War Time Humiliation Ch. 01


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A situation Lucy would not wait to exploit, especially when she was told of the message the Captain had just received from his superiors back in Tokyo. For the most part they had ignored his little war effort, content that he had control of the insignificant island, but the radio message his operator had handed him upon his return from inspecting his men's defences gave two bits of news that dissatisfied him.

Firstly, they were halving his squadron of men and reassigning them to the war effort on the mainland, with the island under control they did not feel he needed the amount of men he had anyway. He grimaced at that, he felt he was stretched for resources as it was and this was just going to make things harder. The second edict was that later that week two dignitaries from the Japanese government would be visiting and that Captain Fujita was to do everything necessary to ensure their visit was as comfortable and enjoyable as could be. He had dealt with these government types before and knew they would be nothing but trouble, a fact that troubled him greatly, he did not need any additional hassle in his life at that point. When he passed this information on to his inquisitive lover, Lucy, that night he was tired, lonely and worried about losing men. She realised that and suggested that Victoria should be used as the entertainment for the dignitaries. They would surely find many ways of entertaining themselves with her.

Most likely if she had made the suggestion on any other day he might have shot it down but those combined factors let him agree and before he was really aware of it Lucy was arranging it and having him fax back that the dignitaries would be treated royally.

They arrived days later and when he saw them exit the boat that had carried them there with their guards he winced, they were both short, squat, overweight figures who looked and acted slimy and creepy. They were lazy enough to have everything carried and done for them and when Fujita escorted them up to the Mansion house they nodded their approval of their abode for the next few days. When he led them into their shared room for their stay and their eyes alighted on the stunning blonde, collared and kneeling between their beds, their eyes nearly did cartwheels.

Once the plan was sorted Lucy had wasted no time informing Victoria that she would have to become the entertainment for the visiting government officials. Victoria shouted that she wouldn't, she wasn't some kind of whore to be used like that but shut up sharply when Lucy cruelly reminded her of her husbands plight and added that Captain Fujita was just looking for a reason to further assert his power on the island. Victoria soon bowed her head and said she would do whatever it took to save David. So now she knelt submissively was the two visitors appraised her classical, naked beauty.

For Captain Fujita, this arrangement was perfect. There was little doubt that the two men called Ozaki and Nakata respectively) certainly seemed to have little interest in how the Captain was running the island and his men, they were more interested in being entertained in their room. All he had to do was to count down the hours until they left and only wonder what the English woman was being asked to do behind the closed door of their room.

What she was doing was being the whore for the two men that she had sworn she could never be. That first day they had leered and ogled her initially, inspecting her like a piece of meat, objectifying her. But when they had headed off to tea and left her with instructions to unpack their suitcases and make the room comfortable for them she harboured hopes that it was just as a room maid she would be for their visit.. Those faint hopes quickly disappeared when they arrived up from their first meal, somewhat drunk and with malevolent a glint in their eyes.

They goaded her to begin with.

"Ah English woman is slave! Do not worry soon all English women in Asia will be nothing more than slaves for their Japanese masters! You are just first of many!"

Victoria knew there was nothing she could say or do to improve the situation so just stayed kneeling before them and taking their comments.

"But Captain Fujita say you good slave, he say that you do whatever to please your new masters. Is that correct?"

She nodded and mouthed a yes but no noise actually came out.

"That is good. It would please me greatly to see such a pretty English woman show her respect for me by servicing me orally."

With those words he unbuttoned his khaki trousers and let his semi-hard cock out at her eye level. She eyed it with disgust as he advanced upon her while the other visitor giggled at what his colleague was doing. She felt his hands on her head and his demeaning words barking at her.

"You suck me. Show your respect for your Masters!"

Trembling she parted her lips and admitted his cock, it was not very large, at least she was thankful for that, certainly not as large as her husbands or the Captain's that she had watched in action with Lucy. Still it was anathema for Victoria to be doing this and she had to close her eyes before the thin slab of man meat entered her mouth. She tried to steel her resolve and recall what she had witnessed that bitch Lucy doing so naturally with the Captain. Her thin, pink lips wrapped themselves around the shaft of his penis and her hand curled around the shaft as well and she sucked on it as her hand pulled it in and out of her mouth. It would be no consolation to her to know that it was the best blow job Hiroshi Ozaki had ever (or would ever) receive in his life.

As Victoria gave oral sex to his colleague Nakata - san was watching with glee, awaiting his turn and busying himself with undressing. Once he was nude he got down on his knees behind the blonde, English woman and groped at her pale body with his grasping hands.

That first night the two men were like two school children let loose in a sweetie shop as they lied out all their sexual fantasies with Victoria. For a woman for whom sex had been such a small part of her life it was an awakening of sorts but hardly one she relished. First each man made sure they were satisfied by her mouth, each groaning with pleasure as they spurted their semen deep into Victoria's mouth and throat. The feel and taste as their cum slid down her throat was abhorrent to her and she was relieve to see both men roll onto their beds after they were satisfied, hoping her nights duties were over. But in fact, both men were just exhausted by their heavy meal and the exertion of being sucked off and after a short rest they had pulled their slave girl onto on of their beds and she lay on her back as they discussed which would be first to fuck her.

Nakata decided he was hard enough and mounted the bed then his slave, as his cock slipped into her pussy Victoria offered no resistance or signs of displeasure, just resigned acceptance.

"Come on Nakata, let us see if we cannot give her a nice Japanese baby to remember us by!"

Victoria stifled a sob at that thought and braced her body on the bed as the fat man began to fuck her. For her up that that point sex had been almost a troublesome second thought. She loved David but it was not so much the physical side of their relationship that she loved so much. Yes they made love on occasion but it had always been almost mechanical, a perfunctory action that was what was generally expected. Yet she had always privately considered the act of sex itself as vulgar and somewhat repulsive. But here she was allowing these two men to use her body, her most intimate parts, as they wanted all to preserve her beloved.

Her days were spent resting and trying to sleep in their room as the two dignitaries carried out their inspections, not really caring what the Captain was showing and telling them. Their questions grew shorter with each day in their hurry to return to their room and their willing, captive, English sex slave. Their returns brought more sex and depravity for Victoria. By the end of the week her mouth was worryingly starting to know and anticipate all the bumps, ridges and veins of both men's dicks while she was sure her pussy had never been worked in such a way and it felt sore and ached from over use as she snatched what sleep she could. They really were a disgusting pair, whether they splashed their load on Victoria's face or in her mouth, she was not yet sure which was worse, they would tell her bluntly what they had done and what they would do and derive pleasure from her reactions.

Finally, it was the last night of their visit. She had made it and managed to keep her sanity. She was proud that she had not broken down or begged these pigs, not given them the satisfaction of seeing that. Hat she didn't know was that Lucy had busily spent the day preparing an ancient island recipe which would allow the men to stay erect and hold off climaxing far, far longer than normal. When she told the two visitors the potions properties they all cackled and laughed and the two men downed the concoction just after their tea, in perfect time for it to take full hold by the time they ascended the stairs to their room.

It all started as it had done all week, one of them used her mouth to get to full hardness but it wasn't long before Victoria realised that the dick in her mouth seemed to be longer, thicker and harder than before and her efforts with her mouth and tongue were bearing no signs of success. Nakata soon tired of waiting for his companion to get off in the English woman's mouth and managed to manoeuvre her body onto the bed and, after slicking her pussy with his fingers, he dipped his own stiff cock inside her and Victoria fell to a new low as she was double penetrated by the two Japanese men. They set to work, grunting and sweating at their efforts to fuck the prostate blonde.

That was Victoria's longest night, one she thought would never end and it only did when both her men came within seconds of each other and fired their loads into her mouth and her pussy. Fortunately, the rest of their bodies were not as spry as their dicks and soon after they both fell asleep and left Victoria lying on the floor wondering when this nightmare would ever end.

They left the next day and Victoria was led down to her small room to recover. Captain Fujita watched her led away and felt relieved, the two government officials had thanked him for his hospitality and said that they would be returning with a report full of praise and regard for the job he was doing at the island. He had little time to reflect on the visit though as when he turned to march back to the Mansion to set about arranging what remained of his men to their guard and other duties he was faced by his second in command with an urgent message for him. He hurried back to the temporary radio room in the Mansion to be informed that he was needed back at the Headquarters for a meeting of the Army heads in that area, so he left later that week and left his second in command, Lieutenant Sakoda, in charge and Lucy in charge of the household.

By this point Lucy was totally overtaken with the idea of persecuting her blonde former employer, really she was consumed with it and a burning hatred for her. Hearing that the Captain was to be away and knowing that he would definitely block what she intended as it was too public, she decided to carry out her plan when he was gone. Since the two dignitaries had been and gone Lucy had been visited by a very clear vision and dream concerning Victoria and what Lucy saw as her ultimate humiliation.

Lucy had not been entirely faithful to her new beau, the Captain, during his stay on the island. She had a couple of quick, hard fucks with a couple of the soldiers that she had fancied (including Sakoda) and had been able to help her somewhat. With one of them she had revealed how much she hated Victoria and how much she wanted to humiliate her and ironically as he ejaculated in her mouth and on her face (she had asked him not to cum inside her) he told her of the act of bukkake. She was so aroused by hearing the legend of how unfaithful women were ordered (or tied up) to kneel outside town and the men of the town would show their distain for her actions by jerking off and cumming all over her, mainly her face but her chest too. Just the thought of that was too delicious for Lucy and as the young soldier told her about it she imagined it was Victoria who was being treated like that. As he finished explaining it to her she was fingering herself in excitement and knew that she had to arrange for that to happen to the stuck up English bitch.

Captain Fujita was barely off the island when Lucy had started preparations for her grand plan. First, she had Victoria walk out into the front garden and provided her with a shovel with which Lucy commanded her to dig a hole. Victoria thought about refusing but just expected be threatened with David again and at least this manual work was something different for her to do. So under the watchful, leering eyes of two guards Victoria spent a whole afternoon digging a small, deep hole. For one moment she had the horrible feeling she might be digging her own grave but as Lucy explained the dimensions of the hole she relaxed a bit. Whatever reason for digging the hole for the island bitch, Victoria just did it.

When, hours later, she had reached the indicated depth and Lucy had taken the shovel back and led her to her prison room again, Victoria couldn't help but wonder what it had all been about. As she lay on her straw mat, upstairs Lucy was arranging a group of men, led by two amiable soldiers that would both spend their nights rounding up more men, willing or otherwise for the show the next day.

Victoria was roused early and led up to her Mistress's room to dress and wash her, with still no mention for the purpose of the hole. They breakfasted and Lucy seemed to be in an uncommonly happy mood, but Victoria knew her mood could change at any moment and just kept her head down and got on with. it. Lucy led her out to the garden and the hole and Victoria was taken aback to be confronted with a large crowd of men outside the Mansion house. She turned to a smiling Lucy as if for explanation.

"Get in the hole Mrs Adams, you just kneel there and all these men are going to show you exactly what you should be used for, exactly what your worth on earth is."

"What? What is this? I.."

"Don't question me! Get in the hole or else. Actually wait a moment. Put your hands behind your back, I don't want those hands free to wipe any away."

As Victoria complied Lucy went behind her and used a thin length of rope to tightly bind her wrists behind her back.

"Good. Now get in the hole!"

Victoria did as instructed still totally oblivious as to what was going on. Once she was in and on her knees she found that the lip of the hole rested against her thin stomach. Just what was the crazy bitch up to? She wondered.

"Fill it in, make sure she's nice and tight in there" , Lucy gave the confident command and as far as the young soldiers were concerned she was giving the Captain's instructions. Victoria gave a shiver as the earth hit her rump and filled up on her legs and before long she was pinned in position, her arms hopelessly inept behind her. She looked up into Lucy's dark, mocking eyes and tried to a challenging look but was greeted with nothing but a laugh in her face.

"And now the men of the island and Captain Fujita's men can demonstrate exactly what they think of you, you and all your English ways."

Before Victoria had a chance to argue this point a young soldier stepped up and stood over her face, to her horror he had his penis out and he was busily masturbating it and within seconds had sprayed her aghast face with his white seed. Lucy loved the look of utter revulsion and repulsion on the snobs face . Lucy was more than prepared to take this to it's fullest extent and she urged the young soldiers forward and barked orders as to where to shoot their loads.

"Get her eyes. Aim for her nose, her mouth, fill them up!"

The line was almost perfect, of men ready to blow their load over the pretty English lady. While one jerked off at her face another was getting himself in a state of readiness behind him. Before long Victoria had realised to keep her eyes closed and her mouth closed and just knelt there in the earth letting these men ejaculate over her. She could feel the slimy substance run down her forehead, cheeks and chin onto her bare breasts. This was the final indignity for her and if her eyes were not so tightly closed, she would be crying uncontrollable tears.

She tried to escape that hole in the ground and was in a meadow with David eating a picnic and laughing and joking. Strangely in these dreams she now had hot, enjoyable sex with him, something she had never dreamed of before the period of captivity. As she tried to be in this better place, more and more men were stepping up and firing their sticky cum onto her face. When some of the men lost control too early they would hurry forward and there would be two guys masturbating onto her. It was not long before her face was coated in the sticky substance and she was barely recognisable as the former Governor's pretty young wife.

Some time later they were done. Victoria knelt there in her hole, her face caked in cum in various stages of drying. The soldiers and willing islanders had spent their loads and were now guiltily skulking away as if they could disassociate themselves from what they had been involved with. Only Lucy seemed genuinely happy and excited. She grabbed the Captain's second in command and whispered to him.

"Come on I will show you my thanks for helping arrange this. We can leave the bitch like this for the rest of the afternoon, it will show the whole island of the depths their former Governess has sunk to."

She was so aroused at what she had just watched, the ultimate humiliation of the English bitch, she was so turned on and this young soldier was about to receive the fuck of his life. She grabbed his hand and led him into the Mansion willingly.

Kneeling in her hole, Victoria wasn't even aware the ordeal was over. She wished a hero would come and use warm water to clean her face and pull her from this hole and carry her away to somewhere where none of this was happening. That hero was her husband, and while it may just have been her dream it was all she had to hold onto at that moment. She was trapped there, her face mask of man juice hardening on her.

They left her there, like that, for nearly twenty four hours. Almost everybody on the island saw her like that and realised what she had sunk to and when Lucy finally arranged for her to be removed from the garden and cleaned up she could see in Victoria's eyes that she was broken and that now Lucy could implement the next phase of her plan. Of course, before then she had to explain her actions to the returning Captain Fujita who was angry at first that she had arranged the bukkake but when she explained the reason he was happier.

"Your men need looking after Captain, and the girls at the brothel in town are becoming too familiar to them, I am sure that now the English bitch will willingly agree to lower herself to work there as a common whore."

So it proved when Lucy told her of her future job prospects as she led her by the collar to the shack that acted as the town (and armies) unofficial brothel.. For Victoria the humiliation was not nearly finished.


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thomas_deanthomas_deanabout 3 years ago

Down with Up

In this piece of historical fiction, Victoria, the wife of the British Governor, upon the Japanese invasion finds her world upended. At the hands of her maid, an island girl named Lucy, Victoria is publicly stripped and humiliated and reduced to a comfort girl for the invading army. All that she endures, she willingly suffers to keep her husband alive.

There are certain historical truths often ignored in the US about the Japanese invasion. In many places, the Japanese were greeted as liberators by colonial peoples. While the hardships endured by US and UK civilians caught up in the invasion may have been been reported here with a degree of accuracy, often local women were pressed into the ranks of comfort girls..

nighthawk22204nighthawk22204about 16 years ago
A Few More Paragraphs

The next day, Victoria was ordered that she was being assigned to a special mission to save her husband’s life and was told to bathe and clean her hair. Victoria wondered at this special concession, but took advantage to remove the filth that had accumulated from her past sordid encounters.

Then she was taken out to the field, still naked, led by Lucy and a pair of soldiers, to where the bamboo cages were kept, imprisoning the other men and officers of the former British garrison. These men looked unshaven, unbathed, and haggard. Victoria wondered how badly they had been mistreated, but doubted any had been subjected to abuse as harsh as hers.

“See these prisoners?” challenged the Japanese leader. “They dared to pretend to be soldiers of a colonial empire, but they were only puppets of an arrogant imperialist warmonger British King. Our Emperor and his allies will soon destroy the arrogant British Empire and its puny American allies. But today Japan is going to offer compassion to its prisoners by offering them one of the comforts of home. Today, they are each going to fuck their former Governor’s wife for personal pleasure and for partial remission of their crimes against the people of this island. You are going to be part of their reindoctrination program of course, by doing whatever they desire, as often as they want.

‘Oh, God,’ thought Victoria. ‘Look at all these poor men. Surely, they will not all rape me, will they? Of course, there will be a few who perhaps hated David as an officer and will seek to get some vengeance by exploiting me. Oh, God, have mercy on me. Protect me.’

Then she was taken to the first bamboo cage, the gate opened and she was thrust inside. She recognized the man as one of the sergeants of the garrison and looked into his eyes. He seemed to look past her, almost guiltily, then put his hand on her bare shoulder, then moved it lower and groped her bare breast, feeling her tits and teasing her nipples. She looked down and saw that his organ was rising quickly and implored him, “Sergeant, we are both still British subjects. You can’t hate me enough to want to do this to me, do you?”

The man pulled her closely to him so he could feel her warmth and closed a hand over her bare bum, then pressed his grizzled cheek close against hers and whispered softly into her ear, “God forgive me, m’Lady, but we have no choice now. They’ve told each of us if we don’t shag you, they’ll take a knife and cut our nuts off, mind you. Oh, God, please forgive me, I can’t go on the rest of me life w’ no balls now ‘kin I? Then he pulled her down to the mud and straw floor of the cage and forced her thighs apart and poised his rampant ruddy organ at her blonde thatch and slowly forced himself into her tender opening, pushing deeper, then drawing back and forcing forward, again and again. “Oh my god, m’Lady, you’re so good, I envy your husband, I do. I hope he gets to enjoy you again hisself. Oh, my God, f’give me now, but y’know, they’ll nut me if I don’t’ shag you now.” Then he bent forward over her and took her breast into his mouth and sucked her nipple while he slowly thrust again and again for several minutes, finally thrusting deeper than ever before into her and holding his randy cock inside her quim while his nuts burst and showered her cervix with their sticky warm seed.

The sergeant pulled his grizzled face close to her ear again and whispered, “They’ve also promised us each a portion of grog for each extra time we shag you. If I turn you out right now, they’ll just stick you in another cage with another horny monger, and you’ll probably get shagged twenty times before supper. They’re out there watchin’, y’know, and I’ll wager some of those slant-eyed buggers are thinkin’ they’d like to take a go at you themselves, but if I play with you a bit and you work like you’re trying to get me up again, it’ll look like I’m getting’ ready to have another go. So how’s this sound? I’ll play with you and order you to suck me and you can kiss me a bit and I’ll cop some feels, but it’ll be an hour before I get stiff enough to shag you again, but it’ll be better to stay here, I think, than just get tossed from cage to cage for a slam-bam in every cage as fast as you can.”

“Oh, my Lord, I don’t think I can take it. Please, for God’s sake, be gentle with me.” She let her mind drift away. She didn’t even want to imagine how many men might rape her if they just kept moving her from cage to cage of these deprived men.

Then the sergeant caressed her bare back and slowly pulled her away and cupped his hand over her breast and felt her titties for several minutes, then pulled her head down into his lap and let her head rest there while he stroked his soft pecker back and forth across her lips, looking like he was getting ready to force it into her mouth, but mostly just interested in running out the passage of time before he’d have to shag her again or pass her on.

After several minutes of playing with her, he gruffly ordered, “OK, bitch, don’t jus’ kiss it, open your mouth and suck me off!” Then he opened her lips with his fingers and shoved his still limp dick between her lips and let it lay between her lips while nature slowly took its course and blood resurrected the limp instrument into a semi-swollen phallus again.

Then he backed off and lifted her body about and spread her legs apart and moved his own face between her smooth thighs and kissed her bare belly all over, then slowly kissed and licked her body higher all the way to her breasts, then back down to her snatch and lower, kissing and stroking her thighs, slowly enjoying her feminine softness and smoothness, her fragrance, her tender pink petals, postponing the inevitable moment when he would enter her again and fill her with another gush of his seed.

nighthawk22204nighthawk22204about 16 years ago
Great attention to technology

1942 and he's wireless-faxing a message to Japan? Amazing tecnnology or amazing self deception.

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayabout 18 years ago

a few booboos in this one that surprised me but as someone who just likes to read...i just blow em off and keep reading..and now...i'll read onto the next chapter..thanks for sharing with us, i enjoyed it so far. respectfully fan in Texas naynay

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Fax in WW2? Hilarious.

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