Theresa and Claire


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Driving them home from that publishing function, I kept looking at them whispering to each other in the back seat. Even in the gloom of the car they looked fabulous. I saw them nod their heads as though in agreement about something, and when I stopped the car in front of what looked like a fairly imposing detached house, Theresa leaned towards me between the seats, so close that I could smell her lavender perfume. "Could we invite you in for a night cap? Just to show our appreciation."

I had only vaguely hoped for such an invitation, so was quick to accept. Although there being two of them, I couldn't see anything developing.

Inside the front door, the girls ignored a door on the right and Theresa remarked, "We've had a small gymnasium installed in there." As they lead me up a wide staircase I expressed my surprise. "Have to keep fit," Claire said.

I learned that their father, since deceased, had purchased the house for them, and they had various alterations done to it. Within minutes I was seated on a plush maroon leather sofa with a glass of malt whiskey in my hand. The large sitting room was elegantly laid out with G-plan furniture, and a mini-bar in one corner. The walls were decorated with many pictures, many of them of dancers.

On an identical sofa sitting facing me, the young ladies sipped at champagne, and already I was surprised to see their glasses half empty. Claire went and replenished their two glasses, after I had indicated I was okay.

"Are you going to tell him?" Claire asked her sister.

"Of course." Theresa said and her face became serious, "First of all, you may be thinking that we do this sort of thing all the time."

I had to admit that thought had crossed my mind.

"Wrong," Claire added."Would you believe, this is the very first time we have brought a man back here with both of us?" She had leaned forward and the neckline of her top drooped sufficiently to give a tantalising glimpse of the foothills of her breasts.

"Oh, we have had individual affairs," Theresa came in. "We're a long way from being virgins. But we are further away from being whores. Which many men assume we are when they've seen our act."

"It can be dangerous to work them up with the impression that we're easy. But they soon learn that we're not." Claire said.

I was totally confused by this, so I asked, "So why am I here?"

Theresa nodded, "Tonight we found ourselves agreeing that you were somebody that we both fancied."

Claire looked just a little uncertain as she said, "Well, Theresa was very struck. It was only in the car that she talked me round."

Theresa gave her sister a little frown and said, "When you offered us a lift, then we decided that we might enjoy this different situation. I've already told you, we're not whores, but by God, we can enjoy sex. We're assuming you can too"

I answered trying not to sound too eager, yet with an element of doubt about being in this totally new situation

As though matching my thoughts, Theresa went on," And this will be completely new for us—a threesome. But first-" she jumped to her feet, and Claire followed her example,"- would you like to see us dance?"

I was more than keen to see this. "A sort of private show, is it?"

Claire, after a glance at her sister, said, "We don't do shows for individuals, but this looks like a special occasion."

"Then I'll be honoured to be entertained" I told them.

With a smile Theresa said," Better loosen your tie."

Claire immediately went to a unit next to the bar, and soon very gentle music drifted through the room. Both girls bent to loosen three or four lower buttons in their skirts, and were soon moving, bare-footed, with elegance and grace. I occasionally caugh tantalising sight of shapely bare thighs. No doubt these movements were from their ballet skills. When they stopped, slightly breathless, I gave them a round of applause.

"That is more or less the past. Much of our entertaining is with this more acrobatic style." Theresa told him, "Of course we aren't in our normal costumes for such dancing." The music came with a jazzier beat, and a much faster tempo, Now their gyrations, their contortions were stunning, and occasionally mildly erotic, as they shook their bodies, and bent almost double backwards, raising a subtle pressure inside my own pants.

Panting hard, the two stopped, and stood side by side, in front of me. "There's one other routine we do." Theresa told me. "And, to be honest, it's the one that makes the most money."

"Do you think we should?" Claire asked her sister. "It might embarrass him."

Theresa gave her a rather angry glare, before giving me a suggestive smile, "Might just put you in the right mood. You right for this, Claire?"

The girls exchanged glances, before Claire said, "It's the one we do exclusively for men's clubs, or at least all male audiences. It's not the full version but it'll be strange doing it for an audience of one."

"That publisher who invited us tonight is a member of one of the clubs we perform for." Theresa told me. It was clear that she was not happy with Claire's apparent reluctance. I could only sit there and imagine what was coming.

Theresa moved to change the music, saying, "You'll get to see a little more of us than our usual audiences, because we certainly don't wear the flimsy panties we have on now."

To music of an even stronger beat, they stood in front of me and ran their hands up their thighs, while licking their lips. Their hands went on up to cover their breasts, fondling them, and looks of sheer desire showed on their faces, while their hips began to undulate, thrusting forward and pulling back.

From that beginning, they glided, hips rotating and thrusting, in a circle away from each other. When they were face to face once more, they reached out, with their lower bodies still undulating, tore open the other's skirt, and ran hands up the exposed bared thighs, each throwing their heads back in feigned ecstasy, before tearing their partner's skirt completely away. Now I could see just how flimsy their panties were.

Licking their lips again, they slowly unbuttoned their spangled tops. With a shrug, the tops were cast away, and Harry was looking at two pairs of what looked like perfect breasts, encased in their bras.

After a quick spin they each flung themselves to the floor, knees raised, thighs parted, and there hips humped upwards to meet an imagined lover. I found I was viewing two slender, dampened panty crotches, and there was no pubic hair.

On their feet again, all in perfect motion, they each headed to a patch of bare wall, leaned back against it, with their heads back, and one leg raised and folded in front of them, as though wrapped around a lover. Somehow they managed to jerk their bodies upwards as if taking violent thrusts from some large penis.

They swayed away from the wall, moving with provocative sensuousness, and stood in front of me once more. Without any pause they fell to their knees, licking their lips, hands extended closed as though encircling a penis. Every move they made was the epitome of eroticism. I could only marvel at the accuracy of their simulations, leaving no doubts in my mind, but also leaving a fiery bulge in my pants. These ladies knew how to manipulate their own flesh, and that of the audience.

Now, they spun around, bent over and presented their delightful backside to this audience of one. Backs still turned, and coming erect, they each showed one hand, undoing the bra clasp, before pulling that item loose, holding it between two hands and raising it over their heads. Slowly they half turned to look over their left shoulders, give a salacious smile, and revealed a side view of a firm, pink tipped breast. This movement was followed by a similar turn to the right.

Finally, their hands still in the air, they jumped to fully face the audience, revealing the superb attraction of their breasts pointing directly at me.

Claire and Theresa, made a waving motion, and went through a process of dancing off stage. But they came back, smiling at me, and Theresa said, "And that would be the end. That was only a taster of all the segments of the piece.."

Theresa nodded at Claire, as she pushed her fingers under the top of her panties, "There is just one thing we don't do in our performance. And it's this."

I was stunned, electrified, dizzy as Theresa pushed her panties down and kicked them away. After only a moment's hesitation, Claire did the same. Now I was gazing at two shaved pubic areas, and the beginning of two pouting labia.

"But tonight, Brad, this is what it's about. Were you stimulated?" Theresa gave a wide smile without any trace of self- consciousness. She gestured at the quieter Claire and they both knelt. I could only revel in the occasion. Two women, completely naked, at my feet. What next? Surreptitiously I had my arm resting over where my erection pounded..

Theresa leaned forward, and pushed her hand under my arm and onto the hardness there. "And I do believe you are already up for it. Oh, yes, you are." I flinched at the touch, as Claire watched her sister in action, her naked breast against my knee.

Theresa's hand moved to my zip, "You've seen everything we've got," she grinned. "Would you mind?"

Her eyes were raised to mine enquiringly. Numbly I nodded, finding it hard to believe that I could be in this exciting situation, but equally that I could feel so useless. Compared with this situation, my sex life to date had been as nothing.

"Let's see," Theresa hissed, as she lowered the zip, she unbuckled my belt. "Lift your backside." I did, and for once Claire joined in to help pull at my pants, allowing my erection to shoot into view. Now from countless times in men's changing rooms I knew that my penis was just about average. I had seen a few bigger, and quite a few more that were smaller. So, Theresa's reaction on seeing it, although kindly, was just a shade over the top.

"My God, that is—something. Quick, Claire run for your life. It's a penisaurus."

"Brad, that is one lovely prong. And I have wanted that since earlier this evening." She turned to her sister, "Glad I talked you into this, Claire?"

Claire only gave a half smile, and I had the impression that she wasn't as keen on this threesome as her sister, but she said, "Yes, but I need a shower."

"Great idea, we're all sweated up with the dancing. A shower would be a good thing before--anything. Care to join us?"

Without a second thought, I was on my feet, allowing my pants to fall to the floor where he stepped out of them, and feeling a growing surge of confidence, I held out my hands to bring the ladies to their feet. As Theresa turned to lead the way, my erection bounced along her belly.

"God, it's attacking me already, " she giggled, her eyes meeting mine, as her hand drifted over my length. "Oh, this is too big for your little hole, Claire." I felt she was overdoing it a bit.

"I think we're going to find out, aren't we?" Claire replied, and her eyes met mine in an open way.

Through one door, they were on a short corridor, and the door on the left, I found, led into a large expensively designed bedroom with white furniture and a king-size bed. A door to the right led into a surprisingly roomy en-suite. There was no bath, but the shower cubicle could have easily taken six people.

In no time I was out of my shirt and following the ladies into the soothingly warm teeming water. I was handed a bar of soap, as both ladies began rubbing suds over my shoulders and chest. Their touch was magically gentle, and I was keen to reciprocate.

Using my left hand on Theresa, and my right on Claire, I began stroking suds over their shoulders, quickly, eagerly letting my hands slide down to those wonderfully full breasts. The moment I touched Claire, she gasped and I felt her tremble. Her smile was strangely shy as she spluttered through the streaming water, "My weak spot."

"On e of many," her sister teased, her hands moving down over my belly. "You're nicely muscled, Brad." Then her knees bent as she began reaching lower, and I could only just reach her shoulders.

On her knees, Theresa's hands, moved teasingly over my thighs, and down my legs, before moving back to wash with a flickering action over my high pointed penis. That made me gasp, while Claire ducked down to lavish attention on my scrotum, and my buttocks, where her fingers slid deep into my crack.

As she did that Theresa moved her face close to my dripping erection, allowing the tumbling shower water to clear away any soap. Immediately her tongue licked along the length, while I, totally useless in this position, felt Claire's hands continue their work over my buttocks.

I knew I needed to show some measure of positivity, so I called, "Hey ladies, I've got some work to do down there. Could you just stand up please?"

Slowly, they both came to their feet, and, as they did, like passing lifts, I sank to my knees, and began soaping, one hand to each lady. I touched over shapely thighs and tight rounded buttocks, where my fingers briefly found each little anus. It was great to feel their trembling at my touch.

Their trembling increased, when my hands moved between their legs and along that hairless paradise. I had never experienced a shaven lady before and it felt so--what?—well, so inviting. As my fingers explored, from above I heard, "Oh, God, Brad." And, "Yes, there, like that."

Over the splashing of water I wasn't sure which lady said what, but my penis was telling me it must be near time for real action. At that moment their hands descended on my head, and I was encouraged upwards.

Water had their hair clinging down their shoulders, and each of their faces under streams of water, revealed the passion they were already feeling. A black panther and a tawny lioness.

"Dry, now," Theresa said, turning off the shower, and suddenly, she growled, "My God, all this, and you know what we haven't done yet?" And without waiting for a reply her wet open mouth locked over mine, and her tongue sent sparks circling along my cheeks.

"Excuse me," Claire declared, and Thelma released me unwillingly, and Claire's mouth was on mine, and I could not define why that kiss was different. More gentle? But at the same time more sensual. But both had my penis demanding extra..

When the kiss broke I chuckled, "I hope you're not going to fight over me."

As they stepped out of the shower and grabbed from the pile of towels, Theresa said, "It is a new experience for us --sharing a man."

We rubbed each other dry, and were soon back in the bedroom. I asked, "So how do we arrange this?" I knew my erection had sagged slightly while we were drying.

Theresa clearly had ideas, "Just sit on the bed, and I'll show you how we start."

I sat, and immediately Thelma dropped to her knees just as she had in the lounge, but this time was different. Claire remained standing watching, and her seductively naked body above me was almost as stimulating as Theresa's mouth which had immediately begun licking at my erection. "Mm, deflating a bit, better put that right." And she quickly enveloped what she had called my 'prong' deep into her mouth, and her cheeks concaved as she sucked on it heartily. Immediately I felt the blood restoring my hardness.

Claire had moved, so that her hands could stroke over my shoulders, and that had brought her hairless mound very close to my face. I was just about to reach out to touch or kiss it when, in trying to be unselfish, Theresa released me, and said, "Here, Claire, taste some action."

Slowly, Claire sank to her knees, took my aching erection in her hand, looked at it, and looked up at me with uncertain eyes.

"Go on, then. Give it a good suck."

But Claire only moved her face a little closer to my penis, before admitting, "I've never done this before, Theresa."

"You are joking," The tone of Theresa's voice indicated her total shock. "You must have. All the men you've had."

"It's not that many. You make me sound like a whore. I just haven't done it," Claire sighed, and I was feeling a little sorry for her. I definitely had no intention of forcing her into something she wasn't happy about.

But Theresa would not allow her sister any release, "Believe me, Claire it's a power you're going to need, and I remember my first time. I felt ugly, but, honestly, it gets better. Go on, just tickle with your tongue."

Uncertainly Claire lowered her head, and I wondered whether it would be kinder for me to stop her, but then the tip of her tongue waggled along my length, and selfishly I accepted her gift. And she did get bolder with Theresa's occasional prompting. Within a minute or two her lips closed around the purple head, her lovely dark eyes looked up at me, and she slid her head forward so that I saw her cheek bulge. Then, from bulging, her cheeks went concave as she gave a hearty suck, and I was propelled to the back of her throat. The sheer uncertain gentility of it was exciting for me.

"Save his stuff. You'll learn how to take that down some other time." Theresa said, gently pulling her sister back from my penis. "Right now, because he was my pick, I want him fucking me in good hard condition."

I wasn't sure I was too pleased with her crude reference for what we were about to perform and I was wondering how Claire might be included while I was inside Theresa. But I discovered Theresa had the answer.

"Just lie back Brad."

I lay back on the bed as requested, feeling just a little stupid having my erection wafting about in the air. But Theresa quickly straddled me, and started to guide my penis up towards her hairless crotch.

"No foreplay?" I asked, raising my head to view the superb shaped body above me.

"Don't need it," Theresa replied matter of factly. "See?" As she spoke my erection was sliding smoothly along her very moist vaginal passage, and it felt exquisite. Theresa moaned, " Oh, yes. Worth waiting for." She leaned forward and kissed me with hot tongued passion, and I responded by stroking at her breasts, while raising my hips trying to match the rhythm of her rising and falling on me.

Theresa broke the kiss and leaned back saying, "Maybe Claire will need some foreplay. You could manage that now, Brad, while I'm riding you from up here." And her laugh was more of a grunt of pleasure.

Then Claire was there, her face close to mine. Our lips came together and there was a scent and taste about her that was somehow different from that with Theresa. Our tongues tingled and my passion was contained in two contact points, as Theresa moved faster, forcing my penis deeper.

Claire's body was at right angles to mine, as she kneeled to kiss me. But I was able to reach out to stroke gently over her breasts, and despite her mouth being mingled with mine, Claire was still able to emit a gasp of delight.

I broke the kiss to ask her to bring her breasts to my face. Her face immediately lit up, and soon I was nuzzling both delicious mounds, as they pressed down on my face. I mouthed around her nipples, taking each in turn into my mouth and she was whimpering her delight, rubbing her hands frantically over my chest.

Above me Thelma continued her easy ride, and I wondered how long I could hang on before exploding. "I'm getting close," she panted. I reached one hand down, slid it over her pudenda, and managed to get two fingers between her labia. Because she was so far on, I immediately found her erect clitoris, and rubbed around it. "Oh, God, Brad, that's going to--oh, steady--I'm going to—"

How amazing this was. One sister riding on my penis. My face buried between the breasts of the other, kissing and sucking. My right hand was reaching to the clitoris of Theresa, and on sudden impulse, I found with just a little discomfort I was able to reach with my left hand to briefly stroke Claire's thighs, before moving my fingers into her crevice which was already moist. Just a little search and there was the nub of her clitoris. She squirmed under my fingers and my mouth, and made strange birdlike noises.