Theresa and Claire


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But at that point, Theresa plunged heavily down on me, and a loud moaning 'Ooh' sound emanated from her lips, as she powered into her orgasm, I moved Claire to one side, put my hands on Theresa's shoulders, eased her sideways and rolled with her so that I was on top and able to plunge up deeper than ever inside her. As Theresa gazed at me with wild surprise, her head began tossing from side to side, as another wave hit her, and I experienced that ecstatic moment as my penis heaved and expelled its load inside her.

All tousled, Theresa was panting heavily as my body collapsed on top of her. "My God," she panted, "I didn't expect you to be that good."

In truth, neither did I. There had been no occasion before that time when I had felt so masculine. I rolled my weight off Theresa, so that I was lying between her and a rather frustrated Claire, who was still in a kneeling position.

"Your turn," Theresa giggled, to her.

"What am I supposed to do with that dead snail?" Claire asked without rancour, nodding her head in the direction of my limp penis.

"Give it the kiss of life," Theresa chuckled. The activity had certainly put her in a jovial frame of mind.

"No fear," Claire said, and she gave me a a smile as she added, "I can wait until it does its phoenix act." Then as an idea struck her she said, " But wait." And swiftly she was up off the bed and hurrying naked into the en suite.

"Now what is she up to?" Theresa sighed dreamily, her eyes closed. Then as I trailed my fingers over her breasts she said, "That's nice. How many women have you had, Brad?"

Not enough to lose count, I thought, but I told her the truth. "Five," I said, "plus one failure."

"Were any as good as this?"

Widening my stroking action over her body, I again told the truth, "Just being in your mouth was a bigger thrill than any of them."

"Glad to help."

At that moment, Claire reappeared carrying a small bowl, a sponge and a towel. Placing the bowl carefully on the bed, she moved alongside me, where I lay, and wetting the sponge, began caressing over my flaccid penis with it. The water was pleasantly warm, and her movement of the sponge over my penis and scrotum was quite thrilling.. Claire kept looking at my face as she worked, and those voluptuous lips were pursed in the form of a kiss.

Finishing the washing she gently towelled the moisture away, and I found that she was able to grasp my penis in her hand. "Well, look at this!" she said, almost proudly.

Theresa raised her head, and gave a nod of approval. "I would say that is an early riser."

No one was more surprised than me to see my penis semi-erect so quickly. Obviously keen to take advantage of the situation, was it? And so was Claire, as she trickled her hand slackly along my length, before stooping to lick at the purple head. These were actions which quickly reinvigorated my penis.

"Yes, Claire," Theresa declared," you're getting used to the idea, aren't you?"

Claire offered her a quick derisive glance before wrapping her lips completely around my penis, and her tongue tickled the tip again before her mouth tooke me to the back of her throat.

Sitting where she was, her pubic area was very close, and I was able to reach out to stroke my fingers along her whole moistened labia. Her instant spasm caused her teeth to briefly nip at my penis, as my fingers sank into the swampiness of her nether parts. The aroma of her sex drifted to my nostrils. Her legs parted so that I was looking into the rose petal glory of her.

Theresa began to rise from the bed, "While you two are occupied I think I'll take another shower. Take care of him, Claire." Soon, the splash of the shower could be heard.

Claire's mouth was moving faster along my penis, pushing the tip against her cheek from time to time. A fast learner. And I found that my scrotum was beginning to bubble up, while my fingers had moved over and around her clitoris.

"You don't want me to off-load in your mouth, do you?"

She pulled her mouth away from my penis, but kept a firm grip on it. Her clouded eyes, and the heaving of her breasts, told me that my fingers on her clitoris had played their part, as she cried, " No, no. I have to have you up me. Up and deep."

With considerable speed, she was lying on her back, knees spread and raised, as she pulled my penis into position. Carefully I eased my body between those gorgeous thighs, unable to resist the urge to pass my hands along their incredible smoothness, before my penis slid into her. Her eager vaginal walls felt as though they were flexing me deeper, and as I began a rhythmic motion with my hips, I put my face down to hers and our mouths and tongues locked.

Her hips pushed to match my own rhythm, and our lips unlocked as her head began to twist from side to side, and she grunted, "Oh, Brad, that is so--it's so -Oh, God, faster!"

Her desperate plea had me pulling back and driving up harder, and harder. We heaved and bucked in total unison, and I was wondering why I felt this somehow more special than my bout with Theresa.

The answer was clear, really. With Claire I was being totally in charge. Meeting her demands, no doubt, but totally in charge. As she hit her orgasm, a squealing giggle burst from her lips, and her head continued to swing from side to side. She was just on her way down from her special cloud, when my own dam burst, and I was thrusting madly up into the very soul of her. She cried out once more.

I flopped over her, my face buried in her breasts. As we caught our breaths there was a spatter of applause from the foot of the bed. Theresa, hair wild after her shower, was clapping her hands in appreciation.

"How strange, Claire, but that is actually the first time I've seen you in action. You were quietly competent, if just a little submissive. Still, you'll learn."

Claire raised her head to glare at her sister, "I'll take it like that anytime."

Theresa climbed on the bed and the three of us lay on our backs with me in the middle, and the girls began telling me of their plans to move to America within the next two or three weeks."..

"We have the house up for sale," Theresa said.

"You have work out there?" I asked.

"We don't anticipate any difficulty. Might even get into films."

Feeling rather sorry that I was unlikely to see them again, I told them, "Well, I'll keep my eye on the screen credits."

Theresa suddenly sat up and threw one leg across my chest to straddle me and slide her crotch up close to my face."Lick me, please, Brad."

"I'm going for a shower," Claire said, and I heard her pad across the floor.

Feeling nicely relaxed and with that temptation right there, I raised my head and began running my tongue along Theresa's labia which opened out like a morning flower. My tongue probed from her clitoris back to her vaginal opening, rejoicing in the cream and musk of her. Placing two hands on her buttocks I was able to ease her up, and when I heard her breathing quicken I sneaked my index finger into her anus.

From my shaded position I could just see her eyes glowing as they looked down at me. As my finger entered her the whole of her lower body jerked, practically winding me. I licked more furiously at her clitoris, and pushed my finger even deeper.

This was an evening of new experiences. I had never invaded a woman's anus so fully. In no time she was gasping and groaning, actually pushing her backside onto my finger as she had a massive orgasm, desperately reaching back to feel for my still flaccid penis.

At last, she collapsed over me, breathing as though she had just run a mile. Without warning, Claire was alongside us claiming, "My turn. I think I might get a thrill out of that. Would you mind,Brad?"

I didn't mind at all, but once again with Claire I wanted the control. So I rolled her onto her back, ignoring her protests, and, grabbing a pillow I slid it under her buttocks to raise her crotch so I could peer easily, once more, into her roseate garden of delight. I made one slow, careful pass of my tongue along the length of her labia. She moaned, as my tongue flicked around her pinkness, and probed into her vagina, which made her hips give an involuntary thrust.

There were several long licks before I concentrated on her already risen clitoris. Her sighs were a delight to my ears. What was different about the taste of her? Could it be different? Every bit as creamy, yet her taste and the aroma from her had a sweeter flavour to them.

To my shock and surprise, not to mention pleasure I became aware of Theresa's fingers stroking my balls. It felt as though she was trying to juggle with them, and—it couldn't be, could it?—I was sure my penis was hardening. But I continued my ministrations on Claire's delicate parts, loving the sound of her breathing, as it developed into a frenzied panting. Time to test her endurance.

Slowly I let my fingers wriggle under her raised buttocks until my index finger touched into her anus. Her endurance was nil, and I should have known from her breathing. At the very first touch on her anus she all but convulsed in rapturous abandon. Her hands gripped the back of my head to pull my face, quite fiercely into her lavish moisture.

Finally released, I began crawling to lie alongside Claire, and realised that Theresa's work had succeeded, as my erection, if not full, was damned close, as it struck against Claire's upper thigh.

"My God, Brad, is that--?"

"My work," Theresa said proudly, "I wondered whether there would be any life left in him." Her head hovered over my erection but her eyes were on mine." But this is thank you time. With a wish that we will, one day, meet again." She lowered her head with obvious intent, her lips parted, but first she said, "Don't you feel grateful, Claire?"

"Sure do," she said gently, as she moved alongside her sister, "but it'll taste of—".

"I'll soon clear that away," Theresa laughed.

"But it should be me who is—Aah!" I started to say, but didn't finish as Theresa's mouth enveloped my penis, her tongue savouring as it moved to the back of her throat. There followed such an ecstatic period of their gratitude that I thought I might faint with the sheer joy of their attentions.

Theresa worked at me thoroughly for maybe five minutes, her cheeks concaving as she sucked. Sometimes she played the tip along the inside of her cheek. When she released me I had a sense of loss, but Theresa moved aside, "Time for more practice, Claire." And Claire's sweet lips enclosed me, her tongue rolling around my penis before she thrust her head down on it and I felt it strike the back of her throat. She repeated the action again and again.

It was all too much. In spite of the fluid I had dispelled throughout the evening I was sure my scrotum was ready to power forth another stream. "I'm going over," I warned. And Claire hesitated.

Theresa took her place, after asking her sister, "You want any of it?" And I saw Claire shake her head.

Immediately Theresa had her mouth sliding heartily along my penis, and her sucking became more demanding. With two more pulls to the back of her throat, I felt that everything was released. For God's sake, there couldn't be much, I was telling myself even as the paroxysm of my ejaculation hit me. But what there was, Theresa swallowed down her eager throat. Claire hunkered there and watched, with a look somewhere between amazement and distaste on her face.

As Theresa allowed my penis to tumble from her mouth, she gave a nod to Claire, "A little taste? To remember him by?"

Claire gave me a wide eyed stare, followed by a slight smile and a nod, as she tentatively leaned towards my dying penis, and her tongue lapped at the few remaining droplets. Her lips and tongue smacked as though she was tasting a delicacy.

"Could be worse," she muttered..

And that was the end of that dream night. I knew I could never have another expereince as flattering as that had been. At their door Theresa said, "If we ever meet again it will be a pleasure. If we don't, have a good life, Brad."

As she turned away Claire stepped forward gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek, and whispered, "I think I'm going to miss you. Even though you were Theresa's idea."

And I was left to drive home, exhausted, drained, yet buoyant.

My glass of Lagavulin was all but empty. I could have just leaned back in my easy chair, dozed and relived that amazing evening over again. Now, I had three days to get through before Claire would reveal to me just what troubled her.

The three days did pass, slowly, as I tried to concentrate on my new book, but Saturday arrived at last. That day dragged even more irritatingly, but, showered, shaved, coated in cologne, I was driving the half hour to her house. I had been a little surprised on my first visit to find a detached building in a conventional estate, far removed from the the rather exotic house the sisters had shared seven years earlier.

Claire met me at the door, looking fetchingly cool in a yellow blouse, and pale blue skirt. A vision, with her tawny hair curling lightly at her shoulders, her full mouth wearing a smile that did not quite reach her dark eyes.

But her arms went around me as the door closed behind us, and her kiss was warm. "You smell good," she said quietly.

"So do you," I responded, and she laughed, but that worried look remained in her eyes.

"I hope you like lasagne."

"I do."

"And baked potato?"

My nod of enthusiasm was genuine, "My favourite way to have potato."

We sat immediately at the table, in a neatly furnished room that looked out on a garden, where the late evening sunshine was casting long shadows.

The meal was delicious, the white wine was perfect, and Claire was beautiful. What more could I ask for? As we ate, I told her of my struggles to get my book started.

"Why a crime novel?"

"Not really crime," I told her, "more like a thriller, I hope. A husband disappears and—"

"I like the sound of it already."

She told me how a friend had admired her ability to talk about fabric, and had introduced her to a fashion designer. Hence her employment now.

"Pays well," she told me. "More importantly I like it. I never would have believed I could get so involved in a conventional job."

We cleared away the dishes, after I had thanked her for a delightful meal,, and Claire ordered me to sit on the sofa while she brought the coffee.

As Claire placed the coffees on the low table, and took a seat alongside me, I had the impression that she was shrinking into herself.

"If you're nervous, you don't need to--"

"But I do need to talk this away—I want to live again with—" Briefly her eyes held mine "—whatever comes my way. Just bear with me, Brad. I may struggle in the telling."

I took her hand in mine, gave it a squeeze, and told her, "Just take it easy."

A wan smile, a shuddering breath, and she began, "In a sense the seeds of this began to show on that night with you."

"So it was my fault?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light.

Claire's head shook before she went on, "You have to understand how close Theresa and I were. We were still in school when we found we had a flair for dancing. She left school and got into ballet school, and I followed having got good exam results. That is the way it went, Theresa was always the leader. It was her idea we went into an entertainment act."

Claire paused, her head shook and she squeezed my hand, "Our act did reasonably well, we were hired for public engagements. Then Theresa suggested we added one or two more erotic moves to our act. Nothing lascivious, she told me, just a few things that will please both men and women . "

Another pause, another deep intake of breath, before she went on, "Of course, from there, her persuasive nature became more ambitious. A chance engagement at an all male gathering was met with only polite applause. Afterwards I saw Theresa talking to some guy who had arranged the show. By this time both of us had some experience with individual men, and Theresa suggested we adapted our act to incorporate what we knew already. The guy she had spoken to had said how much money could be made."

Claire leaned against me, and was silent for a moment. Another deep intake of breath before she went on, "We adjusted and modified the act to include lewder movements, suggestive grinds and simulations. Well, you saw some of that, and I guess, after initially protesting, I went along with it. I admit I even became easy with it. And it did bring good money.

Then came the time when Theresa suggested the stripping bit. The revealing of our breasts as a conclusion. We knew we had good breasts, but I wasn't happy again. But the first time we added it to the act, the reaction was startling, and we were asked to return to that particular men's society again and again. And the money went up each time. We were pretty rich ladies, but some of the men started trying to make moves on us, That was when we employed Lloyd and Glen."

"Lloyd and Glen?" I broke in, never having heard these names before.

"Two big guys, all muscle and apparent threat. They kept the crawlers away."

"But weren't they likely to fancy you?"

She smiled, "They only fancied each other. Massive but gay." The smile dropped away. "Our strong bond had been tested with a few of Theresa's suggestions, but, you recall my reluctant blowjob on you?"

"Could I forget it? But Theresa was surprised, I remember."

"Of course she was. She had never watched me screwing with guys I had. So she didn't know I'd never gone that far." Pause again, her eyes closed, as though drawing up another painful thought. "Our plans for America had gone ahead. We had a buyer for the house. Then about a week after we entertained you, Theresa suggested we add a blowjob simulation to the act. I refused. 'Just a little licking movement,' she said.

But I said no again, and we had a fairly bitter row. Told me I was holding the act back, by being too reticent. 'It was only play-acting,' she told me. Anyway, shortly after that we did a performance for a really big men's club, and received massive praise and ovations. After it was over and we were dressed to go home, the director of the club said there was someone who wanted to meet us, someone who had a lot of influence in the entertainment business."

I could see Claire was really struggling with this part, and I asked her if she wanted to stop. She squeezed my hand, and said that she had to push on to the end. She licked her lips before continuing.

"We met with this chubby well dressed guy, who talked a storm about what he could do for us. When I told him we intended to leave for America, he snorted, and mocked at the idea of going all that distance to somewhere with much more competition. 'Come down to London,' he said, 'with my contacts, young ladies with your talents and looks—well, the world can be your oyster."

He went on with details of his contacts in film, the theatre and television, and, while I could see that Theresa was agog at his promises, there was something about the man's demeanour that I just didn't trust. He left us his card, saying we had to act fast before going through with the America trip."

Claire stopped and looked at me with sorrowful eyes before saying, "I'll cut this bit short. It was horrible. Theresa announced that we would take the London offer, but I flatly refused. 'But this guy's dripping influence. You saw the diamonds on his fingers. They weren't invented.' Theresa almost screamed at me.

I told her that I would like to find some sign of humanity in his heart, which I was sure was missing. Anyway, I was set on America. We argued, said bitter things to each other, but in the end I discovered she had contacted this guy and had accepted his offer. She was prepared to go without me.