Unbroken Ch. 12


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"Yeah..." Luis moaned at the top of his voice, slightly raising his butt to push the crotch further into the face of the man that was sniffing him. "Show me why you are worthy of the prince fucking your hole. Why should I pleasure you with my cock..." Luis shouted. He was back and he liked it a whole lot.

"Oh...my prince..." The guy moaned as he gripped both of Luis' thighs, giving them a tight squeeze.

"Oh fuck..." Luis' cock rubbed strongly on his brief and he almost shot in his pants.

"Yeah...I wanna feel this cock." The guy gave Luis' cock a soft kiss through his trouser. Feeling that kiss, Luis squirmed and then moved his hands to touch the back of the guy's head. Both of his hands were touching the guy's head, bringing him closer to the crotch.

"Fuck...suck me..." Luis commanded in a deep horny voice. "Wrap that mouth on my cock. I wanna feel that mouth on my cock. I wanna shoot my first load in your tight sweet mouth..."

Hearing those words, the guy raised his head and then moved closer to Luis who had his eyes closed and his tongue licking his lips sensually. He just wanted to fuck. He just wanted to blow his load and then feel relieved. That was it.

"Yes, baby." The guy moaned loudly, licking his lips. "But first..." He came closer to Luis' face. He took in a deep breath on Luis' face.

Feeling that hot breath on his face, Luis felt something even more powerful than he had felt at that particular time. His body vibrated rhythmically and then sent something so powerful to his brain. His pleasure increased to a whole new level. His breathing changed. He felt like he was in heaven.

"Yes!" Luis moaned as another sharp vibration made his body tremble in pleasure. "Fuck..."

The guy was really giving him powerful energy and made him feel pleasure unlike before. That was the spirit that he wanted. Now he knew that he was gonna fuck the guy till his balls were empty. It was gonna be a great day of nothing but fucking to him. He was gonna fuck his brains out and make him scream unlike before.

The vibrations all over Luis' body continued to the point where he got really excited. He needed things to get hotter. Taking a deep breath of hotness, Luis opened his mouth to speak but before he could say a single word...all hell broke loose right there.

Just when he had thought of saying something dirty, he heard a voice, a voice that made him freeze and took him to another level. The voice made him tremble unlike anything and filled him with anger and bitterness.

"Stay away from my husband..." Aidan's voice rang in his head. That voice had been from that time he had come to fuck a whore, the night he first had sex with Aidan. He got really scared. He didn't know how that word got to him but it still did anyway and it made him tremble in fear. "He is my husband and I want you to get out of here." It was like Aidan was in that very room, saying the exact same words that he was hearing. "...if I ever catch you with my husband...you will not like me. Warn even everyone who is like you okay? Stay away from my husband. This time I will let you go but next time, I will deal with you. I might look small and young but I will definitely deal with you."

Luis breaths became harsh as fear suddenly struck into him accompanied by anger. He was trembling and he suddenly let go of the guy's head, dropping them furiously to the bed. He quickly moved his eyes to stare at the guy and he even got more scared when he saw Aidan instead.

Aidan was right in front of him and he was smiling brightly. He had a beautiful grin on his face and he was glowing like an angel. His hair was in a beautiful ponytail that reached his butt. His dimples were beautiful and his eyes were lovely.

Luis got caught up looking in those eyes again. His heart pounded in fear and he couldn't move an inch of his body. He was frozen and he was really angry. He opened his mouth to speak but his voice was gone. He just stared at the handsome looking boy in front of him.

As he stared at Aidan, Luis was snapped back to his normal self when Aidan said,

"I love you."

Those three words were able to bring him back to the real world with such an impact that he jumped up and climbed on the bed, breathing really fast.

"Stay away from me." He warned, pointing his finger angrily. "Don't come near me or else..."

"Is there anything wrong?" The guy asked as he got closer to Luis.

"Stay the fuck away from me, you whore." Luis snapped, giving the guy angry eyes. "Don't fucking touch me with your dirty hands okay?"

"But my prince, I..."

"Shut up..." Luis bellowed, moving away from the bed. He quickly stepped on the floor and that was when he realized that his belt was unbuckled and his zip was loose. But his cock was still in his boxer. What surprised him too was that it was getting softer by the moment.

Luis quickly zipped up and buckled his belt, moving closer to the door. "Don't freaking come near me." he warned the surprised looking guy that had clearly been dying to taste Luis' cock. "If you ever come near..."

"I am sorry..." The guy apologized. "I didn't mean to...do whatever it is that I have done wrong. But please, come back here okay? I just wanna feel you inside of me, please."

"Shut your trap." Luis had no idea why he was that angry at an innocent man that probably didn't deserve his treatment. He had just been about to fuck the guy. But what he was doing was what he felt like at that particular time. He knew he had to do it. He was just following his instincts. "Never again..." He snarled. "Never, ever come to me again..."

"I am..."

"Silence..." He used his prince command, breathing violently. "Shut the hell up. I won't allow this to happen. I will never cheat on my husband." He yelled. "He warned you to..." He trailed off when he realized just what he had been about to say to the guy.

"Fuck!" He cursed, gripping his head harder. "What the fuck..."

Luis stormed out of the room, seething and breathing like a beast. He didn't like the way he was feeling at that particular time. He rushed to the elevator and in no time he was on the first floor, passing the lobby.

"Hey..." He heard Charles' happy voice coming from behind him. "That was really quick and..."

"I don't have time for this." He seethed as he rushed to the exit. "I just wanna go back to the..."

"Hey, ma..." Charles rushed to him and walked by his side with the guard rushing out.

"Please, Charles..." Luis begged. "I just wanna go back to the palace okay? I don't wanna talk about what had happened back there."

Charles was definitely worried after seeing Luis in that bad mood. "Please, tell me what had happened. I am your friend and I think I deserve to know exactly what had..."

Without even saying a thing, Luis rushed out of the hotel to the many faces that seemed to admire him. He didn't even bother about them. He just went out of the hotel into the already opened car. When Charles entered the car...the driver drove off.

Charles remained quiet for some time as he wanted to give his best friend some time to cool down. But the man by his side was nowhere near being calm. He was just gonna ask him a question like that.

"What happened back there?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." Luis said harshly.

"What happened?" Charles demanded with a slightly raised voice. "I want you..."

"He happened." Luis snapped at his best friend. "I can't do what you took me to do back there. One moment I was enjoying and another he was there. That didn't help a thing or..."

"I am sorry..." Charles said softly. "It's my fault, really. I shouldn't have taken you there. I didn't know that..."

"Forget it." He bellowed, moving his eyes to the window. "It happened and there is nothing we can do about that. That warlock is really trying to ruin my life, I swear I will..." He trailed off and felt a tear drop to his cheek. He tried to hide it but Charles saw it and rubbed it.

Charles gripped his head. "You must get him..."

"I don't have him in my mind." Luis said. "I don't wanna remember someone that I don't even care about." He said harshly. But he knew very well that Aidan was an important part of his life. But never would he allow him to make him weak. "I am taking hold of my life now and I will not allow his memories to make me weak." Luis felt a little under control when he spoke in anger. "I will never allow that to happen."

"Yes!" Charles smiled. "That is the man that I know as my brother okay?" He gripped Luis and pulled him into a great big hug. "You shouldn't allow that boy to control you. You should fight."

Luis felt Charles rubbing on his back, soothing him softly. His best friend's hands felt so good on his back that at a moment he felt like he was gonna doze off. Aidan had been affecting him terribly and he had no idea what to do anymore. He usually hid it from his family and masked it with laughs and smiles. If only there was a way for him to erase Aidan from his mind. Then he would be the happiest man in the world to live without those painful memories.

Charles held his friend all the way to the palace. Reaching the palace, Luis kissed Charles goodbye and apologized for his behavior. Charles completely understood him and with one final kiss on the cheeks, Charles left after Luis promised him another outing but just the two of them, just to forget about everything that had happened.

After Charles left, Luis went straight to his room after greeting his family. He went straight to his room as he had a really bad headache that made his head pulse. Aidan had really affected him really badly that day. But he wasn't gonna allow that anymore. Lying down on the bed as he tried to catch his sleep, Luis knew that his only goal was to forget about everything that had happened in his life. He was gonna do it.

"I will forget you at all costs." Luis vowed. "I will do everything to erase you from my memories." He breathed. "I promise."


Aidan was moving his head from side to side to side, clenching on the beddings. He was breathing harshly and panting in the process. He wanted to get up but he couldn't do it. He was having a dream about his past.

"Granny..." He breathed as his head movements intensified. "...Ethan..."

He was dreaming about his family and how they were doing. He had his hands on the sheets, clenching hard on them. He was panting and his heart was racing.


Aidan suddenly opened his eyes and had a quick look around his room. He had been sleeping and the dreams had just followed. Taking a deep sigh he rose from the bed and sat up, slowly touching his head. He had just been dreaming, again about Ethan and granny.

Aidan's dreams had just started a few days back. He could still remember how he had gone to sleep and then had a dream about his granny and his brother crying for him. At first he had just ignored it as a dream but it had continued haunting him. Now he was in thought, thinking about his granny and his brother. How were they doing, he thought as he took a deep sigh?

"God..." He breathed, slowly rubbing his eyes as he got up from the bed.

Aidan just breathed in and then got all those thoughts out of his head. He quickly left the room and rushed down the stairs. He was walking really slowly, looking all around his home. This time he just used the stairs and walked really slowly. It took really long but he came down the stairs and he was happy he did.

Coming down the stairs, Aidan started moving towards the kitchen to get some water. He was putting on a really bright white trouser with diamond sparkles everywhere. He had a white shirt with diamonds all over and diamond sandals that made his feet really bright and beautiful. His hair was in a beautiful curled ponytail with diamonds.

Ever since he built that castle with diamonds there was nothing that he wore without diamonds. They had become a part of him and he loved it like that. He loved that his gift had helped him build his own place. In fact, ever since he came to the castle...he has used his magic on one thing or another. It really helped him a lot.

Aidan passed through the living room with a grand entrance and he found himself heading to the kitchen. Entering the kitchen he went straight to the fridge to get some water just to make himself calm.

"Good morning..." He heard a happy voice.

Hearing the lovely voice, Aidan made a quick turn just in time to meet with the brightest smile ever. It was Justin, Dr. Justin, the guy he had been staying with for over three weeks. Dr. Justin Myers was a great guy to be around. He was lively...he was cheerful...he was a joker and he made Aidan forget about his troubles whenever he was with him. At first he didn't like the guy but his instinct told him the guy was good. Even the energy that surrounded him was really good. That was what he really loved about him. At first he didn't want to allow the guy to stay but he couldn't help but let him do so. After all, Aidan could feel that the guy was there for a purpose. He just didn't know what. They had been staying together and Aidan usually smiled softly at times when he was with him. He was such a great guy.

In the weeks that he had been with the guy, Aidan has come to know a lot of things about him. First he was from a far away kingdom and he had been banished because he had been accused of trying to take advantage of the minister's child during examinations. His grandfather had surely told him a lot about his life and he was a great believer in the almighty. He knew a lot about religion and he really loved to cook. Aidan had thought of throwing him out but having him around was really great for him. It was all just beautiful.

Justin had a really difficult time in his land and he suffered a whole lot. That had made Aidan feel really sorry for him. He was really a great guy. Though Aidan had not said much or rather talk about his past, he had told Justin that he came from a land where he didn't want to go again. He had told him that someone betrayed him. He didn't want to talk a lot about his past.

"Good morning..." He said in a serious tone.

"How did you sleep?" Justin picked up a cup of tea and moved closer to Aidan. "Care for some tea?"


"It will help a lot I assure you." Justin smiled brightly, offering it to him.

"No..." Aidan quickly opened the fridge and then picked up a bottle of water. "I just need water that's all. Don't worry about me."

"Sure." Justin chuckled softly. "But you will at least have breakfast right? I will be making it in a few minutes."

Aidan sighed as he started walking away while opening the bottle. "I will do that." He said, clearing his throat.

Before Justin had another chance to say any other thing, Aidan left. He opened the bottle and put it on his lips. By the time it left his lips it was definitely empty. The water made him feel relieved and a little happy and cool. He went straight to the living room and passed, heading for the huge glass window.

As he was heading to the window, he just swung his finger in the air and the curtains moved to the other side. He reached the window and just stood still, enjoying the wonderful view which he was seeing outside. He took a really deep breath and just stared at the beautiful compound which he had made for himself.

The whole compound was really lovely. It was sparkling brightly especially with the sun so high in the sky. There were a lot of beautiful flowers and trees too. The pool seemed eye catching and beautiful. He had never been able to swim in it. He just put his legs there and just tried to be himself. He had been living happily since he made that castle for himself and he didn't like anything to change. He just wanted everything to turn out beautiful.

Aidan took a deep breath and then just got lost in the beauty of the nature outside. It was beautiful to his eyes and it made his mood brighter. A short smile appeared on his face and he just took a deep breath and got lost in it.

Aidan was so lost in the beauty and elegancy of his home that he didn't even realize that time was passing. He might have stood there for a number of minutes, even hours. The next thing that he heard was footsteps behind him and then a voice clearing. Aidan snapped out of his mood and then slowly turned to see Justin smiling at him brightly.

"Yes!" He said softly, too confidently. "What is it?"

"Breakfast..." Justin smiled. "It is now served. Please, come and have your breakfast."

Aidan just stood and stared at the cute guy. He took a deep sigh and then said, "Okay."

Justin chuckled and then went back to the dining room. In a few minutes Aidan went to have his breakfast and boy was it scrumptious. The tastiness of the food made his heart warm and filled with joy. Once he bit in that food and tasted it...his mind went back to the past. He remembered granny and his brother. He remembered how granny had always cooked scrumptious food for him and then made him eat it as well. He got really happy and emotional at the same time.

As he ate that food, Aidan ate it slowly. There was a time when he got lost and just thought about granny. He knew he shouldn't have been thinking about that but he couldn't help it. It just came right through his brain.


Justin's throat clearing brought him back to reality, again. "Are you alright...Aidan..." He asked. "You seem really lost. Are you sure..."

"Yes!" Aidan said as he dropped his spoon. "I am fine." He took another moment, balancing his head on his palms. He then raised his head and then asked a question that Justin couldn't have ever imagined. It was all so surprising to him.

"Do you mind taking a walk with me?"

"Sure." Justin smiled. Since the time he had been living in the beautiful and elegant castle with a boy blessed with magical hands, he had never been offered something like that. It was all so new to him and he loved it. He couldn't deny it. "I don't mind at all."

Aidan smiled softly and then got up. Justin followed him behind. They both got outside the castle and then found themselves outside the castle, walking near the beach. The mood was really lovely for Aidan and he loved it like crazy.

"I have always fancied living near the sea." He said softly. "It is so beautiful, so lovely and so..." He paused and just laughed loudly. "Can you feel the breeze?"

"Yeah..." Justin breathed in, staring at the sparkling boy. "I have lived half of my life near the sea." He laughed, remembering his childhood. "It really feels good to just sit on the beach and watch the sun set."

"Hmm..." Aidan moaned softly, breathing in the sweet breeze. "You are absolutely right."

Justin chuckled and then just walked together with Aidan. He had his eyes on Aidan the whole time. He had never had a long conversation with him and definitely not a walk with him so that was kinda a surprise to him but he loved it.

"You surely know how to cook," He commented. "Your food is lovely and it reminds me of my grandma." He said, taking a deep sigh. Talking to Justin about that felt so right. "I can still remember how she used to cook and fed me when I was just a little child." He chuckled nervously.

"Is she dead or..."

"No!" He sighed. "She's very much alive but she is in the land where I don't wanna go back." He sighed as he fought those memories from coming. "I also have a brother whom I love so much. But...I think they are happier with me not being around. I also think they are safer without me. I am sure that..." He exhaled loudly. "They are probably..." He paused and just stared at the sea ahead.

"I never knew." Justin quickly said. "I never knew you had a family."

"Yeah..." Aidan gave a gloomy sigh, taking a quick glance at Justin. He smiled faintly and then moved his face forward. "This gift..."

"Your powers..." Justin corrected.