Total Woman Bluewater Maiden


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Offshore, Seadoos and water skiing speckled the splashed riders with salty sea spray. Wet tits and asses bobbled on the water borne sports craft as they leapt the swells and plowed into the roiled up water waves.

Bunny took Danny on an innovative ride in a paraglider rig. The naked pair strapped in face to face and were lifted high in the air. The tow boat driver drove racetrack patterns in the open sea. The spotter watched the airborne riders wiggle about and then settle into a calm embrace.

The elevated gliders enjoyed the soaring vistas and the windy hush that drowned out much of the seashore clatter. They especially enjoyed the intimate genital connection, their slipped together flesh jostled by the slack and pull of the tow line whenever the boat's progress was impeded by the rolling waves during its dash through the bounding swells.

Soon the sky-high copulation achieved Danny's ejaculation and they could descend to a post coitus splashdown. Bunny waved her arm toward the spotter, signaling the tow craft to slow and let them land gracefully in the warm sea.

Gus maintained the water machines all day, turning from one task to another in a seemly endless round of fueling and wet engine restarts. By late afternoon, the alpha male guests had gotten their fill of thrills and the women had gotten their corresponding fill of cum.

All, that is, except for Gus. She cleaned, stowed and secured the power toys, ready for redeployment during next week's cruise visit. As she finished, she noticed a hunky man near her boat storage area, hanging back from the others, furtively watching her complete her chores. She had foregone any sexual activity, concentrating on her duty to enliven the day for her guests.

'But', she thought, 'he's a guest and I am here to serve our guests as best I can. And he seems interested in my services as more than a toy mechanic. Maybe as a living breathing sex toy?'

She search her memory. What's his name? Maybe... Harry? Howie? NO... Hank!

She walked casually across the beach towards the sand slapping surf, peeking a furtive glance over her shoulder. Hank was following her at a distance. She waded in to her knees, her back turned to the beach. Her hands slipped the ties of her bikini top. She pulled it off, wadded the wet pink triangles into a ball and tossed them back over her shoulder towards the sand. She heard a splish-splash of feet in the water and turned to face her welcome stalker. He came to her and wrapped his strong arms around her, pressing hard muscled chest to soft pliant breasts and took a deep kiss.

Her hands were busy below, pulling off both their swim bottoms. The discarded suits drifted away in the restless surf. He grabbed her ass and lifted her up, feeling her thighs wrap his waist and her pussy nestle against his raging hard-on. He executed a simple maneuver that dropped her body and drove his hardened cock into her wet cunt.

Hank duck walked them deeper into the sea. The strides wiggled his cock inside her and she hugged his neck as her tits rocked against his chest. Their semi-submerged buoyancy helped their juggling efforts but the salt water diluted the necessary genital lube and abraded the sensations.

He exited her body and let her stand. They waded hand in hand, out of the shallow surging swells to an abandoned blanket just past the wavelet edges. A few of the others saw them lay down and recouple in a missionary tangle of hugging arms and legs.

Hank built the rhythm, engaging in a wilder and wilder jostling of fevered passions until he lifted his torso, pressed his ejaculating cock deep and let Gus' cry of ecstasy join with his own. They collapsed into a wet tangle of gratified lovers.

Arinya finished loading up the returning passengers on the ship's launch. She was two head counts short. Spying the recumbent pair laying quiet on the beach, she went to the edge of the water and retrieved the flotsam swimsuits. Returning to the blanket cuddled couple, she calmly urged them to join their peers and maintain her expected schedule.

"Time to go, lovebirds."

The naked paramours wobbled to stand, and took the offered sodden swimwear. But the wet suits would have felt too cold on their still sex-warmed skin. So they carried them along as they trod hand-in-hand, following Arinya to the launch. They clambered aboard and rode naked to the ship with the other semi-garbed passengers.

That evening, after dinner and the after dinner pairings, Gus waited in her cabin until she heard the midnight bells. By now, Hank should have enjoyed some good fucking with his post-dinner choice. His guest privileges had been served. Now it was me-time for Gus.

She tiptoed to his cabin, ejected the tousled staff member, and crawled in with a newly awakened Hank. His egotistic vanity was on display, undeniably caused by this amusing bedtime rivalry for his cock. He took up the challenge and drove Gus through a series of mini-and maxi-orgasms. Gus emerged from his cabin in the morning when, despite Hank's continued prowess, her exhaustion ended her ability to claim any more of the man's carnal attentions.


Thursday - Shopping

No cruise is complete without a shore trip for curio shopping, the opportunity to discover the usual array of bawdy trinkets and curative potions with dubious claims.

The Bluewater Maiden hove to at its scheduled port call. The staff knew of selective shops which the guests could patronize; places where the more exotic mementos could be found.

The alpha males moseyed down the gangplank, paired with an accompanying staff hostess. Teeny bikini clad Ginger and Patty waved from the upper deck, held back from the shore leave when notified last minute that their schedules had changed. Captain Ron had assigned them to an, as yet, unspecified special duty aboard. The redhead pseudo twins were animated and impatient to discover what special mission could possibly necessitate their combined efforts.

The shore bound couples meandered through the town, stopping to window shop, some entering the stores to browse the handcrafted wares or ogle the local female flair.

In an out-of-the-way alley was a small coffee shop. The barista saw her friend from the ship, Leticia, guiding her way a handsome middle aged man, stately even in his casual shorts and Hawaiian shirt. The hanging brass doorbell tinkled on entry and the girls exchanged a subtle wink out of the man's view. The weekly plot was afoot.

The touring shipmates took seats at the front window. Chuck studied the menu card, pondering a selection. His eyes cycled between the drink list and the bikini clad waitress looking in his direction. She was bright and fit, a tanned complexion with round island girl curves. Her long wavy brown hair framed her smiling face. Her bikini bottom ties were clipped with a name medallion that said 'Wendy'.

She approached her newly arrived customers.

"See anything you like?"

The alpha male was silent and thoughtful as he stared at her beauty. Like his weekly predecessors, Leticia had foreseen Chuck's probable interest in Wendy, whose surreptitious return wink acknowledged she was game to deliver the extra special daily drink special. The ship guide moved things along.

"Chuck will have the daily special."

Wendy smiled back, obviously delighted with the recommended choice. The other customers were leaving and the barista flipped the sign to 'Closed' behind them, locking the door but leaving the front window curtains open.

The alpha male suspected a scene was being set and smugly leaned back in his chair to await developments. Wendy returned to her coffee bar and fussed with the hissing equipment. She loaded the steaming mug on a serving tray and performed a hip swaying model's walk back to Chuck's table. She leaned over at the waist as she placed it on the table, careful not to spill the house's fabled special brew. In contrast, her straining bikini top just barely kept her tits from spilling out. But words did spill from her smiling cherry red lips.

"Here you go, sir, the daily special."

She stayed bent over as Chuck's gaze stayed on the deep cleavage display while he took up the mug. He sipped the mixture and nodded; it was very tasty. Wendy righted herself but stayed at the table. The girls watched and waited as he drank a little more. The man relaxed further as the covert aphrodisiac took hold.

Leticia smoothly rose and stood behind him as he slumped further in his chair. She unbuttoned the languid guest's shirt, exposing his hairy chest. Wendy leaned in and unzipped his pants, exposing his hairy groin. She doffed her small two piece barista uniform, fully exposing her luscious body to his muddled eyes. She placed the uniform pieces on the table.

Wendy shuffled in and straddled Chuck's thighs, tenderly stroking his tumescent dick, which stiffened quickly under the influence of the potion and her palms. The time was right; she placed him and plunged.

His mind was foggy but even in his twilight dream, he was aware of the wonderful sensations emanating from his groin and the view of bobbing brown nipples in his face. His full service barista was smoothing her hands on his chest, pinching and flicking his nipples to further the stimulation. His breath huffed and puffed in frenzied surges.

The island girl was thoroughly enjoying herself, an aficionado of the safe and anonymous quickies brought to her door by her cruise ship friend. She watched her stud's slack idyllic face, his misty eyes swimming in moist pools of passion. His body may have been relaxed but his cock was hard as a steel rod. It fitted perfectly inside her juicy pussy. She was in control of the intercourse, varying the pace and depth to nurture her own sexual excitement, but still paying close attention to the pleasure of her paying customer.

Wendy ratcheted up the action as she sensed Chuck's orgasm approach. Her pussy throbbed in ever increasing bliss but she held herself in check and timed her release with his. Their mighty cries of joy bounced off the walls of the room, vibrating the windows, as his mighty volume of cum bounced off the walls of her womb, vibrating her cervix. Their bodies jittered together for a long time, a mutual satiation of lust that dwindled down to a body slumping end.

Strolling residents had looked in the windows during the bawdy scene but kept moving. They had seen it all before when the Bluewater Maiden was in port. There were few employment opportunities for the local youth outside of tourism which was the main support for the island economy. And if someone found a better, and more fun, way to exploit the situation and earn a fun filled better living, well then, well done. Just another day in paradise.

Wendy lay with her satisfied bare body on his heaving chest and lightly kissed his insentient face. Her girlish voice whispered repeated praises and thanks as his mind emerged from its deeper sensuous fog of pleasure. She rose and was ready to redress in her sexy uniform. The top was there but the thong was missing, as usual. She spied Leticia secreting the wad of cloth in Chuck's pants pocket, a sneaky souvenir he would find later to remind him of the time he partook of the island coffee shop's extra special daily drink special.

The girls fixed up Chuck's shorts and shirt as he remained slumped in his seat. Wendy rummaged beneath the bar and took a new thong from her colorful box of souvenir panties. She was running low and would order another box from Racy Panties Galore, her favorite online fetish store. The replacement thong bikini panties had her refitted into tourist business attire.

She packaged up a dozen souvenir bags of the aphrodisiac coffee beans and gave them to Leticia to carry back to the ship. Then she unlocked the door, flipped the 'Open' sign, and restored the shop to normal caffeine disbursement. She attended to the next arriving customer with a renewed smile and blushing glow lacking just a half hour ago.

Leticia sat with her alpha male guest at the window table, waiting patiently for him to arouse some more from his drug induced swoon. She knew in about an hour that Chuck would be sober enough to walk and she would dutifully guide him back to the safety of the ship.


Across town, Claire and her guest, Alfred, entered a Tee-shirt boutique. The walls were lined with suggestively phrased merchandise and the alpha male browsed the displays, liking some sayings and others less so. As he made his way to the rear of the narrow store, he spied the shop girl, Kelsey, wearing a shirt several sizes too small with a particularly bawdy logo. The symbol showed a male gender sign with the arrow fully pierced into a female gender sign. Both circles had smiley face eyes and grins. He pointed to her chest with the prominent pokies that formed the smiley face noses.

"Now, I like that one."

"Me, too. It's a best seller."

"I'll bet. But I mean 'I like THAT one'. Can I buy it?"

"Yes, but before you make any final decisions, let me show you what else you may like."

Kelsey thought Alfred was a very handsome and she had been instantly attracted to him. Here on the secluded island, it was the same ole' same ole' with the lackluster resident men and the usual pudgy tourists. She was ready for a flirtatious adventure, as short and as one off as it may be.

Her hands gripped the shirt hem and she peeled it over her head. Her big tits bounced once and were a sight to behold. Her boobs jiggled enticingly when she leaned over to reach under the counter, withdrawing another tee. She wiggled into that one and pushed out her chest to full display the new sexy phrase stretched across her breasts. It said 'You make me so horny'.

"What do you think?"

"I like that one, too. Do I?"

"Do you what?"

Kelsey looked down and saw the phrase where his eyes still rested. Her eyes lifted to his face.

"Oh... Well, maybe... but just for chuckles, let's try one more."

She repeated the strip and switch, again arching her back to clearly show the shirts lettering: 'His Blowjob Bitch' with an arrow pointing sideways. She turned in profile, pointing the arrow towards him and glanced down to where he was again focused on her full breasts and hard nipples. She looked across the counter and saw the swell of a well-endowed package in Alfred's shorts. She returned her gaze to his face, smiling as he spoke.

"Well, I like everything I've seen. How much?"

"Today, we are running a special. Full price for one, half price for the second."

She paused to remove the third shirt and stood bare chested again before her potential customer. She stood tall, hands on hips, pushed her tits forward and winked.

"But today, just for you, if you buy all three at full price, I'll be your designated 'Blowjob Bitch' in the back room."

The man's lips crinkled a grin as he contemplated the offer. 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained' he figured.

"Okay, deal!" was Alfred's reply.

The girl bobbed her head towards the curtain covered doorframe separating the front and back rooms. He followed her sashaying booty into her lair.

Kelsey tipped her man backward against a pile of unboxed merchandise. She leaned in for a kiss, pressing her boobs against his chest. She released the lip lock and his hands found her chest masses. She steadied herself while he hefted and kneaded her big firm boobs. She gently extracted herself from his clutch by kneeling down. Opening his fly, she withdrew his cock and confirmed her earlier size assessment. A hand held his mighty rod level as her lips descended and she suckled her treat.

In the front of the shop, Claire folded her man's triple set of purchases and settled the invoice against her guest's ship bursar account. The doorbell tinkled as a pair of older customers entered the shop. Kelsey paused at the sound, her mouth full of cock, a frown crinkled her face.

'No... No... Not now... Please, no interruptions...' she worried.

Feeling her angst, Alfred's hands shot to her head, holding her in place, opposing any suspension of his blowjob.

Appreciating the importance of oral sex continuity, Claire rose to her ship guide responsibility of assuring privacy for the backroom fellatio session. She greeted the browsing customers as if she was the shop attendant. Her voice was loud enough to be heard in the back room.

"Good day, folks. Can I help you? We always offer you a great selection and it's a big job to take it all in. So spend all the time you need; I'll be here for as long as it takes."

Kelsey heard her friend's double entendre intervention and smiled around her oral probe. She looked up at her man's face, gave a double nod 'yes', before plunging back down on her mouthful. It WAS a big job to take it all in but she managed to slide the excess into her throat. He released his grip on her head and let her take control of the action.

Kelsey was a masterful fellatrice and used all the time she needed to steadily build him to the summit. As she heard him crest the carnal apex, she pulled back and held the sputtering knob snuggly between her vacuumed cheeks. Her mouth was coated with solid shots of his jism. It was a sizeable ejaculation and she was proud of her ability to cause such a copious spew.

Kelsey let the goo rest on her tongue, savoring the musky tang of fresh male cream as the sputtering cock slackened in her mouth. She relished the taste of her favorite summer flavor.

She sucked hard and held him in until he mostly deflated. These short weekly sessions, no matter how long, were never long enough to her liking. She sighed and glumly swallowed the yummy treat. She held the loose tube level in her grip and popped a kiss on the sticky knob, slurping a lingering last dribble that emerged at the tip. She looked up and swiped her tongue across her cum stained lips, mewing her thanks for the generous milky gratuity that Alfred had added to the bawdy merchandise charges.

Kelsey felt deep gratitude to her thoughtful friend Claire who brought her the weekly fix for her persistent oral addiction. The recurring dose of alpha male extract was a soothing balm to her spirits while she also stomached the boredom of abiding all summer here at her parents' mundane island home.


Ginger and Patty, still clad in their teeny bikinis, scurried down the passageway, stopping at Captain Ron's cabin door. They were almost late but arrived just at the appointed time. They settled their giggles and, holding each other's hand, knocked politely on the door.

"Enter" they heard.

They opened the portal, stepped through and closed it behind them. They stood side by side, examining the Commander's cabin for the first time. It was the largest personal space onboard, well-appointed with fixtures and nautical decorations. But what dominated the room was the man who occupied it.

Captain Ron must have been napping, possibly forgetful of their assigned meeting. He was laying naked in bed, rolled on his side, facing the summoned redheads. They spied his loose long cock, lolling across his lower thigh, familiar to them both.

"Come closer."

They stepped nearer the bed. Their gaze beheld the exposed manly tool that each had been introduced to on their Sunday arrival, one in the throat and the other in her tight little pussy.

Captain Ron waved them closer still, motioning for them to get on the bed. As they climbed on, he pulled them on either side as he rolled onto his back. Each was encompassed by a strong arm and he cuddled them close to lay against his side. He gave each a welcoming kiss in turn. They lay their heads on his chest and looked down at his semi-hard cock. Their hands magnetically moved towards it but skittered back when they realized he lack of directive. He saw their hesitation and intervened.

"Go ahead. You may touch it" he allowed. "Get me ready."