All Comments on 'Third Times a Bust'

by LJA644

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Boyd PercyBoyd Percy10 months ago

I guess she learned her lesson from all this foolishness!


phill1cphill1c10 months ago

did he really have to leave to do what he did? I guess that's his prerogative, but it kinda made it cliche and didn't really serve much of a purpose, plot wise.

They had a rule, which she broke. It wasn't a vow. Good lord why are these MC so whiney and petulant?

You broke a tradition, "I'm gone!!"

So fucking go. Why'd you come back?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Good story, they had an agreement and she broke it. Maybe what he did was over the top, but he made his point.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LNRAstroLNRAstro10 months ago

It’s extremely hard to feel sympathy for a protagonist you think is a bloody moron. She apparently broke an unwritten or verbalized rule and he leaves without discussion for months. What kind of imbecile does this? Yes she brought up something he didn’t want three whole times! The solution is to communicate that not only is it never happening, but if she continues to push it he will have to assume she doesn’t love him anymore and leave. Leaving without discussing anything and then refusing all contact indicates he’s a moron she’s probably better off without.

Rocky62Rocky6210 months ago

I do like her naughty wardrobe

Jaydean409Jaydean40910 months ago

I like to read LW stories, but some of them make me wonder. Is this guy so fragile that the third time she brings it up he’s “shattered.” What a wimp!! If my Catholic, sexually repressed wife had ever suggested a threesome I would have jumped all over it!! And I’d have dueled her to suck the guys cock!! Sex is sex, what the hell is wrong with these guys???

demanderdemander10 months ago

The reaction didn't fit the 'crime.' D

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNice10 months ago

I liked most of it as you did a good job w/ characterization. Like others, Brian's reactions seemed a bit extreme, but your story/your logic - maybe some backstory about a reason why he reacted so strongly? such as when younger, a former lover had wanted a threesome and then carried on w/ the other guy?

The big part that held me back from giving a higher rating was that this story took up 4 pages on the site, and seemed like it could have been half that. A lot of detail didn't move the story along or add to depth of characterization.

FireFox59FireFox5910 months ago

Good story and well written but damn...Brian comes across as a complete wimpy dick to me. Never had any respect for men who run away from their problems.

RubiconXRubiconX10 months ago

Here we go again, a classic LW husband who is a self-righteous, rigid, uncommunicative prig. My God, he leaves her over a SUGGESTION?? He completely ignores their tried and true “2 No” process and just shuts down everything? The guy is a child.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I was going to give it 4 stars but took a star off when reading of the wife slapping her husband. For some reason writers on this site seem to think it is ok for a woman to assault a man.

OPrimeOPrime10 months ago

He was a bit of a baby. He should have stayed and given her a good paddling to straighten her up and an opportunity to say she was sorry.

rockdoctor63rockdoctor6310 months ago

Nice story, although I think that the idea of him being left out of her threesome should have been more prevalent early in the story. Would have made it easier to understand why he left.

vanyevanye10 months ago

Brian was a weak manipulative asshole. She makes a request, and rather than stating that it's the last time and he doesn't want to hear anything more about it, he abandons her.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

She knew "No" meant "No" but just kept pushing her agenda figuring she'd wear him down to get what she wanted. So, he said "fuck it" and left. It took him leaving her for her to finally wake up and get it.

Frank66Frank6610 months ago

What would have saved this story would have been for the daughter, Mary, to have ripped her dad a new one, after he and Sandra had gotten back together. For such a thin skinned, emotionally insecure wimp like him to threaten his daughter the way he did- that was criminal. Mary had done nothing wrong, and did her best to get her parents back together without taking sides.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Any husband that would leave after being asked about a threesome is someone YOU divorce and run, not walk.

GardenshedGardenshed10 months ago

Well written, enjoyed the story, but Brian is a loser, just running away. Not even talking to Sandra? I get the premise of asking twice, guess they don’t communicate very well? Also, if Brian didn’t like Dee, why he would talk to Sandra about concerns about Dee.

Thanks for writing

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Nope. That's the "Ostrich approach" and not one that does anyone any good. If she's cheating, fine, divorce her. But she's done nothing but talk, something they did about bedroom games. Be forthright and tell her exactly what's wrong. Don't run away. Unless you're never going back and leaving not only her but your daughter, parents and friends. Gutless move. Bad idea. Lousy read.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

A little long, but a good story. I think we are all tempted, but she had the good sense to get past the temptation and remain faithful. He was wise enough to realize what he had and to forigive her for her brief lapse of judgment. Both may have gone a little overboard with their reactions, but in the end, better judgment prevailed.

Wish more writers would write this kind of story instead of all the cuckold and divorce stories. Good job LJA644. Appreciate you.

The_John_YossarianThe_John_Yossarian10 months ago

Yes, another commenter mentioned the guy running away. Is that a requirement in an LW story? Or is it just easy to write a passive-aggressive, angry, whiny male? It's hard to feel anything but revulsion for a character with whom we are supposed to identify and feel empathy. Instead, I just feel ashamed of him.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The story wasn't too bad, but she was inconsistent. Early in the story, she "wasn't so keen on that" in regards to giving him a threesome with 2 girls in order to get her threesome with 2 guys but then towards the end she claims that she was "a little excited by the thought of two women with you". It's hard to support a reconciliation that's based on lies.

Tomh1966Tomh196610 months ago

Normally I like this kind of story. I just wanted to bitch slap Brian.

Didnt rate the story so as not to bring the score down. I only 1 bomb stories I actively loathe, so I passed on rating it.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanm10 months ago

I wonder if all the comenters read the same story I did? They had a system a third times the charm...kind of like baseball only relational here. She hit the third strike. In baseball that means you are out-and she was out of luck. Plain simple no do overs nothing. What irked me was his taking her back after she tried three times, next time she won't ask. And bring home STD's. You all act like he was wrong and wimpy in his take on her request. If my wife did that I would be gone across the country and using another name, no way to catch me if you don't know me. Besides in the words of Vandemonium1: lighten the fuck up.

NudeInMaineNudeInMaine10 months ago

Good story. But I think the hotel management ought to lighten up.

nestorb30nestorb3010 months ago

Brian is emotionally stunted, so his wife floated a threesome, gasp, 1 to many times!!! So what does he do, he runs away instead of oh I don't know, talking to her!!! The woman didn't do anything, did not make an ultimatum or threat and sure as hell didn't do anything with anyone else, male or female, but this fragile loser runs away. We are told he is a traditionalist. Well every traditional man I know is made of sterner stuff than ol Brian, what a wimp. I am puking in my mouth.

BearcatfozzyBearcatfozzy10 months ago

IMHO, seemed a bit overkill to vanish for months because she asked one more time. Didn’t really feel sorry for Brian, surprisingly more for wife, and I’m a btb type of guy. Would have served him right if she moved on and filed for divorce while he was on his extended jaunt through Europe

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Some things to consider that others haven’t mentioned - the wife, egged on by her ‘friend’ wanted to have two men. Based on the ‘friends’ stories. And to manipulate and make it easier they decided first to offer him a threesome with two women first. She said herself she wasn’t keen on that suggestion by her friend but thought if it got her the two men she’d reluctantly allow it.

His threesome wouldn’t have been with a woman (or women’ of his choice but pre-arranged by them. It included her stanly friend that the husband didn’t like and who was the same age as the wife and divorced twice and pretty much run through. Whereas she’d (or they’d) pick the man (or men) for the wife - younger, fitter, huge dick (yeah, the say size only matters in the minds of men but the stories here seem to make that a fallacy) it’s not the same, true some men would fuck anything but not every man. So, the offers not the same even if he’d been interested.

He’d already addressed sharing with the swinger friends years before and said he didn’t share. The swinger friends later divorced because of it. So why would she ask even once never mind three times.

The manipulating women even tried pushing ahead with it after he’d stated his case a second time and said no. When he ki fit age asked again.

To him she wasn’t going to stop, yes he could have told her no again but would it have worked? They’d already stated men could be talked into anything by giving the sex and love. The wife even agreed with the friend it was because Mens egos were fragile (regular LW go to buy see how the woman’s ego handled him having another woman especially at the end when she slapped him for hurting her with the (childish lie)

He was weak to leave but what else could he do, argue with her and risk her going behind his back? Or go for a separation straight away? The author chose run, it was different and we’ve read many of the other two options.

Someone said paddled her ass and straightened her out? And risk DV charges? On they subject the wife slapping the husband? Really, violence against women is bad but violence against men’s to be sucked up? Are we still going there in 2023?

And, he was slatted for running off and not talking but she was not communicating with him about what was happening at work or what Dee was filling her grad with, why not? Where’s her communication, why didn’t she tell him right off where the ideas were coming from?

No smart character here except maybe the daughter.

And for the guy who said he’d jump at it if his wife suggested it and even dual her for a chance at his cock - just yuk. Go check out the gay section (if you don’t usually live there)

BlueEyd2BlueEyd210 months ago

Brian and Sandra were both emotionally stunted. She broke the rules because she was too caught up in the excitement and he acted like a child, both to his wife and to his daughter. He sure didn't act like an adult, a husband, or a parent.

OOAAOOAA10 months ago

Good story!!! Well done!!!

All this happened for asking (3 times) a threesome..., thanks god she did not ask for an orgy... LOL

5 stars from here ;)

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Outside of the story being too long, I'm amazed some of these people totally blame the husband for his actions. While I believe he should've spoken to his wife before he did & perhaps not go off the grid for the month or so, they did have a long standing agreement of after 2 negative answers, no more discussions on that subject. So she kept on asking. Worse, she wanted a 3some for him with 2 women but ignored telling him she wanted the same with 2 men, but one being with him. Not saying what she meant helped the marriage disaster.

Her other problem, while knowing how he felt, listened to her friend Dee. Evidently having not enough backbone to not listen, but thought it'd be fun. 2 stars; the only decent person, in reality, was the daughter. Bob

Xzy89c1Xzy89c110 months ago

Agree with others. Massive overreaction. Disapearing and living on the road for months. Divorce her and move on.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

How do they celebrate his return? Why, with a joyous round of anal sex of course.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The husband comes across as a person with little self confidence, an aversion to interpersonal conflict and pervasive mental and physical frailty. In other words, he projects virtually no positive masculine traits but seems to perfectly embody the hackneyed concept of the "fragile male ego." The author, and by extension the wife he/she created, clearly find such a character to be of interest. Frankly, I do not.

LJA644LJA64410 months agoAuthor

I don't think some of the commenters above have read the same story I have written. I will grant that Brian comes across as a bit weak, but he is confused, they had a system for 20 years that worked well, why did she change it. the time to talk was between the 2 'no's' not push for a third, he needed time to think but picked the wrong way to do it. Mary is the saving grace and helps him out. Have none of you out there not made an error of judgement and had to live with it?

If I have to explain stuff I haven't done a good job.


BSreaderBSreader10 months ago

But confusing still a different read. Thanks

LJA644LJA64410 months agoAuthor

To the Anon Commenter who had the long, very long comment. Thank you, Madam, Sir. You seem to have got the confusion that the third request generated, for both Brain and Sandra, and I feel on the whole got the story. My friend AnAverageGuy61 pointed out to me that a lot of commentators skip read and then comment. You have not.

In a lot of my stories, they are normal people who make mistakes, and you are correct. Mary was the saviour sensible one who put her emotions aside.

I will admit I could have done better at explaining some things.

Thank you.


BigBlueKatBigBlueKat10 months ago

Way too wordy, and MC came off as too weak to face his problems. 3*

xtc5xtc510 months ago

Sorry Brian was a little bitch to me. Taking off like he did with no plan to resolve his situation IMHO made him an unlikable character unworthy sympathy. Still love to read your stories and can't wait for the next.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It seems another female POV tale, with the same old ingredients we see almost everyday: a whore wife and a weak wimp husband. This is not much far from the usual recurrent fetish-cuck tales that are flooding this LW category. When a tale is talking about fetish, bondage, gays, cucking, interracial, and similar, in this LW category, is doomed from the start to a low readers evaluation (with a very few exceptions). This is a "difficult" category for writers, in which almost no tales reach the minimum of 4* (75% of the rating range). And the few of them that surpass the 4* are almost always well balanced tales (no one-sided, most often cheting-wife-sided), with good drama and the final due payback for the cheaters (often BTBs, but sometimes also with reconciliation).

oldtwitoldtwit10 months ago

I’m having to mark this down because it rambled on a bit, but the plot was good

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Incredibly boring.

26thNC26thNC10 months ago

Don’t care for Brian running away, but it wasn’t a bad story. It’s always the slutty friend who causes marriages to tank.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill6910 months ago

Long but good story to me.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

@LJA644 - As you've probably noticed by now, Loving Wives is a battleground category. One side posts fetish/interracial/group sex/etc stories here simply to attack the concept of marital fidelity. To them, any man who stands up to his wife is weak and insecure, especially if it involves removing himself from the situation to avoid giving in to the temptation to beat some sense into her. (You know, the old 'fragile ego' troupe.) Not that they would allow such retribution, as they claim a strong and secure man will gladly wear a cock cage, lick assorted creampies from her cunt and be proud that he married somebody who is so hot she can get fucked by anybody (else) she wants. It's an interesting take on the "You don't own me" phenomena where she desires to be seen as owned while being shared.

In other words, don't worry too much about the confusing comments they make. They aren't going to make sense to a normal person.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapu10 months ago

Now that is what I call a story that screams "reconciliation!".

There is no way around it.

Even BTB guys can grudgingly admit reconciliation was truly necessary.

I think the husband overdid his actions.

But he did get his message across so it is what it is.

Thanks Mr. LJA644.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Brian is one weak guy. You made him split just at the thought of a threesome. For fucks sake. I normally like your stories but your main character in this one was a little bitch. She never even had a thought of cheating.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

You are good writer and this site definitely needs more.

A couple of things I didn’t like are the daughter being the one to push their reconciliation. It is not the child’s job to fix the parents’ relationship. When a marriage is in trouble or a couple separates/divorces a child should work on his/her relationship with each parent individually and not share any information about the one.

The second was Sandra slapping Brian when he gave her a taste of what it felt like for your spouse to be involved with someone else. At that point he should have dropped his phone and left without looking back as Sandra was not truly committed to doing whatever was necessary to make it up to Brian.

WargamerWargamer9 months ago

Not a bad story at all

Gave it 5/5

NitpicNitpic9 months ago

He is just a wimp as he took off after a talk instead of putting his foot down.

enderlocke77enderlocke779 months ago

Is it u or the Mc that that calls her husband by name in her thoughts? If its her I wonder if she thinks as herself being single. I can see that happening in dialog but in her thoughts. Thats some mental shit right there

enderlocke77enderlocke779 months ago

Holy cow wow she needs to divorce that dude. Guy goes crying and running away as soon as things get hard. Which makes me wonder how has he not done this before. And her daughter for fuck sake what a bitch

enderlocke77enderlocke779 months ago

Nope no way these dumbasses stayed married as long as the have. The parents bullshit wasn't even the same thing that was the dumbest shit i read in my life. Everyone in this story read like a bunch of 4year olds

deependerdeepender9 months ago

You can tell that you've written a good story when the BTB'ers go ape shit. When they use words like "cuck" and "wimp" and "pussy" then you know that it is a VERY good story. When they say that it was a "dumb" story what they mean is that it went right over their pointed little heads.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I gave it 3 stars only for the quality of the writing. But the MC is such a fucking wemp. He's wife didn't even do anything and he got his fucking fragile male ego hurt. As a man he is a embarrassment to me. A real man would of at least had it out with his wife before running off.

A_BierceA_Bierce9 months ago

Dee joins Traci as an irredeemable LW bitch (as opposed to Pauline, the timeless treasured teacher).

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Both were at fault. Yes she fantasized and asked from a FFM threesome in a deceptive way to get a MMF threesome and that hurt. And she broke the two "No" rule they established, when she asked "have you thought about what we discussed last night". But he ran like a coward. He made an unjustified assumption that he would be excluded from a MMF threesome if one occurred. The whole time frame was a few days and he bolts for multiple months. Worse he ghosts her and puts the daughter on the middle. Personally I don't blame what the daughter did. Someone had to facilitate communication. As a side note, why could she still send texts? He didn't change his number instantly. Then afterwards there is this called "Email". Huh? His ghosting and running without any argument or confrontation over what was a fantasy that we know she realized she went too far with in asking and wanted to make it up to him, yeah that shows he was a coward. I can see arguments, a short separation, counseling, you name it. But what she did by asking for a FFM threesome even though she got talked into doing it to ultimately do a subsequent MMF threesome *with hubby as one of the two 'M's, was not some deathblow to their marriage and far less than the husband thought it would be as he scurried away. And yes I am a happily married man for 30+ years tomthe same woman with two adult kids. Thankfully the daughter managed to broker some communications. And to the commenters who bitch thatbshe should have stayed out of it completely, in the immortal worlds of Sgt Hulka in Stripes: "Lighten up Francis!"

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19817 months ago

Wasn't what I thought was going to be about it wasn't that bad

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Not your finest hour. I had to give up on it at the end of the first page as I couldn't stand the whiny bitch husband who just disappeared out of everyone's life because wifey yanked his chain.

I also couldn't stand reading an author of your undoubted talent bigging up anal sex. Most unbecoming.

AllNigherAllNigher7 months ago

Agree with the anonymous before me. Usually just bringing up something like this is already too far but given their sexcapades I don't think it was stupid unreasonable to bring up based on their history. If I threaten to cut off my kids because they talk to their mom I'm a shit that don't deserve either. What a piece of shit and waste of both their time. She should find someone who is a fucking adult and will talk about shit.

You're done with her? Fine. Stick the fuck around and take care of business. But this running away bullshit irritates me.... What are these people writing these characters, 8 years old?

phill1cphill1c6 months ago

Hmm, it was a great way to get a European vacation without the ball and chain.

I gotta say, I just really hate the "run away husband" stories. "where is he? is he coming back?" I know if it were me, the wife, i'd be like, "I made a mistake (or whatever justification/rationalization I have). Should that mean that he gets to leave me in a lurch?! On a European vacation WE certainly can't afford and I'm left behind with the kid?! Hell-to-the-fuck-no". His assets would be frozen and he'd be on the next plane back to NowheresVille, RedState to AT LEAST man-up and talk to me.

Really? you think you can run away with the funds I fucking supported you getting because I asked for some different dick? "let mommie kiss a boo boo honey (after you're STI-tested, of course)." I'm a little less coddling to grown men than these authors are. and a little more realistic in portraying a woman who will cheat on a person. They ain't cryin because they are caught. They really don't give a fuck. They want what's theirs, what the law says is theirs. Ain't no Pussyman running off to Europe with it!!

payenbrantpayenbrant4 months ago

Second time reading to ask though...

Why is it women feel justified hitting men and beating them? Men are just supposed to take it and not fight back?



NitpicNitpic4 months ago

What an apology for a man.He hears something he doesn't like,so instead of discussing it,he throws his toys out the pram and runs and hides.Why on earth would she want to stay with some one as spineless as him.?

TheMTOneTheMTOne4 months ago

Man, no matter the story Dee is a bitch.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

I don't understand why people are bitching out Brian for just removing himself from the situation. His wife broke their long standing rule for the first time in 20+ years and he was obviously reeling. I feel like the comment section has been taken over by two groups of people. The first think Brian should be eating cream pies out of his wife every day for lunch and the second think he should have slapped her around and sold her to a whorehouse in Mexico. Jesus, let the dude have some space. Decent story, a bit longer than it needed to be, 4/5

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Dee is a bitch but the slut wife allowed herself to be manipulated by Dee.

Not sure how I feel about the husband running. But they both were in bad shape being apart.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 1 month ago

Torn between a 4 and 5 rating. Easy to see the system they always used and the Snake "Dee" slither into their Garden of Eden. Well written

AnonymousAnonymous30 days ago

A small point. There is no way a hotel would have CCTV pointed at the windows of their rooms. Privacy issues etc.

usaretusaret22 days ago

I liked it. Nuff said.

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