Trailer Trash Teen Hates Rules Ch. 08


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A Christian music festival was definitely not Breanna's thing, and adding to this was Isabella's incessant and shameless flirting with Travis, which was completely at odds with the way she normally behaved and giving her the shits. Losing patience, Breanna said to her friend, "Issy, want to come for a smoke?"

"No, I'm thinking of quitting smoking," said Isabella.

"No, you need a smoke," said Breanna, propelling her friend away from Travis's side and away from the main group.

"I was talking to Travis," Isabella protested, a sulky expression on her pretty face.

"More like you were going to try and fuck him in front of everyone," said Breanna, taking a drag on her cigarette and blowing a smoke ring. "Fucking cool it, okay? What's so fucking great about Travis?"

"He's hot," said Isabella, likewise taking a mouthful of cigarette smoke.

"He's okay, but nothing special," said Breanna. "Davo on the other hand ..."

"I thought you didn't like Davo, you've been acting like a fucking bitch towards him ever since you met," said Isabella.

"It's called playing hard to get, Issy," said Breanna. "You might fucking try it with fucking Travis."

Isabella laughed. "Nah, I'm good."


Travis himself was glad at Isabella's temporary departure and he could finally talk to Kate. At least half of him was; the other half of him had admired Isabella's fine figure and pretty Latina looks as she walked away with Kate's obnoxious cousin to have a smoke.

Kate and Travis walked to the drinks table to get some water, the pair unaware of Wayne and Kenny's hare-brained scheme to infuse the drinks with vodka, and how the two cretins were caught and kicked out of the concert.

Knowing how to be discrete, Kate allowed Travis to make his way back to the motel across the road from the music festival, then casually followed so she did not attract attention to herself. Knocking on the door of Travis's motel room, Kate slipped inside, took off her shoes and sat next to Travis on the bed.

"So this is nicer than the tent or that old van you and Davo drive around in," said Kate, trying to get herself excited.

"Yeah it is," agreed Travis, likewise trying to build his excitement at something he had been looking forward to and like Kate failing. A smile came across his handsome face. "But what did we do in both those places on the camping trip?"

He and Kate kissed on the lips, then began to French-kiss. Normally, Kate would have felt like her pussy was on fire and the white cotton saddle of her panties get damp and sticky but nothing. She stayed dry as dry between her legs, and might as well have been in church. Travis would normally have had the elastic of his underpants tested by the stretching of his erection, but today his cock stayed dormant.

Kate and Travis kissed harder and deeper, but again nothing happened, both puzzled at how they had shared so much passion just over a week ago and how it was all gone now. Kate moved a hand to Travis's groin, massaging his dick through his shorts and underpants, with Travis stroking Kate's enormous E-cup breasts through her shirt and bra. His finger lingered on Kate's left nipple, expecting to feel it get hard through the fabric but nothing happened. Kate likewise expected to feel Travis's erection expand as she massaged his groin but this did not happen; he had no erection at all. He looked at Kate's bare feet; as a lover of feet this surely would do it for him. Again, nothing.

Travis and Kate took their hands off each other. "This isn't working for me," said Kate.

Travis nodded. "Me either."

"What's wrong with us?" pondered Kate.

Travis shrugged. "I don't know. On the camping trip, everything worked. Here - nothing."

"Maybe it's one of those vacation romance things?" suggested Kate. "I've never had a holiday romance before, I've always had a boyfriend ..."

"You have a boyfriend?" asked Travis, shock on his face.

Kate quickly clarified the situation. "No, I mean my ex-boyfriend, Neil. We broke up before senior year, he was pretty boring really. I don't have a boyfriend now, I'd never cheat." As soon as she spoke, the image of Brett came into her mind. She and Brett were definitely not girlfriend and boyfriend, and their hook-ups for casual sex completely secret, but Brett had been very keen to change this and for them to be an actual couple.

Thoughts ran through Kate's mind, and she pondered what she was doing here with Travis. The instinct of the Wilson family were to find the right one and marry them. Her parents had met at high school and been together ever since, and John and Samantha were childhood sweethearts. Dylan obviously was the exception, but this was his own fault for being such an obnoxious little pest who hung out with losers. This was what Kate wanted, a stable relationship and in Brett this was obvious. Travis was one of the nicest guys she had ever met but he was only visiting America, and by the end of fall would be back in Australia. A long distance relationship, for example if he lived somewhere in a neighboring state would be possible, but Melbourne Australia was just too far.

"Actually, there is this one guy," said Kate. "And what I tell you is in confidence ..."

"Of course," said Travis. The young man had had similar thoughts to Kate. What Travis wanted was to find and marry a nice girl and settle down in the suburbs of Melbourne and raise a family. If Kate also lived in Melbourne she would have been perfect, but unfortunately Kate lived the entire span of the Pacific Ocean and all of the entire United States of America away.

"He's a friend of my brother," said Kate. "His name is Brett. We've sort of had a secret thing going, not boyfriend and girlfriend obviously, but when we got back from vacation last week he was talking about getting more serious and becoming a couple. I've been thinking about it a lot, and I want to try and make it work with Brett. I'm sorry, Travis, I feel like I've led you on ..."

Travis smiled, showing that he didn't feel upset about it. "No Kate, don't worry about it. I think we might be better off as friends anyway, I mean Melbourne is a long way from Pennsylvania ..."

"Yes," said Kate. "I'll never forget what happened on the camping vacation in the Pine Barrens though. We really had some good times there."

"Yeah, we did," agreed Travis, remembering the amazing things they had done together, keeping it all a secret from Kate's parents and brothers. "If you really like Brett and want to make it work, I'm really happy for you."

"I do like him," said Kate. "And I'm sure you'll meet the right girl for you."

"Yes, when we get back to Australia," said Travis. "I'm not like Davo, he just wants to screw any girl who catches his attention. I just want to find a nice girl to spend my life with. Your brother John is very lucky, meeting Samantha when they were so young."

Kate nodded. "Yes, John and Samantha are childhood sweethearts, inseparable and always there for each other."

"I couldn't help noticing a photograph at your house when we were there for lunch," said Travis. "It was when you were kids, you and Dylan were about ten, and John and Samantha were about twelve. I saw Samantha had no eyebrows and was wearing a head scarf. She looked so unwell."

"Samantha got cancer at that age, and the chemotherapy made her very sick," said Kate. "It was terrible and so sad, but I always remember how John was always there for her when things were so bad. I admire him so much for that, and Samantha too for her bravery. If things were bad for John, I know that Samantha would stick right by him no matter what."

"I wish I could meet a girl like Samantha," said Travis, filled with admiration for the wonderful young woman and all she had been through.

Kate smiled. "Trust me Travis, you'll meet her. If things had been different, who knows it could have been me?"

"Yeah maybe," agreed Travis, before he and Kate got to their feet and Kate slid her shoes back on, the pair hugging and kissing, but definitely on the cheek and definitely as friends.

"I think I might head off to see Brett," said Kate. "This concert is pretty boring."

Travis and Kate exited the motel room. "Yeah, it's not the most interesting thing ever," Travis agreed.

Kate smiled. "I think there's somebody who wants to make your evening a little more interesting. A certain young Latina who goes by the name Isabella."

Travis grinned and blushed. "Is she always like that?"

"Not usually so friendly, normally she's a total bitch," said Kate. "But if I were you, I think I'd be having some fun tonight."

"I'll keep that in mind," smiled Travis, as he and Kate parted company with a platonic kiss on the cheek.

Kate walked through the crowds looking for her twin brother. She expected to find Dylan with those losers Kenny and Wayne and that she would be subjected to at least one tit joke when she approached them, but to her astonishment Dylan was sitting and talking with Erin, the girl from their year group who had always suffered digestive problems.

The puzzled Kate watched her brother and Erin talking, Dylan not registering her presence until Kate spoke. "Dylan?"

Dylan sighed deeply and looked at his sister. "What Kate?" he asked dismissively, not happy at the interruption.

"I'm leaving now," said Kate. "I'm taking the car."

"Yeah, and that's interesting how?" Dylan asked.

"Are you and Kenny and Wayne okay to get home?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Dylan's rude response and the arrogant way he waved away his twin sister did nothing to endear him to Kate.

"Nice talking to you Dylan," Kate said sarcastically, before turning and leaving.

"Siblings, they're a pain in the butt, aren't they?" Dylan said.

"Yeah," agreed Erin. "Now what were we talking about?"

Dylan paused, looking puzzled. "I don't remember, thanks to my sister interrupting."

"My mom and my stepfather are out for the evening," said Erin. "My house is walking distance from here. Why don't we go back there for a while? There must be something more interesting we can do there than here."

Dylan's ears pricked up and his heart raced. Was Erin inviting him back to her place for something special? Maybe, or maybe not. It didn't appear too good to be overly keen and presumptive, but if he didn't go, he would never know."

"Okay, thanks Erin," said Dylan, walking alongside his new friend and wondering what interesting things might happen at the Green house. It was definitely better than sitting around listening to immature jokes by Wayne and Kenny that was for sure.


Kenny and Wayne had made the long trek up to the farm on their skateboards, but to their dismay the horny horse with an eye for bovines as well as other equines had been locked in its stall for the evening. Despite several large signs that read 'No Trespassing' and 'Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted' Wayne and Kenny climbed over the fence and around the stables looking for a way to release the horse and watch and film its amorous behavior. They were attempting to pick the lock when they caught sight of movement and saw the farmer's son, a big muscular guy about the same size as the Pacific Islander they had pissed off at the concert and took off in the direction of the farmhouse in case he saw them. Then they saw another problem, a large dog and were forced to go in another direction closer to the farmhouse to avoid the dog, Kenny and Wayne hiding behind a fence.

At the farmhouse, a plumbing crisis was being attended to. The toilet had blocked up, and the farmer and his wife were trying to fix it. The farmer, a man as big as his son, had taken off the lid of the septic tank and was attempting to clear a blockage in the main drain, while his wife worked inside with a plunger. This was a matter of urgency to their 19-year-old daughter Tegan, a pretty blonde wearing a peaked cap, check shirt and overalls who stood with her legs crossed and her butt cheeks pressed together.

"Mom, Daddy is the toilet okay yet?" Tegan asked, desperation clear in her face and voice.

"Should be, but we'll just make sure," said the farmer. "Berta, I'll go outside and stand by the septic tank and when you hear me shout, flush it."

"Right you are, Leroy," said the farmer's wife.

The farmer made his way to the open septic tank, breathing through his nose at the smelly contents and kept his eye on the drain. "Okay Berta!" he shouted.

Berta flushed the toilet, seeing the water swirl down and clear straight away. "Okay at this end, Leroy!"

The farmer watched as the stream of water went into the septic tank. "Okay at this end too!" he called back.

In the house, Berta turned to her desperate daughter. "It's okay now Tegan, you can go to the bathroom."

"Thank you so much, Mom," said Tegan. She ran for the toilet as fast as her bare feet would carry her, slammed and locked the door. Tearing at her overall straps, Tegan pulled them down followed by her white full brief panties then sat on the toilet. Tegan farted hard on the toilet, her bowels releasing a tidal wave of smelly yellow-brown diarrhea that went everywhere in the bowl. Tegan reached for some toilet paper and wiped her dirty anus, then farted again and even more shit came out of her bowels.

Outside, her father was about to put the cover back on the septic tank, unaware that two metal-heads definitely not welcome on the property were hiding behind a bush. Kenny and Wayne were about to try and sneak away when they stopped short, seeing a huge dog staring at them. It was a different breed of dog to the first one they had seen but just as large, and it was soon it was joined by the first dog.

Kenny and Wayne looked at the dogs, the dogs looked at Kenny and Wayne and bared their teeth, growling and snarling ferociously at the terrified slackers. From his position, the farmer heard the dogs growling. "What the heck is going on?" he asked.

"Nice dogs," Wayne said nervously as the dogs began to bark and ran at the two metal-heads.

"Shit!" yelled Kenny and Wayne, running in the opposite direction, Wayne dropping the video camera as he did so. Their path took them past the astonished farmer, who could only watch in amazement as first Wayne and then Kenny went flying at the open septic tank, falling in and landing in the excrement face-down.

"Shit!" yelled Kenny and Wayne again, both covered in feces and other waste. The dogs stopped at the edge of the septic tank, barking and growling. The farmer also stood at the open septic tank, looking down at the two trespassers with a solemn expression.

"Leroy, what's going on out here?" called Berta, the farmer's wife running out of the house and stopping short at the bizarre sight of Kenny and Wayne in the septic tank covered in shit. The farmer's son also came running over, having heard the commotion.

"Dad, what's up, is it burglars?" the son wanted to know, before he stopped short and stared in amazement at the two teenagers in the septic tank.

In the bathroom, Tegan had just about completed her visit to the toilet. The young woman got more toilet paper to finishing wiping herself clean, then stood up pulled up her panties and overalls and flushed the toilet. The toilet was close enough for everyone to hear it flush, including Kenny and Wayne who looked in horror at the pipe, before a rush of dirty water saturated them with Tegan's diarrhea and dirty toilet paper, the farming family watching in amazement as their daughter/sister's feces went all over the two morons.

"Shit!" yelled Kenny and Wayne, unable to think of anything more to say in their current situation.

Tegan washed her hands and emerged. "I feel so much better now, thanks for fixing the toilet," she called as she approached, before she stopped short, seeing two young men in the septic tank covered in her excrement and the crap that was already in the tank.

The farmer turned to his son. "Billy Ray, go and get the gun. Berta, call the cops."

Billy Ray looked into the septic tank at Kenny and Wayne, who looked back at them. Billy Ray cracked his knuckles, pointed at Wayne and Kenny then punched his own hand, the sound echoing.

Wayne and Kenny looked at each other. "Shit!" they both lamented.


Dylan of course had no idea what Kenny and Wayne were doing, nor did he care. At Erin Green's house, he was on her bed making out with her, the first time he had ever made out with a girl like this. Dylan's erection was throbbing, and Erin felt the bulge in his shorts, her pussy getting wet in her panties.

"Let's get undressed," Erin suggested, keen to have a cock inserted in her vagina for the first time, and having taken one of the condoms used by her mother and stepfather in anticipation of this.

Dylan likewise was keen to put his penis into a girl's vagina for the first time, and he never would have guessed it would be Erin's vagina.

Erin removed her shoes and dress, the teenager now barefoot and wearing her bra and panties, Dylan's cock rising further at the sight of Erin's cute panties - white full brief panties with little cartoon animals on them, and with a bulging groin, took off his tee-shirt, shorts and undies leaving him naked.

Dylan's cock was not impressive, but the inexperienced Erin knew it was going into her box and this turned the eager virgin on no end.

She unhooked her bra and removed it, freeing her breasts, then took down her panties and stepping her bare feet out of them, Dylan staring at Erin's very hairy pussy, able to smell it as she jumped onto the bed and sat with her legs apart, showing off her vagina.

Dylan knelt beside her, feeling so over excited that he might burst. After more foreplay, Erin jerking Dylan off and playing with his balls, she had put the condom on his dick and lay back, spreading her legs wide apart and waiting for Dylan to enter her.

Dylan did just this, inserting his condom-covered dick up Erin's virginal vagina. His heart was racing as he did so. Pushing deep into Erin he felt his orgasm coming and cum Dylan did, his condom capturing the semen as his climax came precisely 10 seconds after entering.

"Fuck yeah, that was awesome!" exclaimed Dylan triumphantly, withdrawing from Erin and removing his condom, leaving the very dissatisfied girl lying on the bed with her legs apart and finding it hard to believe that her first time had lasted just 10 seconds thanks to a very premature ejaculation.

"Yeah," said Erin flatly, peeved that Dylan was basking in his own triumph and not considering her own feelings and desires.

She rolled over to her side, feeling Dylan touching her bare bottom.

Dylan, still disbelieving that he had fucked a girl, was full of himself. "At least you didn't fart while we were having sex like you farted in class that time."

Erin turned to face him, very unimpressed. "Why would you bring that up? Why Dylan?"

"Because it's funny," said Dylan.

"It isn't funny, not at all," snapped Erin peevishly.

"Okay then, I won't talk about it," said Dylan. Still basking in his triumph, diminutive Dylan felt like a Greek God. "Hey, this was fun tonight? Didn't you have fun?"

"Yeah, so much fun," mumbled Erin sarcastically, still finding it hard to believe that she had given away her virginity to this immature loser.

"Next time your parents are out, call me and I can come and fuck you again. How would you like that?'

"Swell," said Erin, Dylan's over-inflated ego meaning that he did not hear Erin's sarcasm in her reply.


Thanks to greater sexual experience, a more generous nature and a better knowledge of action and human reaction, Dylan's twin had enjoyed a much better evening with Brett.

As soon as Brett had taken off Kate's white E-cup bra and her white full brief panties, exposing her massive tits and forest like bush of pubic hair, Kate had put a condom on Brett's dick and the two had shared a passionate and sensual evening together making love in Brett's bed for the first time as a proper boyfriend and girlfriend rather than the fuck buddies they had previously been, meeting up only for casual sex.