Triple J and I


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I awoke slowly, as I always do on Sundays. JJ came in carrying a tray with coffee and croissants. I was surprised to see that they weren't store bought, but homemade. "Did you sleep good Dave?" He had to ask?

"Very well JJ, and you?"

"Never better." he said handing me a cup and a brilliant smile. I noticed he was wearing his skyblue work briefs, so I said "It's Sunday, your day off. You don't need your uniform today." The briefs quickly disappeared, and he hopped into bed with me. Taking the cup from my hand and setting it back on the try, he spooned in behind me. "If it's my day off, I can do what I want, spend it here with you." Why did I just turn into a pile of mush?

He kissed my neck again, and I could feel him getting hard. That was all it took for me to reach for the olive oil again.

This time my body was much more pliable, he entered me noticeably easier. Once he was seated, he withdrew. I was about to complain, when he pulled me over onto my back and mounted me missionary style. He leaned in and kissed me as he reentered me. Before today, the thought of kissing another man on the lips would have repulsed me. It was my JJ, I wasn't the least bit repulsed. Quite the opposite in fact. I had never felt that level of intimacy before.

I raised my hips and spread my legs and surrendered. My war hero knew he had won. He had conquered me, and was taking the spoils. He built to a steady rhythm, possessing me completely. He seemed delighted when he felt my dick pulse between us, shooting my load onto both our stomachs. He smiled and kissed me again. JJ never let up, continuing to pound me to a second orgasm. Then he released at the same time, once again filling me to overflowing.

After last night there was nothing in me but him. I was able to lay there basking in the afterglow. I could feel him slowly receding, as his breathing returned to normal. My heels on his ass, my arms around his back, I was, for the first time in my life, completely sated.

We lay there a long time. Neither of us wanting to break the spell. Our lips met again, this time in a long luxurious kiss. I felt him growing inside me. I wasn't about to stop him as he began to rotate his hips, gradually turning it into thrusts. My God, could this man fuck! And I fucked him back. I gave it my all and we both came together again.

I thought I had been happy in my 'straight' life, but nothing like I felt now. I know it is only because of my admiration for this wonderful man, this self sacrificial hero. I didn't want to belong to anyone but him. In just three days, he had made me feel more alive and happy than ever before. Sex aside, I am more contented from just knowing him.

JJ collapsed beside me, leaving me feeling empty. I was going to get us a towel, but he didn't want to let me go. Pulling me close into his arms and holding me. Damn I felt so girly. Definitely not the old me.

We fell asleep, but by two o'clock, he was fucking me again. Isn't youth grand? Being a recently deflowered virgin, he was trying out his new toy. Or maybe I should say, trying to wear out his new toy.

Later he made us a wonderful meal, which we ate by the pool, nude. "This is delicious, JJ."

"I'm glad you like it. If it's gonna be like this living here, we both need to keep our strength up." He laughed, giving me a knowing smile. He cleared the table then returned. He picked me up and threw me in the pool, jumping in after me. As I coughed and sputtered to the surface, I felt his mouth on my dick for the first time. He lifted me up and set me on the side of the pool, then he did the best an inexperienced cocksucker could do. It was better than any girlfriend ever did, and certainly better than my ex wife's placating attempts. When I came, he smiled at me as he swallowed my cream.

"I'm glad you finally let me do that for you. It's been sorta one sided till now." I guess I assumed he really didn't want to do it, that he was only going to do it because he thought I wanted him to. I am damn glad he really wants to.

We swam for a while and then showered together. I love washing his muscles. Especially one in particular.

As we lay watching TV, his arms around me, he said "I enjoyed my day off."

"Well It's not after midnight yet. You can still do what you want." I said with a little nudge. He took the hint, and my ass again. He was behind me, but after a while he said "I like seeing your face when I make you cum." With that he rolled me over and mounted me again.

He had discovered my espresso machine and learned how to use it. Monday morning he woke me with bacon, eggs, fruit yogurt, and a four shot espresso. He knows how to spoil me, in every way. Did I mention he was wearing his black uniform briefs?

As he stood in front of me with the tray, I pulled his briefs down and sucked his cock into my mouth. This is the breakfast I wanted. He grew instantly and incredibly hard. It wasn't long before he had to set the tray down and grab my head. I was ravenous. I needed the nourishment that only his cock could provide.

I spent most of the day in my at home office. I hardly ran into JJ at all. When I did see him, he had his arms filled with laundry or cleaning something or other. I got a lot of work done, and made some calls to Jim and Brady my banker, and Vicky my accountant. I put JJ on my payroll and had accounts set up for him at my bank.

JJ brought me lunch which was delicious, and I followed with a cum chaser. At dinner time, I left my office. JJ had set out an incredible table, candles, soft music, and food that was to die for.

"JJ, it seems to me that you love cooking, and are very good at it. Your mother taught you all this?"

"Mostly, plus I used to read cookbooks at the library."

"I think there are a few in the cupboard above the stove. My ex bought them, but obviously never opened one."

"Yes sir, I found them, I mean Dave"

Tuesday and Wednesday were relatively uneventful, other than mind blowing sex. Somehow, JJ just keeps getting better. I guess that's true of all of us. From our early fumblings to eventual abilities. Difference is, JJ's early fumbling was great.

Thursday, I got a call from Jim.

"The fucking thing is still in there."

"What are you talking about? What thing is where?"

"The fucking shrapnel is still in his head. I managed to get his medical records... don't ask.. but you will find it on my bill... Anyway, the military doctors decided that JJ wasn't going to be of use anymore, so they didn't bother to take it out."

"You're joking, right?"

"I wish I were. Seems they figured it might do more damage to remove it, and with it still in there, a bump on the head could kill him. If he dies, the government will save on his disability payments. So they left it in and cut him loose."

"God damn! What's the next step, Jim?"

"Already working on it, I know you don't do anything half assed."

"Thanks Jim. Bye."

Friday, JJ woke me with another great breakfast. Of course I had my usual protein chaser. Later I called JJ into my office.

"It's Friday, JJ, payday." I handed him a wallet. Inside were a debit card for his account, a signature card he would have to sign for the bank, a temporary driver's license that I renewed online, one of my credit cards, and a little cash. "I took the liberty to renew your license with your new address on it."

Again came the Niagara tear flow. "You're the kindest person I've ever met"

"Now that you have your first paycheck, what are you going to do"

"Well, it's friday, most guys would take their bestest girl out on a date. I think I want to do that."

I'm sure JJ could see the hurt expression on my face as that sunk in. "So, would you like to go to the movies with me?" He added. I think I might have torn his hunter green briefs getting his cock out. I know he got the best blow job ever.

"Which car do you want to take?" I asked as we walked into my garage. I have three to choose from.

"I know that the Lexus is your favorite, and the Porsche is very pretty too, but I like the Jeep best."

"Consider it a late birthday gift. You have the keys to all three anyway, but the Jeep is yours."

I know it would seem strange to an outside observer, giving a car to someone I had just met a week ago, but as far as I was concerned, no one was more deserving than JJ. As I said, I grew up poor. I know how being without nice things feels. Now that I have money, there isn't much I won't indulge myself. JJ is something I certainly indulge myself.

We saw the latest Sci Fi thriller, and had burgers at Rosie's place. She called me over to the counter. "Are you sure that's the same fella? Sure did clean up nice, he's a hunk."

"Yes, Rosie I'm sure. He's a great guy."

"You know, my daughter is single, maybe I should give him her number."

With a wink I said "Sorry Rosie, but he's taken." I thought her teeth were going to hit the floor, but then she gave me a little smile and nodded.

If I wasn't already his 'bestest girl', he made sure I was that night. When we first got home, he made love to me missionary, the way we both love it. Later, he fucked my brains out doggy style. That was the first time we tried that. Damn, that was good too. Early Saturday morning, spooned in behind, he took me slowly, before he brought my espresso.

Wednesday brought another call from Jim. " Dave, do you know a guy named Harold Larson?"

"Yeah, he's a fraternity brother, and I handle his investments. Why?"

"He is the director of surgery at the Metropolitan Hospital here. I took JJ's medical records to him. He had his best guy take a look at them. They wanted to talk to his next of kin. So I put them in touch with his mother. She has already agreed, so if you can get him to sign off on it, he can have the surgery on Monday."

"I knew there was a reason I kept you around Jim. You're the best." We talked a bit longer so I would have all I needed before I talked to JJ.

Part 4

"What do you think I should do, Dave?" We were laying in bed, after another great lovemaking session. I was on my back, he was on his side, propped up on his elbow.

"I'll be honest with you JJ. There are risks, but I think the risk of you dieing from a slight bump to the head far outweigh them. I would hate to come home and find you on the kitchen floor dead from a little bump on the cabinet door. They said that you may, or may not, regain some of your previous faculties."

" don't like me the way I am, Dave?" Oh my God. It never occurred to me that he would think that. The hurt in his eyes ripped my heart out.

"Oh God no, JJ. I love you no matter what. I'm more concerned that you will come to your senses when you wake up and not like me." It just dawned on me that maybe I should be concerned about that. Wait a minute, did I just tell him that I love him?

JJ chuckled a bit, then rubbed his renewed erection against my hip, and said "Does that feel like I don't like you?"

His mother and his siblings landed at the airport while JJ was in surgery. I sent a Limo for them and had them brought directly to the hospital.

"Mrs. Johnson, I'm Dave."

"It's nice to meet you Dave. Thank you for what you did for my boy." She was very gracious, though she looked at me suspiciously.

I decided to direct her focus off me. "They said he will be in surgery for at least two more hours, then recovery for a while, before they will let us in to see him."

I turned to her other two children "Hi, my name is Dave." I extended my hand to a beautiful young lady and then to a handsome boy.

"I'm sorry I should have introduced you. This is Jennifer, and Jacob." I couldn't help but wonder what was with this woman and the letter J?

Trying to lighten the atmosphere, I said. "Let me guess uh Jennifer Jean and Jacob John"

Mrs. Johnson chuckled and corrected me "Actually it's Jennifer Joanne and John Jacob. He prefers to be called Jacob." Everyone smiled for a minute. Then she said "Do you know if there is a clean inexpensive motel near the hospital?"

"Motel? No no, we...uh I have plenty of room at my house."

"Thank you Dave, but I wouldn't want to impose."

"It's no imposition at all. I insist. After all it is my fault you're here."

About that time a Nurse came out and told us it would be at least six hours until we would be allowed to see him. I told her we would be back in five. I told the Limo driver to take their luggage to my house, and we all piled into my Lexus.

When we pulled into my drive, Jacob said "Holy shit!"

"Jacob, watch your mouth." scolded Mrs Johnson. "It is a very nice house though."

"There are two bedrooms on the right upstairs that are available, and Mrs Johnson, there are two bedrooms in the pool house if you don't want to traverse the stairs." Jacob dashed up the stairs followed by Jennifer.

"Holy shit." drifted down to us as I showed Mrs. Johnson to the pool house. "Jacob!"

We got the kids settled in front of the TV in the living room, and Mrs Johnson and I sat down for coffee by the pool.

"Tell me Dave, why did you do this for my son?"

"Um.. JJ works for me, and when I discovered his condition, I felt I should help"


"Oh uh yes he told me you call him JJ, I hope you don't mind if I do also."

"So, JJ works for you. What is his job?"

Damn I was afraid she would ask that. "Well it's hard to say really, We have several projects we are working on. JJ is very talented at so many things." I stumbled hoping that would suffice.

"Does he have a job title?" Damn! Does this woman ever quit?

"Well.. I guess I would call him my assistant."

Thank God Jacob came out to the pool "Mama, can we go swimming?"

"Not today son, and we didn't bring your suit." He looked a little dejected.

"If we have time and it's okay with your mother, we can get you a suit tomorrow." I offered.

When we arrived back at the hospital, the nurse informed us that JJ was in recovery, but they would be moving him to a private room shortly. Mrs. Johnson looked worried and muttered something about a private room. I patted her shoulder and told her not to worry.

I was on one side of his bed and his mother on the other, Jacob and Jennifer were at the foot, when he opened his eyes. He saw his mother and his face lit up. "Mama ..what ..what are you doing..?" He turned and saw me, and grabbed my hand "Dave did you do this?" I nodded and he squeezed my hand as a tear rolled down his cheek and into his bandages. When he saw his siblings "This can't be Jacob and Jennifer Look at how much you've grown."

"How are you feeling baby?" His mama asked.

"I'm great Mama." he lied "How are you doing?"

"Good, baby, I'm real good." she lied too. I had Jim check on her condition too. It wasn't good. I left them alone and called Jim to tell him JJ was awake.

"I'm glad you called. I've been threatening the military lawyers with a negligence suit, I think they are gonna cough up for his medical bills. Next I'm going to threaten to tell the media how they treat our heroes, so I can fuck 'em with my bill as well, and it ain't small."

"Go get 'em tiger. Remind me not to piss you off."

We visited JJ twice a day. Between visits, the kids swam. Mrs. Johnson prepared all our meals. She's not as good a JJ, but much better than I could do.

Thursday morning I woke up to Mrs. Johnson smiling down at me. "JJ told me you like espresso in the morning." She held out a cup.

"Thank you Mrs. Johnson, you didn't have to do that."

"Nonsense." She glanced around the room a bit and left.

Friday, "Your espresso." She startled me so I almost jumped out of bed. Grabbing the sheet, I was able to cover my morning wood before she saw it. Though the tent was visible.

"Thank you Mrs. Johnson." She glanced at the tent, turned and left.

At the hospital, we were instructed on how to change the bandages, and treat the wound, and JJ was allowed to come home. When we arrived, we helped JJ to his room.

"JJ lives here then?" Mrs Johnson asked.

"Well.. yes. He has for a while now." I answered

"Could you take the kids somewhere, while I get JJ settled and change his bandages?" I knew better than to argue with JJ's mama, and I also knew this couldn't be good.

I took Jacob and Jennifer to the movies. They are really delightful children. Jennifer is fifteen and Jacob is thirteen. They told me that they were very little when their dad left. Mrs Johnson raised them and JJ on her own. Of course JJ, being JJ, helped out as soon as he could. That is probably why he joined the military, so he could send money home.

When we returned, Mrs Johnson looked upset. We sat in silence by the pool, as the kids had one last dip before bed.

When they had gone, she turned to me. "You found JJ on the street?"

I suddenly felt like I was being interrogated. "Well..uh"

"Why didn't you tell me?" she demanded.

I almost lost my temper. Instead I calmly said "Mrs. Johnson, please.. sit down." She sat and glared at me. "Mrs. Johnson, you have raised one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. I will never say an unkind word about JJ. I thought it best if he told you in his own way. Do you know how he got wounded?"

"No." She said, still rather gruffly.

I told her what I knew, half way through, tears were forming in her eyes. By the time I finished she was a complete mess. She literally fell across my lap sobbing. I tried to comfort her, but it was useless. Twenty minutes we stayed like that.

"I didn't know. Why didn't he tell me?" she wailed

"I believe he thought you already had enough to deal with. Raising Jacob and Jennifer, and the cancer." She was shocked that I knew about that. "He is an extraordinary man."

"He said exactly the same thing about you."

"Did he?" I was touched.

"You know, I'm not blind. My son loves you."

"I'm very fond of him too." I said guardedly.

"Let me rephrase that. My son is in love with you. Now if you think I'm gonna just sit by and..." I held up my hand

"I assure you Mrs Johnson, I love JJ too."

She studied me a moment then asked "Do you..well .. have you two um?"

I was worried about how she would react, but finally I nodded. She reached for my hand. "Why the separate rooms?"

"With the children and all, I thought it best." She was just staring into my eyes "Mrs Johnson I.."

"Are you in love with my son?" I nodded again. "Then I think it's time you started calling me mama, and drop the Mrs. Johnson crap." Then she gave me a brilliant smile, and hugged me.

"Now Dave, there is just one more thing we have to discuss."

Saturday, "Your espresso."

"Damn, Mama, you about unnerved me."

She smiled and glanced at my morning tent. "And put that away, son, I'm not JJ."

I took my coffee into JJ's room and sat with him while I drank it. He had a cup too. We talked a bit and then I took our cups to the kitchen. I was immediately attacked by two teenagers, each wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Is it true? Huh? Are we really gonna live here?"

"I think that can be arranged. How would you feel about it?"

Jennifer was the first to answer "I don't want to leave my friends, but we can chat and email. I still have three years of high school left so I can make more friends too." She is such an optimistic young lady.

Jacob is a lot more adventurous. "My school back home sucks anyway. I'm the best player on my baseball team, the rest suck. Maybe I can get on a better team here."

I turned to Mama "Have you told JJ?"

"Not yet, I was hoping for a little alone time "

It was something that needed to be done. I couldn't help with it and I didn't want to be around for it.

"I think we need to go shopping. If you two will be emailing and chatting, you will need a computer, mine is off limits."

These two kids are smart and funny. I can see the family genes similar to JJ. At the computer store I bought them matching systems, so there wouldn't be arguments about sharing. I was in spending mode, so I also surprised them with the latest gaming console. I arranged for a tech to come out and set up everything properly.
