Transformations - Naughty vs. Nice Ch. 02


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"So, you're okay with your girlfriend staying overnight in a house full of strangers?" Loretta asked as she and Willy walked through the snow toward the lodge. There was a soft glow behind the mountains to the east.

Willy nodded. "Yeah, Honey can take care of herself. I'm happy just knowing she's safe and warm."

"You guys have some kind of open relationship?"

"Umm, I guess you could say that."

Loretta shook her head. "I never understood the whole 'swinger' thing - I mean, I'm not exactly a nun..."

"Really? You're not?" Willy asked with a grin.

Loretta wouldn't look him in the eye. Despite being built like Atlas, he had that boyish charm and if she looked in those eyes she might be tempted. "I like a good time - which sounds kind of pathetic when you're twenty-eight and still working a dead end job..."

"It doesn't sound pathetic at all. And being in the ski patrol isn't a dead end job. You help people..."

"Oh, please. Most of the time I just guide drunks away from our only black diamond run."

"And help track frozen girls through blizzards."

"My good deed for the day and I will reward myself with pancakes." She looked at her watch. "In about an hour and a half, that is - restaurant doesn't open till 7:00 AM."

They stepped into the lobby.

"In that case, would you like to come up to my room? We can talk for a while," Willy said.

She looked up at him. "I... look. I really like you, I do. And it's not as if I have an aversion to sleeping with strange men."

"I'm not strange. Am I?"

"You're the tallest human being I ever met, and I think you could juggle The Rock and Arnold Schwarzenegger - yes, Willy, you are strange. In a lot of nice ways."

"Good morning, Loretta," the receptionist said as they passed by the desk.

Loretta looked at her. "Dinah? Didn't you work all day yesterday?"

The woman's eyes looked hollow. "Holidays. I need the extra hours."

"You okay?"

Dinah nodded and she smiled like a department store mannequin. "Yes, just dandy."

Loretta kept looking over her shoulder at Dinah as she followed Willy to the elevator. "That's really odd."

"How so?" Willy asked.

"Dinah. She never works extra shifts. She's a real homebody."

"Well, I think the hours are getting to her. Earlier, she asked me if I was looking for Santa." Willy said.


"My reaction exactly," Willy said. "Now stop changing the subject. Loretta, I just want to talk to you. No strings. No sex."

She smiled. "What if I want sex?"

Willy smiled and shrugged. "We can see what develops."

The elevator doors opened, and Willy stepped inside. "Coming?"

She narrowed her eyes and smirked. "Yeah. Okay." She stepped in and the doors shut. "You're probably a serial killer or something."

"If I were a serial killer, wouldn't I have taken an axe to you out there?"

"Hmm, maybe you left your axe in your room?"

Willy thought about this for a moment. "You're right. You got me. I have an axe in my room."

Loretta sighed. "I knew it."

She breathed in. Something in the elevator smelled... wonderful. Loretta felt herself growing warm and woozy.

Willy steadied her by taking her hand. "Uh, oh. Sorry. Confined space."

"I... geez, I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm not someone who normally faints like this."

"Long night. Powerful kush?"

"Those fuckers laced that shit with something. I'll probably wake up in the morning and find out it was LSD and you're a bear. That's it, isn't it? I spent all night walking through the woods with a bear."

Willy leaned down. "I'm not a bear."

"All the bears say that when I've dropped acid."

"You've never dropped acid."

"No, I haven't... wait, how do you know that?"

"I'm psychic."

"Oh. You're a psychic bear." She smiled up at him. "With the greenest eyes I've ever seen."

"They're gray, actually."

She tried to focus on his face. "I'm high as shit."

Willy laughed. "No, not really. You're just tired and turned on."

Loretta smiled. "Definitely."

The elevator doors opened, and Loretta's head cleared a little.

She followed Willy down the hall.

She hadn't really noticed his butt until now. Why hadn't she noticed it? It was round and muscular. She had an urge to reach out and pinch it.

Willy opened the door to his room and ushered her inside.

Then he went to the window and opened it.

"Are you crazy?! It's freezing out there!" Loretta said.

"I'll turn up the heat. Trust me, you need fresh air."

The cold air hitting her face cleared her head even more.

"I apologize for the effect I had on you in the elevator. Lots of men like me use it to take advantage of anyone they want. I don't do that."

"Use what to take advantage?"

"Pheromones." He reached down to the heater below the window and turned it on. The room was filled with the steady thrum of the fan forced heat.

Willy took off his parka and Loretta stared at his V shaped torso.

He caught her looking as he turned around.

She blushed. "I... really am high. That was hours ago. I can't understand why I'd still be messed up."

Willy shook his head as he sat down on the end of the bed. "It wasn't the pot. Is your head starting to clear now?"

She was looking at his hands. They were huge. She wondered if everything else was in proportion...

He burst out laughing. "Actually, yes."

She blushed. "Wait... how did you?"

"I told you I was psychic."

She rolled her eyes. "Ha ha, very funny."

He smiled at her. "In the hall, you were looking at my butt. When I took off my parka you were looking at my chest..."

"That just says you're observant, not psychic." I am not sleeping with him, she thought. No matter how charming he is.

"I don't expect you to. And thank you for finding me charming." He stared into her eyes.

Loretta's mouth dropped open. "No, wait... you couldn't."

"Believe me, I can. Most men like me have a little psychic ability - I ended up with more than most."

"Men like you? I've never met a man like you."

"Probably not. There aren't a lot of us around... yet."

She laughed and shook her head. "What are you talking about?"

"I want to tell you a story..."


"Did you do this to me?" Brenda asked as she lay cradled in Carter's arms.

"No, no I didn't. I don't know how any of this is even possible," Carter whispered.

"But it's exactly like what happened to you with Madison Fuchs..."

He shook his head. "It took days for me to change, Brenda. Not... this."

Brenda stretched beside him. The breasts were a major change but, once she got past that, the rest of the changes were just as impressive.

Her stomach was flat and toned, her waist cinched in. Her hips didn't hurt and seemed to be smaller than before.

The achondroplasia had made her legs slightly bowed, but now they were straight and a little longer. She had gone from 3' 10" to 4' 2" - still a little person but four inches of growth overnight was impossible.

And there was no pain in any of her joints, not a single twinge. Pain had been her constant companion throughout her life and multiple operations. Now it was a distant memory.

If not for the fear she had some bizarre form of cancer, she might be happy.

Brenda shook her head. "It has to be related. Maybe it's some sort of virus." She reached down between her legs and idly stroked her clit.

Carter laughed. "Brenda, what are you doing?"

"I... oh!" She jerked her fingers away. "It's just... I need..."

"Shh," he whispered and kissed her. Then he trailed kisses down her body, stopping finally between her thighs.

"Oh, fuck, yes!"

His lips and tongue played with her newly more sensitive bits.

They would need to figure out what was going on... later.

She tangled her fingers in his hair and pushed him hard against her pussy as he laughed and ate her out.


"Are you hungry?" Patricia asked as she stared at the bound blonde.

"I'm starving," Honey said. Her eye was purple and black from Patricia's right hook.

"I wasn't talking to you," Patricia growled.

Drew sat at the kitchen table. He was wearing a pair of latex gloves they used for washing dishes and looking at one of the blue capsules. "It looks like normal plastic, but it isn't. It's porous and there's an adhesive in the pores that evidently only bonds to human skin."

"Drew? Are you hungry?"

"Hmm? No, thank you. Honey? You said it won't stick to the transformed. How does it know?"

She shrugged. "I dunno."

Drew sighed. "I really wish they had briefed you on this a little more. Or, sent someone who isn't..."

"Dumb? Is that what you were going to say?" Honey asked.

Drew shook his head. "No, Honey. I don't think you're dumb. You just aren't technical."

"Fuck, Drew, stop being so goddamned nice to her," Patricia said.

Honey began to sob quietly. "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?"

"You maimed me!"

"I made you even prettier."

"You're an idiot..."

"No I am not! Willy says all the Street Whores are smart in some way. We're geniuses. Like I can take things apart and put them back together again and sometimes when I put them back together again they work better than they did before..."

Drew took a knife and pressed it against the surface of the capsule.

Honey glared at him. "Just like I know that knife won't cut through the capsule 'cause the molecules in the polymer are specially aligned so the outer skin is tough as diamonds. The little robot has to cut through from the inside to get out - you'll break every knife in the drawer before you crack that lattice."

Patricia and Drew stared at each other.

"What? It's elementary molecular mechanics. I thought you were some kind of professor?"

Drew cocked his head sideways as he set the knife down. "Honey, what can you tell me about the little robot inside?"

"Not much. It's an autonomous mechanism that looks like a single entity, but it's actually constructed of millions of nano particles that break apart when they enter the body and then distribute themselves throughout the host. The particles are specialized to affect changes throughout the body. The neurological nanobots tie into Wi-Fi or cellular to complete the programming of the transformed by making a connection to our AI, SlutzNet. SlutzNet then reprograms the mind of the transformed." She shrugged. "Other than that, I don't know nothin'."

Drew began to laugh. "You don't know nothing at all, huh?"


Patricia looked at Drew. "I'm glad you find this amusing."

"Come here," he said and held out his hand.

Patricia walked over to him, and he took her hand. He guided her onto his lap. "I'm sorry this happened to you but, Patricia, this system is amazing. This is medical technology that's decades ahead of anything we have. If this was used for good? It could be used to cure every disease known to man."

"Can it be undone?"

"Maybe. But at least we know why you weren't 're-programmed' - the Wi-Fi and cellular are down. It wasn't able to connect to this AI of theirs."

She gasped. "God, Drew, what happens if the internet comes back on?"

"Honey? I know you don't know anything about how all this works, but do you have any idea how long the nanobots are active inside the host?"

Honey shrugged. "Only a couple of hours, then the host's immune system attacks them like they were an infection and flushes them out through the kidneys."

Drew whispered. "She doesn't even realize she's a genius - I mean this Willy told her she is but she isn't even conscious of the fact she's reasoned all this out."

"My eye hurts," Honey whimpered. "You really hit me hard."

Drew looked up at Patricia.

"Don't look at me like that," Patricia said. "She did this to me!"

Drew continued to stare.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Patricia got to her feet and went to Honey's chair. "Let me see."

She sniffled and turned her face up to Patricia.

"You'll be fine," Patricia said. The venom had left her voice. "I'll get you a Tylenol."

"That won't work but thank you anyway. Willy says our metabolism is too fast for human drugs. Could you just let me see my face in my mirror?" Honey asked.

Patricia turned and got a small mirror out of Honey's purse.

She held the mirror up so Honey could see her eye.

"That's a real shiner," Patricia said.

Honey stared into the mirror. The bruise slowly faded away.

"How the hell are you doing that?" Patricia asked.

"Oh, my electronic makeup. It's little dot things under my skin. See, watch."

They gasped as Honey's eye shadow cycled through different hues. Her lips changed to match.

Then her hair went from light blonde to jet black.

"Jesus," Drew said.

"But Willy likes it blonde just like the day we met." Her hair went back to light blonde with pink eye shadow and bright, glossy pink lips and nails.

Honey frowned and looked down at her feet. "Eye still hurts though."

Patricia sighed. "I'm sorry."

Honey looked up and smiled from ear to ear. "I accept your apology! We can be friends again!"

Patricia almost laughed. "Honey, you can't do this to people. You can't go around transforming people like this."


"It... I didn't give you permission. You didn't ask me, you just did it."

"That's wrong, Honey," Drew said.

"But... I don't understand. Don't you want to be beautiful and happy forever?"

"Well, yes, I suppose but it should have been my decision to make..."

Honey frowned and nodded. "That's what Willy always says. He says if we just gave people the choice a lot would choose to be transformed. Nobody would have to get mad."

"Honey, what's going to happen when Willy comes back for you?" Drew asked.

"We're all going to leave. All of the transformed. We're all going to go back to Havana and the unbound will go to the auction..."

"What?!" Patricia said.

"The auction... if you aren't bound, you have to be sold to a Whore Master or White Witch. That's how it works. That's why Drew should be a Whore Master so you two can be together forever like me and Willy."

Drew looked at Patricia. "Don't worry. We stopped her. We can stop him."

Honey giggled.

"What's so funny?" Patricia asked.

"You can't stop Willy, he's like a giant." Honey said. Then she looked toward the doorway to the living room. "Even bigger than him."

"Jesus," Drew said as he stared at what Honey was looking at.

Patricia turned and looked as well.

Richie stood in the doorway with his arm around Gina.

His clothes no longer fit. He was wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves split up the side to accommodate his enhanced muscles. He was taller and the shirt didn't reach the waistband of his jeans - jeans that looked ready to burst. The top button was undone.

Gina looked like a doll in his arms - a six foot tall doll with breasts as big as Honey's. Her lips were pouty, full and red and her eyes looked huge. She wore one of Richie's shirts with a belt around the waist.

"Aren't they super cute?" Honey whispered.


"Coolest guy I've ever met and you're a total loon," Loretta said.

Willy just smiled. He didn't expect her to believe him about the Church of Morpheus and the transformed. Few people ever did. "You don't believe me?"

"That you're some kind of superman made in a laboratory, and you have mind control powers? No, Willy, I don't. You're going to have to prove that to me..."

"You believe everything I just said," Willy said as he stared intently into her eyes and pushed the truth into her head.

She staggered back as if she had been struck.

"Fuck! Oh, fuck! How did you do that?"

He held out his hands. "Don't be afraid. I will not hurt you."

"I know you won't, it's just... wait, how do I know you won't hurt me?"

Willy smiled. "I've only used mind control on you twice... well, three times now. Once so you wouldn't be afraid of me when we were looking for Honey and then I made you fall asleep long enough for me to talk to Honey at the house. And, just now so you would know what I told you was true."

"You... you can make me believe anything." She was backing toward the door.

"Yes. Yes, I can but I won't do that, Loretta. I won't lie to you, other Whore Masters and White Witches can and will twist your mind to make you do what they want. I won't do that." He smiled. "Believe me, my convictions have gotten me in trouble more than once."

"But, you sent Honey into that house to do just that!"

"Yes. But, Loretta, the Church didn't give us a choice. Just like we can make humans do what we want? The Church can make us do what they want. We do it through mind control and lust, they do it through pain. They would have hurt me and, worse, Honey if we hadn't agreed." Willy shook his head. "She's been through enough pain for one lifetime."

"You want to do that to me, don't you?" Loretta said. "You want to transform me."

"I like you." Willy shook his head and laughed. "No, that's not strong enough. I want you. I feel like you're someone who's supposed to be with us."

"A circus freak with boobs like torpedoes? Pass." She was reaching for the doorknob.

Willy shook his head. "You don't have to be like Honey. She's a Street Whore. There are other classes. I don't want that for you either."

"Are you going to stop me if I try to go out this door?" She was shaking.

"No. No, you can walk away, and I won't follow. But, hear me out first?"

"No! You'll get inside my head."

"I promise I won't. Everything from this point on will be your choice. No tricks."

She had her hand on the doorknob. She closed her eyes and shook her head. "Talk fast."

"Are you happy?"

"What kind of question is that?" She asked.

"Maybe the most important one I can ask. I'm a mind controller but, more importantly? I'm a mind reader. You're like a radio station broadcasting to my receiver. I know you're not happy."

"Yeah, well, your receiver must be faulty because..."

"You stay here because you're afraid that going somewhere else will be worse. You failed once in college and now you're terrified of failing again. You're depressed and you go from guy to guy and, yes, girl to girl looking for something that's real. You're not an addict but you dull the pain of what you see as a meaningless existence every weekend with booze and weed and casual sex." He gave her a weak smile. "How's my receiver? Still faulty?"

She paled and stared at him. "Fuck you, Willy."

"You're not alone, Loretta. Loneliness is universal." He smiled at her. "Now, what if I told you it didn't have to be? What if I told you that you could belong. You could be part of something that, ninety percent of the time, was kind of wonderful? That you could be immortal, never get old, never get sick? You could take chances with your life because there is time to make mistakes, all the time in the world. And the whole time you're taking those chances? You'll never be lonely. You'd have me and Honey and every other member of Whore Caste to catch you if you fall. Oh, and on a side note, we're pretty sure we're saving the world."

She bit her lip. "So, that's all you got?"

Willy laughed. "The whole sales pitch."

"Does that usually work for you?"

"Don't know, it's the first time I used it."

"So, as a member of 'Whore' Caste, does that mean I have to be easy?"

Willy nodded. "We are very friendly."

She took a step toward him. "When you say I'd have you and Honey? Does that mean we'd be together?"

"Yes, if you want."

"I... well, this is a big decision."

"I know," Willy said.

"I'm going to need a lot more data to make an informed decision."

Willy stood and began pulling off his shirt. "I thought you might."

She stared at him. "That's... impressive."