The Vengeful Christmas Gift


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I was so turned on that foreplay went out the window. Sam whispered, "God I want you to fuck me so badly." She grabbed my ass and pulled me into her. She guided my cock inside her and I started thrusting furiously. She was so wet and moaned in my ear. Each thrust I pulled out of her and then plunged back in. I looked at her and she had a big smile and her eyes were on fire with passion.

I pumped a few more times and then felt her pussy constrict and shudder. She climaxed and dug her finger nails into my back. It hurt and I was sure she made me bleed but I didn't care. I kept going and could tell I was close to cumming as well. I pushed myself all the way into her and erupted. "Oh God your cum is so hot in me," She purred as she stuck her tongue in my ear.

We laid there a moment and then got up and headed upstairs. We went into the bathroom to brush our teeth and Sam was behind me, "Oh my God I'm so sorry about your back!" She exclaimed. I turned to look in the mirror and saw red scratch marks all over and a few areas with blood.

I smiled at her, "It's ok. To me it's a wonderful thing to see. It means I made you happy."

She beamed, "Do you really mean that?"

I nodded, "Absolutely."

She hugged me and quietly added, "I love you. You know I can't live without you?"

"I know, I know."

We climbed in bed and she wrapped herself around me. I'm not a religious person but as we laid there I said a prayer. "Please God help us. Please help us follow the best path for each of our happiness and our family." Tears ran down my face. I wasn't able to sleep that night at all. Everything ran through my mind over and over. I was scared as to what would happen tomorrow and the coming days.

Christmas day ----

Here it was, Christmas morning. On Thanksgiving day I had hoped that my speech would give Sam the extra encouragement to tell me about her infidelity. While that hadn't happened, it was very clear she had been having a huge change of heart towards Trent, and me and our marriage. She was so close to what I felt I needed to see in order to consider trying to save our marriage if that was what she wanted. But she hadn't got all the way and I already had planned what today would be to give the last push for her to come forward and make the final necessary steps.

I stood in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee when Sam walked in. Her hair was messing but even like that in a robe she was beautiful to me. She walked over and kissed me, "Merry Christmas to you!" I hugged her. There were so many feelings running through me. Part of me didn't want today to happen, part knew it was necessary. I just hoped that whatever ended up happening it was for the best. I guess I resolved that it was up to fate. I had someone tell me once that 'everything happens for a reason'. I hate that thought but I guess it was all I had at this point.

The kids came down and headed to the family room. Noah yelled, "When can we start opening gifts?"

"When Grandpa and Grandma come down," I said loudly.

At that moment I heard my Mom coming down the steps who broke into the conversation, "Geez everyone just take a pill and give us a minute we're old you know."

We all sat in the family room Sam and I on the love seat the kids on the floor around. The gift exchanging began and intermittently I tried to get a look at Sam out of the corner of my eye. I could tell she was looking at me frequently and I caught glimpses of her eyes being teary from time to time. She put her hand on my knee and I held her hand occasionally. This was not the demeanor of a woman having an affair.

The gifts were finished up and I stood. "I have two more gifts. The first is for everyone." I stood up and went and grabbed the packages and handed them out. "No one open theirs until I say alright?" I took a deep breath. No turning back now. I was honestly scared and felt my mouth go dry. "Ok you can open them."

Carly was first to say, "It's an Ancestry DNA kit. How cool we can see who we're related to and all about our ancestors!" I could tell Sam was looking at me. I sat down and looked at her. She was frozen. Part of me felt like I just killed her but part felt like there was no other choice. I wanted to puke. I could see her hand shaking. I held it and looked at her. I wanted to in some way communicate to her and had no idea what that would be. I held her hand tight and put my other hand over on to her left hand. I looked at her again. She had to know that I knew.

"Ok I have one more gift for your Mom." Sam had the look of fear on her face. I reached over and got the long box. It clearly looked like a necklace box for anyone that has bought anything at a jewelry store.

I put it in her lap and looked into her eyes. "Merry Christmas Sam. I love you. Always have and always will." Tears ran down her face. She looked down at the box and hesitated. It was as if she was afraid to open it.

She looked at me, "I love you to. More and more each day." I nodded and began to tear up.

She sighed and started to unwrap it. She got to the box and saw it was from her favorite jewelry store that's in a suburb southeast of Cleveland. She opened the box and saw the necklace and exclaimed, "Oh my God it's beautiful." Her eyes lit up. She held it up for everyone to see.

My Mom said, "Wow! Let me see it." Sam passed it over and my Mom looked at it intently. I saw an eyebrow raised and knew she noticed something. Still looking down she said with a neutral tone, "It is beautiful. How special."

My Mom gave it back to Sam. Sam had a big smile and looked at me, "I love it. Thank you." She was still smiling and that told me she hadn't noticed the two unusual things about it. Then it happened, I saw her eyebrows go up and her look more intently at it. She moved it back and forth as if to see it in different light. Then she looked at me and I saw her eyes tear up.

The necklace had five diamonds. Two larger ones and three smaller. The larger ones represented Sam and I while the three were the kids. The diamond mountings and surrounds were yellow gold, except for one. One of the 'parent' diamonds was white gold. The three smaller diamonds were closer to the white gold 'parent diamond' than to the yellow gold 'parent diamond'. The intent was to show that the kids weren't mine but that the kids felt closer to me than to Sam. It was subtle, but noticeable.

"I love you," I reassured her. I knew I kept throwing her lifelines but given what I had seen over the past month I felt she earned it even though she hadn't come to be to confess her affair.

She smiled and replied, "As I do you. Do you believe me?"

"Yes I do."

That had to sound like an unusual exchange to anyone really paying attention. There wasn't anyone paying that close of attention though. My Dad and the kids were looking at their gifts and my Mom had left the room.

Sam put the necklace on and went to look at it in the hallway mirror. I followed her. She looked and it and put her hand to it. Tears were running down her face. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked at me in the mirror. Quietly she whispered, "You know don't you?" I nodded. She looked down and put her hand to her mouth to cover the sound of her crying. She tried to speak, "I, I'll." She ran upstairs.

I went back into the family room feeling like someone just punched me in the stomach. I decided I needed to go be with Sam. My Mom was coming back from the downstairs bathroom and said, "where is Sam?"

"She went upstairs."

I started to head towards the stairs and my Mom asked, "Did I see right?" I nodded. "What does it."

I put my hand up and cut her off, "Another time, please," And went up stairs.

I got to the top of the stairs and our bedroom door was closed. I opened it and she was sitting on the bed sobbing. I sat next to her. Choking back tears and her voice cracking, "I'm so sorry". I nodded. "This means we'll end up divorced and apart doesn't it?"

That question was much harder to answer than I ever imagined. It would have been easy if she had been fucking Trent the day before, but she wasn't. She was sitting in our family room crying when I talked about A Christmas Carole and the theme of redemption. I was torn on what to say. "It looks like we might be headed that way," I said weakly. She shook her head back and forth quickly.

I held her hand and just sat with her and softly said, "I wasn't sure when you would see what the necklace was."

She nodded, "I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me, but I saw it was what I thought and knew what it meant. I'm so sorry."

I put my arm around her, "I know. Let's just set this all aside until the new year and then see where things stand and go from there. Does that sound ok to you?" She nodded her head in agreement.

She then sat up and took a deep breath. "Ok," She said with a sad but determined look on her face. "I was going to tell you about what I did a while ago. But I will now. Can I tell you everything?" I wasn't quite expecting this and wasn't sure I was ready. But she was taking a step and I was going to support her.

"Yes. Do you want a glass of wine? I know I do." She nodded.

I went downstairs and grabbed two glasses and blindly grabbed a bottle from the wine rack and the opener. I motioned to my Mom and whispered to her, "We're upstairs. Keep everyone occupied down here." She nodded with tears in her eyes.

I got upstairs and sat next to Sam. I started to open the wine when I realized the name of the wine was Redemption. I thought to myself "you have to be fucking kidding me." I wondered if we were in fact in a Hallmark movie. Un-fucking-believable.

I quickly poured us each a glass and Sam began. I listened closely and paid particular attention to her demeanor. From what I knew she didn't leave anything important out. She even confessed to the threesomes which could have been something she thought she could keep hidden.

She spoke slowly and sometimes very quietly. She stopped to cry many times and said, "I'm so sorry," more times than I could count. The more she told me the more comfortable I became with her honesty about what she did. I also felt she was truly sorry beyond question and deeply remorseful. But during her confession I didn't get past the mysterious hurdle of being able to commit to trying counseling and reconciliation. At the end she took her rings off and gave them to me. "I lost the right to wear these. If you decide you want to stay married to me, you can give them back to me then." This hurt but I guess I understood what she meant.

We sat there for a while and I just held her. I then looked at her and said, "Thank you for telling me now. This means a lot to me."

"Really?" She asked quietly.

"Yes really," I replied as I hugged her. "Let's go downstairs and get lunch ready."

She grabbed me for a second, "I'm not going to give up trying to make things right."

"I'd appreciate that." She managed a weak smile.

The rest of the day was somber for us. After dinner Sam and I sat on the couch quiet. She started talking about what she did again adding a few more details. They weren't critical items but it was good to see she was trying to be fully truthful about everything.

I don't know when and how but at some point she finished and laid her head on my chest. We held each other and fell asleep on the couch. When I woke in the morning she was still holding me. I felt a little better but there was still a long way to go. I was more concerned that no matter what she said I would never be able to get passed what she did and no amount of effort on her part would enable us to stay married. That was just the hard reality of the situation. Hallmark movies were bull shit, that wonderful stuff didn't happen in real life.

December 26th ----

The next day began quietly. I got up and made some coffee. As the kids stirred I began to make breakfast. I decided on pancakes. Everyone was tired but talkative. I sat in the family room most of the day. Sam came in and sat with me and just held my hand quiet.

Later in the day we got ready and headed out to the see the Christmas concert at Severance Hall. Sam looked great in her long green dress. The kids all got dressed up as well. We went out to dinner before hand and it was a nice way to get my mind off of things.

We walked into the lobby of the concert hall. I could see Sam was a little down with everything weighing on her. She was fidgeting with the necklace which I had noticed her doing at dinner. I moved over a little closer to her and reached out to hold her hand. She looked at me and was able to give a little smile. "You know I have the best looking date in Severance." She blushed.

We started to walk towards the doors and a man and his wife came towards us. "Sam? Hey!" The man said. I recognized him instantly, and not in a favorable "isn't it nice to see him" sort of way. His name was Jeff Davis, a friend of Trent's and participant in a few threesomes with Sam. I looked at her and she looked mortified.

She was able to muster up a halfhearted "Jeff, hi." He started to lean in to kiss her on the cheek and she put her hand up to both block him and just shake his hand. When she did that his wife sort of got an odd look on her face.

Jeff got the message. Sam put her arms around me and introduced me. "Jeff this is my husband Luke." We shook hands and I was able to keep myself from punching him in the throat. Jeff introduced his wife to us. "Well it was nice seeing you. We want to get to our seats and get the kids all situated. Enjoy the concert," Sam said tugging on me to leave.

"Hey, thank you," I said to her.

She gave a half smile, "For what?"

"You know what. That meant a lot to me." Her eyes had a little glimmer in them and we looked at each other for a few extra seconds.

Carly broke the mood, "Come on guys you can play kissy face later. Geez."

As we walked past the restroom Carly said, "I've got to go". Sam motioned that she would go in with her and gave me her purse to hold. My Mom followed them. The boys went to the men's room with their Grandpa.

As I stood there Jeff's wife came up to me quickly. "Hi. Umm, What was that all about earlier? You looked like you wanted to punch my husband and your wife's reaction to him was interesting to say the least."

I was taken off guard and said, "Well, to cut to the chase, your husband and his friend Trent Brewer had some threesomes with my wife. She had a long term affair with Trent. Sorry if this is a shock. If you want evidence contact me on social media. I'd be more than happy to share everything I have. And I can tell you it includes pictures and video. I've seen your husband before. And so you know I'm not full of shit, he has a tattoo of a dragon on his left pelvic region."

When I said that she turned bright red and angerly responded, "Oh fuck yes I'll be in contact. He's a scumbag." She then bolted so as not to be seen.

"Well that was fun" I said to myself. While I was trying to figure out things with Sam I was more than happy to destroy the lives of anyone she was with before. I didn't care why they ended up with her. They did and fucking a married woman means whatever you get you deserve. Old Jeffy boy was in for some hell in the near future. I laughed to myself, Merry Christmas ass-wipe.

At that moment Sam, Carly and my Mom returned. Sam asked, "Any excitement while I was away?"

I shook my head, "No just a lot of old timers wanting to body surf when they play Sleigh Ride during the concert."

Sam burst into laughter, "Jesus you crack me up. You could always make me laugh more than anyone I've ever known." Again we looked at each other for a few extra seconds.

"Come on your guys!" Carly again had to say.

We got inside the concert hall and found our seats. Sam went into the row first and then Carly started and I said, "No that's my seat next to Mom". Sam smiled at me and seemed happily surprised that I wanted to sit next to her. I sat down and reached over to hold her hand. I could see out of them peripheral vision that Sam was looking at me so I turned to look at her.

There were tears in her eyes and a small smile. It broke my heart. I smiled back and patted her leg. I leaned over and kissed her and for a second put my forehead against hers. "I'm such a romantic. Too many God damn Hallmark movies." I thought to myself.

It wasn't another minute that the music started.

December 27th ---

First thing in the morning I called my lawyer Bob Hines. "Bob, it's Luke Somple. I need you to do something for me in regards to Samantha."

He was quiet a second and then responded, "Ok, the divorce papers are all set and ready to be filed and her served. I'm not sure what else is really needed."

"I'll explain. I think it will be pretty straightforward and can explain if you have fifteen minutes today. I want to have it by New Year's Eve."

"Ok, it's your money. Can you be here in twenty minutes? I have an opening."

"I'm on my way, I'll be there."

I told him what I wanted and he agreed it was pretty straight forward. We could email back and forth to complete it over the next few days and then get me the completed documents. I walked out of his office a little more at peace.

When I got home Sam was sitting in the sun room staring out the window. "You ok?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"There's something I need to do. It's going to be hard for all of us, but it's the right thing. I have to own up for," She choked up and stopped talking for an instant. "For there to be any chance." I understood what she was saying.

Sam asked everyone to assemble the family room. She sat there with a blank look on her face. Her look made he wonder if this is what death room inmates look like shortly before execution. I might have been as nervous as she was. I didn't know how this was going to go. I did know a few things though. As much as I wanted her to have to go through the feelings of making this public, I wouldn't tolerate anyone saying anything mean to her. One thing I had noticed in emails and texts between Sam and Trent was that she didn't tolerate him saying anything bad about me. In this situation I was absolutely going to afford her the same respect.

I also knew that once she did this I was going to tell her I was proud of her. Lastly, I wanted to be honest but not definitive about our future.

I sat next to her. She smiled half-heartedly at me. I gave her a little smile and held her hand. I wanted to tell her then that I was proud of her, but I knew I had to wait to make sure she felt the stress of this.

Everyone sat down and she looked around. She began to talk and I could tell her mouth was dry and she her voice cracked. "Would you like a glass of water?" I asked her. She nodded. I ran into the kitchen as quick as I could.

She took a sip when I got back and quietly said, "Thank you."

She began. "I wanted to tell you all something that is going to be very hard for me. I only ask that you listen carefully to everything I have to say before reacting. First let me say that I am beyond ashamed of myself and what I have to say. And I would give anything to undo what I've done."

I looked at my Mom and she sat there her hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes. My Dad had a slightly pissed look on his face and the kids looked nervous and confused.

"Many years ago when I met Luke I fell in love with him. He was handsome, funny, and I could talk to him for hours about anything. We could have fun doing anything. I enjoyed every second we spent together. But, but I hadn't fully gotten over a boy I dated in high school. I was in reality still in love with him even though I loved your Dad, your son." She took a deep breath. "This boy from high school was named Trent Brewer. He moved away with his parents and we lost touch with each other. But then right around the time we were getting married his family moved back to the area. He contacted me and stupidly I agreed to see him." She began to cry. "I, I ended up starting to have a romantic relationship with him right after we got married." She began to sob. I held her hand and tried to comfort her some. She got her composure.
