Two Weeks


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I shook my head, "I don't think so, Master Brian. I asked him if I had done something wrong, but he said no."

He frowned for a moment, "Pet, take Kelly into the bedroom and let her rest some on the bed. I need to make a phone call and then we will get started. Listen for the door. The others should be here soon."

Their bedroom was a rumpled mess of bedding, but it was comforting, and I curled up on the bed, still hand bound. Monica covered me with a sheet and left.

Faintly, from the other room, I could hear Master Brian's voice, "Hey Ken, what's going on?" and then the low murmur of his voice and the long silences in between. I cried.

In time I could hear the door and Monica answering it, voices in the other room. None were the voice I wanted to hear.

Master Brian came in and sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me. He reached out and stroked my hair tenderly, "Don't cry, pet. Ken is not mad at you. I think you'll find that out later tonight. First, though, I am going to use you as a model today. Once a month I give a lecture here on Japanese Rope Bondage. I knew Monica would be recovering from yesterday, so I asked for you. Ken wanted you to experience this, also. What do you know about this type of bondage?"

"I've seen some pictures, Master Brian."

"Just call me, Sir, please. I am not going to bind you tightly. One of the aspects of this type of bondage is restraint and arousal, not cutting off your circulation. Now, there are 3 guests and their slaves. I will demonstrate on you and they will attempt it on their slaves. Monica will be my roving helper. I usually do not blindfold my model, but Ken wants it that way so you can concentrate on the experience. If I feel it is too much for you, I will take the blindfold off. Sound good so far?" His smile was friendly and comforting, almost big brother like.

I nodded, "Yes, Sir."

"Good, now Monica will be in to help you get tidied up and ready. Enjoy yourself, Kelly."

I felt amazingly more reassured. Monica came back in after he had left to greet the guests. She unbound my hands, brushed my hair and washed the tears from my face. We took a sisterly moment to admire her nipple rings. It still seemed terribly painful, but they looked so good on her. I realized that I was jealous. Not of the rings per se, but of her relationship with Brian. They seemed so well fitted together. A partnership, a friendship, and more.

Monica fixed a satin blindfold over my eyes, "Oh, yummy." She admired, "Master only does a blindfold on me when he punishes me. I have a major panic attack in a blindfold, but you look completely sexy in one."

Skillfully she led me out to the den. I could sense the other people there and blushed, still not used to being exposed in public. Brian introduced me and began the lesson.

I surmised from the brief review that the previous session they had covered the history, the various knots and some rope wrapping techniques. He moved me with confident hands and began to explain what he liked to use as a first step, Shinju or the String of Pearls. First, he used some soft rope to bind my wrists behind my back. The odd thought flitted through my head that I found being bound like this to be very comforting anymore. Then He took some more rope and wrapped it several times under my breasts, capturing my arms with it. He then did a similar wrapping around the top of my breasts. These got knotted next to my spine.

I was having to concentrate on steady breathing already. I was finding this incredibly arousing. I could hear the other Masters now, speaking to Brian, questioning, commanding their subs, the occasional comment for a sub or a laugh.

The next step was adding the cinch ropes. I squirmed with the arousal of being bound and I heard Brain whisper teasingly in my ear, "You are taking rather well to this, aren't you?"

"Yes, Sir," I whispered back, feeling my body warm with a deep blush.

The last step of this was securing the long dangling rope from my wrists to the rest of the ropes by pulling the wrists up, securing them to the torso ropes with a knot, bringing the rest of the rope up over the shoulders and tied to the front of the ropes.

I was effectively bound and rather erotically too. Brian went on to show that with this, I was not immobilized, but there was nothing I could do to restrict access to his use. He also explained that if done correctly, I could stay in these ropes for a long period of time.

There was a coffee break, and Brain had me kneel, still rope bound. In my blindfolded darkness, with the voices around me, now accompanied by the occasional soft moan of another sub, my mind wandered into a daydream fantasy of being bound like this, perhaps an auction.

I was roused from my daydream as Brian helped me to stand again, I felt his fingers move over my body and without thought I arched my body toward him.

"Well," I could hear the pleasure and surprise in his comment, "Seems our pretty model here is taking incredibly well to this and is already in a bit of headspace. Let's help her along with the next step, Sukaranbo, or the Cherry."

The first rope was fastened around my waist from the front and then brought behind my back and then up between my legs. He made sure that the ropes went between my pussy lips and as he showed how to secure the ropes, I gasped and squirmed at the pressure of two knots. One pressed against my anus and the other caressed my clit.

Laughter sparkled through the room and from a growing distance, I heard Brian say, "Well, you can see the result the knots can have. Imagine what she will be like in a few hours."

He wasn't done and added two more ropes, one to the very top of each thigh with a tail end crossing my ass and attaching to the waist rope. He demonstrated how I could still walk and the possibilities of having a slave wear this part at her "underwear" on an outing.

By the time he had finished parading me about the room, I was painfully aroused and throbbing in need. I was startled when I felt Monica's hands on my well-displayed breasts, caressing them, her lips touching my hard nipples and then sucking. I lost control of my legs and sank to my knees with her still suckling me. I could do nothing to stop her, I arched my back toward her, giving her more of my breasts, throbbing more and more until there was only the pounding of my need in my ears.

"Cum for us, Kelly." the words floated to me from a great distance and I obeyed gratefully, my body wiggling in an orgasm so strong it hurt with a deep pleasure. I cried out for Master, aching for him, crying into the blindfold, and wishing he were there.

There was applause as Monica led me back to the bedroom. Gently she removed all the ropes and the blindfold and tucked me into the bed, "You rest some, Kelly. Gods, I had no idea you would be so easily aroused by this. There's some water her for you to drink and a sandwich. I expect them to be gone when I come back."

I sat up and ate the sandwich and drank the water. Pleasure still danced over my skin, but my heart ached for Master. I wanted it to be him here with me. Brian was nice, but I ached for Master's voice, his scent, the comfort of his presence. I dozed some after my lunch.

I was bought out again for the last part of today's lesson, the Karada, the body harness.

Blindfolded again, I let myself fully yield to the ropes. The first part of it was a long rope that was hung like an odd necklace around my neck. Knots were made in several places and then pulled between my legs. I could feel the knots that would once again caress my clit and anus I wiggled, eager to feel them again.

The rest noticed my reaction and there were comments. I did not care, letting myself float further into headspace. The ropes attached to the back of my "necklace" and then under the arms to the bits in front, looped through and back. Depending on how many sections had been made earlier, more little diamond shapes were created down my front and the sweet caress of the ropes over my skin had me making soft hungry moans without me realizing it.

I felt my hands secured above my head and I was left displayed and exquisitely bound while Monica and Brian helped the others with their ropes and subs. I realized that if not done too tightly, this harness of rope could be worn for a long period of time.

After everyone had caught up, Brain proceeded to show how with the harness you could bind the hands of the sub to it, add the breast bondage from before and incorporate leg bondage. None of it was so tight that I would loose circulation, but I was completely helpless. He left me lying on the floor, bound and captured and aching again for release.

I do not know how long I was there, but at some point I realized that the house was empty save Master Brian and Monica. With ease, Brian lifted me from the floor and swung me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. He carried me across the complex to Master's place.

He just opened the door and walked right in. I could hear music from the den and then Master's surprised voice, "Brian!"

I was placed on the ground, wiggling to find release from the tormenting knots against my sensitive skin, and desperate to show Master my obedience.

"Ken. She is one of the most responsive slaves I have seen in a long time. I am tempted not to give her back, but in the depths of her headspace, it's you she begs for. Don't be an ass."

Footsteps, the slam of a door and then only the sound of the music. I knew he was there, I could hear his breathing. I said nothing, waiting.

"You look lovely that way," he finally spoke.

I turned my face toward his voice, "Thank you, Master."

There was another long silence.

"Is the training what you have expected, Love?" His voice sounded tired. I wondered if he had slept at all.

"No, Master." I replied honestly, "It has been far beyond anything that I could have imagined."

"Hmmm.... do you have any idea what the last two days involve?"

I wiggled a bit, testing those wonderful ropes that held me snug neck to toe. "No, Master."

"Well," I heard him rise and begin to pace, "usually I spend the 13th day on fine tuning problem areas, drill, some breast torment if I haven't done it yet. And then some time making arrangements for the 14th day."

I listened quietly, wrapped in this comforting world of darkness and restraints.

"On the 14th day, I have guests over and walk the slave through each part of their training. It can be exhausting for them, a final exam, if you will. The guests are there to test the slave, to see if they are interested in arranging a formal contract with the girl. Of course the girl is consulted about which of the Dominants she felt an attraction to. In the following week or so, I act as a mediator between the two.

"I have had a few that after their training do not find a Master for them, and others that want several and cannot choose, so I hold an auction and she goes to the highest bidder that agrees with the contractual terms."

I said nothing. What was there to say? He paced some more and then sat close by, running his fingertips over my breasts, teasing the nipples until I squirmed under his touch.

"With you," his voice was husky, almost hungry, "I have a deep problem." He flicked my left nipple and I groaned trying to keep my silence, "With you, I cannot find the Doms that I feel would be a good match for your needs and desires. I considered Brian, but he already has a girl, doesn't care for another and while he is an excellent Dom, does not have the strictness that causes you to blossom so well."

I struggled now to hold back the orgasm that he tortured me with, keeping me so close to the edge, but not allowing me to go over it. Keeping his own control; controlling me, playing me like an instrument.

"Even now," he continued, "I cannot think of more than one Master that would be able to read you, control you, give you what you need. You need this don't you?"

"Y-yes." I gasped, arching in the ropes, the knots rubbing and caressing me, multiplying the need and the agony. Behind this need was fear. He was building to something; something that would break me in half.

"Can you imagine being home again, alone?" Somehow he increased the level of sensation. I could imagine the look on his face of intense concentration, reading every nuance of my body, my face.

Home? Alone? The idea of returning to that small furnished apartment, the empty nights and long weekends that would be flat after this. It was Kansas to Oz and with no ties to pull me back.

"Yes, Master," I managed to get out, "it will be very hard to go back."

"Hmmm..." his fingers left my body and I moaned hotly in frustration. I wiggled, trying to beckon him back with my body.

"Lie still, Love."

I fought myself to hold still, sobbing now.

"Excellent, you are so beautiful." another long pause, "Do you trust me to pick out for you the one Master that I know will be a perfect fit for you?"

I wanted to say no, to plead with him to take me himself; but to what use. He probably had another girl coming the day after me. But if he would not have me, I still loved him enough to pick someone for me. Of course, that person would always be second in my heart. Maybe in time, they could change that.

"Yes, Master."

"Good." there was relief in his voice. It hit me that he was relieved to be rid of me. "He will take possession of you tonight then. There is nothing more I can do for you in this capacity."

I began to cry as he unwrapped my body from the ropes. Freeing me. I cried harder.

"Go shower and clean yourself. I want you to present yourself at your best for him. He will be here when you are done." He stood and removed the collar. I cried harder.

"This is a training collar, Kelly. He will have a different one for you. Make me proud."

I went to the bathroom and began my shower. I cried the whole time, making sure I was perfect in cleanliness. He did not want me, but at least I could show my love for him by being the best he had trained.

Finally I had to go out. There was nothing I could do for my tear-swollen eyes. I walked out, naked, but proud of my body; tense with fear of who Master might have picked for me.

I knelt by Master's feet and glanced around. There was no one else but the two of us. Perhaps my new Master was running late.

"Are you ready to sign your contract?" He motioned to the paper on the coffee table. "It is similar to the one you signed for training. The only differences are that contract runs for one year, or can be broken on mutual consent. It also does not have the paragraph forbidding piercing or other permanent decorative markings."

I picked up the pen woodenly and signed. It did not matter who it was if it was not him. I loved him enough to know he would have picked someone who would treat me well.

He took the pen and the contract and went to a wall safe I was unaware of. He put the contract inside and took out a bag.

Returning to me, he opened the bag and pulled out a necklace - or collar - of intricate metal work. It was beautiful. Something that any woman would proudly wear.

"Kelly, I collar you with this collar. You have of your own free will signed a contract giving me the care of you for the period of one year. I promise as your Master, to care for you above any other person, to love you, to teach you, to cherish you, to punish you as needed." He fixed the collar around my neck.

I reached up and touched it, my mind whirling. He collared me? He was my new Master? I did not have to leave him?

I threw myself into his arm, kissing him and thanking him. He laughed deeply, in pleasure.

"I did not give you permission to move, Love. See why I couldn't give you to another? Now I will have to punish you."

I laughed happily, eager for what he had planned.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I wish I had someone like that but only for the sex I would still want some control over my life.

Mary1949Mary1949almost 3 years ago

I loved this story.

KitKatWithSexKitKatWithSexabout 5 years ago
This is awesome and cute

Soooo cute and amazing to read. Thanks for writing this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
BDSM Is Not Supposed To Be Focused on Mortality

This story, while featuring well-developed characters, flunks BDSM 101 - neither safe, nor sane!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
A Precautionary Tale

Mistress Victoria is a perfect example why no one should put themselves into such a position, where trust extends to life and death. No one, no human, can be trusted, or should be trusted, to such a degree.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Stay alive.

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