots of sex," she said with a chuckle.


"Money, sex and I get to be the boss, what's not to like?

"No. Nothing," I said, giving a little shake of my head. "With a job description like that I know a few who would apply."

"I've a cousin who does it, she's happy enough."

"What about Haley?"

"She's going for the real thing, working at an exclusive country club on her planet."

"Ah ha, that explains a lot."

"You should have met Gena, she'd have put you in your place," she said grinning.

"I'm glad I met you."

"Your cock's the one to thank for that. Having you fill me makes it a better fuck," she said bluntly.

I had no smart answer. As I waited for her to continue I eased my head down to relax my neck muscles.

"Oh well, I think I'll change before tea," she said, propping herself up on her elbows.

She started undressing as she crossed to the wardrobe, unzipping the front of her corset and starting to fold it. I just sat on the edge of the bed and waited, my minutes ticking as I watched her strip her skirt then thong to leave her clad in only her stockings.

She put on a lacy pair of panties and matching bra, then came back to the bed with her blouse and skirt. Dropping the clothes on the bed she took a pace back and put her foot on the bed next to me.

The tips on my fingers trace lines down her leg as I rolled the stocking down, my mind switching my sex drive to high as it detected my thickening cock.

"Later," she said with a giggle as she noticed it.

Her white blouse was shear but a little voluminous, with the shoulders puffed out while her mid thigh skirt was slit up the sides. She tidied her hair and then turned to me.

"Back on your knees," she said casually.

We made the journey encountering a few masters in the lift and unsurprisingly were the first there. Haley came in a few minutes after us, trailing Cathy's slave. This time he sat opposite me on our table to eat his meal.

While he didn't look me in the eyes, his displeasure was obvious. If it would've been my fault I might have felt guilty, but I couldn't be blamed for having a bigger cock. He might as well blame Mother Nature.

Cathy finished before Haley and took me off with her; we shared the lift with some younger masters who were still solo. There were a few unintelligible whispered comments and jokes and a bit if snickering.

"Boys," she said with a slight shake of her head as we exited the lift.

I smiled to myself as the doors closed behind us. She'd obviously heard more than me. I followed her down, when she let us into the lounge she flopped down on the settee and asked me to make coffee.

I brought the coffee back and proffered the cup to her. "Sit down," she said patting the seat beside her.

As she took her coffee, I turned and sat. "Sit back." I lifted and slid myself back, feeling the belt press around my kidneys as I leant back.

Holding her cup up, she snuggled her back against my side. "That's better, now see if there's anything good on the Vid."

She scanned the programme list and called up a film. It was good enough to get me engrossed in it and I appreciated the twist at the end. We both needed the toilet and she had me make more drinks while she used it first.

When I came out, she greeted me with, "Your cup is on the counter," As she rose from her seat on the arm of one of the chairs.

I walked through into the bedroom behind her. She sat at the monitor with her drink, leaving me the choice of the dressing table, floor or bed. From the end of the bed, I watched her as she composed a few Emails, sending one off into cyberspace with a sigh.

I was bored just sitting there, my thoughts flitting among memories of home. There would only really be Jem and my family to miss me, this was the first time Jem and I had spent any length of time apart and she'd have the nightly reminder of an empty bed.

Not that it worried me too much, but our disappearance would leave them shorthanded back at the factory. The worry was if I'd have a job to go back to, none of the blame was mine so if they were fair, they should keep it open for me.

I was starting to daydream about my arrival home when I heard, "Man."

My head jerked up as I turned to her. "You want a shower? I'm going to have one and we can share it."

"Yes," I said gladly, straightening up.

"You can unlace yourself, and for your own sake remember to call me Mistress," she said as she stood.

"Yes Mistress," I replied

She started undressing as I turned my attention to freeing my cock. She was down to her bra and panties by the time I finished.

"If you stand I'll undo the strap at the back and you can free your balls."

With the strap dangling between my legs, I was able to squeeze my balls through the ring and let everything dangle as it should.

"I'll undo the strap in there," she said as she pushed herself up from the bed and slipped her shower cap on.

I followed walking, the flap at the front bouncing slightly as we headed for the shower. My cock reacted to the ring brushing over it and Cathy's nude figure in front of me.

By the time we got to the shower it was at half mast, she gave me a grin and ran her hand over it and my hip as she moved behind me to undo the belt. She held the buckle while it unwrapped and then dropped it.

"Come on," she said, giving me a little push.

She walked to the corner and began preparing to douche herself. I paid more attention to her than I had Haley as she performed the ritual. With her doing it all, I had nothing to do but watch.

When she finished I turned the shower on and held my hand under it. With a giggle, she pushed me into the spray then stepped in behind me with the gel in her hand.

"You can wash my back," she said, passing me the gel.

She enjoyed the touch of my hands and fingers but didn't let it go too far. She also enjoyed washing me, her hands tracing my muscles and lingering on my cock. After I rinsed she turned over to the warm air and pulling her shower cap off, jumped back in.

She held her arms up and did a slow twirl as the warm air dried us. When we were dry she reminded me to pick the belt up, leaving me trailing her as we returned to the bedroom.

"Let's just cuddle for a while," she said as she turned the covers back. "We can make love after."

I nodded back and held the cover up while she climbed in. She had me back her, pulling both my arms around her waist then letting my hands slip as she snuggled in till they were on her hips.

Even with her warm body pressed against me my erection slowly subsided. Her breathing steadied and there were one or two soft sighs as she lay still. I lay contented, if we fell asleep it'd be a happy one for me, tomorrows troubles could wait till I woke.

As promised, our lovemaking starting when she moved my hands to her breasts. As she got excited, she turned in my arms, moving up to offer her breasts to my mouth. As her excitement grew she pressed down on my shoulder, pushing me down to eat her out.

She pulled her legs back letting me explore her rosebud as well before bringing her to a climax teasing her nub. When she recovered enough, she flipped over and had me fuck her doggie style.

After that, we fell asleep with her snuggled back up into me. My bladder woke me, she complained when I stirred, but let me go.

"You're cold," she said in mock complaint as she laid her head on my chest.

"Ah ha," I acknowledged, wrapping my arms over her.

I lay dozing with her for fifteen minutes before she sighed and pushed herself up.

"Come on, I've got to get you belted and laced up."

I gave her a wry smile as she reared up on her knees. I sat up and followed her off the bed, picking up the belt and handing it to her. She spent a couple of minutes putting it on then telling me to make coffee before she disappeared off to the toilet.

"Take it into the bedroom," she ordered as she made a detour to knock on Gail's door.

She took it to the dressing table and sipped it while she tidied her hair. I sat on the edge of the bed and waited, my belly rumbling at the thought of breakfast. She dressed in her corset and fishnet tights, putting on a black lace G-string over them.

She put her stilettos on sitting next to me the turned to me as we stood. "Knees."

We found my leash next to the settee and with another knock and an answer from Gail, she took me to breakfast. Haley and the others came in late, most of them having just coffee while their men ate.

Then it was off to the classroom and the first lesson. When Gregory turned up with Steward and Verity the first thing they did was hand out hoods. I was left blind to all but the vaguest shadows.

"This is about care and trust," Gregory announced. "I want you to let them stand and then lead them around, remember they can see nothing so you'll have to guide them with their leashes."

"Up," ordered Haley.

This seemed crazy to me, if she was intent on teasing and tormenting me then this was a strange way of doing it, just because she didn't lead me into pillars or posts I should trust her.

As I stood, I felt a tug on the leash and turned to follow it. "Come along boi."

I followed fairly confident that she'd steer me clear, after all that was the object of the exercise. My arm bumped into a shoulder. There was a girlish 'Ow' and I automatically apologised. "Sorry."

I learned that the further to the side she pulled my leash the quicker I should move. By the end of the first session, I was trusting her. I'd had a few more shoulder brushes but by the end, I was confident enough to let her lead me at a reasonable pace.

At Verity's suggestion she left the hood on when she took me for break, letting me take it off to have my drink. I was relived she didn't put the hood back on, but it meant I was back on my hands and knees.

Unfortunately, she was required to put it back on when we got back to class. I found myself being cuffed to a post with my hands over my head while she played good toy, bad toy with a feather duster and a flail.

After ten minutes of that, she stopped. I felt her body press to mind as she unhooked my cuffs, then her hand trail teasingly down my body as she took up the loop of the leash.

She led me around for a bit had me back on my hands and knees to sit on my backside while she talked to Gail about how she was feeling. I next found myself lead to a wall, she backed me up and chained my arms horizontal.

Nothing happened. Around me, I could hear the murmurs of conversation dying down as the minutes stretched on. In the quietness, I could hear the soft breathing of someone near.

I wasn't sure if it was Haley or a nearby slave, if this was some kind of test, its meaning was lost to me, I couldn't fathom what it was they were meant to be learning. After five minutes, all I had was making us feel more dependant.

It was more minutes off the clock, my countdown to dinner and a breather, hopefully get to use the toilet. I must have gained ten or more when some signal was given and I heard footsteps and then a voice close to my ear asking. "Did you miss me?"

"Yes Mistress," I said to be on the safe side.

A hand tweaked my nipple. "I missed you."

I flinched and a hand slapped my face. "Keep still," she commanded sternly.

She pinched my nipple again, this time I was better prepared and my flinch was barely noticeable.

"Better," she said smugly.

As she undid my wrists, my arms fell to my sides, they ached a bit but discomfort was something I was learning to live with. She led me out into free space again, dodging one or two hidden bodies on the way.

I heard Gail's voice then Cathy's and soon found myself being used as a seat again. Gail talked about the party and I tuned out, wondering how long it was until dinner. More than anything else, I was bored.

I was glad when Gregory called them to attention. He announced that the afternoon would be a mock get together and they could practice their social skills and play with their slaves.

The hood came off, the bright lights in the classroom dazzling me temporarily, before she took me to dinner. I was back on all fours, but seeing again more than made up for that.

Cathy joined us as we made our way to the door. With the crowd of us exiting, I was taking care with my fingers and toes and was surprised when Cathy stopped and exclaimed, "What!"

Haley shushed her and took her arm, walking her on.

Their voices were too low to hear anything and they fell quiet as we waited at the lift. I could see Cathy had a smile while Haley looked more serious, I didn't know what was going on but something was up.

I didn't find out till after dinner and we were in Haley's room. Cathy had accepted Haley's offer of a thousand credits and agreed to tell Mistress Justine that she would swap slaves with her.

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MasterfuljimMasterfuljimalmost 10 years ago

Enjoying this little tale

Be interesting to see where he ends up

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