Trailer Trash Teen Hates Rules Ch. 08


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"Really?" asked Bob, his tone suspicious. "I didn't think that would be your thing."

"Yeah, people change," said Breanna rudely, regarding her uncle with a sneer.

"We'll go too," said Wayne.

"Yeah, we're going," said Kenny.

Bob glared at the two youths, wondering why on Earth these two moronic metal-heads would be interested in attending a Christian music concert. Still, it was better than them lounging around his house eating his food wasting time with his son.

"You can drive us there, Kate," said Kenny.

Kate sighed, hating being a chauffer to her twin brother's loser friends. "Great," she said sarcastically.

When lunch was over, Davo asked where the bathroom was and went upstairs. Standing in front of the toilet, Davo unzipped himself and began to pee, the sound filling the bathroom. This Breanna sure was a piece of work, either rude, indifferent or a tease but the way she had got him hard at lunch - fuck she was hot. Davo found himself involuntarily getting hard at the memory again, trying to think unsexy thoughts and avoid urinating all over the toilet.

Managing to control himself, Davo finished and flushed, but as he opened the door he found none other than Breanna standing outside the door. Before the young Australian could speak, Breanna pushed him back into the bathroom, stepped inside after him and closed and locked the door behind her.

"What's going on?" Davo asked.

"What do you think?" asked Breanna. "We're going to fuck, right here right now, quick and hard." She unfastened her short, tight denim shorts, a seductive expression on her pretty face.

"Really?" Davo gulped.

Breanna's expression changed to one of disdain. "No, of course not. Did you think I was fucking serious?" She fastened up her shorts again. "You're going to have to work much harder than that if you want to fuck me, Aussie."

She turned and exited the bathroom, giving Davo a teasing wave as she went on her way. Davo cursed, annoyed that Breanna had fooled him like that. But given how hot Breanna was, Davo was definitely going to work hard. Really hard.


In the late afternoon, John set off with Samantha to spend the evening at her place, her parents and younger brother out of town for the weekend visiting relatives in another town about 50 miles away. Kate drove to the Christian musical festival with Dylan in the front passenger seat. They collected Wayne and Kenny from Kenny's mom's house on the way. Kate was treated to the intellectual discussion by her brother and his friends of a basketball game at the high school last year, where one of the players had taken a heavy blow to the stomach, staggered off the court in agony and thrown up all over Erin Green, who had the misfortune to be sitting in the wrong place at the wrong time. Davo followed in his van, with Travis, Breanna and Isabella, who continued her incessant flirting with Travis, and suddenly the Wilson house was empty apart from Bob and Anna.

Bob sighed at the tranquility. "So what do you want to do tonight?" he asked Anna.

His wife smiled. "I want to go back in time to where we were when Breanna turned our lives upside down."

"Me too," said Bob. "But we can't travel back in time, can we?"

"Maybe not," said Anna, moving close to her husband, stroking his beard. "But do you remember what we were doing right when Wyatt, Rosanne and Breanna showed up?"

Bob thought through the turbulent week to the early hours of Sunday morning, where he and Anna were in the throes of lovemaking when Wyatt rang the doorbell. "It's coming back to me," he smiled.

"Well the kids are out until late, so how about an early night?" suggested Anna.

Bob needed no prompting, and within a minute he and Anna were naked on their bed upstairs. Anna gasped as she felt her husband enter her, Bob feeling the delight as his erection filled his wife's vagina and the couple writhed on the bed in the pleasure of love-making.


At the Williams house, John and Samantha were sitting watching a video they had rented from the local video store, but the movie - a historical drama set in Edwardian era England and the choice of Samantha - was not particularly interesting nor entertaining. In fact it was just downright boring.

"I can't get into this," said John.

"Me either," said Samantha. She stood up and stopped and ejected the tape from the VCR, the white fabric of Samantha's panties that came momentarily into view as her dress rode up the most interesting thing John had seen for the evening.

"Told you we should have got the one about the surfer dudes who accidentally get sent back in time to the Wild West rather than your girly historical flick," said John.

Samantha laughed. "You can watch that one with your brother and those idiots Wayne and Kenny, it sounds like their type of thing."

"So, what do you want to do?" asked John.

"I think we can make our own entertainment," said Samantha, sitting down on John's knee, the young couple kissing and caressing, John feeling his underpants straining at his erection, Samantha feeling the double-cotton of the saddle of her panties getting damp and sticky as her vagina responded.

Finishing making out, Samantha unzipped the front of John's jeans to free his erection, the pretty strawberry blonde lowering her face to his groin, opening her mouth and swallowing his erection, sucking back and forth, her tongue swirling around John's enlarged penis to double his pleasure.

John in turn put one hand into the front of his fiancée's panties and the other down the back. His front hand he worked through Samantha's curls of pubic hair until he reached her wet vagina, the back hand he slipped between the cheeks of her bottom and the tight, star-fish shaped opening of her anus.

Having both her vagina and anus fingered as she was giving John a blow-job worked Samantha into a frenzy, and the girl soon creamed her panties, sticky pussy juice flowing over John's fingers as he also reached orgasm, a tidal wave of sticky white semen filling her mouth, with Samantha swallowing it eagerly.

As they took a break they knew that would not be the end of their fun for the evening. They were young, fit and full of energy, in love and the sexual chemistry between them amazing. As they made their way to Samantha's bedroom, both knew that they could give their record of four times in one night a shake this evening.


At the Christian music festival, Kate stood with her cousin Holly and Holly's boyfriend Jeff. With them were Andrea and Steve, Penny and Sean and Sonia and Mike. Dylan stood talking with Wayne and Kenny a short way away. Kate had introduced Davo and Travis to her friends and their boyfriends, and both Breanna and Isabella were keeping up with their behavior patterns of the day. Breanna maintained her passive-aggressive demeanor, regarding everybody especially Davo with a bored and indifferent manner, while Isabella continued to flirt with Travis.

Travis had managed to break out of Isabella's clutches long enough for him and Davo to go and get some soft drinks at a nearby tent. "So, you'll thank me tomorrow for getting two separate rooms at the motel," said Davo as they walked back.

"Sorry?" asked Travis.

"You'll get to screw both Kate and Isabella tonight, while I fuck Breanna in my room," said Davo. "You lucky dog. Who knows, you might even have a threesome?"

Travis shook his head with a smile. "I don't think so, Davo."

Davo laughed. "What don't you think is going to happen? You and Kate? You and Isabella? You and Kate and Isabella? Or me and Breanna?"

"You and Breanna for a start, she's a total bitch and I don't think she's interested in you at all."

Davo grinned. "Oh, she's interested, but she's just playing hard to get. Anyway, I remember somebody saying that I would never get to fuck Madison and what happened? I got into Madison's knickers and I fucked her senseless. Now who said that I wouldn't get to fuck her? That's right, it was Travis."

"Okay, you won there but it won't happen with Breanna," said Travis.

"It will," said Davo. "With you, I don't think you'll be having a threesome with Kate and Isabella - Kate would never go for that - but I reckon you'll be able to fuck at least one of them."

"Yeah, I don't know," said Travis. He could not miss Isabella's flirting, the girl lacking any sort of discretion, but he had really looking forward to seeing Kate again. However, so far it had been a bit of a flop - Kate was still nice and they had enjoyed talking at lunch but the spark on the recent camping vacation seemed to be missing. Something was different here, but Travis thought that if and Kate made it into bed together - provided he could escape Isabella's attentions long enough - they could get back on track. And while Isabella was a bit of a nuisance, Travis could not get her sultry, pretty Latina looks out of his mind, nor her nubile figure.

Returning to the main group with the drinks, Travis immediately found Isabella at his side again while Davo observed Penny and Sean holding hands, the young Australian struggling to remember if he had ever seen an Asian girl and an African-American guy as a couple before.

"Has anyone seen Megan Delaney around?" Kate asked her friends. Megan had been on the church youth committee that had organized the event, and Kate had expected for Megan and her left-wing, do-gooder friends to be at the top of their game, rushing around making sure everything was 100 percent politically correct to the nth degree. However, she had not seen a trace of the girl, and her friends were sitting some way away talking.

"I saw her and Paul earlier," said Sonia. "I don't know, there just seemed something different about her. Somebody approached her with a problem about one of the bands, and all she said was that she was sure it would work itself out, and went on her way with Paul. That's not Megan at all."

"Yeah, that doesn't sound like her," agreed Holly.

Breanna and Isabella exchanged a glance and a smile, the only ones present that knew how their Sapphic threesome with Megan the day earlier had awoken a whole new side to the previously sexually-repressed redhead, and now presumably Paul was reaping the benefits of this. And this hypothesis was completely correct, Megan at present was sitting on Paul's face, her smelly panties against his nose as she sucked his cock and massaged his balls.

Dylan was one person who had no interest in what Megan was or wasn't doing. Still standing with Wayne and Kenny the young man, bitter and resentful at the best of times, was all the more so today as he observed Sonia and Mike holding hands. While Dylan knew deep down that he never really stood a chance with African-American beauty Sonia, it filled him with jealousy that his nemesis of a supervisor - high school and college football star jock Mike - had won.

"Hey Dylan, you listening or what?" came the impatient voice of Wayne.

Dylan snapped out of his daydreaming. "Sorry, what?"

"Come here," said Wayne, indicating for Dylan to join himself and Kenny in a secluded area where the trio could not be overheard.

"Check this out," said Wayne, as Kenny held open a small backpack he was carrying, Dylan peering inside to see two bottles of vodka.

Dylan's eyes went wide. "Vodka? What are you doing with vodka?"

"It's from my Mom's liquor cabinet," said Kenny.

"What if she finds out you've taken it?" Dylan asked.

Kenny laughed. "Mom drinks so much of this shit that she'll think she drank it."

"We can't drink that shit here, what if we get caught?" asked Dylan.

"We're not drinking it," said Wayne. "But everyone else will be."

"Yeah, everyone else is," affirmed Kenny.

"What are you talking about?" asked Dylan.

"We're going to put it into the water coolers," said Wayne. "Me and Kenny need you to keep watch while we do it."

Dylan sighed, knowing that Wayne and Kenny's planned prank was sure to fail. And if he was a part of it, Dylan knew he would get into big trouble with his Mom and Dad.

"No way," said Dylan. "You guys are on your own."

"Don't be such a square, Dylan," said Wayne.

"Yeah, are you a chicken?" challenged Kenny.

"It's a stupid idea, I'm not doing it," said Dylan, not rising to the bait. He backed away, determined to walk away with his head held high. Unfortunately, coming around the corner was Erin, Dylan colliding with his former classmate as he had done at the supermarket earlier in the week sending both of them sprawling, Erin wearing the cup of lemonade she was carrying down the front of her dress.

Wayne and Kenny burst out laughing. "Hey Dylan, don't throw up over her," called Wayne, referencing the unfortunate incident where an injured basketballer had thrown up all over Erin at a game in the gymnasium.

"Yeah, and watch out for gas leaks," called Kenny, referencing to an even more embarrassing experience for Erin, when she was suffering from wind during a flare up of her Crohn's disease.

Erin turned bright red and Dylan, who had got to his feet first, had run out of patience. "That's enough," he called out to Wayne and Kenny. "Leave her alone."

Wayne and Kenny exchanged puzzled looks. "What?" asked Wayne.

"You heard me, leave Erin alone," said Dylan.

Kenny looked at Dylan, then at Wayne. "What the fuck is his problem?"

"Maybe it's his time of the month," said Wayne. "Come on Kenny, let's go."

As the two guys walked away, Dylan assisted Erin to her feet. "Sorry about that, and I'm sorry about what Wayne and Kenny said."

Erin, as always managing to be pretty and dowdy at the same time pushed her brown hair back from her face and adjusted her glasses, surprised that Dylan had assisted her the way he had. "Thanks for standing up for me Dylan."

"That's okay, they can be real losers sometimes," said Dylan. "Again, I'm sorry about knocking you over. I'll get you another lemonade and some water so you can wash your dress."

"Thanks," said Erin, as Dylan hurried away and returned with a new cup of lemonade for her and one for himself, as well as some water so Erin could wash the lemonade stain from her dress. The two teenagers sat at a picnic bench towards the edge of the park.

"So, are you enjoying your summer?" Dylan asked.

Erin shook her head. "I'm glad high school is finally over, but I didn't get into college. I've been trying to get a job - anything really - but I'm not having any luck there either."

"I'm not going to college either," said Dylan.

"Yeah, but at least you have a job. I've been to five interviews and nothing. My mom said I would be lucky if anyone would ever want to employ me."

"That's awful," said Dylan sympathetically.

"My parents just love my older brother, being such a sports star. My stepbrothers and stepsisters are all academic, or musical or arty and I don't have any of those talents at all."

Looking at Erin's sad expression, Dylan could sense a kindred spirt there somewhere. He could certainly identify with living in the shadow of his siblings. "I always thought my parents preferred John and Kate to me," he volunteered.

"Neither my mom nor my dad even remembered my 18th birthday," said Erin bitterly. "Not that it was a surprise, they've forgotten quite a few times over the years. They've never forgotten my brother's birthday once." She paused. "Although, in their defense, his birthday is on July 4th, so it stands out because it's Independence Day. My birthday isn't memorable."

"When is it?" asked Dylan.

"September the 11th," said Erin.

"September the 11th," repeated Dylan, trying without success to think of anything significant about that date.

"See nothing about that date stands out," said Erin. "It's not close to a holiday, I can't think of anyone famous born that day or any famous events."

"Still, it's bad that your parents didn't remember your birthday," said Dylan.

"Yeah, but I'm used to it," said Erin. "They wanted two boys really. Dad has actually said that, when I was right there."

"That's a terrible thing to say," said Dylan.

Erin shrugged her shoulders. "That's my Dad."

Dylan had just about finished his lemonade, and could see that Erin was close to finishing her drink too. "Would you like another lemonade?" he asked.

"Yes, thanks Dylan," said Erin.

"Be right back," said Dylan, getting up and heading towards the drinks tent, surprised how much he was enjoying spending time with Erin, a girl who was always so quiet and seemingly did not like him all that much. At the table, Erin found herself with similar thought patterns. She always thought of Dylan as an immature, lazy and somewhat creepy slacker, but today he seemed different away from the bad influences of his idiot friends Wayne and Kenny.


The two young men so disliked by Erin in Wayne and Kenny were hiding behind the catering tent, waiting for the moment they could get inside and spike the water with vodka. "This is going to be so cool," Wayne promised Kenny as they awaited their chance.

"Yeah dude, it will be fucking awesome," said Kenny.

Finally, the moment arrived. Nobody was around, and Wayne and Kenny darted inside, opening the bag to produce the bottles of vodka. "I fucking can't wait to see people getting drunk on water," laughed Wayne as he unscrewed the lid of one of the water coolers and opened the bottle of vodka.

"Yeah," agreed Kenny.

As Wayne went to mix the vodka with the water, he and Kenny stopped short at a male voice behind them. "And what do you two think you are doing?"

Startled, Wayne and Kenny spun around to see one of the event security guards standing behind them. The two slackers' jaws dropped open in fear at the sight of the new arrival, the security guard being a man of Pacific Island origin, about six foot eight inches in height and muscles upon his muscles. His stern expression as he regarded the pair of troublemakers made him look like one of Easter Island's famed giant statues.

"Um nothing," gulped Wayne.

"Yeah, nothing," agreed Kenny as he trembled in fear, feeling a sudden, urgent need to urinate.

"Spiking the water is nothing?" demanded the security guard as he strode forward. "Give me the alcohol right now."

Wayne and Kenny were too terrified to argue and wordlessly handed the bottles to the enormous Pacific Islander who glared at them menacingly.

"You two boys are very lucky, I should report you to the cops," said the security guard. "Get out of here, and don't ever let me see you again." He pointed towards the exit.

"Yes sir," said Wayne meekly.

"Yes sir," agreed the terrified Kenny.

"If I do see you again, I'll do this to both of you," growled the security guard. He picked up a spare metal tent peg and as though it was a willow branch rather than steel, bent it into a crescent shape.

White with fear, Wayne and Kenny took to their feet and ran from the park, not stopping until the music from the band currently on stage could only be heard indistinctly in the background.

"That was close," said Kenny, breathing heavily.

Wayne glared at his friend. "He caught us Kenny, you fucking idiot. That wasn't close. We got fucking caught. Just like Mr. Wilson during the week."

Kenny sulked. "It's Dylan's fucking fault. If he'd kept watch for us ..."

"Yeah, I don't know what the fuck his problem is," said Wayne.

"So, what do you want to do now?" asked Kenny.

"How about we go out to the farm and see if the horse wants to fuck a cow?" suggested Wayne.

"Dude, that sounds fucking awesome," said Kenny. "I'll get my Dad's video camera on the way through. That would be a fucking awesome video."

"Yeah, that'll be fucking great," agreed Wayne, he and Kenny setting off on their latest intellectual assignment.


At the music festival, Dylan and Erin continued talking together about a wide range of topics, while Kate was with her friends and their boyfriends, Davo and Travis to the side with Breanna and Isabella. Breanna maintained her aloof manner, still determined to make Davo work hard if he wanted to get into bed with her but some of her current mood was caused by irritation.