Total Woman Bluewater Maiden


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The dual assignment was now clear to the girls but the individual steps were yet to be determined. But they perceived that the alpha male embracing them would determine those next steps.

Two soft hands circled his dick and cooperated to improve the sturdiness of his manhood. The sight brought back recent memories of packed throats and cunts. Would the other girl experience the pussy or throaty thrills that each had experienced separately? Probably so.

And, sure enough, the man made his next choice.

"Suck me, Patty. All the way."

Patty glanced to Ginger, who read Patty's apprehensive look about the size of his cock.

"It's okay, you can do it. I did."

"But you're better at it, at least I think so. You didn't gag when you swallowed the whole thing up on the bridge."

"Yeah, I know. But just take a deep breath before you force it down. Let it slide naturally and you'll be okay. Gulp a few times at the bottom; he'll really like that. Well, at least I think all men like that."

Captain Ron watched the reassurance exchange play out, okay with a short delay as long as it didn't last too long. Patty shuffled her head to his groin and kissed the knob. He turned to Ginger and kissed her lips as Patty slid the first inch or two into her suckling mouth. It felt good, for Patty and for him.

His arm was less encumbered by Patty's bent down body and he was free to pluck at her bikini top back snap. The elastic bands shot apart and he pulled the cups sideways across her chest, grazing her nipples. He casually tossed the fabric on the floor. Ginger loosed her own top and tossed it away as well. His hand rounded the unoccupied redhead's prone torso and squeezed her modest boob.

Ginger looked downward and saw Patty fully engaged, bobbing on a mouthful of dick. Always ready with a helping hand, she reached out and pressed the back of Patty's head, encouraging her to go deeper. She felt a moment's hesitation while Patty took a deep breath. Then down she went and took the long stiffness inch by inch into her throat until her nose touched his slack scrotum. She swallowed once to test the fit.

Captain Ron lay his head back and moaned at the ripple sensation on his corona. Ginger saw his acceptance of the move and leaned in to Patty ear, whispering for her to keep going as long as she could. She watched the fellatrice's throat ripple and moments later Patty drew back to catch her breath. Ginger laid again at his side, allowing Ginger freedom to do her duty. She felt his hand slide over her ass and between her thighs from behind. His digit wormed under her panties and rubbed tenderly on her vulva and clitoris. Her emerging dew coated his finger as he shallowly poked at her cock lacking orifice.

The man's hand pressed the head where Ginger had and, with another heavy intake of air, Patty dove back down, a little less nervous about gagging. She swallowed a quick series and the ripple was almost a vibration. Hearing her man moan anew, she was inspired to combine hums with the swallows, sounding like a little girl mewing over the taste of her new favorite Popsicle proxy, albeit this one warm rather than cold and musky rather than fruity.

Captain Ron grabbed a handful of redhead strands and jerked Patty free of his erection. He didn't want to squander his discharge in her mouth and endure a refraction delay. Patty had proven her skills and gotten him ready. He now wanted to see if Ginger's cunt was as tight as her friend Patty's had been on Sunday.

He rolled on his side towards Ginger and pulled away her bottoms, handing them back toward Patty, who had assumed a kneeling pose on the mattress where she could watch Ginger's looming fuck.

"Here, save these for me."

Another roll brought him atop Ginger, who dutifully spread her thighs to let him saddle up. His arm circled between the mattress and her back, bracing her body to his as his other hand left off her pussy fingering to grab a handful of ass. She turned her face to the kneeling Patty, who had just turned back after depositing the stripped off panties on the bedside nightstand.

Irresistibly trapped beneath the bulk pressing her hard into the mattress, Ginger's vision was fixed on Patty's face, who was staring back in fascination. Patty gave a sly thumbs up, a smirk and a brief nod, silent assurances of Ginger's looming bliss. Captain Ron's saliva coated cock wiggled its way to her nether lips as he shuffled to a good position. She reacted with her own limb clutches of the beefy man's body.

He punched in, and even with the slickness of both their parts, it was an awkward stretch. Her eyes popped wide and her mouth formed a wide open soundless O. Patty watched and remembered the raw pleasure of her own pussy packing. Earlier this week, he had fingered her pussy liberally before gradually implanting himself. And she still recalled the uncomfortable fit. It must be the same bitter sweet agony for Ginger, more so without any real prior loosening. Patty bit a knuckle to hold back an impulsive cry of empathy for her friend.

Now Ginger sensed how Patty had felt, apprehensive about the deep throat packing she had just experienced, after enduring Captain Ron's welcome aboard cunt stretching fuck. Well, if Patty could survive a cunt fucking by the skipper, then so could she. And she set her mind to make this the best tight pussy fucking Captain Ron ever had, even better than Patty's.

She rocked and rolled, squirmed and squeezed, eagerly thrashing under the confining weight of the man, whose mighty cock shuttled to deep plunges in her cunt. Indubitably, her totally engaged performance was getting to her as well. Ginger felt a growing buzz in her groin and weird tickles as her excited nipples were burnished by his sweaty chest.

Patty watched Ginger's wild gyrations and impulsively stole a fondling finger inside her own panties. She was spellbound by the bounding bodies and rubbed up a sexual fervor in unison with her bed-borne playmates.

Ginger went over the top first, barely perceiving through her ecstatic mindlessness the loud manly growls, vocalized simultaneously with the warm flow jetting deep into her womb. Her teary eyes glimpsed Patty's face turned upwards and the strained expression of an inaudible cry.

Ginger liberated her consciousness and allowed it to soar aloft on misty clouds of her tantric passion. Then she plummeted from the foggy dream-state, descending back to consciousness under Captain Ron.

The satiated pair both laid relatively quiescent, except for gusty breaths as they each recovered their mentality. They wiggled loose from their reciprocal clinging, his seminal dregs oozing from her cunt, uncorked by his withdrawn softened cock. Patty watched the slowly disentangling paramours, suckling her dew flavored finger through a satisfied smile.

He rolled on his back; Patty and Ginger resumed a post-coitus sandwich cuddle along his sides. The trio relaxed and lightly petted as their bodies more fully recovered.

But time was up for this Thursday. They rousted themselves to attend to other individual duties waiting elsewhere on the ship. Would they have more special duty next week? The redheads hoped so. Captain Ron knew so.


All Aboard

At dinner that evening, the returned guest males shared the tales of their experiences and purchases. The three waitresses wore the bawdy tee shirts during dinner. The coffee shop patron distributed small gifts of the aphrodisiac laced coffee beans to his comrades. The after dinner coffee brew was purposefully made from the same secret beans.

For tonight, it was the female staff's turn to select the pairings for the overnights in cabins. The aphrodisiacs would render the men completely amenable to each young lady's favorite copulation preferences and practices. None of the alpha male guests would have complained anyway, with or without the chemical inducements.

As usual, Claire emerged later than the others and found Willie alone... again. She helped him to his cabin, where Willie was delighted to be administered a small dose of the caffeinated love drug. Claire enjoyed a night of grandfatherly cuddles followed by a semi-hard sidesaddle insertion that culminated in Willie's seminal discharge into her welcoming womb. Claire was pleased, even joyful, that she had finally gotten the yearned for experience of coital incest with her pseudo granddaddy, Willie.


Fetish Friday - Staff Auction

The day was spent at sea, the ship slowly plowing through the blue sea back toward its home port from the farthest reaches of the fun filled voyage. It was an at-will day, allowing the men to form new hookups or resample a favored past one. The only rule was that the pairings were consensual by the girls. In late afternoon, some guests chose a staff girl to attend him in his cabin while he preened for the evening's concluding cruise action, the Captain's Farewell Dinner and Staff Auction in the main lounge.

It was a tradition onboard that the last night afloat included a gala where the individual staff leadership were auctioned off and the proceeds were split 50:50 between the crew's pooled gratuities and the TWA Scholarship Fund. Captain Ron acted as the Auctioneer. The dining room was all abuzz with anticipation throughout the Banquet Meal. The men eagerly departed the dining room and assembled with drinks in the yacht's main lounge.

Captain Ron mounted the low stage before the assembled men and called for their attention. He delivered a standard safety speech, cautioning the alpha males that all TWA Rules of Conduct were to be honored. Permission for bawdy and raucous activities was conceded but no harm must come to any of the ladies delivered into their custody. He accepted their murmured assent. And called the first bid item to the stage.

Melody, the start-off auction item strode into the room in her high heels and bodycon dress. She was one of the housemaids, dressed in glamourous attire as opposed to her working uniform. She wore a sequined sleeveless party dress, hem well above the knees, curly hair coiffed atop her head and makeup and jewelry perfectly applied to accent her lovely features.

She was almost unrecognizable to the several men whom she had gratified with handjobs and blowjobs in her housemaid uniform on past weekday mornings. She stood in model stance, one heeled foot a half step forward, raising her hem and exposing another few inches of her shapely thigh. Her bright smile filled the room with glee. The men were fascinated by the difference in the presentation, a high style lady of fashion versus a uniformed working girl. The looming encounter would feel like the conquest of a fine lady of luxury rather than the simple relief of their sexual pressure.

Captain Ron asked for bids. It started well but slowed and stalled; the affluent but mindful businessmen were hesitant to commit too heavily to the first proffered female, pondering the unknown possibilities soon to come. Captain Ron knew his role and facilitated the process.

"Ah, com'on, gents... You can do better than that! Let me stir your fantasies..."

With that, he zipped her bodycon dress down the back. She helped with a shoulder shrug as he pushed it forward and peeled it down her body. It pooled about her feet at the floor. She resumed her smile filled model pose and arched her back a little more. Her shapely round tits and makeup enhanced nipples drew all eyes to her near naked body which now sported only heels, panties and jewelry.

The bidding re-gathered steam and Fred won the bidding. Melody's heart skipped a beat. She had sucked him to completion during a weekday morning but he had not asked for real sex. Hoping to discover those talents soon, Melody gladly accompanied Fred out of the lounge. The other men watched them leave, a little envious and now more motivated to obtain their own sexy bedmate. They settled down quickly and paid attention as Captain Ron motioned for the next auction participant.

Ladya was next on the fund raising roster. She entered the stage dressed in her traditional cultural saris. The translucent covers cloudily hinted at the dark hues of her broad nipples and shaved nether regions under the single, very sheer layer of fabric. Her face and hair were primed to perfection, her demur smile and soft body exuding an open invitation for a man to wallow in the warm nooks and crannies that stood before them on shadowy display.

"What will you bid for a night of legendary Kama Sutra pleasures in the company of this maven of those sensuous arts?"

One, then another, bid was called out. A weaker voice raised a third bid and all eyes turned to its source, Willie. His frail arm held his hand up; all the other gentlemen gave a knowing look around at their fellows. Captain Ron perceived the consensus. Ladya would be the perfect companion for elder Willie, a suitable gentle ending to his annual attendance on this TWA Event.

Captain Ron called "Sold" and light applause accompanied Ladya's slipper silent steps as she moved delicately past the seated men towards her prize winner. She motioned to Ginger, one of the waitressing co-eds. Together, they helped Willie to his feet, bracketing him, while he leaned heavily on Ladya during his shuffle from the lounge towards his cabin.

The auction room hummed lowly at the murmured good feelings at the generous gesture to Willie. It soon cooled when Arinya walked on stage. The seated men sat taller, almost at attention, as they expected some harsh directives and stern admonishment from the authoritative Security Chief. She was dressed in a military style blue blouse and skirt, boldly staring down the assembled audience. Captain Ron broke the spell.

"Who thinks he's man enough to subdue this brassy bitch?"

The men glanced around at the others, wondering if anyone was brave enough to take the challenge. A tentative voice offered a modest bid, testing the waters. There was a long pause and Captain Ron knew he had to ease their apprehensions.

Arinya maintained her at-attention pose as he reached around and unbuttoned her uniform blouse, pulled out the tails and exposed her bra encased bulging breasts. Arinya didn't flinch, the blouse hanging loosely on her arms limp at her side. She maintained bold eye contact with her audience, sweeping her gaze slowly from man to man.

"Anyone?" the auctioneer quizzed.

With still no response, he zipped the side zipper, peeling open the panels and slipped the skirt over her hips, dropping it to her ankles and letting her flesh toned panties appear. That got a few nervous catcalls of encouragement and one bid was timidly offered. Another and another, gaining tepid confidence, but dying away at a less than optimal plateau.

Captain Ron upped the ante. He reached around and plucked the clip between her breasts, pulled aside the cups and exposed her firm high boobs with their puckered nipples. If anything, Arinya's chin tilted up a little higher, stoically assenting to her public stripping. Continuing, he unclipped her thong panties, tossing them aside dramatically.

The next scene had him pressing on her shoulders. Her knees bent forward and she settled her ass on her heels, kneeling with open palms turned upward, resting on her thighs. She tilted her head down, focused on the floor between her spread knees, rescinding the bold stare and presenting herself in the willing female pose.

He snapped his fingers towards Ginger and Patty who skipped onstage carrying black leather restraints. They guided her hands behind her back, helping the Auctioneer bind Arinya's wrists in cuffs and circle her neck with a sturdy collar.

Rising bids were called out in quicker cadence at the sight of a more controllable Arinya. The price reached a level that Captain Ron thought was suitable and he called 'Sold' to end the bidding. Hank, the sturdy beau hunk, strode to the stage to take possession of his prize but Ginger and Patty knew of further plans. Their hands signaled him to halt his closing progress just as he mounted the stage. He stood where they had stopped him and they opened his fly, extracting his large cock, and stroking it to a sufficient firmness.

Captain Ron grabbed a handful of Arinya's blonde hair and pulled her face level for an initial foreplay blowjob. Hank retreated a step, fearing a bite. Captain Ron produced a dog switch and reminded both of the newly matched pair about the consequences for causing hurt to the other in violation of the TWA Rules of Conduct.

Hank hefted his growing cock and broached a witty query to Arinya's temporary controller.

"Does gagging count as causing hurt?"

"Only if it leads to asphyxiation."

"I'll be careful" assured Hank.

Captain Ron used his handful of Arinya's hair to yank her head back further and look up at his face.

"The same TWA Rules of Conduct apply to you as well."

He emphasized the seriousness of the rules by brandishing the switch threateningly in her view and sliding a warning touch of the leather end flap against the side of her left boob.

"No biting!"

She nodded her agreement and Captain Ron handed the dog switch over to Hank. He leaned her forward within range of the stiff cock awaiting her and she dutifully opened her mouth. Hank held himself level as her lips touched the tip and she vacuumed half of his shaft inside. They fell into a spontaneous collaboration. His hips jiggled and her head bobbled. He enjoyed the knob massage, especially the tongue rubs on his underside cleft and her hollowed cheeks swiping over his corona. He let her work his forward half shaft, postponing his intended gagging challenge until their soon-to-be private time.

The audience cheered them on but Captain Ron stopped the action short of completion. He handed the winning bidder a silver chain leash. Hank clipped it to her buckled leather collar and used it to haul her up on her high heels. He led Arinya off stage, tugging on the connected leash. Then he steered her to walk in front of him as they left the auction room. Just before exiting the lounge, a sharp swat on her exposed ass cheek got a 'yip' and a hop from the bound female. It got a giggle from Hank. Everyone else imagined that Arinya was headed for what would be a night of rough and edgy sex.

Myra entered the stage just as the previous couple exited the room, drawing the men's attention back to the next bidding session. The Indochinese emigre was, of course, decked out in a French maid's outfit. And, as might be expected, this version of the daily uniform would have gained approval from the chateau's lord and master but probably not from the lady of the house.

The attire consisted of a silky laced up corset, with stockings held up by attached elastic clips. The cupless corset was brief, leaving her tits, ass and cunt bare. The translucent waist apron did almost nothing to conceal her shaved pussy. She accessorized the outfit with high heels, a throat circling velvet choker and a bowtie satin ribbon that captured her gathered black straight hair into a sensible working girl hair bun.

Even before the auctioneer could address the interested buyers with the maid's introduction, a high starting bid rang out. Myra gave a smirking smile at that. She had followed the other offered women's starting bids from the wings and knew this was the best opening bid of the night so far. She watched as a mad scramble ensued to secure her overnight favors. In the end, surmounting the frenzied competition, John placed the paramount offer.

She was delighted that the handsome man was willing to hand over such a sum for a passing night of her favors. She intended to reward his investment with exquisite intimate dividends. The latest lucky pair held hands as they sauntered happily out of the room, her firm ass and boobs bestowing future fetish memories in the minds of the men they left behind.