Transformations - The Farm Ch. 05


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Demona looked at her admiringly. "Get on your knees."

Karen swallowed hard but got on her knees.

"You're going to graduate from Ithaca College with your medical degree. And, you're going to spend all your free time with me at Stallion's - that's where you're going to get your advanced studies. My girlfriend is already my apprentice. You'll be my second apprentice. Do you understand, Karen?"

Karen smiled. "I'm going to be your apprentice?"

"What? Are you a parrot? Yes, my apprentice. You're going to clean up my messes, keep my lab clean, help me with transformations, eat my pussy, do my filing, basically anything I want like a motherfucking slave until I decide you're a fucking doctor. Until then, you're a nurse no matter what the state of New York says. Understood?"

Karen nodded. "Wait. Did you say 'eat my pussy'?"

"Wow, you were listening. Not as stupid as you look. Yes, slut, you're going to eat me out like a motherfucking lesbian pornstar. Whenever I'm horny, and, bitch, I am always fucking horny." Demona smiled. "Just remember, in the Church of Morpheus, the word harass is actually two words: 'her' and 'ass'."

Karen just stared at her wide eyed.

Demona burst out laughing. She got down on her knees in front of Karen. "God, the look on your face." She reached out and took her hand. "Karen, honey. You have to be transformed. We're going to go do that now. When we're done, you're going to be horny all the time. What I'm telling you is that you won't have to take care of that slutty little hole on your own - you're going to sleep with me and my girlfriend, and we'll make sure you stay satisfied so you can concentrate. We'll be our own little coven, now boys allowed. I'm going to help you get through school. You did great in there, by the way. You have real potential. It's going to be okay."

Karen burst into tears and threw her arms around Demona's neck. "You mean I don't have to become a whore?"

Demona shook her head. "Silly bitch. No. You're going to be a doctor - a slutty one, but a doctor nonetheless. Someday. And, I'm going to be a real hard ass, but, it's not because I don't like you, it's because I need you to be the best you can be. Get me?"

Karen trembled in her arms. "Yes, Doctor."

Demona rocked her gently.


"Yes, honey?"

"You can diddle me if you want," she whispered.

Demona giggled and slid her hand down the naked girl's back. "Good, because I am seriously horny as fuck." She cupped the cheerleader's bottom and caressed her slit gently.

Karen moaned into her neck.

Demona leaned back and kissed her. "Come on. Let me finish scrubbing up and I'll get started on your transformation. Right after I call and tell that Sasquatch guy the love of his life is going to make it."


"Supplies?" Jason asked with a chuckle. "This is Demona's idea of supplies?"

The five captives sat side by side on the big living room couch, their wrists and ankles freshly bound with zip ties and their ball gags firmly in place.

Alex, Jason, Belynda, and Mary stood over them and smiled.

"Well, to Demona? Humans are supplies," Alex said as he gingerly touched the bite on his ear.

Hailey was kneeling in front of bicycle man and gently washing his scratched and bruised face with a damp cloth. She had already placed an ice pack on his swelling balls.

She held up two boxes of band aids. "We got Hello Kitty and we got Sponge Bob. Which will it be?" She batted her long, curled lashes.

Bicycle man just stared at her in mute terror.

"Hello Kitty it is. I mean, Hello Kitty ain't butch, but neither are you," Hailey said as she took out the pink, Kitty emblazoned bandage and applied it to the cut on his chin. She whispered, "You got beat up by a girl."

The man rolled his eyes and then winced as the band-aid went on.

The living room was fairly large, with two long couches facing one another.

While Hailey continued washing booboos and applying band-aids, the captors sat down on the opposite couch.

Alex looked the abductees over.

Bicycle man looked to be in his mid-twenties, tall and lean with brown hair.

Beside him was fat guy, who couldn't have been more than twenty with long, curly and greasy black hair and a scruffy beard.

Next came Mom, and Mom was a knock out: forty-ish with an aristocratic air. Expensive pearls still hung around her neck. She had a dynamite figure, plump in all the right places and bright blue eyes under a mane of blonde hair.

Daughter was a skinny version of Mom. About nineteen with small, pert boobs and a skinny ass. She sat with her head on Mom's shoulder.

Finally, there was the demon. Five foot nothing with stringy brown hair and deceptively healthy looking boobs. She smiled at Alex around the ball gag leaking a slow dribble of blood - Alex's blood.

And, she looked ready for round two.

Mary seemed to be enjoying everything immensely. "So, where you guys from? What brings you here?"

Demon woman began cursing behind her gag, blood spraying out.

"Eww," Hailey said. "That's gross." She started washing Demon's face with a fresh rag.

Demon jerked her head from side to side and raged behind the rubber ball.

"Hey, quit it, you," Hailey complained. Then she reached down, pulled the front of the woman's yoga pants out and slid her hand inside.

Demon's eyes went wide in surprise. She squirmed against the invasion as Hailey found something sensitive.

"I'll pinch yer clitty if ya don't stand still!"

Demon stared at her in disbelief.

But, she stood still and let Hailey wash her face.

"Take it from me," Hailey said as she finished up. "It's totes better if ya don't fight."

Mary got up and then knelt in front of Mom. She nodded at the girl beside her. "Your daughter?"

Mom stared at Mary for a moment, and then she nodded.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Mom slowly shook her head.

"Good. Sorry - you know how it is when you're afraid someone hurt your kid? That handsome stud you hit is my son. Lost control for a second. But, I'm glad you're okay."

Mom just blinked and finally nodded.

Alex stood up and knelt beside Mary. He caressed Mom's cheek.

Daughter squealed in terror and fought to get closer to her mother.

"Shh, it's okay, little one. I won't hurt her, or you for that matter."

Daughter tried to kick out with her tethered legs but it had little effect.

"It's okay, baby. I just want to take her over to the other couch and talk to her. You're not going to lose her. I promise," Alex said softly.

Daughter was still fighting as Alex reached around behind Mom and pulled the older woman to her feet.

Standing up, he scooped up Mom and carried her to the other couch.

Daughter was in hysterics, but Mary sat down between her and the fat man and spoke to her in soothing tones.

Alex sat Mom on the couch beside Jason as Belynda got up and sat on the arm of the couch.

Jason was on Mom's right side as Alex sat on her left.

She looked frantic, her eyes darting from the fit young man to the muscle bound giant.

Alex put his arm around her, in comparison, tiny shoulders. "Now, now. It's okay. Just relax." He looked over at Jason. "We can make them do anything we want - you have strong mental powers, a lot stronger than mine. And, of course, we can overpower them if need be by brute force."

He stroked Mom's hair. "But this is much better. Just be gentle. Let the pheromones do the work."

Mom was still looking like a panicked animal between them.

"She's breathing them in. Her body is starting to react." Alex put two fingers against the woman's throat. "Slowing down. That's good. That Adrenalin is starting to dissipate."

Jason reached up and pulled a lock of blonde hair away from her supple neck. "She's very beautiful."

"Yes, you are," Alex agreed. He reached behind her on the couch. There was a snap, and the woman jumped.

Her hands were free, the zip tie snapped in two.

She tried to lunge forward.

"Shh, no. Don't try to leave. In a minute, you won't want to. Just be calm," Alex soothed as he gently pulled her back between them. He reached behind her head and gently unbuckled the ball gag. "Now, no yelling and no biting, okay?"

The woman moaned as Alex pulled the big red ball out of her mouth.

"Slow," Alex whispered. "Just move your jaw slowly. You're cramped up."

The woman moved her jaw slowly.

"What's your name?" Alex asked.

"L... Lorraine. My name is Lorraine."

"Lorraine, I'm Alex. This good looking college boy on your other side is Jason. And, that's Belynda, the superhero, on the chair arm."

Belynda laughed. "You're loco."

"You're awesome," Jason whispered.

"And, the lady beside your daughter is Mary."

Hailey blinked expectantly from where she knelt on the floor.

"Oh, and the little cutie on the floor is Hailey."

"Hi," Hailey said quietly with a wave.

Lorraine's eyes darted around the room. "That's my daughter, Kim. Please let us go..." She burst into tears.

"Shh, don't get all worked up again. Please believe me: nobody is going to hurt you."

He moved his face closer to hers. "Just breathe Lorraine. That's it. Nice and slow. Deep breaths."

Alex threw Jason a quick smile and then motioned with his eyes to the woman's lap.

Alex was slowly sliding his hand up the inside of her creamy white thigh.

And, she was subconsciously spreading her legs.

"Feel... strange," Lorraine whispered. Her eyelids looked heavy.

"Mmmph!" Her daughter Kim grunted, her face a mask of alarm.

"Shh," Mary soothed the girl. "They're seducing her. Watch. It's going to be beautiful. Like watching a butterfly emerge from a cocoon."

Alex hid his smile - Mary's own pheromones were having an effect on the young woman. She was spreading her own legs without realizing it even though her attention was completely focused on her mother's impending hypnosis. Kim was breathing hard, her cheeks flushed, and she was thrusting out her breasts - the animal within her was displaying her charms.

Mary smiled and looked over at Lorraine's crotch. "Those are beautiful panties, Lorraine."

Lorraine blushed. She tried to close her thighs, but Alex's hand was firm on her inner thigh.

She could have resisted, but instead Alex felt her relax.

Jason gently stroked the woman's other thigh, working his way up till he was holding her leg firmly in his grasp.

Together, the two men eased her thighs further apart. The skirt slid up to her crotch, further exposing her black lace panties. All the while, her eyes closed more and more till she almost appeared asleep. Her breath was steady and deep.

"Where did you get your panties, Lorraine?" Alex whispered.

"Victoria's... Secret."

"Did you buy them to get your husband's attention, Lorraine?"


"That's very good, Lorraine. A woman should always feel special to her husband. Loved. Desired. Lusted after."

She nodded slowly.

On the other sofa, Kim was finally silent.

Mary was gently stroking the girl's firm thigh with her finger.

Alex whispered even softer. "Were you on our way to meet your husband when you were taken, Lorraine?"

Lorraine shook her head. "Kim wanted to go to the mall. We had to stop for gas. That nurse or doctor, whatever she is, she did... something."

Alex could sense the anxiety in Lorraine's voice. "That's all over now, Lorraine. It's not important. All that matters is my voice. Just listen to my voice and everything will be just fine."

"Okay," Lorraine whispered from a million miles away.

Alex looked up at Jason. "She's in our control now. The pheromones have turned on her instincts to reproduce. She wants to be taken now. We won't have to force her - the animal part of her brain is going to do all the work."

Jason looked confused. "But, I mean, I could have just blasted her brain, like I did with Mama Jugs back at the motel."

"Yeah, sure, but when we do that, we end up with something we created from scratch. This way, we just turn them in the direction we want and they go there on their own. Seduction. We show them something that is going to make them happier. Just listen."

He leaned back closer to Lorraine and whispered. "Why did you wear your little see through panties if you weren't on your way to meet your husband?"

Lorraine's brow furrowed. "Uh... huh?"

"Your panties, Lorraine. Why did you wear sexy panties to go to the mall?"

"I... I don't..."

"Yes, you do. You want to feel special. Loved. Desired. Lusted after. Not just by your husband, but by other men as well."

"N... No... I don't."

"Yes, Lorraine, and it's okay. That's normal. It's natural. It's right." He gently began unbuttoning her blouse, revealing a matching black lace bra.

"Mmmph," Kim moaned from the other couch.

Alex looked up, but Mary shook her head. She had eased a finger into the leg of the darling little coed's short shorts and had found her tight pussy.

Alex winked at Jason. "See? Mary knows what to do and she only has pheromones to help her."

Jason smiled and nodded. He gently caressed Lorraine's full breast through the lace. "You're very beautiful, Lorraine. You like it when I touch you, don't you?"

Lorraine looked at the younger man with sleepy eyes. "You're... so young. You shouldn't."

"But, I want to. I want you, Lorraine."

Alex whispered in her other ear. "See? Everyone wants you, Lorraine. You're so beautiful. That makes you feel warm and happy inside. That's your whole purpose in life, isn't it? To be desired? To please. Of course it is - you're very good at pleasing aren't you?"

A slight smile crossed her lips and she leaned her head back.

Jason smiled. He unfastened her bra's front closure and let it open.

Her breasts were creamy white and topped with rose colored nipples.

"They're beautiful," Jason whispered.

At the same time, Alex stroked the MILF's soaked panties. "You're so wet, Lorraine. Do you want us like we want you?"

"Unnh... No. Wait. I can't." She struggled a little, not against them, but against herself. She tried to raise her head.

"Can't? Why can't you?" Alex whispered.

"Married. I'm married. And, Kim is watching."

Alex looked over at the other couch.

Kim's head was tilted down, staring at Mary's fingers as they worked in and out of her crotch, completely oblivious to what the men were doing to her mother.

"She's not watching, Lorraine. It's okay," Alex whispered. "You love your husband?"

"Yes," she whispered hesitantly.

"He makes you feel like this? He makes you feel desired like Jason and I do?"

Her eyes fluttered shut. "No. Not anymore." A tear leaked from the corner of her eye.

"Then he doesn't matter. You have needs, Lorraine."

"No, he's my husband."

"Not anymore, Lorraine. He doesn't take care of you. Jason and I are going to take care of you much better than he ever could. We're going to take you to a much better world, Lorraine. One where you exist for pleasure, where nothing is forbidden. You're going to be so free and happy. Doesn't that sound like heaven, Lorraine?"

"Yes," she whispered.

Alex smiled. He looked at Jason. "She's completely under. Very suggestible. A seduction isn't permanent, unfortunately. I'd need a White Witch or the SlutzNet computer to make it permanent - evidently your brain blast is permanent as well. But, she's ours for the moment without blanking her mind."

Jason nodded.

"Lorraine, listen to my words."


"You are beautiful and loved. There is no wrong, only right. Anything you want to do is right and just and good. There is no morality. There is only your pleasure and taking it is your priority. Nothing is taboo. As a matter of fact, the kinkier the better. Do you understand?"

She giggled. "Yes."

"Think about when you masturbate - when you're really into it. Remember how your mind just flies then? All the thoughts, all the beautiful, twisted, kinky thoughts that come just before you orgasm? That's truth, Lorraine. Listen to me and trust me and I will make those beautiful ideas real."

She moaned and finally rocked her hips forward, trying to grind against Alex's hand.

"Mmm, you want this, don't you?" Alex whispered.

"Yes," she whispered back.

Alex nodded and gently pulled the filmy lace fabric to the side, exposing her little pink pussy with a neatly trimmed bush.

He gently massaged her erect clit with his middle and index fingers. Slow, gentle circles. "So wet, Lorraine. You're little pussy is opening up for me."

"Unnh," she moaned. Her eyes fluttered open. "Kim... don't let her see."

Alex smiled. "She isn't looking at us. It's okay."

On the other couch, Mary had slid the short shorts down the girl's long legs. With her pink panty crotch pulled to the side, Mary was fucking her gently with two fingers.

Alex compared the two women: Kim's pussy hair was lighter and sparser, but her mother's pussy lips were pinker. Both clits were thick and long.

And, both women's holes were dripping onto their respective couches.

Alex switched to pushing his index and middle fingers into Lorraine's warm depths, stroking her clit with each penetration.

He felt fingers on his thigh.

He looked down: the MILF's fingers were probing at the bulge along his inner thigh.

Lorraine was staring intently as she explored.

As her fingers touched further and further down the bulge, her eyes grew wider. "Uh... Wha... How can it be so big?" She asked sleepily

Alex could see anxiety returning to her pretty face.

That was the problem of having godlike proportions: he was frightening. He wished that Morpheus had made the whoremasters twelve or thirteen inches - seventeen would send most women running. Even ten inches would have been enough.

"It's okay," Alex whispered.

"But, I can't... I mean, how can I? I can't please you." She was near tears in her hypnotized state.

Alex laughed gently. "Of course you can." The poor thing: he had planted that overwhelming desire to please in her, and now she felt inadequate. "We're going to change you, Lorraine. You'll be able to please any man. Or, woman for that matter."

"Woman?" She asked. Her eyes fluttered, but the anxiety was going away.

"Shh... that's not important right now. Just relax."

She smiled now, openly, no hesitation.

"You're pleasing me right now, Lorraine," Alex said. "Feel how hard you're making me?"

"I'm doing that?" She whispered.

Alex kissed her neck gently. "Yes."

Jason took her other hand and laid it on the thick bulge in his own jeans. "You want to please me too, don't you?"

Lorraine blushed. "Oh! I'm sorry! I don't know what's wrong with me. Of course, I do."

Jason was trying hard not to laugh as she began to squeeze and knead his hard cock through his jeans.

"You're amazing, Lorraine," Alex whispered in her ear. "You're pleasing both of us. So special."

"Mmm," Jason groaned. "Wow, Lorraine, I can feel lube leaking out of my cock. You have magic hands."

Lorraine leaned her head back and smiled contentedly as she massaged both thick cocks.

Alex continued to finger fuck her while Jason squeezed her breasts gently.

Alex caught movement out of the corner of his eye.

Lisa and Gwen were standing in the hallway, locked in an embrace, rubbing each other's breasts.

Gwen looked at him with a look of unbridled lust. "I love you," she mouthed silently.

Alex grinned. "I love you too," he mouthed back.

Mikaela was leaning against the wall, fingers furiously massaging her own clit.

Hailey caught sight of her and moved silently across the room. She dropped to her knees in front of Mikaela and replaced the woman's fingers with her lips and tongue.