Transformations - Sinful Suburbia Ch. 02


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Margaret shook her head. "You're wearing that?"

Stacie frowned and looked over her shoulder. "What's wrong with it?"

"It's... there's nothing wrong, Stacie, it's just... a little much for the mall in broad daylight."

Stacie pursed her lips. "Isn't it a nice mall?"

"Well, yes, I suppose." She looked down at her own clothes. "I just..."

Stacie smiled. "Oh, silly me. We can't both go out both wearing white dresses, they'll think we're in a cult or something." She grabbed Margaret's hand. "Come on upstairs and I'll find you a dress!"

"Huh? No, that's okay..." But, she was being dragged along by the leather clad bombshell.

Stacie's bedroom was immense.

"Wow," Margaret said.

The bed was torn apart, the sheets in disarray.

Stacie laughed. "I... entertained last night."

"Really?" Margaret giggled.

"A man not even half my age," Stacie laughed.

"No! Stacie!"

"What? Weren't you ever a cougar on the prowl?" Stacie asked with a sly smile.

"Certainly not! I'm a married woman."

"You don't know what you're missing. Younger men can go again and again and again. I wore him out."

Margaret put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. "I can't believe we're having this conversation."

They walked into Stacie's closet.

Racks of designer dresses filled three walls.

"Good grief," Margaret said.

"Now, let's see. Not too dark. I'm thinking red."

Margaret looked around the room. Cotton was not Stacie's fabric of choice. She saw silk, she saw formfitting spandex, she saw leather.

And, she saw latex.

Lots of latex.

Stacie searched through a rack and held up a red leather mini dress only slightly less revealing than Stacie's own.

"No. Absolutely not," Margaret said.

"Margaret," Stacie said with a frown.

"No, Stacie. I'm not daring like you or... built like you."

"You're just lacking confidence, that's all. Try it on."

"Don't you have anything more..."

"Boring?" Stacie asked.

"I was going to say more conservative."

"Yes, boring. And, no, I don't. Try it on, or I'll pick a rubber one," Stacie said with an impish smile.

"I cannot wear that. I'm sorry."

"Of course, you can... Maggie," Stacie said.

Margaret's breath caught in her chest. She blinked. What was she doing? Stacie was her best friend, and if Stacie said she should try it on, she should try it on!

Stacie smiled as Margaret unzipped her simple dress and took it off. She folded it neatly and laid it on a walnut cabinet.

Stacie handed her the leather dress.

She unzipped it and stepped into it.

Stacie helped her pull it up.

It encased her hips and pulled up her sides.

"God, I can't breathe!" Margaret gasped.

Stacie giggled. "Hold your breath for a second."

"There's a corset in this thing!"

"Of course, guys like a cinched in waist. Don't you want to be fucked?"

"Stacie!" Margaret exclaimed in terror.

Stacie laughed. "For fuck's sake, Margaret. Breathe out!"

Margaret tried not to suffocate as Stacie pulled the zipper up.

"Okay, breathe."

Margaret laughed. "Oh, my God, I can't believe I'm in this thing!"

"Turn around and look," Stacie said.

She turned around and looked at herself in the mirror.

The hem of the blood red dress ended just below her crotch and the corset took whatever weight there was in her stomach and waist and shoved it into her boobs. "Oh, no. No, no, no. Not happening."

"Happening. Definitely happening," Stacie's reflection winked at her over her shoulder.

"What will people say?"

"They'll say: those are the two hottest bitches in Ithaca."


Tyler McGee, Levi's best friend, sat in Levi's bean bag chair and laughed. "You're fucking lying, you lying motherfucker."

Levi collapsed on his bed. "Dude, I'm telling you, I fucked her half the night."

"A beautiful cougar made a meal out of you. Right, Levi. You know what it is? You haven't fucked since Veronica left. Testosterone poisoning. Your brain is rotting. It's like teenage dementia. Next thing you know, you're gonna think you're Napoleon."

"How the fuck would you know? And, if there was such a thing as Testosterone poisoning? You'd be fucking dead, mister nineteen year old virgin," Levi growled.

"Fuck, dude, that was cold," Tyler said. "Okay, if you're telling the truth? Why aren't we going over there - I mean you said she offered to fuck your friends, and I'm a friend."

"She's not there, she went to the mall with Margaret."

"Right, sure she did. The imaginary cougar went to the mall with your hot stepmom. Convenient," Tyler laughed.

Levi rolled his eyes. "Nothing hot about Margaret."

"Fuck there isn't. I been pounding 'em out for her regularly, dude," Tyler said with a grin.

"Dude, that's my stepmom you're talking about."

"Hey, hot stepmom is not breaking the bro code. Now, if I wanted to do your Mom, that would be a breach of protocol. But, Margaret is fair game for the Tyler charm." He grinned, his fat face gleaming.


Emily di Fuchs woke up at precisely 1:32 PM.

"You are not to touch yourself. Your body now belongs to Mistress Stacie."

"Yes, sir," Emily said as she sat up on the operating table.

Her big boobs blocked her view of the floor.

She reached up and squeezed. Two jets of breast milk sprayed out.

"You were told not to touch yourself," SlutzNet said. "Initiating punishment."

An electric charge surged through her from her clit to both nipples.

Dazed, Emily collapsed back onto the table.

Two robot arms came down from the ceiling. Metal fingers maneuvered stainless steel nipple shields into place. They clamped onto her nips. "These can only be removed by Mistress Stacie."

"Yes, sir." Emily said as she sat back up.

"Please put on your chastity."

Emily watched as an arm descended holding a steel and rubber pair of panties. She took them from the metal hand. She stood up and carefully slipped her feet into the leg holes. "They're too small."

"No. They are the perfect dimensions for your body."

She worked the chastity up her thighs.

The crotch band was tight against her skin. There was a ring in the back that nested between her ass cheeks, exposing her little pucker.

"Your only stimulation will be oral or anal. Your clitoris is completely unreachable. Please close the latch."

Emily pushed the front of the waist band together and it clicked.

"Mistress Stacie has the magnetic key to release your nipple clamps and your chastity. Your mouth and ass are for her pleasure and the pleasure of her guests."

"Yes, sir."

Another arm descended. This one held a French Maid's outfit in black rubber and white lace.

"Get dressed. You are to organize Mistress's closet while she is away."


Men were staring.

Margaret looked at her salad and tried not to make eye contact with the dozens of men who were watching her and Stacie as they sat outside Trawick's Restaurant in the mall.

Margaret had literally begged for them to sit inside as far from the door as possible.

Stacie had merely laughed and led her to the outside seating.

It was a constant struggle to keep the hem of the dress from uncovering her ass or inner thighs.

And, the men smiling at her were hoping for a show.

Stacie seemed oblivious to the attention. She was slicing a rare steak into micro thin strips you could almost see through.

"How can you eat when they're staring at us?" Margaret whispered.

"It's simple. I cut the meat. I transfer it to my mouth." She took another bite of bloody steak. She chewed and then laughed. "Margaret, let them look. They probably think we're lesbian lovers off having a tryst while our husbands are at work."

"Stacie!" Margaret hissed.

Stacie burst out laughing. "How did someone so gorgeous become so uptight?"

"I'm not uptight!"

"Yes, you are. Let the men look. It's fun. Watch." She shrugged her shoulders and turned at the waist. Stacie stretched her back, thrusting out her huge tits and turning so that the dress gapped slightly.

A man walking past ran straight into a shop window and bounced off rubbing his nose.

Once he had walked a few yards away, Stacie giggled. "Now, you try."

"No. I think we should go home."

Stacie turned and looked over her shoulder. "See that young man with red hair looking at you?"

"Yes, among others," Margaret said dismally.

"Spread your legs and show him your panties."

Margaret gasped. "I most certainly will not!"

"Come on, what will it hurt? He's cute, he doesn't know you from Adam. He gets a thrill and you get to have someone lust after you. Go on. Flash him." Stacie licked her lips and smiled.

"No. I think it's time to go home." Margaret started to get up. She'd had enough. There was something seriously wrong with her new friend.

"Sit down... Maggie."

Margaret sat down. "I... what?"

"Maggie, I want you to flash the young man with red hair. I want you to spread your legs and let him have a nice long look. Do you understand, Maggie?" Stacie said.

Margaret blinked. She looked at the man with red hair. He kept looking her way and smiling.

What would it hurt? He was handsome and interested. Why not have some fun?

"Do you think? I mean, should I?"

Stacie took her hand. "Show him your panties, Maggie."

Margaret bit her lower lip. She smiled at the man with red hair.

She slowly parted her thighs.

He stopped smiling, his gaze focused on her crotch.

"Wider, Maggie," Stacie breathed. "He wants to fuck you. I'll bet he has a huge cock. Wider."

Margaret felt the leather creeping up her thighs. She was breathing hard.

"That's right, Maggie. Show him more."

"I... other people might see."

"Let them."

"Oh, God, don't make me do this."

"Maggie, relax. Spread your legs wider."

Anyone sitting in front of her could see her lace panties.

"Maggie, you love having people look at you. It makes you feel wanted. It makes you feel loved. Now, reach down and slide the crotch of your panties to the side."

"No!" Margaret moaned.

"Maggie, I said reach down and slide your panties to the side. Now," Stacie commanded.

Margaret reached down and gently slid the crotch of her panties to the side, revealing her pussy to the red haired man.

He watched her and smiled.

Behind him, two other men were smiling as well.

One of them mouthed the word: Slut.

She closed her thighs quickly and turned away. "What... did I do?"

Stacie smiled around a mouthful of steak. "That was hot, Margaret. Very, very hot."

Margaret was blushing bright red.

She looked up to see the red haired man standing beside their table.

He smiled down at her and handed her a slip of paper. Then he nodded and walked away without saying a word.

She watched him go and then opened the paper.

'You're very beautiful' was written in flowing letters. Below that was a phone number.

"Oh, God, what have I done?" She started to crumple the paper.

Stacie snatched it out of her hand. "Oh, no you don't. He was cute." She put it in her purse.


"Why are we doing this?" Tyler asked as Levi led the way to Stacie's house.

"To prove I've been in the fucking house."

"Doesn't mean you fucked her," Tyler laughed.

"She's got some kind of Alexa thing on her front door. It talks. Maybe I can ask it if I was there last night until almost dawn. That satisfy you, fuckface?"


"Fuck you, man."

They went around the hedges and past the pool.

"Sheesh, fancy digs, man," Tyler said.

They went around to the front door.

"Mister Kent, welcome back," the door said.

"Hey, what time was I here until last night?" Levi asked.

"You left the house at 3:45 AM," the computer answered.

"Ha, see?" Levi said triumphantly.

"So, you left here at 3:45, which is weird I grant you, but that doesn't necessarily mean you fucked her..."

"Mr. Kent and Miss Fuchs had sex in her bathtub at approximately 2:05 AM," the robot voice said.

Tyler's eyes bugged out.

Levi thrust his fist in the air. "Fucking A, I did!" He leaned down and grinned in Tyler's face.

"How'd you get it to say that?" Tyler asked.

"Fuck! You mean you still don't believe me?" Levi laughed.

The front door opened. "Would you gentlemen care to come inside?"

Both boys stared at the open door.

"Is... that okay?" Levi asked.

"Mistress Stacie left instructions that you be admitted into the house whenever you wish."

"Cool," Levi said as he led the way into the foyer.

"Damn," Tyler whispered as he looked around the extravagant interior. "Your sugar momma has good taste."

"Now you believe me?" Levi asked as he turned toward Tyler.

Tyler shrugged. "The preponderance of evidence is overwhelming, dude."

Tyler went pale as he looked past Levi. "Dude..."

Levi turned.

A tall platinum blonde dressed in a rubber French maid outfit was coming down the stairs. Her boobs were huge, and she was walking in latex ballet boots.

The boots forced her to walk on her toes and the long stiletto heels as she descended.

Her posture was stick straight, enforced by a high rubber collar that kept her neck immobilized.

"Emily, please see to Mistress's guests," the computer voice said from somewhere in the ceiling.

"Yes, sir." She smiled sweetly and curtsied, displaying her long supple thighs.

"Jesus," Tyler whispered.

"I can serve soft drinks in the living room, if you like, Master Levi," Emily said.

"You know my name?" Levi asked.

"Of course, you are one of Mistress Stacie's lovers."


"Please destroy that slip of paper," Margaret begged as Stacie drove them back from the mall.

"I most certainly will not," Stacie said. "Mark my words, in a day or so, you'll want to call him."

"Stacie! I'm married! God, what have I done? I exposed myself in the middle of the mall," she said as she covered her face with her hands.

"So what if you're married? Antiquated concept anyway."

"Spoken like a true single person."

"A happy single person. How often do you have sex? Once a month? Less?"

"I'll have you know I had sex with Abe just last night. It was beautiful and very satisfying."

Stacie laughed. "Yeah, it sounds hot."

"It was."

Stacie smiled mischievously. "But?"


"I hear a little uncertainty in your voice."

"No, you don't."

"Maggie, tell me what's wrong."

"I thought about Levi while I fucked his father." She slapped her hand over her mouth. "What?! Why did I say that?!"

Stacie smirked. "There it is. There's the 'but'... Nasty girl! I approve."

Margaret shook her head. "Why did I tell you that? Why? There was no reason for me to tell you that."

"Don't be silly, Margaret. I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything," Stacie said sweetly.

"I barely know you..."

"Maggie, I'm your best friend."

Margaret blinked hard. "Yes... yes, you are my best friend."

"And, you can talk to me. No judgment, Maggie."

Margaret sighed. "It was so strange. It was like the thought of his... his cock just came into my mind, and I couldn't get it to stop. Afterwards..." She trailed off.

Stacie grinned. "Afterwards?"

Margaret swallowed hard. "I... went in his room." She bit her lower lip. "He was naked under his sheet... God, why am I telling you this?"

"Relax, Maggie. Just get it all out," Stacie grinned as she said it.

"It looked so... big. Under the sheet," Margaret whispered.

"Your husband is small, isn't he?" Stacie asked.

"Certainly not as big as that lump under Levi's sheet. God... and then..."

"And then?! You mean there's more?" Stacie licked her lips.

"I went down the hall and got a pair of his boxers out of the laundry. And, I... I masturbated with them."

"You slut!" Stacie laughed.

"Don't make fun, Stacie. It was awful."

Stacie rolled her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. Your husband can't satisfy you, and you just realized there's a stud in the house with the proper equipment to do the job right. No wonder you flashed that guy at the mall."

"You made me do that!" Margaret cried.

"Made you? Don't be silly. What? Did I hypnotize you and turn you into an exhibitionist lusting after her stepson?"

"No... God, am I just so frustrated that I'm going over the deep end?"

"Are you horny?" Stacie asked.

"God, yes. I'm soaking wet."

Stacie turned left and then pulled back onto the main road going in the opposite direction.

"Where are we going? Not back to the mall, please, Stacie."

Stacie laughed. "No. Someplace else. I think you're going to really like it."


Levi and Tyler followed the sex goddess in black rubber and white lace into the living room. Her hips swiveled as she walked.

Tyler gave up trying not to stare. His eyes moved from the long thighs up past the ridiculously ruffled skirt to the narrow waist. "You... umm, work for Miss Fuchs."

"Yes," Emily said without looking back.

Tyler poked Levi in the ribs and whispered, "Dude, how can she walk in those ballet boots?"

"It took me a few minutes to get the hang of them," Emily answered as she turned and motioned toward the couch. "Please have a seat and I will bring soda." She looked at Levi. "Regular cola for you." Then she looked at Tyler with a blank expression. "Diet for you."

She turned on her heels and walked toward the kitchen.

Tyler watched open-mouthed as she gyrated away. "I think she just called me fat."

"No shit. You are fat, Tyler."

"Okay, first off: fuck you. And, second: why didn't you tell me about the 'sex stuffed into rubber casing' babe?"

"She wasn't here yesterday. It was only Stacie and her daughter when I was here."

"You think she's like available?" Tyler said as he leaned over trying to peer into the kitchen.

"Are you fucking kidding? Tyler, you're like a two, that girl is an eleven plus."

"Harsh," Tyler said as he sat up on the couch.

Emily reappeared with a silver tray containing two glasses of soda.

She turned and bent at the waist to set the tray on the coffee table.

Tyler looked straight up the rubber dress. "Mother of God," he mouthed.

She turned and faced them, eyes looking off at the wall behind them. "Would you care for anything else, gentlemen?"

Tyler just stared at her and slowly shook his head.

Levi smiled. "No, we're good. Thank you, Emily."

She curtsied and walked to the far side of the room. She began dusting the spotless walnut furniture.

Tyler looked at Levi and whispered. "Man, this is like a fucking porno. And, I don't mean the in your face gonzo shit on the Internet, we're talking old school, slow burn, Devil in Miss Jones and Deepthroat full 70s bush kind of shit. I expect Seka to dance through the door any second and get on her knees for John Holmes."

"Calm down. Take a breath and don't embarrass me," Levi hissed.

"Look at her! Man, women don't wear fetish gear like that unless they are ready for sex. Fuck, dude, I didn't even think shit like this actually happened."

"Drink your fucking soda and calm the fuck down," Levi grumbled.

Tyler took a long drink.

Across the room Emily leaned over to dust a far corner of one of the tall bookcases.

Tyler gave a little squeak as her rubber panties came into view. "Levi?"

"Yeah," Levi asked as he also watched the display.

"I think I came a little."

"For fuck's sake, Tyler."


"What? No!" Margaret said as Stacie pulled off the interstate and into a gravel parking lot.

The simple box like building was lit by garish neon: Stallion's Adult Video.

"It's very nice inside."

"Stacie! This is the kind of place men in raincoats come to watch dirty movies."