WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 16


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"I found one, Monsieur."

"Show it to me."

Chantelle stepped out of the dressing room and I immediately agreed with her assessment. It was a white shirt dress which went to mid thigh, extremely translucent, clearly showing Chantelle's breasts. Her nipples were poking through the material and the areola were clearly defined. If she'd had pubic hair, you could have seen it through the material.

"If we got this size, it would hang a little looser on Dawn; she's not as busty, and it wouldn't be as clear as it is on me. Or we get a size smaller, and it would look exactly like this."

Two or three other women shopping in the department were looking at Chantelle like a total whore. She didn't care. She'd happily go naked if she wouldn't get arrested.

"If it got wet, it would be even more transparent," I said, thinking about the spray splashing up on the boat on the ride down to the Keys.

"It would," Chantelle agreed. "We should have something to cover her up with if anyone in authority said something."

"Agreed. Let's get this size, too. It might give her a minimal amount of modesty."

"It will still show her nipples and piercings."

"I want it to," I said.

She went back in to put her clothes on. When she came out, I said we should buy one for her, too, though in the size up, so she'd have some modesty as well. She wouldn't care, but it might be enough to allow any authorities to look the other way. On the way out, I asked if she had any perfume with her. She told me she didn't. I said I thought she and Dawn should each have their own scents; something which defined them. Chantelle was intrigued.

"What scent would you choose for me, Monsieur?"

"Something musky and earthy or smoky. I'll know it when I smell it."

"What would you get for Dawn?"

"Citrus, a bit of a tang to it, with a hint of flowers. Again, I'd know it if I smelled it."

"Does Marcia have a scent?"

"Spicy, traces of vanilla."

"I would love to have a signature scent."

We went to the perfume counter and I told the clerk what I was looking for, something different for two different women.

She divided the samplers into three different groups, the musky, smoky smells in one, the citrus scents in another and everything else in a third. She handed us the test sheets. "I'd suggest you get it close to what you want on the test strips, but then on the woman to see how it goes with her skin chemistry. It's too bad the other woman isn't here as well." I'm sure she wondered why I was buying perfume for two different women anyway, and why I would be telling one about the other even if I was.

We started with the ones I was considering for Chantelle. We went two by two, eliminating one, then comparing the winner to the next. It came down to Juliette Has a Gun - Midnight Oud, and Un Jardin sur la Nil by Hermès. Now to compare on Chantelle. Putting a spritz on each of her wrists, we gave it about a minute to cure while she waved her arms. We smelled each arm.

"Definitely the Hermès scent," I said. "What does it mean?"

"Garden on the Nile," Chantelle said, "I like it too."

"So, we have you covered. About Dawn, I guess we go with what smells most like her on the test strip."

For Dawn, we eventually narrowed it down to Chance eau Fraîche, by Chanel or Citrine, by Nest.

"I like both of these," I said. "What does the French mean?"

"Fresh water chance, Monsieur," Chantelle replied. "If it means anything in your decision, the Chanel is only an eau de toilette and the Citrine is a perfume."

"What does that mean?"

"Eau de toilette's are very light and do not linger as long as colognes or especially perfumes. Perfumes are designed to last longest of all scents."

"It should last through a night of fucking, so the Citrine it is."

"Merci, Monsieur. You are very kind to purchase these for us."

"I wonder what Joe will think when he smells these on you two. Marcia calls perfume screw juice or belly kissing juice."

"Where I would place it, would lead to more than kissing of the belly; a littler further south, shall we say."

We told the clerk of our purchase decisions and she rang them up for us. We collected all of our items and brought them out to the car. A quick trip to the grocery and I turned Chantelle loose. She knew what she needed and what proportions. She paid for the groceries if I agreed to pay for the restaurants on the days we ate out. I agreed it seemed like a fair trade to me. When we got back to our room, we ate sandwiches Chantelle prepared and still had time for a leisurely roll in the hay before she had to start on supper. The table was set and the food ready when Dawn got home.

Dawn was made to strip down like the rest of us before she could sit down to eat. We had a pleasant meal and the topic of conversation was sex, of course.

"How many times did you cum at work today, Dawn?"

"Six, Master," she replied.

"Reliving last night or anticipating tonight, slave?"

"Both, Master."

"Chantelle told me what happened last night, Dawn. How many times did you cum last night?"

"I don't know. I lost count after eleven, Master."

"So you had a very good time, then. Were you disappointed in the size of Joe's organ, slave?"

"No, Master. Joe has a wonderful cock."

"I'm giving Chantelle ties to secure you to the bed tonight. You will be helpless for much of the night. You will wear a robe with nothing underneath when you leave here. If there aren't many people around, you will go to Joe's apartment nude. At the very least, you will be standing naked at his door when he opens it."

"Yes, Master."

"Joe's apartment complex is conducive to such an approach, Monsieur," Chantelle said. "It is three stories and there is a staircase dividing each section of the apartment with only four doors on each floor, front and back, left and right. He lives on the third floor. At the least, she can remove her robe after leaving the second floor climbing to the third. It would be an extremely unusual circumstance if any of the people on the third floor were out."

"I remembered. I've been there. I'd like you to take lots of photos, Chantelle, of her standing naked at the door, tied to the bed, forced to serve Joe. Her Mistress should be able to see how her slave has progressed."

"Oui, Monsieur. I will tell Joe I am taking them for me."

"I think you should wear the shirt dress we bought for you today," I said. "I'm sure Joe will appreciate it. I want you to wear something different when we go to Key West. I don't want you looking like salt and pepper twins."

"Oui, Monsieur. I know Joe will love it."

After eating, Dawn and Chantelle took a shower together. After drying off, Chantelle put on her new dress, telling Dawn she would be wearing its twin when we went to the Keys. She also showed Dawn the perfume selected for especially for her.

"Monsieur and I chose this scent because it smells like you, tart and tangy. Have you worn much perfume in the past, Dawn?"

"No, a spray of cologne on occasion. I couldn't afford good perfume."

"Perfume should be applied to the pulse points. It's scent lingers there. Watch me and apply it to the same places. I don't want to mix scents so I cannot do it for you."

Chantelle applied drops to the sides of her neck and the hollow of her throat, then lifting her dress, the bottoms of her breasts and to her inner thighs on either side of her cunt.

"Sometimes, I will leave a brief trail from my navel to the top of my cleft," she demonstrated, "to lead someone where I wish them to go."

She waited for Dawn to do as she did, then handed Dawn a thin robe, what Chantelle normally wore as a cover up to the pool. "Put on your collar and cuffs, including the ankles, and you're ready to go. Once again, I am your Mistress this evening. Your orgasms are mine. Monsieur, may I borrow the Enforcer tonight and take a bottle of wine? Dawn won't find my indulgence towards her orgasms as easy as they were last night. In case she cums without permission, I should be able to address it swiftly."

"Of course. Brianna paid for the wine and it is time for Dawn to understand her sexuality now belongs to another."

Chantelle got the Enforcer from its storage place and took a bottle of red. "Have a good time, both of you," I said as they left. Chantelle waved to me as she guided Dawn out the door. Time for my second movie, 'Ocean's Eight.' I walked to the theater and watched. I thought it wasn't as good as Ocean's Eleven, roughly as good as Ocean's Twelve and better than Thirteen. I thought Marcia would like to see it. She enjoyed all the Ocean's movies and one with all women would appeal to her. On the way back to the hotel, I stopped and got an ice cream cone. I would have to see if the hotel had a gym. I hadn't done anything but cardio work since before the party.

When I got back to the Residence Inn, I checked at the desk and found there was a gym and it was available until midnight. Since it was 10:40, I figured an hour working the weight machines would do me good. Since I hadn't had a good workout in awhile, I did all the muscle groups, but only did two sets on each one. Finishing up just before midnight, I went up and took a shower, then went to sleep, though I had some trouble sleeping thinking of the two women getting fucked. I was awakened around six by two slightly damp bodies sliding into bed with me, but they quickly fell asleep and I dropped off again for another couple hours. I got up a little after eight, made myself two fried eggs and sausage patties, then put on a swim suit. Before I went to the pool, I taped a message on the refrigerator telling them where I was going and they could meet me there when they woke up.

Around noon, Chantelle and Dawn came down. They still looked pretty tired. Dawn was still rubbing her eyes and yawning and Chantelle was doing only a little better. Chantelle offered to make lunch after they had a chance to swim a few minutes to get their blood flowing. I agreed they could have the time. Dawn pretty much stayed at the edge of the pool. She dunked her head a few times to help her wake up. Chantelle swam about twenty laps.

After Chantelle got out, I asked, "Why didn't you sleep later? There was no rush."

"I wanted to be tired enough I would go back to sleep at a regular hour, Monsieur. We are going to Busch Garden tomorrow and I did not want to be up until the middle of the night because I slept until three. I can fall asleep at nine tonight and get up at a decent hour. Same for Dawn. She has to work tomorrow."

"Smart plan. Did you have a good time last night?"

"Very nice, Monsieur. I got fucked more than Dawn last night."

"Are you hungry?"

"I could eat bugs, Monsieur, I am so hungry. Come inside, I will fix food and we can tell you about our night."

She called Dawn and the three of us went back to the room. We all got undressed and I sat down at the counter so I could listen to Chantelle as she talked. Chantelle told Dawn to keep an eye on me and if I got an erection, she was to relieve me.

"Why don't you start, Dawn. Tell me how you approached the door?" I said. Chantelle started making food, doing something with chicken breasts and a lemon.

"Chantelle talked to me about her plans for the evening and the part I was to play. When we got to his apartment building, not too many people were outside. It was almost eight, and most people were home from work and gone inside to eat or watch TV. Seeing it was quiet, as soon as I got to the stairs, Chantelle made me give her my robe. She went half way up the stairs and told me to start climbing while she took photos, or a movie on her phone. She kept shooting as I passed her and until I got the second floor, then she caught up with me. We didn't see anyone else on the stairwell, but on the second floor, someone had their door open. I asked for my robe in case they came out but she refused to give it to me and told me to keep climbing. I was lucky. We were back in the stairwell going to the third floor before a man came out. I was so scared someone was going to see me, but incredibly horny, too. I was already wet I was so aroused. We knocked on the door and Joe opened the door and saw me standing nude in front of his door and pulled me in. 'What the hell are you doing!' Joe exclaimed. 'You can't be walking around here naked.' 'She was not naked until a few moments ago,' Chantelle lied. 'She was wearing this robe,' and she handed it to Joe. 'I wanted you to see the tasty morsel I was bringing to you tonight and hoping you would reward me for my efforts. I need to be fucked bad, or fucked good, I should say.' She planted a big kiss on Joe's lips and plastered her body against him."

"What happened next?" I asked.

"Chantelle asked him how he liked her dress. She said she got it today, just for him. Joe said she looked almost as naked as I did. 'Now that you have seen my dress, you can take it off.' So Joe grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head and then she kissed him some more. 'Are you going to take off your clothes, Joe, or do I need to start by fucking Dawn?' She asked him, so he had his clothes off in a second. 'Dawn,' she said, 'get this stud ready so he can fuck me silly.' I knelt down in front of him and started sucking his cock while she and Joe continued to kiss. When he was hard, Chantelle gave me a condom to put over his cock. As soon as it was on him, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around him and told me to put his cock in her cunt and be quick about it. As soon as she was riding him, she said we could go into the bedroom now. He carried her into the bedroom with his big dick penetrating her pussy and she was bouncing up and down on him like she was on a pogo stick. He dropped her onto his bed without losing a beat. I know she orgasmed two or three times..."

"Three times for sure," Chantelle said. "That man has some rhythm going when he fucks."

"When he finally climaxed, Chantelle made me take off his condom and clean him off, then lick her cum off her cunt. She asked Joe to get off the bed and when he was, she tied me down on the bed, securing my hands and feet. I was spread out on the bed like a sacrifice and I was so hot, I wanted to be fucked right away. Chantelle said I hadn't done enough today to deserve to cum and I would have to work a little to earn the right."

"'You see the tasty treat I brought for you, Joe.' Chantelle said, running her hand up and down my body. 'This little slut is dying to have your cock in her like she did last night. Look how wet her pussy is?' She pushed her fingers in my cunt. 'The trouble is, she had most of the fun last night, not me.' She put her fingers in my mouth, forcing me to lick my juice off her fingers. 'Look at these perky little nipples, begging to be touched.' Chantelle pinched my nipples, compelling me to whimper for her. 'For sharing this slut with you, I think I should have the fun tonight, not her. In fact, if she cums without my permission tonight, I am going to spank her dirty little cunt for her.' Joe said, 'What!' 'You heard me, Joe. If she orgasms without my express permission, I will spank her cunt. You would like that, would you not, Dawn?' 'Yes, Mistress. I want you to spank my cunt if I cum without your permission.' 'That's like me asking you to kick me in the balls, isn't it?' Joe asked. 'Your balls are far too valuable to me to ever kick them, Joe. No, spanking her cunt will just make her hotter to fuck, am I correct, Dawn?' 'Yes, Mistress.'"

Dawn interrupted her story to say, "Master has an erection, Chantelle. You will have to take over telling the story." Without further ado, Dawn was bent over my prick, working it into her mouth. In a much shorter time and without any assistance on my part, all of my cock was engulfed in her mouth. Dawn was getting lots of practice now.

Chantelle said, "I said, 'There will not be an issue of cunt spanking if Dawn does not cum, so do not worry your head about it, Joe. Mostly, I plan to use Dawn for our pleasure, not give her any ourselves. I do recommend you take a close look at her cunt and smell the new fragrance we found for her.' Joe thought it was a marvelous idea, so he got close and started sniffing around her delicious little cunt. Of course, smelling the little bitch in heat, he had to taste her. I just warned him not to let her cum. I then sat on her face and enjoyed three more orgasms. Poor Joe was not paying enough attention to Dawn's warning signals and with me riding her mouth, she could not warn him. I know she was trying not to cum, poor girl, I could almost feel the desperation of her mouth and lips, but I practically smothered her to keep her from speaking and when she orgasmed, she was loud and moving erratically. It was totally delicious. Joe was beside himself when he realized what he did. He tried to take the blame, but I would not let him. I said a submissive is responsible for doing what is ordered, no one else, so she had to be punished or I would have no credibility with her at all. He asked Dawn to tell him to stop it, that she did not want to be punished so cruelly, but Dawn insisted she wanted to take her punishment."

Dawn was giving me an excellent blow job. I would say she as at least fifty percent better than she'd been at the beach, and quite possibly more. It was hard to say, only because the first time with a new woman is so exciting in its very newness and uniqueness, it's exciting even if they're not very good. To know a new set of lips is wrapped around your wang and a different tongue is licking the pre-cum of the head of your shaft is a magic moment. It's why I couldn't decide if she was fifty percent better or a hundred percent better, because she'd been working my cock for a few days now and the shine was off. Still, a much better execution of sucking cock was forthcoming.

"I told Joe if he wanted to help, he should suck and caress Dawn's breasts as I spanked her. She would enjoy the release of endorphins and they would make her punishment easier to bear. Dawn asked him to please play with her tits and finally he agreed. He started playing gently with her breasts and Dawn asked him to be more aggressive with them. While he was thus engaged, I started spanking her pussy with the Enforcer. Dawn would moan and groan, but she kept asking for more. Joe could see I was not striking her hard, more like little taps, but he did not know even mild taps can be painful. Suddenly, Dawn asked for permission to cum. Joe could not believe it. He looked on in wonder as I gave her permission and she squirmed her way to a powerful climax. Joe could see for himself our little Dawn was cumming. I said, 'Fuck the little bitch now. She's earned it.' Joe put on a condom and climbed on board and rattled her brain to another climax. I squatted over her face again and rode her mouth to three more orgasms, right in front of his face. He could see her little pink tongue delving into my wet cunt leaving a face full of my cum on her. He pounded her silly."

I groaned and released twenty hours stored accumulation of cum into Dawn's mouth and she easily captured it all. Spurt after spurt of thick cream, gobbled down in her voracious throat. I grabbed her head it was so intense, wanting to pummel her with my cock. Somehow, I managed to resist.

"Joe grunted much the same when he orgasmed as you just did, Monsieur. It was powerful. He shuddered in our dear little Dawn. Then I think he was ashamed, climaxing so hard after contributing as he did to Dawn's spanking and even being the reason for it, making her cum. He got up and sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. I put my arm around him and said he did not have to worry, he was only doing exactly what Dawn wanted him to do. 'How do you know?' He asked. 'You can ask her, Joe, but I know because I am just like her. I want to be tied down on the bed. I want to be spanked. I want to be fucked like there's no tomorrow. She is me, Joe. I am not a dominant. I am a horny slut slave just like Dawn. I have to help train her, so I do what I must, but I wish it was me lying spread eagled on your bed with your cock pounding my needy pussy.' 'Really?' He asked. 'Really. What I wish you would do right now is take me over your knee and spank the shit out of me, then fuck my ass and tell me I cannot cum. Or order me to eat Dawn's delicious cunt while you fuck me with your powerful prick.' Then I told him a little white lie. I said, 'I haven't been properly punished since Mistress left me here to help Sam. I want to feel a big hand on my ass making me whimper, then using me in all the ways a Master can use a submissive slut. Will you spank me, Joe?'