Unbroken Ch. 12


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"Hey..." The queen gestured. "Stop teasing my son okay? My baby is just happy. But I am also wondering what has made him smile like that."

"Charles..." Luis cleared his throat. "I am just chatting with Charles. We are just having fun on social media. He is actually planning on us going out this weekend."

"I think that idea is wonderful." Hanna beamed. "You need to be going out even more. You need to have fun like you used to. I really think that..."

"I have heard, queen of fun..." Luis joked for the first time since that incident.

Hearing Luis' words, Hanna laughed softly and then hit him softly on his chest. Luis continued chatting on the social media with his best friend. He loved how his mood had changed suddenly. He loved the way his worries were drifting away from him. He loved how his life was slowly getting back on its track. He loved everything. Soon he was gonna have no memories of Aidan in his life. He was just gonna forget and then find someone else. No memory will remain. Everything was just gonna be great in his life.

Luis really had a great time that day. There was no worry that took over his mind. He chatted with his best friend. He had a great time with his family, chatting and joking with them. They had great lunch together and then chatted some more.

The whole family spent the whole afternoon outside the palace, just sitting on pool chairs and enjoying their lives. Hanna and Luis bathed in the pool while the king, the queen and granny just watched. They walked in the garden and just did everything to get back fun in the family. It was a great and fun family day. Everything went the way he wanted it to be in the palace. He had such great fun and he didn't want it to end.

But as they say when fun is involved, time sure flies. That was what had happened. They had a great dinner and went to sleep really late after having a great chat. Luis went to sleep with a great smile. He loved how everything had suddenly turned in his life.

As he slipped under the covers, he remembered what exactly was happening to him. He was forgetting about Aidan. All the pain that he had in him was slowly being washed away from his body.

"I am taking back my life. I am fixing my pieces together. Now all I have to do is just have fun and forget." He said happily. "I will enjoy it to the fullest. Goodbye...old news."

Luis took a great breath and then slipped the covers over himself. Without even taking any time he was gone. He was really tired that he just laid his head and was already in dream land. Things were getting good for him. There was no Aidan to bother him.


Aidan was sweating terribly, clenching on the beddings...again. He was slowly sweating and he was panting. His face had a frown and his pants were getting out of control. He moved his body from side to side, trying to get himself up.

"Aidan..." He heard granny's voice. She sounded really sad and her voice was not like hers. "...I love you, my grandson. I really...really love you so much.

Aidan felt his heart racing with the dream that he was having. This time it was pretty intense for him. It felt as if he could hear those voices in his room. His heart raced even more while his panting intensified and got out of control.

"Come back to us..." He heard Ethan's voice ring through his ear.

Hearing that voice, Aidan panted and then got up from his bed, panting. "Ethan..." He screamed, filling the whole room with his voice.

Aidan couldn't understand why he was having those dreams. Those dreams seemed to be haunting him. Taking a quick glance of his room, Aidan took a deep sigh and buried his head on his palm, trying to get his head straight.

The dream he had just had seemed pretty intense. It felt so real and he didn't know why he felt like that. Granny and Ethan were searching for him and they seemed pretty sad as they searched for him. That dream had really made him sweat and pant. He couldn't understand the reason why he was having those dreams each and every night.

"Could granny and Ethan be searching for me?" He thought as he massaged on his head to try and calm his nerves. "Could they really be sad that I have already gone?"

But how could they do that, he thought as he removed his hand from his head? He took another quick glance and just sat on the bed, taking the glass of water that was beside his bed. He took a quick sip and breathed in softly.

Taking the glass back on the small table, Aidan thought about his granny and Ethan again. Why was he having different dreams about granny and Ethan? It was like he could feel the way they were feeling. If only there was a way for him to see Ethan and granny, he sighed. But he wouldn't dare go back to the kingdom that treated him like trash. But he didn't even know the way back there and even if he did...he wouldn't have dared gone back there.

Aidan took a gloomy sigh. "I wish I could see how granny and Ethan are doing. I wish I could just take a quick glance at them."

As he finished saying those words, he sighed and then tried to get up. Moving his hands forward, he stopped. Something was definitely happening to him. Right in his mind...he could see granny and Ethan and they were in a room. They seemed really sad and they were crying, crying probably for him.

"Oh my God..." He quickly jumped from the bed. "Where are you granny?" He breathed.

Aidan's heart was racing beyond what he had ever expected. He felt really terrible and those images in his mind were still there. He wanted to see granny and Ethan and there they were in his mind. He had finally found out what he could do. But they seemed really sad and that room.

Aidan suddenly got curious. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, concentrating on what he was seeing. Then suddenly, about two guards entered the room and Ethan quickly rose up. Aidan realized where they were at that time.

"The palace..." He gasped, opening his eyes suddenly. All the images in his mind went away at that very moment. He couldn't see a thing.

With the things that he had seen and witnessed, Aidan's heart began pounding in his chest. He felt really weak and couldn't understand any of what was happening. His body felt weak and for the first time ever since he began living in the castle...he somehow got scared. What he had seen could only mean one thing.

"They are being held in the palace." He gasped as he sat back on the bed. "They are being held prisoners and it's all because of me. They are paying for what I didn't do. How could...no..."

Aidan was suddenly overtaken by so much anger. He threw his hand forward and sent the vessel which was by his side flying. It broke into pieces but he wasn't even bothered. He knew he had to control himself as he could feel something building deep inside of him. What was he going to do now that he had seen the state his family was, he thought?

Aidan took a really deep breath and buried his head between his palms, thinking exactly what he was gonna do. He had never been as confused as he was at that time. How could...he didn't want to even think about his name. But how could he have done that to his family, he thought?

Aidan just got lost, thinking long and hard about what exactly he had seen. That was probably some form of power which was his gift too. What he had seen couldn't have possibly been wrong. He could remember really well that he had left his granny and his brother in the palace. He could remember the state they were in.

Surely, the people in the palace couldn't have kept them prisoner, could they? That was just impossible but he had seen it with his own eyes. He was really worried. What was the royal family doing to his poor family? Were they torturing them? Were they beating them? Were they on trial or what?

OMG, Aidan had never felt like that before. He could feel his anger and his fear building in his heart. With everything that was absolutely happening, he knew he had to do something. He couldn't just watch his granny and his brother suffering. They were in the palace and that was a confirmation. He knew it very well that it was a confirmation. He had probably put them in the state that they were in.

"I have to save them..."

The very thought of going back to Angria, especially stepping foot in the palace and seeing those faces once again was really making him feel angry and hurt once again. But he wasn't gonna allow that to happen to him. He was gonna defeat his fears. He needed his family back. He needed them a lot at that time. The only way he knew he had to do that was to go back to...Angria and take his family back.

"I have to go back." Aidan sighed. "I have to take my family back. I have to save them. I don't care about the things that will happen while I am there but I will not allow them to torture my family, never." He took a nervous breath. "But how do I go back when..." He trailed off when he remembered that he didn't come by foot to that land. Another gift he had come to know was teleportation. He knew he had to do it.

With those thoughts in his head, Aidan quickly got up from the bed and took a good look at himself. He took a deep breath and swung his little finger in the air, transforming his wardrobe to something really elegant. He was glowing and he loved doing that. He knew where he was going so he had to be prepared. He even made a good change this time.

He was ready. Taking a deep breath, he just closed his eyes and concentrated on the place where he wanted to go. He opened his eyes and then after taking a deep breath and thinking about what he was gonna be doing, he disappeared.


"Oh my God, you are definitely crazy." Hanna laughed, hitting Luis' shoulder. "I thought you were gonna fall from where you were standing. I swear I was panicking."

"Yeah, mom..." Luis joked. "I knew you would and that was the reason why I decided to do what I did."

All the family members laughed. Luis and his family had just come from a morning picnic. It was long but it was surely fun. They had all gone there except for the king who had an important meeting. They all had a great time at the beach. It was simply wonderful and they loved it. Though it was just a two hour picnic...it was worth everything. Luis had totally forgotten about everything. There was gonna be no Aidan to disturb him again. He was glad he didn't get to see him or find out what had happened to him. All the feelings that he had for him were now buried. They were back and so did the king. His meeting had been short. It was just for signing some important project papers.

"You should have been there father..." Hanna said happily, staring at the handsome king. He was dressed in a deep blue designer's suit that made him a hot dad and king. He was looking superb. "It wasn't long but it sure was wonderful and fun."

"Yeah..." The king chuckled softly. "...Maybe I might decide to come with you on your next one. I have been having important meetings since..." He paused and cleared his throat when he realized just what he had just been about to say. "...since there are many programs." He chuckled nervously. "But there are still lots of times that I can go with you. I know we are going to have so much fun together okay. I promise I will come next time."

"Thanks father." Hanna laughed. She then moved her eyes to her brother who seemed lost in his thoughts, smiling brightly. She snapped her finger and he got out of his thoughts, looking straight at him.


"Where are you?"

"I am right here, you crazy girl." He laughed. "Where else would I be?"

"You seem to be lost..."

"Don't get me started with your..."

Before Luis even had a chance to finish his sentence, something happened. There was a sudden gush of wind which just started small but turned into a strong wind that blew all over. Luis wondered what was going on with everything. He couldn't understand what was going on. He stared at his family members and they all just looked ahead.

Suddenly there was a bright light that shone and they had to cover their eyes, wondering what was going on. The wind intensified and just like a flash, it was gone. Everything remained calm and they felt a little better.

Luis slowly started moving his hand away from his eyes. Removing his hand away, Luis' eyes almost popped out of their sockets. There was something wrong with everything that was in the living room. His heart started racing and he moved a little bit.

Right in front of him, a distance away was someone...he actually didn't know if it was a person but someone was there. He had his back turned to all of them but Luis could bet that it was a person. What caught him wasn't that there was someone in their living room...it was the way that person was looking like. That person was glowing and there was a bright light emanating from his clothes, diamond made clothes. He had never seen anything like that before. Why was it in the palace?

He didn't even seem scared at all. He just got lost staring at the elegancy of whoever was in the palace. He couldn't even explain the way his heart was beating. He felt calm and fulfilled as he stared at that person. Gosh! That might have been some expensive clothes. He couldn't even tear his eyes away from that person.

The whole royal family had their eyes fixed on that person. The king couldn't quite understand what was really going on in the living room. He didn't know who that person that was standing in the living room was. He didn't even know what was going on. But whatever it was...it couldn't have been good at all. That was probably some spirit and he couldn't welcome it in his palace. That was definitely out of place.

The king felt really mad as he was overtaken by rage. He quickly stood up and breathed in deeply.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want in my palace?" He yelled, using his king command. "What do you want in my palace?"

The king took a few steps forward. "Show yourself. I command you to show yourself or else...my bodyguards will deal with you."

Aidan heard the king's warnings and his words clearly. He just couldn't bear to turn back and face those people. He wanted to do so and ask for his family but he was really nervous. His heart was pounding deep in his chest. He swore he could hear blood pumping through his ears. He could hear its pressure it was just too much.

But why shouldn't he do it, he wondered? He wasn't gonna allow them to defeat him again. He had closed his heart from them so...they did do anything to him. With those thoughts in his mind he took a deep and nervous breath that seemed to work wonders for him. He felt his nerves calming down and he gathered some confidence.

Taking a really deep breath, Aidan sighed and then made a quick turn with a serious face that showed nothing but business. There was a loud gasp throughout the entire living room as people stared at him. Aidan finally got to see those faces once again. It was like he was reliving those moments once again. As soon as he made the turn his eyes met with Luis', staring at him closely. Every moment came rushing to him.

The intense lovemaking...the sweet kisses...the moans...the pleasure...the cuddles...the fake promise...the broken vows...distrust. It all came rushing back to him. But he wasn't gonna fall or break. He was just gonna be confident. Nothing was gonna make him to be defeated. He was strong and he was gonna stay like that until the very end.

Luis on the other hand was surprised at what he was seeing right in front of him. It was Aidan and he was looking...different. His heart immediately started pounding deep in his chest, threatening to rip out. His breaths became harsh and quite painful. His head pulsed in pain. Blood rushed through his veins.

Seeing Aidan again brought those memories once again. Every moment that he had spent with Aidan came back to him including the bitter and painful news that he had come to find out after his granny was stabbed. Everything that he had tried to bury came back to the surface as his eyes caught with the boy in front of him. He was looking really lovely and his whole body was glowing beautifully.

Aidan was dressed in a beautiful shimmering, diamond filled trouser that was perfectly fitted on him. He had beautiful diamond filled shoes that sparkled on their own. He was putting on a beautiful shimmering diamond filled white shirt that sparkled like crazy. He also had a long shimmering diamond robe that was all over the floor. His hair was tied in a braided ponytail that was filled with diamonds. There was a beautiful diamond crown on his head.

Luis couldn't believe he was feeling like that again. The love that he still had for Aidan surfaced and it hurt him like crazy that he felt like he was about to explode right in front of the boy. Why was he feeling like that? He suddenly felt like holding him and slapping him at the same time. He felt like kissing him and beating him at the same time.

A whole lot of emotions were fighting their way out of his heart. He couldn't understand his emotions anymore. They just made him even more confused and he couldn't understand how he was able to survive with all those emotions taking control of him. Luis moved slightly on the couch as he tried to get away from the boy in front of him. He tried to get away from what he was feeling.

Aidan couldn't believe he had loved the guy that he was seeing and they just broke up like that. He couldn't understand it either but he was not there for that. But he also couldn't move his eyes away from that man either.

"Aidan..." A loud gasp was able to get back Aidan back to his mind. He moved his eyes around and saw the people surprised and panicking at him.

"Guards..." The king couldn't miss that chance. Aidan had finally shown up. That was his chance to get him and deal with him. "Guards..." He hollered. "I want all the guards in this palace right now. All of you must come armed." His voice couldn't have been higher than it did at that very time. He couldn't miss that opportunity.

"Guards..." With a final shout, guards started rushing into the living room, many of them with weapons. They had finally come. The king felt relieved after seeing the guards. Nothing was gonna let Aidan escape that time. "I want you to seize him..." He gestured, pointing his scepter at the boy that stood in front. "I want you to get him at all costs. Use everything that you can. I want him...dead or alive..."

Aidan felt really mad from the orders from the king but he never moved an inch. He just stared at the king with angry eyes. Tearing his eyes away from the king...he scanned the whole area and saw that the guards were closing in on him. They had definitely surrounded him and they had their weapons ready. How could they do that?

With a final look at them...he just watched as they came even nearer.

"Get him..." The king commanded, pointing at Aidan. "I want him right now. He must not leave this palace this time."

At the king's command, the guards started rushing to Aidan with their weapons ready. They were closing in, just a second away from them. But something happened, something that left all of them in shock. As the guards tried to attack him, they just froze. They couldn't move an inch of their bodies. It was like they were frozen where they stood.

Seeing what had just happened, the entire royal family got up. Luis moved closer to his father and just stared at Aidan who had no single expression on his face. Aidan moved his head robotically and then cleared his throat. Then he snapped his finger.

All of a sudden...all the guards were sent flying away from Aidan, quite a distance before they hit the ground with a thud. All of them were wincing in pain before they even reached the floor. They seemed to be in so much pain.

"You idiots..." The king growled. He was really angry. "What do I pay you idiots for? Get your asses up and get this warlock. I want him behind bars before the end of today. I want him on trial." He yelled.