Transformations - The Farm Ch. 05


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"Yes, baby, so good," Mikaela whispered.

Alex turned back to Gwen. "Is she okay?" He mouthed.

Gwen smiled and nodded.

He breathed a sigh of relief - not that he had any doubts about Demona's ability. But, it was hard not to be afraid when someone you love is under the knife, no matter how skilled the hand of the person holding it.

On the couch, Kim looked almost asleep as Mary massaged her pussy.

Bicycle man and Fat guy looked entranced by what was going on - Fat guy especially, considering he was right next to Mary and receiving a full dose of futanari hormones.

His jeans were tenting from his erection.

Everyone looked happy... except the Demon girl who stared daggers at him. The ball gag made it impossible to talk, but her meaning came through from her eyes: Fuck You.

Alex smiled back and winked.


Karen lay back on the operating table. It was slightly inclined so she was almost sitting up. She was naked.

And nervous.

Demona worked away at a small surgical table nearby.

Karen was trying not to hyperventilate. "How... how big are you going..."

"G cups, honey. I like my nurses with healthy tits."

Karen looked down at her pert breasts: B cups. G? Five cc's of Titty Grow! "But..."

"Shh," Demona said as she rolled the cart to the panicked girl. She had put a sheet over the instruments to hide them from view. "I know. That's too much Titty Grow."

"I'd be an idiot," Karen said and shivered. "That much Titty Grow would make me an imbecile."

"Well, not quite. Give yourself a little credit. But, we need you smart - honestly, honey, I wish I had something to give you to make you smarter."

"So, how..."

Demona pulled back one corner of the sheet. Two liquid filled bladders quivered on the table.

"No... fuck, no!" Karen whined. Breast implants? Surgery!?

"Calm down."

"Demona, Jesus! How the fuck big are those things?"

"1200 cc. Not the biggest I've put in, but..."

Karen burst into tears.

"Hey!" Demona said as she kissed away her tears. "It's not so bad. You've seen me operate. There won't even be a scar - I'd like to see those fuckers in Beverly Hills pull that off."

Karen shivered in her arms as she stared at the huge bags Demona was going to stuff inside her.

Demona knelt beside her. "Now, now - listen to me. You won't feel an ounce of pain, not even after. Those puppies are 100% safe - I designed them myself. And, sweetheart, I'm going to sculpt you the most perfect nipples anyone ever topped their tata's with."

Karen laughed a little at that despite her terror.

"I'm going to slut up your hormones, fix you so you don't have to worry about babies, give you a pussy long enough to take a monster cock - and, I'm going to make you so fucking sensitive down there you'll squirt when you sneeze."

Now Karen was laughing out loud.

Demona smiled at her. "That's my girl. Babe, you're going to be hot as fuck. You'll be kissing my feet when I'm done. I promise."

Karen sniffled. "And, it won't hurt?"

"Not one bit. You'll be completely healed and dancing around with volleyballs on your chest an hour after you wake up - oh, and I'm totally making you tall as fuck with legs for miles. Seriously, I'm dripping just thinking about you." She winked at Karen. Then she squeezed her hand. "Honey, you are mine. I will never do anything to you to hurt you."

Karen bit her lower lip. "That... reminds me. You're going to give me Ambrosia when you're finished, right?"

"Only if you want to live forever as a beautiful demi-goddess hyper-babe." Demona smiled.

"I do. I really do. I understand all of it - I studied everything I could. I want to be what you make me."


"I'd be unbound, right?"

"Processed Ambrosia. You'll be your own boss."

Karen's lip trembled. "What if I don't want that?"

"Huh?" She stroked the girl's strawberry blonde hair.

"I... I don't know how to ask this... and you can say no, if you want to." She was blinking away tears.

Demona drew in a breath. "You want to be mine? I mean truly mine. Bound to me forever?"

"I'm sorry," she said and quickly looked away. "It was a bad idea. You don't want to be tied to me forever, I mean..."



Demona teared up. "Yes, Karen. I will bind you to me. Forever. I'd be honored."


Lorraine was happy.

No, she corrected herself. I'm ecstatic!

And, this day had started out so horribly. First, her husband Kevin had completely ignored her this morning, though she had done her best to entice him, first by coming to bed in a lace camisole, and then by making sure she let him see her nude as she showered. She had wanted him to come into the master bathroom and take her, there on the bathroom floor. On her knees, using her to satisfy his lust.

She knew men wanted that - they wanted animal sex. Kevin had wanted it when they were younger. He was all over her when they were dating. Even after three children, he was insatiable.

But, after baby number four, he seemed to drift away.

This morning he had barely grunted at her before leaving for work.

Then Kim had practically begged her to take her to the mall. She wanted a mother/daughter day in the worst way. But, Lorraine just wanted to be alone with her thoughts.

Alone to do other things.

A woman hits her prime in her mid thirties, and Lorraine was no exception. At thirty-seven, Lorraine felt like she had the libido of a teenage boy. She was masturbating regularly for the first time in her life. All she wanted was for nineteen year old Kim to go somewhere, anywhere and leave her alone. She was so horny, it hurt.

But, Kim had been insistent, so Lorraine had gotten ready.

She had picked out a simple sundress to begin with, but the longer she had looked at herself in the mirror, the angrier she had gotten. "Fuck this," she had whispered. She got out her sexiest bra and panties - a filmy black lace number that always made her feel hot. And, then she had put on her tightest, shortest skirt, a thin blouse, and heels.

Somebody was going to notice her today, goddamn it.

Of course, somebody did. She had filled up the car at a roadside gas station. On the other side of the pump, a strange woman wearing a pink nurse's outfit smiled at her.

"Fucking A, babe, you will do just fine," the woman said with a smile.

A moment later, Lorraine smelled something sickly sweet and the lights went out.

Abduction is fucking scary. Lying in the van with your daughter and a bunch of strangers. Wearing a ball gag. She knew what they were. She had read about bondage. She shivered and shook, afraid of what was going to happen to her daughter and herself.

The petite woman who was tossed in the van later on wasn't frightened at all. When she came to, she began moving around in the van. She scooted up behind the man in the bicycling outfit, lowered her teeth to the zip tie on his wrists, and started chewing.

Most of them were free when the doors to the van opened.

It was absolutely terrifying - the people outside the van were tall and very frightening looking, especially the bald giant.

Of course, she had gotten it all wrong. She felt silly now. Why would she be afraid of Alex?

He had a way of explaining things that made her feel better.

She sat between Alex and Jason and stroked their long, hard cocks. So big! Even Jason was three times bigger than her husband.

And, Alex was a god!

She bit her lip looking at the dark spot of cock lube on the fabric of his track pants - a spot almost at his knee!

He was smiling at her and she felt warm inside, giddy. She felt twenty years younger.

"What are you thinking about?" Alex whispered.

He was always whispering, calm and gentle and sexy and it made her wet everytime he talked!

Her words came, but they sounded sleepy and slurred to her own ears. "Cock... so big... Can I?"

He stood up and she felt a momentary panic. She felt better when he was close, touching her.

He pulled off his t-shirt, revealing a beautiful sculpted body.

Oh, God, and then the pants.

She was actually frightened. It was the biggest she had ever seen.

Somewhere nearby, she heard Kim mumbling. But, Alex said Kim couldn't see what she was doing - she didn't want Kim to see. This was private. It was for Lorraine alone.

She leaned forward, feeling Alex's thick fingers touch her long blonde hair. He grasped her hair and held her firmly. He was taking charge of her! He was going to teach her, show her what she had been missing.

His dick's piss slit was so big she could have stuck her pinky inside!

Instead she opened her lips, wet them with her tongue, and then touched the tip of her tongue to the dripping hole in his cock.

Her whole body shook! His lube tasted warm and salty and it quickly coated her tongue. Lorraine practically lunged forward, taking as much of the thick purple head between her lips as she could - which wasn't a lot, her mouth was far too small to take him in.

The lube filled her mouth and she swallowed.

Her entire body was warm at first, and then on fire. An aphrodisiac! His juice was an aphrodisiac and she groaned, sucking and swallowing. She wanted to coat herself in it, make herself oily and slick with it.

Kim moaned again. Someone was struggling nearby. Kim? She didn't know.

What was left of her clothing was being pulled off her.

Jason! He was undressing her. Making her ready.

Ready to fuck!

She wriggled her hips to help him take down her skirt, leaving her in her pretty lace panties.

She arched her back, wanting to scream in joy as the panties slid down in the back.

A boy no older than my daughter just exposed my pussy, she thought. He was behind her. Was he stroking his thick cock and aiming it at her cunt?

She felt guilt and shame. He was so young! This was dirty.

And, so hot.

"Dirty sex is the best kind," a woman's voice said.

"Mmm, yeah," she moaned around the cockhead between her lips.

And, then she giggled as she felt Jason's thick head probing at her pussy lips.


"Mmm, Ssstttppp," Kim screamed behind the ball gag.

Her mother was naked on her knees. Alex had his hand wrapped in her hair, pushing his thick cock into Lorraine's mouth.

Behind her, Jason was slowly fitting his long cock in her mother's tight hole.

And, the blonde woman in white latex was gently massaging her mother's temples.

The blonde looked up at her and smiled sweetly. "Kim, look at your mother's face. Can't you see she actually wants this?"

"No!" Kim screamed.

"Yes. Kim, she's been so frustrated. You're young, you don't understand. She has needs."

Kim glared at her. She tried to jerk forward, but Mary held her fast by the arm. Her mind had been cloudy just a few moments before, but then the big dyke had stopped diddling her. And, just like that, whatever spell she had cast was broken.

She came to her senses in time to see her mother becoming a slut.

"No," the blonde said. "She was always a slut. Everyone is a slut, Kim. Even you. But, the world makes us hide it. Your mother is really enjoying herself for the first time in years - maybe for the first time ever. Look at her - she's being serviced by two gorgeous hunks. She feels loved and lusted after."

Kim blinked. The blonde could read her mind!

"Yes. I can," the woman said. "I'm Gwen by the way." She closed her eyes and gasped. "Oh! Jason, Jesus, that's the biggest thing she's had in her cunt since the last time she gave birth! Go slow, she wants to feel every beautiful inch."

Jason smiled and nodded, stroking Lorraine's full hips. "Hard to hold back. She's such a wonderful lay. Your mother is one fine piece of ass, Kim."

Fuck you! Kim screamed in her head.

"Momentarily, dear," Gwen said with a smile.

Kim heard laughter in her head. It seemed to come from behind her, then it moved to her left ear, and then her right.

"Don't torture her," Mary said.

Gwen smiled at her and nodded. The laughter stopped.

Mary leaned close. "Sweetheart, I'm very sorry about all this. You just landed in a nightmare, and I'm afraid you're not going to wake up. But, if it's any consolation, it gets easier."

She was so confused! How could her mother, her feminist mother who baked cookies for the PTA, have been turned into a slut in just a few minutes?

The younger guy's huge cock was sliding slowly in and out of her Mother's stretched hole, and she moaned around the giant's cock in her mouth on each stroke.

She was smiling and drooling, her eyes half closed.

"Jason, don't cum," Gwen said.

"I... know. Fuck, this is hard," Jason groaned.

"You have to learn control," the tall brunette in white latex said. She walked silently across the floor in the stiletto boots and knelt beside him as he fucked Lorraine, his thick balls slapping against her on each thrust.

"Yeah... if you don't want... me to cum? Better... not parade around in that outfit," Jason said.

The brunette in the latex body suit that was somehow missing all the rubber from her pussy up to the bottom of her tits, laughed. She cupped his left ass cheek as he fucked. "Pull out when you're ready. I'll make it worth your while."

They were monsters. They were making jokes while her mother was violated!

The giant groaned.

"And, don't you cum either," Gwen laughed.


Out in the barn, Diane lay entwined with Regina on the padded floor. They had just showered after the first milking of the day, and the women were in a dazed afterglow from the procedure.

Regina gently stroked Diane's hair as she stared into her eyes. "Second day, how do you feel?"

Diane laughed. "Confused, turned on, exhausted, intoxicated..."

Regina laughed with her. "Best vacation you ever had?"

"Mmm," Diane whispered. "As crazy as it would have seemed two days ago? Yes. God, yes. Is it just the drugs or is it what they did to us when we were under anesthesia?"

"They've reduced us to our animal nature. Freed us to make love without worries about relationships, without a care in the world."

Diane stared at her for a moment.

"What?" Regina asked.

"You. Sometimes you have a hard time talking... like me. But, other... times..."

A slow grin crossed Regina's lips. "Wow. You really are smart, aren't you?"

"What they did... doesn't really effect you. Does it?" Diane asked sleepily.

"No, sweetness. It doesn't, because I've gone all the way." She reached down and found Diane's swollen clit.

"Mmmph!" Diane squeaked. "N... No... we were talking."

"I know," Regina whispered. "It's okay. I want to please you. Try to stay with me?"

Diane nodded, her eyelids heavy.

"I'm the CEO of Lady Lace Cosmetics."

Regina tried to concentrate. For some reason, the clit stimulation was helping that. "Lady Lace? They're like the third biggest cosmetics company on earth..."

"Second, actually," Regina said. "Thirty-seven billion dollars in revenue this year. Next year, we'll be number one."

"Wow... that's amazing."

"Thanks, but I can't take all the credit. My partners have helped me grow the company."


Regina smiled and looked around the room. "This place? It's owned by the Church of Morpheus. They're my partners. They now own 49% of Lady Lace."


"All those new products Lady Lace has released over the last few years? Breasts in a Bottle? Baby Face Skin Toner? Those came from the Church."

"The Church? They... make cosmetics?"

"Yes, excellent makeup. Our wrinkle cream makes women look ten years younger, and that's because it's actually making them younger."

Diane squeezed her thighs together and tried to concentrate. "That's... not possible."

"You mean impossible like giving women breasts the size of basketballs and making them lactate?" Regina asked with a wink.

"Why would they..."

"Control, dear. Lady Lace makeup is slowly turning women into mind controlled sex toys."


In the basement, Karen's eyes fluttered.

She was groggy from the anesthesia. She smacked her lips together. They felt swollen.

Wait. They were swollen!

She opened her eyes.

Her lips weren't the only things swollen!

Twin mountains had sprouted on her chest.

"Fuck..." Karen whispered. The word came out slowly like a recording played back at the wrong speed.

She tried to sit up.

"No, you don't, babe," Demona said. She put a hand under Karen's big breasts and pushed her back down. "You're four inches taller than you were. You sit up too fast and you are likely to hit the floor. Especially being top heavy as you are."

"What... Jesus! They're fucking huge!"

"G cups. Like them?" Demona asked. She reached down and tweaked one of Karen's thick, turgid nipples with a shiny black lacquered nail.

Karen whimpered and felt something wet spread across the operating table under her butt. "Oh, God! Did I pee?"

Demona laughed gently. "Jury's out on that one. You squirted, that's the way I look at it."

Karen began to hyperventilate.

"Shh, calm down. It's okay. Waking up in a tranformed body can be a shock. Just relax. Let me show you something beautiful." She held a small mirror in front of Karen's face.

The reflection looked like her for the most part - like an idealized version of her from a Snapchat filter. Her skin was tanned and flawless without a blemish. Her pores were tiny. Her makeup was perfect, eye shadow and blush matching her strawberry blonde hair which now had highlights that gave it a color like flames.

Her green eyes were three shades lighter, and they looked enormous. Her nose was smaller and upturned, lips full and glossy red. She batted her eyelashes that looked false but were most definitely her own.

Karen burst into tears.

Demona grabbed her hand and squeezed. "Sweetheart!? What is it? If you need me to change anything, I will. I took some artistic liberties - sorry, I get carried away. I'm so drawn to beautiful girls I can't help myself."

Karen squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head, sobbing. "N... No... not that."

"What then, honey?"

"You made me so beautiful," she sobbed uncontrollably and put her arms around Demona's neck, lifting herself off the table.

Demona laughed and hugged her tight. "Didn't you know how pretty you were before? All I did was make a few tweaks..."

"More than that. You made me beautiful." She leaned back. "I love you. God, I am totally in love with you!"

Demona nodded. "Of course you are, you're bonded to me. And, I am to you too, kiddo."

She hugged Demona tight again. All she wanted to do was hold on.

Slowly, she became aware of other voices in the room.

She glanced past Demona.

Bear was kneeling by Heather's table, holding the cowgirl's hand and smiling.

"He's been here about twenty minutes. Took the stairs about three at a time getting down here," Demona said. She kissed Karen's neck. "He says there's quite a little orgy going on upstairs. How does that make you feel?"

A tremor of lust went through Karen. "God, that sounds amazing! I could fuck a dozen people right now." Her libido was in overdrive. She could literally feel her skin heating up with desire.

"Good. All your mods are working then. Let's get you dressed for the party."


Diane felt like she was dreaming. Regina had told her a story about a multi-national syndicate that was taking over the world through mind control and sex. Human traffickers who were attacking the very fabric of modern civilization, remolding it into a vision of the future for immortal gods and goddesses.

And, Regina was one of those immortals.

"It's a lot to take in," Regina whispered as she stroked Diane's big left breast.