Unbroken Ch. 12


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"Yeah, those..." Aidan said in a serious tone. "The priest told me I was born with them, a gift from the almighty. Everyone thought I was a warlock but..."

"Can I make a confession?" Justin asked. He chuckled when Aidan nodded and then smiled brightly, flipping his beautiful hair.

"Well..." He started. "The truth is that...my grandfather told me that...I would find a place just like this where a powerful boy would live. I used to spend a lot of my time with grandpa that I knew everything about his magic. He used to perform a lot of magic tricks with his trident." He chuckled softly. "I had learnt a lot about magic that I used to pretend I had magic and ran around, pretending as if I truly had magic and then..." He trailed off when his eyes moved to the sand and then found something really beautiful. He couldn't help but admire it.

"It's beautiful..." Justin gasped as his eyes gaped at the beauty on the sand.

"What?" Aidan asked as he moved his eyes to the surprised looking Justin. "Why did you..."

"Look..." Justin pointed to the sand.

Aidan followed Justin's hand and then reached what Justin was gaping on. It was a necklace and it was glowing. It was the same golden necklace Luis had given him on the night of the introduction. It was half buried in the sand but he could recognize that necklace anywhere.

Seeing the necklace, Aidan's eyes widened greatly. A powerful emotion swept him off his feet and he began panting, eyeing the necklace. His heart began racing...his body vibrated and a whole lot of anger took control of his body. He tried to move his eyes away but it was like he was frozen where he stood. He couldn't move an inch.

Aidan's mood suddenly changed to anger. How did that necklace find its way back to him, he thought as he clenched on his fists, panting as if thunder was just on its way? He felt really powerful and he began trembling. Whatever was associated with that necklace came back slipping to him. It was like he was reliving everything that had happened to him. He hated it a lot.

"Oh my God," Justin rushed to it and knelt down to pick it up. His hand was almost reaching it before Aidan gave a loud scream that made him tremble for a second.

"Get away from that necklace." He screamed out in anger.

Hearing the anger in Aidan's voice, Justin made a quick turn and then stared into his eyes. He was not looking like himself. He was looking really angry, making Justin wonder why he was acting like that. He couldn't understand a thing of what was going on with him.

"Aidan, are you..."

"Get away from it." He roared. Suddenly a strong wind blew but just for a second. That wind was able to send Justin to the ground. He wondered why Aidan had reacted that way. He couldn't understand a thing of what was going on.

"Aidan, I..."

"Stay away..." He yelled, seething.

Aidan took one final look at the necklace and then raised it from the ground with the concentration of his mind. It rose high up in the air, glowing and still reminding him of the things that had happened. Luis' words came back to haunt him.

"Vows are meant to be broken."

He had never been as mad as he was at that very time. He never wanted to see that necklace ever again. "Never again..." He wasn't gonna allow that necklace to make him weak and break him. He had been fine in a month and a week so that necklace had to go.

With a deep and harsh breath, Aidan sent the necklace flying so high that he didn't even care where it would fall. He just sent it flying into the sea and didn't care about anything else. Throwing the necklace he made a quick turn and then started hurrying to his castle.

"Wait..." Justin rose from the ground. He followed Aidan. "Please, wait..." He still couldn't understand what had just happened. "Why did you do that?" He hollered. "Was that necklace yours or something like that?"

"Please, I don't wanna talk about it." He said harshly. "Just drop that topic. I just wanna go back to my castle right now."

"But if it is..."

"Justin, please..." Aidan snarled. "Just leave me alone and..." He trailed off and just stopped walking when he started feeling strange. He started getting dizzy and then just tried his best not to lose himself. He moved his hand to his head, slowly massaging on it. But nothing was working. The dizziness just kept on getting worse. His vision blurred for a second and suddenly things started spinning right in front of him. "God..." He tried to breath. He felt like his energy suddenly left him and he tried to fell to the ground but thanks to Justin who immediately gripped him.

"Oh my God..." Justin gasped, holding Aidan tighter.

"I...I..." Aidan had never felt anything like that before. It was like something was just moving inside of him, drawing energy from him. He couldn't explain how he was feeling at that time. Things seemed to be getting worse as his dizziness got out of hand.

"Please, don't try to speak." Justin was about to panic. Holding Aidan, he could feel that his heart was racing. "I think I might need to..."

"No..." Aidan tried to get away from Justin's arms but he tried to fell again. "...I am fine...I just need to rest that's all. Okay."

"No..." Justin held him tighter, securing him in his strong arms. "You are not okay. I need to know what's wrong with you. You definitely have no strength in you. Let's go back so that I can..."

"Leave me..." Aidan trailed off when he felt nauseous all of a sudden. He felt like something was about to come out of his mouth. He moved his hand weakly and then covered his mouth while he tried his best not to vomit. But it wasn't possible. In just a few seconds he let go and finally threw up all over Justin's hand. He tried to move Justin's hand from his way and knelt down on the sand, coughing weakly. Then all of a sudden...he felt like something moved in his tummy, giving a really sharp pain. It was just for a second and went away. He was definitely sick.

"Oh my God, Aidan..." Justin knelt down on the ground and gripped his arm. He didn't mind that the boy had thrown up all over his hand. All he wanted to do was just make sure that he was alright. "You are not fine okay? Let me..."

"Leave me..." Aidan said weakly. He tried to move Justin's hand but he was too weak to even move an inch of his body. "I just wanna..."

"No..." Justin tightened his grip on Aidan and just held him tighter. He was really worried about him. Aidan on the other hand felt as if all his strength had just left him. He dropped his head weakly and then laid it on Justin's soft chest, trying to breathe through his mouth. As time went on...he started feeling his body temperature rising. He could very well feel it. In just a matter of a few seconds...his skin was already forming with sweat.

"What's going on?" Justin said as he used his hand to check Aidan's temperature. "You are burning up." He wiped his sweat and then secured him in his arms, sitting on the sand. All that he wanted to do was to just make Aidan feel better.

Aidan couldn't understand a freaking thing of what was going on. He couldn't understand how he could have become that weak in just a matter of seconds. He had never been as sick as he was at that time. He even thought at times that he was not gonna get well. Everything was just happening really fast and he couldn't quite explain the feeling.

Justin held Aidan tighter than before. Aidan on the other hand just stayed like that, secured in Justin's strong arms while he tried to catch his breath. After a number of minutes which felt like hours, his vision started returning to normal. Some of his strength came back and he felt like he was able to breathe once more. Feeling some energy return to him, Aidan moved his head and then looked at Justin.

"Leave me..." He said in a weak voice.

Justin let go of Aidan when he heard his voice. He knew he had to let go as he couldn't quite disobey someone like Aidan. He just had to do it. He just sat and watched as Aidan struggled to get up severally. Aidan had not yet recovered. Every movement that he made just made him weaker. He knew he couldn't move.

"Let me help you." Justin said as he held Aidan's arm carefully. "I will take you back to the castle."

Aidan knew he couldn't argue with that. He had to let Justin held him. He nodded and then Justin wrapped his arms around him. Aidan wrapped his arm around his waist and then he was being led back to the castle. Justin helped Aidan back to the castle and after what felt like hours they finally arrived back at the castle. Aidan was feeling a little better and he thanked his lucky stars Justin had been there with him otherwise...

"Take me to the couch." He commanded in a weak and small voice. "I want to rest on the couch. I don't think I can handle going to my room."

Justin just nodded and then led him to the couch. Reaching the couch, Justin led him carefully on it and made sure that he was peaceful. Aidan felt a little better after lying back on the couch. He felt relieved and as if some form of energy had returned to him. But he knew that he had lost a lot more energy that he had gained.

Aidan's eyes felt really heavy to him. He had just slept on the couch and he was already sleepy. He just closed his eyes and then wrapped his arms weakly around himself. In just a few seconds...he was already gone. He had been so weak that he couldn't handle staying awake. He just drifted into sleep.


When Aidan woke up in the late afternoon, there was a huge blanket that was covered on his body. He felt really warm and cozy. He loved the warm sensation and the way his body felt at that time. He was no longer weak...he was no longer dizzy...he could see as bright as ever...there was nothing wrong with him. He could feel that his body temperature was still a little high but other than that...he was absolutely perfect.

"God..." He moaned as he slowly rose up from the couch, yawning and stretching his arms. He slipped the cover off of himself and just held it. Then his mind went back to what had happened to him a few hours ago. He couldn't understand anything. He was somehow really confused.

"Why did I feel like that?" he wondered as he gave another yawn. He felt really hungry. He had never been as hungry as he was at that very time. It was like something had eaten up every food that he had eaten in the morning.

Aidan just sat down and got in his lost, thinking about a few hours earlier.

Aidan's thoughts ended when he heard footsteps coming towards him and a beautiful chuckle.

"Hey..." Justin said, happy that Aidan had woken up, finally. "You have finally woken up. How are you feeling?" He came near and sat on a nearby couch.

"I think I feel great. Thanks."

"That's good." Justin gestured, giving Aidan a really bright smile. "That shows that you are really..."

"You didn't do any tests on me right?"

"No..." Justin chuckled, throwing his hand. "I respected your decision. I didn't want to go against your will okay?"

"Thanks." Aidan said as he rubbed his eyes. "How long have I been..."

"Since morning..." Justin said. "It will be 6.pm real soon."

"Ah..." Aidan said as he hit his head softly. "I don't know what had happened to me back there. It was like something had suddenly attacked me. I couldn't control my body. I was really weak and..." He paused and remembered what he had done. "I am really sorry for throwing up..."

"It's nothing..." Justin chirped, beaming at Aidan. "I didn't mind at all. I am a doctor and I have handled worse issues than that. You gave me quite a scare back there." He sighed. "I thought that..."

"I don't know what had happened." Aidan couldn't remember what had happened to him. He remembered throwing the stupid necklace that Luis had given to him and then turned. After that, it was like he had been possessed by something that had drained his energy. "It was like..."

"A check up is best in this..."

"I am fine." He confidently stood up and walked slowly before turning to face Justin. "There is nothing wrong with me." He smiled. "Thank you so much for being there. I don't know what I would have done if not for you. I really, really appreciate it a lot. Thank you very much."

"Help will always be there when you need it. I am here to help you in any way I can. But if you still need any checkup then..."

"I don't need any checkup. I don't know what had happened but I will never feel that way again. I know I won't." He was confident what had happened won't ever happen to him ever again.

"Alright," Justin got up and got closer to Aidan. He used his hand and then put it on his forehead.

"What are you doing?" Aidan took a quick step back. "I thought I told you I am absolutely fine. Why are you checking?"

"Your temperature is a bit high." Justin simply said. "Don't you think..."

"Don't worry," He said confidently, smiling faintly just to give the guy some relief. "I am sure that it will cool down. I had a really high temperature when..." He raised his eyebrow and shrugged. "...whatever had happened to me back there happened. But it will..."

"Okay." Justin said. "Since you don't want a checkup why don't you sit down so that I can make you some soup to make you warmer and feel better than you do right now."

"Fine..." He said, heading for the couch. "But I hope you have some food with you. I am really hungry." He sat on the couch and crossed his legs. "I don't know why I feel this hungry but I just wanna eat something right now."

"Sure." Doctor Justin was more than happy. Aidan and he had never connected more than they did that day. It just felt really happy and...normal. That was the first time they had talked like real friends. Their talks were really just a few words but right then...everything seemed really beautiful.

"But that will be after the soup." Justin added.

Justin smiled when Aidan nodded and then went back to the kitchen. Aidan on the other hand laid his head back on the couch and took several deep breaths to make him calm and just concentrate on nothing else rather than the hunger that seemed to be increasing each passing second. His stomach was rumbling. He needed food as quickly as possible. He had gone hungry before but the hunger that he felt was slowly killing him.

After waiting for a few minutes, Justin came back with a bowl of soup. Aidan grabbed it and then dived in. He felt really better after finishing that soup. After that, Justin brought him his food and he just dived in and enjoyed the beautiful food that seemed to find its way to his heart, making him remember granny. He just ate and ate some more until the whole plate was definitely finished. He had never eaten as much as he did at that time. He was stuffed but he loved it.

"Wow!" Justin chuckled nervously. "You sure did eat a lot today."

"Yeah..." Aidan was not so sure. He still couldn't understand that he had just finished a big plate of food. It was just amazing and somehow...he could feel himself needing more. "I did, didn't I?"

"Yeah...do you need some..."

"No..." He said as he yawned softly. "I think I might need to take a little rest." He smiled softly. "I feel a bit tired right now."

"Yeah..." Justin said. "You should rest a bit. I will be in the kitchen if you need me." He got up and left the living room.

Seeing that Justin had left, Aidan lay back on the couch and covered himself up. Then he went back to the necklace theory. That necklace had been able to make him mad and he didn't want to dwell on it. He was having a good life alone and he loved how everything was going. He didn't want to dwell in the past. He had done whatever it was just to forget about Luis and it had finally worked. The last thing he wanted was to go back. So he was just gonna forget about everything. At least he had a great person to stay with and that person was slowly turning into his friend. He loved it a lot.

Aidan just forgot about everything and every pain and just concentrated on the life that he was living currently. He was living a fulfilled life. He was using his powers according to his will and he had known just what he could do with them. That was really a lot and he loved it a whole lot. He was just gonna forget about everything.

Aidan rested the rest of the remaining hours of the afternoon. In the evening dinner was served and boy did he eat. He ate as if it hadn't been just a few hours when he had a plate full of food. He didn't care what Justin thought of him. All he cared about was just filling himself up with the best of food. It was really great for him. That day was different from other days even though it had kinda started bad. But it was good and he felt really good.

After that great dinner, Aidan thanked Justin who was surprised at how much he had eaten. Aidan was still tired and he couldn't understand why he was still tired after resting the whole day. It was just too hard to understand. Aidan didn't waste any more time. He just said goodnight to Justin and went upstairs to his room.

Reaching his room, he just magically changed to a beautiful red but shiny pajama and slipped under the covers. He just lay his head on the pillow and without getting a chance to even take three breaths, he was already asleep.

"Goodnight sweet prince..."


Luis came rushing down the stairs with his tablet in his hands. He was busy chatting with his best friend about the fun that they had the previous day in town and at the beach. He had a big smile on his face that he had missed for such a long time. He couldn't just remember the last time he had smiled just like that. It felt really beautiful to just forget about everything for once and just have fun. He was really happy and there was no way to mask it.

A week and a few days have passed since that incident at the hotel. Things didn't quite go well with him for a day or two but he decided to forget about it. He had grabbed any opportunity to go out with his best friend and just have fun out. He couldn't quite understand his body anymore. He had been a really active sex addict but now...he was back to being normal. He didn't even think about sex anymore. He just wanted to have fun.

He had gone with Hanna shopping and they had a really good time together. Things have been going quite well for him and he loved how everything was going in his life. In just a few days or a week his room would be completely renovated and he would go back to it. But it was gonna be really different but he wouldn't have loved anything more than that. His plan to forget about Aidan seemed to be working and he loved it like that. It was...beautiful.

As he came down the stairs, Luis made his way into the living room where his family was seated, busy chatting. He just reached there and without speaking to his family members. He was really busy with Charles on the social media and he didn't want to lose that smile on his face for anything in the world. At least he was happy.

"Hey..." The king called softly, gesturing him. "You seem really happy today. What's up?"

"Yeah..." Hanna said as she went near his couch. "He really seems happy today. It's almost not like him and..."

"What?" Luis rolled his eyes, getting his head up to stare into his lovely sister's face. "Am I not allowed to be happy for any..."

"No!" Hanna said softly, smiling brightly at him. "In fact, I am really happy to see you in that mood. Do you know how long I have been waiting to see you smile just like that? It feels so good to finally see a genuine smile on your face and not those fake smiles that you usually give us." She laughed when he frowned. "Do you think I didn't notice?"

Hanna laughed at her brother. She was more than happy to see him in that mood. Sure! He had been smiling but she knew his smiles very well and could differentiate between his fake smiles and his real smiles. It was just beautiful to see his real smile.