The Vengeful Christmas Gift


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"Sounds cool I want to see." We walked a short distance through the woods and found it. "This is neat." As she looked I got behind her and put my arms around her and on to her breasts.

I pushed my hard cock up against her ass and kissed her neck.

I began unbuttoning her jeans and put my hand down her pants and found her pussy was already wet. I led her to a tree and put her hands against it. I pushed her shoulders forward so she bent over some. I unbuttoned my jeans and she said, "I was hoping you were going to fuck me when we got here."

My cock slide into her pussy and I began pumping in and out as I grabbed her hips. "Oh God that feels good," She moaned. I went slow and then fast and hard.

"Mrs Somple do you like getting fucked in the middle of the woods where anyone could catch us?"

"Yes I do Mr Somple," She purred. I felt myself getting close to coming and felt her pussy shake and tighten on me. I pumped a few more times fast and erupted inside her.

I stood her up and just held her. "You know you've always been the sexiest woman alive to me?"

"And you've always been the sexiest man alive to me." For some reason I felt like I had to ask a question.


She turned. "Yes actually. I know that doesn't sound possible, but you've always been so creative with us. It's always been the biggest turn on. He was a different thing and could never match you on that." We hugged then got our clothes straightened away and walked back to the car.

We cooked dinner together and would steal glances at each other. A couple times when I walked past her I would accidently rub against her so she could feel how hard I was. She did the same and would grab my ass or crotch. On one pass she whispered in my ear, "if you look close you'll see the crotch on my jeans are wet. Thinking of you had my panties soaking we a half hour ago, now my jeans look like I spilled a drink on myself. I am going to fuck you so much later. But first you owe me cum in my mouth like I cummed in yours last night." I actually felt weak in the knees and if the kids weren't home Sam would have been getting fucked right then on the kitchen island.

After we had cleaned up after dinner my Mom said, "why don't we watch one of those Hallmark Christmas movies?" Sam and I looked at each other and started laughing. My Mom just looked at us, "What? What's so funny? Some of those are really good!"

We nodded and Sam said, "It's just an inside joke. Let's watch."

Epilogue ----

Sam got started right away on the requirements of the post nuptial agreement. She already handled Trent so first was a full written accounting of her infidelity. There were times she was working on it that I could hear her sobbing in the office. I would sometimes walk in to comfort her. One time I turned her chair around and knelt in front of her. I wiped away her tears and kissed her passionately. "I know," I whispered to her. She seemed reassured we would be ok in the long run.

Reading her account was heart wrenching. Partly because of the infidelity and partly because in the more recent parts I could see a person deeply troubled by what they were doing but unable to resolve their feelings and the life they created.

From what I knew I didn't see anything missing and felt she had been fully honest.

The next step was a polygraph and a list of questions from me. She passed the poly being 100% truthful. My questions were hard for her and we spent a whole day on them. At the end of the day she was emotionally worn out. When we got home I told her I had an idea on how to help her recover.

I made a warm bath and put candles around the tub. I made her take off her clothes and put on a blindfold. I led her to the bathroom and helped her get into the tub. Once set I took off the blindfold. She started crying and had the biggest smile. I then began to give her a bath and she stared at me lovingly the whole time.

Once done I got her out of the tub and dried her off. I put a robe on her and took her to our bedroom which was also filled with candles. I laid her down on the bed nude and gave her a massage. I kissed her body as I did. I spread her legs and licked her clit and began to finger her. I moved over and straddled her and put my cock right above her mouth and we pleasured each other in the 69 position.

Eventually I made love to her and she climaxed several times. I then wrapped my arms around her and we fell asleep in our embrace.

On January 3rd Trent got a visit and an envelope handed to him. When I went to my lawyer Bob Hines after Christmas I had him write up a second agreement for Trent. Call it blackmail, call it 'buying silence', call it a way to verify what Sam would tell me. Call it whatever you want but it was an agreement that stated the following. In exchange for my not giving Trent's wife ever bit of information I had about this affair with Sam, Trent would agree to the following. He would turn over all items, emails, letters, DVD's, etc related to Sam. He would delete and destroy any files saved on a computer. He would provide log in information for his email accounts so that all correspondence with Sam could be copied and deleted by a third party.

He would never speak of Sam again to anyone. If asked about her his response was to be 'I made all that stuff I told you about her up to sound like I was cool' or something along those lines. He would also write a full accounting of their relationship and answer a list of questions provided in the agreement. Lastly, if he signs this agreement, if in the future it were to ever be discovered that he signed the agreement but breached it or did not comply with the original request, he would pay me $500,000. In addition, if he breached he would have to admit, in public, to the affair in front of parents, spouse, children, grand children if applicable, and siblings and their families. On January 4th Trent returned the signed agreement with a box full of items and written answers to questions and email information.

The second week of January we attended Crystal Systems annual awards banquet. I had gone to this before but this year was very different. She was always good about introducing me to people and not ditching me to fend for myself. But this year was even more so, she seemed to glow around me and was excited to talk to others about me. I saw a few people looking at each other like this is different.

In the emails and texts I had between her and Trent she was generally fairly protective of me. While there were times she commented on me being naïve, she often times scolded Trent if he said something demeaning about me. She didn't like him being disrespectful of me. But surely there were people she worked with who knew she was unfaithful and that I was a victim to that. I would think they would find the 'new Sam' different.

We sat at our table and her secretary Lori and husband Carl sat with us as well. I smiled at Lori and she asked Sam, "can I have a minute with Luke?" Sam looked a little surprised and nodded yes. We walked off to a corner and Lori asked how I was doing. I hadn't been in contact with her since before Christmas so I gave her the Reader's Digest version of what the past 3 weeks had been. She smiled and gave me a hug.

"I'm so happy for you. You're a great guy and I'm glad it worked out. Sam is so nice as well and I just love her. I know she did wrong and I know she knows that what she did was terrible. I was around her enough to know her double life was killing her." I thanked her again for all her help and told her that she could consider me a friend for life. She gave me a big hug and wiped some tears from her eyes.

We went back to our table and Sam looked at me with raised eyebrows. When Lori and Carl got up to get drinks Sam looked at me again with a 'what's going on?' look.

"Lori became a great resource me. Let's just put it that way. She was part of my information network. Don't be mad at her. Yes she gave me info on your secret but she's a huge part of the reason we're sitting here together. If she didn't help me fill in some of the details I'm sure I would have just straight divorced you without a thought. She's a wonderful friend, to both of us." Sam smiled and looked at her and her husband at the bar.

Sam got up and walked over to her. Lori had a bit of a concerned look on her face. I could easily read Sam's lips when she got to Lori, "Thank you," as Sam gave her a big hug. I could see both of them wiping tears from their eyes.

The awards started and I looked at Sam. She turned and said, "What? What? Do I have something stuck in my teeth? Do I? What is it?"

I shook my head, "It's nothing, dork."

She got a big smile, "Loser". I kissed her. It was at that moment that they called Sam to get her annual award and give a speech.

She got to the podium and looked nervous. That wasn't like her. I wondered what was going on. Lori leaned over, "What's going on? She looks super uncomfortable."

I shrugged my shoulders, "I have no idea." Sam began to speaking and her voice wavered. She said how proud she was of the team working with her and that her success was because of them. Then she stopped and looked down at her notes. She started to talk again and her voice cracked. Lori looked at me again with a concerned look on her face.

Sam continued, "I, I wanted to make a few other comments if I can have a few more minutes. First I wanted to thank the most amazing admin assistant on the planet, Lori Canfield. Yes she had always helped keep my organized and all that, but she is a dear friend and saved my life recently. Literally, I owe her a life long debt of gratitude for that I'm not sure I can ever fully repay. Carl, your wife is a gem. Lori, I love you, thank you so much for what you did." Lori turned to me tears running down her face.

I looked at Sam and you could tell her eyes were tearing up. She took a deep breath and started again, "And then there is the reason I've been able to be on this stage all these past years. It all started one day in college. I was sitting on a bench at Youngstown State and this guy sits down near me. I looked over and thought "he's cute". Luckily he thought I was to and we started talking. That man, that incredible man showed me respect, trust, support and love from day one. Every day since he sat down next to me he's been there for me. Helping me achieve my dreams, helping me solve my problems, making me laugh, making me horny, making me feel special, making me feel loved." She started to cry and took a deep breath, "Making me happy."

I looked around could see some people wiping tears from their eyes. Lori was sniffling. Tears were running down Sam's face. She choked up again for a second, "I wish I could say that I was as good a wife to him as he was a husband to me. Some of you know what I'm talking about. I wish I could erase those things but I can't. But I can tell you that that man sitting over there, my husband Luke Somple, is the most incredible man I have ever met. Period. He's stronger than anyone I've ever known. Sexier, more loving, smarter, funnier, he is everything to me, my entire existence. Without him happiness would be impossible for me. I love him so much."

"I heard a poem sometime ago that I'd never heard before. But it's perfect, it's exactly how I love him and goes like this. 'I do not love with my heart, I do not love you with my mind. A heart can change, a mind forget. I love you with my soul, because a soul never changes and never forgets'."

She looked down and then back out at the audience. She took a deep breath and seemed to gain some type of inner strength. It was at this moment that I had the strange urge to go up on stage. I don't know why but I did. I got up and went over to the side of the stage. The room was dark and everyone was fixated on Sam so I was able to do it unnoticed.

She then began again, "I've enjoyed my time working here. I've made some great friends. But I want to announce that I'm going to step down now and retire so that I can devote myself to that incredible man and building an amazing future together."

Sam looked over at our table and saw I was gone. For a moment she had a look of shock and horror on her face. Then she saw me at the edge of the stage walking towards her. The room was dead silent. I walked over to her and broke the silence, "I love you with all my heart, dork", then I grabbed her in the most passionate kiss ever. The room went absolutely crazy in applause.

The rest of the dinner was a blur. In some weird way it felt like a wedding reception. Sam and I would still glances at each other all night and were never more than a few feet apart and usually holding hands. It was memorable to say the least.

When we got home we made love all night in the basement so to be sure the kids couldn't hear us. In the morning Carly came to the basement to get something and saw us on the pull out bed. Sam got up and tried to cover herself but Carly figured it out and said, "Can you guys get some clothes on? Geez you're like horny high schoolers!"

Some weeks later It was a Saturday in March and we were in the kitchen eating lunch. Sam got a funny look on her face and then ran to the bathroom. I heard her throw up and wondered what was going on. She came into the kitchen with her hands over her mouth but looked fine. I was concerned and walked towards her and said, "Are you ok?"

She nodded and took her hands down and was absolutely beaming. "We need to go to the drug store now to buy a test."

"A test? What kind of test?" I asked completely confused.

She stood there with the biggest smile ever. "A test!!!" Eight months later Claudia was born. When I realized Sam was cheating on me I called the doctor that did my vasectomy right away to ask him to reverse it. Thankfully it was successful and we had a wonderful addition to our lives. Seeing Sam and Claudia together was one of the most wonderful things ever.

The years have rolled on wonderfully. Sam works part time at a florist and did some consulting from home. We're inseparable. People see us and think we were newlyweds. From time to time the past would pop into our heads and it would remind us about how close we came to falling apart. That always brought us closer together. Sam wears the necklace almost everyday. She sometimes fidgits with it and when she does she is always smiling. It's become a symbol of happiness and love and not of regret and remorse.

And of course, during the holidays we would look at each other and laugh anytime anyone mentioned a Hallmark Christmas movie.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

Don't give up your day job.... Your ability to plot a decent story is SORELY lacking

PondLife2023PondLife202310 days ago

What a fucked up story! 10 chapters of crap and he still didn’t burn the bitch and her bastard kids, let alone fuck up their father! Disgusting !

jkthekatjkthekat11 days ago

Thank goodness this is fiction 5* Now in reality, as a friend of the mc, I would have handcuffed him to a divorce attorney with our closest friends as there is NO FUCKING WAY they would reconcile. I don't believe any man could forgive or forget, or trust again. That said , Great Read!!

bereznikbereznik11 days ago

The title says Vengeful Christmas but as far as I can see there wasn't any revenge for what she did. Guiding her into a situation where she could inform him of her years of cuckolding him and the MC seemingly accepting the situation just looks like he gave her a 10 year hall pass. I would have thought that all of his planning would have earned him some payback but none happened regardless of whether he still loved her or not. The story is well written but I feel it does not really deal with how he could get over such traumatic events.

Booboo12629Booboo1262913 days ago

I like reconciliation stories now and then. I’m not even offended that this incredible infidelity (12 years! Cuckolded 3 times!) was forgiven. What drove me absolutely nuts was that Luke NEVER had a serious conversation with his wife about how much she hurt him. Even with pages and pages of the story, all that seemed to ever happen was tears and “I’m so sorry.” Seriously? She kept dozens of videos and a storage unit full of slutty clothes, but a graph showing her interest in Trent declined over time made it all ok?? Luke gathered all this information, read emails and texts, watched videos of his wife having sex with not only Trent, but also another guy, yet he never showed her any anger? He didn’t confront Trent, even allowing Trent to drop by with presents for his kids. Right near the end of the story she told Luke she was “keeping things open with Trent in case Luke divorced her.” That alone would have been a deal-breaker for any man. Yet Luke kept accepting and encouraging her every day. Then Luke says he was “probably going to divorce her?” It was obvious from early in the story Luke was going to forgive her. What a total wimp. What could have been a great story was ruined by endless rambling, a main character with no balls at all, and utterly unrealistic behavior on the part of nearly everyone. What a waste of time.

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