WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 16


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Dawn was finishing up her cleaning tasks and climbed back on a chair next to me. "I wish you could fuck me, Master. I really could use a good pounding right now."

"I'm sorry, Dawn, but I won't."

"I understand, Master. I can take over again, Chantelle."

"Of course, dear. I cannot pound you, but I will give you a nice climax or two after lunch," Chantelle said. "Continue the story then."

"Joe was silent for awhile. His head was no longer in his hands. He just looked at us both for quite a long time. No one said anything and you could cut the tension with a knife. Finally, he said, 'Get your ass over my lap.' 'Yes, Master,' Chantelle replied, and climbed over his legs. He stared at her bottom for the longest time, like he didn't know what he was going to do with it, then finally he brought his hand down in a desultory swat, very tentative. Chantelle said, 'Harder,' and he hit her again with a little more authority and she said, 'Still harder, make it sting. Better yet, Use the thing I used on Dawn. Go ahead. And you'll notice the handle of it is a big dildo. As soon as I start to cum, I want you to shove it up my pussy and really make me squeal.' So he picked it up and brought it down on her bottom and she did squeal. You know how hard it stings, Master. He didn't test it on himself so he didn't know how much it can hurt. But Chantelle said, 'Keep going, you're doing fine.' He spanked her several more times and suddenly, she said, 'I'm cumming, Joe. Fuck me with the handle, now.' Joe rammed the handle up her pussy and fucked her cunt to a lather giving Chantelle one long or several more orgasms. 'Please, Joe, fuck me in the ass now, please.' She got up on her hands and knees, aiming her asshole at Joe and he put on another condom and went right up her butt without any lube or anything. She started moaning like a banshee and Joe was really putting it to her. She saw my cunt right in front of her face and started licking my pussy so I could have several orgasms too. Joe must have pummeled her butt for fifteen minutes. He was grunting like a hog when he climaxed, Master. Chantelle removed his rubber and licked him clean."

"Lunch is ready," Chantelle said, "Dawn, set the table. Monsieur, if you would please put some of the Caesar salad mix in three bowls, the dressing is in the refrigerator." She finished up what she was doing and carried the hot pan into the dining area and put it on an oven mitt.

She dished it up on our plates, two pieces of chicken for me and one each for her and Dawn. There were slices of lemon and capers on the chicken. It looked delicious. I set the bowls of salad beside each plate and the dressing on the table. We each had a glass of white wine since she'd opened the bottle to cook with.

"What are the little green things on the chicken, Chantelle?" Dawn asked.

"Those are called capers, Dawn. They do not have too much flavor, except they taste salty and they add a lot of flavor to the chicken. Eat them, I am sure you will like it."

"What's this called?" I asked.

"Vodka lemon chicken," Chantelle replied, "except I didn't have vodka so I used some white wine. It also has basil, butter, parsley and lemon juice in the sauce."

I took a bite. "Oh my God, this is heavenly. Just perfect. Mmwwah," I air kissed her across the table. "You'll get a real kiss after lunch."

"I do not want a kiss, Monsieur, unless it is part of amour, which I am sure you will be pleased to give me."

"I will, I will, maybe two, this is so good."

"You are welcome, Monsieur. Dawn, please continue our story?"

"If you don't mind me eating as I'm telling. This really is good, Chantelle."

"We do not mind if you eat, do we, Monsieur? Unless, you wish her to suck your cock while you eat?"

"Not necessary. A blow job would be an unnecessary distraction while I'm eating this," I replied.

Dawn continued, taking quick breaks for additional bites. "Okay. After that, everyone was quiet for awhile. Partly it was exhaustion; we'd all cum like crazy, but Joe didn't know what to think about everything and we didn't want to push him. Finally, he said, 'You really like this stuff?' Chantelle put her hand on his face and said, 'We really do.' She kissed him. 'I do not say this is for everyone. I would never recommend you do this with any woman unless you are sure it is what she wants, but there are many of us out there. In my own group of submissives, there is me, a cook and erotic jewelry model, a lawyer, a former banker, an air conditioning mechanic, an electrician, a photographer, jewelry makers including silver and goldsmith's and gemologists. I personally know of others like an FBI agent...' He interrupted her. 'Who?' 'I cannot say, Joe, it is not my story to tell. Everyone has secrets. I am telling you mine, not everyone else's. Believe me when I say submissives come from all walks of life. They can be executives, and sales clerks, like Dawn here. They can even be police officers and military members. All walks of life.' 'Why do you do it? What's the attraction?' 'You saw how much we orgasmed, Joe. It is part of our nature. We enjoyed it.' 'Were you abused as a child?' 'No. I came from a very loving family, both Maman and Papa never mistreated or abused me. For all I know, none of my brothers or sisters are like me. Dawn has said her stepfather tried to molest her, but he was unsuccessful. She witnessed a loving relationship between a Dominant and submissive and decided to try it for herself. She has enjoyed it so far. She is not really a lesbian in the normal sense of the word, which is why she is enjoying her time with you, but she has no objection to pleasing or being pleased by a woman, which is why she is choosing to submit herself to one.'"

"How did he take it?" I asked.

"He took it well, I think, Monsieur," Chantelle said. "At least he managed to order us into every position he could think of in order to use us in every way he could. He made me lie on the bed and tied Chantelle on top of me and ordered us both to lick each other to orgasm as he swatted Dawn's derrière. He made us scissor each other to orgasm. He made us lie on one another, face to face, kissing and caressing each other while he went from cunt to cunt, fucking us both. At the end of the night, I sucked him one last time until he had to cum and he ejaculated all over my face, though he had very little to give at that point. A few drops is all. It hardly counted as a facial."

"Don't tell me you turned him into a dominant?" I said.

"I do not know, Monsieur. Maybe not, but it did mean he wanted to try many things while we were together. It is like opening a gift at Christmas and finding a new toy. Suddenly it is your favorite toy. It does not mean it remains your favorite toy. Perhaps you get something to replace it, or the old favorite becomes your favorite again because the newness is gone from the new one. It may not be in his nature, and if so, he just had a wild night with two slave girls. But if he was, he might be the one Lynn could turn to as her temp Master. Someone who could keep her secret."

"My, aren't you the clever one," I said.

"I have always believed so, Monsieur," Chantelle replied without a hint of modesty and a smile.

"What happened when you left?"

"It was still dark at 5:30, Master," Dawn said. "Chantelle gave me my robe back, but told me I was to hold it open unless we got close to anyone else. She made me walk all the way to the car like that, my robe open and showing my body to anyone who might be watching from a distance. She made me drive back here the same way, my robe open and me exposed. The only time I could close it is when we reached here. There was quite a bit of activity going on so I was allowed to close it. We got home and took a shower together and Chantelle allowed me to masturbate myself, then her, I was so fucking horny from the drive. After, we came to bed and fell asleep."

"It sounds as if you had a very good night."

"I did, Master. An excellent night. Of course, I'm still a bitch in heat. I need to fuck so bad. I never imagined becoming this way. Does it ever get any better, Chantelle?"

"Of course it does, Dawn. It is both the benefit and bane of being a sex slave. You are able to have all this wonderful sex, but when you cannot have sex, this desire burns in you. You will not be able to masturbate your way through the day like you do currently. We all have jobs to do, work not involving sex. You get used to it. You will always have this underpinning of arousal begging to be satisfied. It serves to keep you prepared for your Mistress. When she calls upon you, you are primed, but you learn to ignore it unless you need it. Just as I am ready to service Monsieur now in his time of need." She pointed to my fresh erection. "I am ready if he needs me. I am always ready if needed. But I don't stand around in the kitchen all day masturbating and thinking of my next round of sex. My desire burns under the surface waiting for me to call upon it. You will see. We may have to order you not to masturbate for awhile until you get it under control, but you will control it."

"She doesn't have to control anything now," I said. "We have the afternoon and evening free. Chantelle, why don't you ride my cock and Dawn can ride my face."

"Oui, Monsieur, and after you tire yourself out, Dawn and I can pleasure each other."

"We'll help you clean up later, Chantelle," Dawn said, "but I need to cum now."

"Of course, slave."

I got on the bed and Chantelle mounted my prick, plunging right to the bottom of her pussy. Chantelle was right. She was nearly always ready. Very seldom did she require foreplay to play. Marcia was the same way during her slavery; hot and wet all the time. Before I had more time to think about it, Dawn's cunt descended on my mouth. She was damp as well, primed and ready. She sighed delightfully as soon as my tongue speared into her. Chantelle was riding me slow as she was wont to do when we first started fucking. She wanted to delay her orgasm and delay mine as long as possible, simply enjoying the sensations of being penetrated, of being filled. I was in no hurry. Dawn had eliminated any rush by taking care of me earlier. I let Dawn guide the action of her sex over my mouth, going as hard or soft, as fast or slow as she wanted to drive the action. On occasion, she would lean forward, giving me a little air as she and Chantelle kissed above me. Dawn climaxed first, adding a burst of flavor to my tongue. Chantelle came shortly after, still moving slow enough to let me drift along.

I was such a lucky fucker, I couldn't believe it. I had a beautiful and wonderful wife whom I loved to death, yet she loved me so much, she offered me the charming Chantelle to fuck while she was gone and I still got to sample the unique delights of Dawn. If there was a luckier bastard in the world, I'd like to meet the chap. Chantelle was able to keep me hard and going for about twenty minutes before I had to increase my speed in order to cum. During that time, both girls were able to enjoy multiple orgasms. It there was one thing I regretted about being male, it was the disproportionate ratio of male to female orgasms. What a gift. I suppose there had to be some recompense for having to suffer through periods. When I started thrusting up into her, Chantelle knew the ending was near. She rode me harder and started squeezing my prick internally, trying to spur another orgasm on her part and make mine more enjoyable. It worked. I closed my eyes and bucked my hips up and held her eight inches off the bed as I emptied myself into her. Chantelle immediately got off me.

"Quickly, Dawn, suck his cock. See if you can keep him hard," Chantelle said.

Dawn fell forward and started in sucking my shaft, doing her damndest to keep me from shrinking. Darned if she wasn't doing a spectacular job of it. I was still able to nuzzle her soft folds as she worked me over. She was clearly aroused, her clit was hard, her lips suffused with blood, her petals open and her cunt wet. Of course, I liked to think I had something to do with her current level of desire. She'd had several good orgasms from my tongue and lips. My prick didn't shrink far before she got me stiff enough to fuck again.

"I will lick you," Chantelle said, "while Monsieur fucks my ass."

"Oral orgasms are okay," Dawn said, "but I want to feel something in my cunt."

"Chantelle, get the toy I bought you for your help, the Womanizer Inside and Out. Let her use that instead."

"Oui, Monsieur."

Chantelle got up and found it. She brought it back to the bed. It was already buzzing. Chantelle handed it to Dawn and asked her to get it front of her face so she could watch. Dawn released my cock which she'd been keeping stiff in her mouth during Chantelle's absence. Chantelle knelt on the bed for me and told me to use my tongue and her cunt as lubrication again. I got her puckered rosebud slick with saliva and then plunged my cock in her cunt to cover it with my and hers previous releases. After giving about three thrusts to ensure it was covered nicely, I pulled out and started pushing against her sphincter and felt it part for my cock head. Chantelle gave a combination sigh and moan as I slipped into her. I pushed forwards until my dangling balls were smacking her pussy.

"Oh, Monsieur, I love to feel you in my ass. Not too big, not to small. Just perfect."

Dawn had started using the Womanizer and had it shoved full length into her pussy, right in front of us. She was already having an orgasm.

I set a timer on my watch for ten minutes and told Dawn she couldn't have another orgasm until the timer went off.

"Master!" She complained. "Why? How long must I wait?"

"Would you like me to double it?" I said.

"No, Master. No orgasms until the timer is done," she said resignedly.

"I want you to keep yourself on the edge, however. You may stop whenever you got close."

"What happens if I slip up trying to keep myself on edge, Master?"

"I do have control of you until you get to California." A veiled threat she might not have orgasms again for a week or more.

"I'll be careful, Master."

She became a lot more cautious than she was before. We could both see how badly she wanted to just fuck herself with the device. Her legs would start to quiver and she would pull it out. Her fluids were dripping from her cunt. To her mind, she didn't know how long I'd set the timer for so she had no idea how long she'd have to resist. I continued to fuck Chantelle's bottom, much to our mutual delight. It was going to take awhile before I'd release this time, so neither of us were in a rush. My timer went off and Dawn climaxed twice in quick succession, positively pumping her pussy in ecstasy. I set my timer again, this time for thirty minutes.

"No more orgasms until the timer goes off again," I ordered.

"Please tell me I only have to wait as long as last time, Master?" Dawn pleaded.

"I can't tell you that. It would be a lie."

"Yes, Master."

Dawn tried to be careful and it seemed to me she was leaving the Womanizer out of her cunt longer and longer each time she removed it. Was she playing around just waiting for the timer to go off without keeping herself on the edge?

"New rule. If you don't cum within five seconds of the time the alarm goes off, you won't be able to have an orgasm at all. You'll have to wait until the timer goes off a second time and each time I set it, it will be longer."

"Master!" Dawn whined.

"Four seconds," I said in reply to her whine. "Want to make it three."

She shut up and I noticed she wasn't delaying the entry of the Womanizer back into her cunt as much as before I imposed the new rule. She looked positively miserable being kept on the very edge of her release with no idea of when it would occur but having to remain there so she could cum within four seconds of the alarm going off. In the interim, Chantelle had climaxed twice and I was getting close myself. I thrust a half dozen more times into Chantelle's beautiful bum before spurting what little sperm I had left all the way up her butt.

There was no staying hard after this, so I withdrew from her bottom and told her to distract Dawn by kissing and sucking her breasts while she worked her pussy.

Chantelle looked at me with a twinkle in her eye. "You can be cruel sometimes, Monsieur."

"You've been on her end of my cruelty, slave. How did you like it?"

"I loved it, Monsieur. It was delicious."

I whispered to her. "She should have a fabulous orgasm, don't you think."

"If she can hold out, Monsieur. You are doing all you can to ensure she cannot," she whispered back.

"Get busy while I clean up, slave."

Chantelle settled herself next to Dawn and started sucking her nipples. Dawn gave a sudden gasp and I thought she was going to release, but she pulled the Womanizer out immediately and somehow managed to hold out. I smiled to myself and went into the bathroom to clean myself off. When I came back to the bed, Dawn still managed to hold herself on the edge without cumming. There was a small spot of her fluids on the sheets where she'd been leaking out. I rubbed my finger in the drops at the bottom of her cleft and tasted her. Dawn gasped again as my finger touched her, but she somehow didn't cum. I got on the other side of Dawn from Chantelle and started licking her other puckered nipple. It was so hard and stiff. I checked the time remaining on my watch. Almost six minutes. I sucked her nipple in mouth and tongued the tip. Dawn started shaking violently. She pulled the Womanizer out, panting hard, breathing through her mouth and arching her back. Still she resisted her orgasm.

"If I were you," I told Dawn, "when you start cumming, I'd get as much out of it as you can, because it might be awhile before you cum again."

"Why, Master?"

"Because you're going to cum early."

"No, Master. I'm going to make it, I am."

"We'll see," I said.

I put my finger down on her pussy again and started rubbing her juices all around, including over her anus. She pulled the Womanizer out, but it wasn't going to help her this time. At the same time I began a renewed assault on her nipple, one finger went up her anus, another went up her cunt and she shrieked and started cumming, bouncing up and down on the bed like a kid in a pillow fight. Remembering what I'd just told her, she jammed the Womanizer in her and fucked herself for all she was worth. Her orgasm might have lasted nearly five minutes. Her legs were spread wide and she was crying, and pumping her hips, still moaning her release. The timer went off while it was still surging through her body in waves.

I let her orgasm dwindle to its end and told her she had to stop now. She sobbed and pulled the Womanizer out of her cunt.

"I could have made it, Master. I could have made it."

"I'm sure you might have, but your orgasms aren't up to you. They're up to your Master and I didn't want you make it."

It was a wonderful yet brutal reminder her orgasms weren't her own anymore. They belonged to her Mistress or her surrogate; in this case, me.

"How long will I have to do without orgasms this time, Master?"

"I'm not sure yet. I'm still deciding. You might be able to do something to mitigate your punishment. Put your hands behind your back."

Dawn did so, wondering what I had in mind for her now. I fastened her wrist cuffs together behind her back.

"Chantelle has my cum leaking from both her pussy and her ass, although I didn't have much to leave in her ass. I want you to thoroughly clean those two orifices. You may use your mouth only. I would appreciate if you would give her two more orgasms for cooking us such a fine lunch today. For every one over two you give her before I've cleaned off the table and tidied up the kitchen, I will reduce your punishment by one day. Chantelle, I want you to resist her efforts with every fiber of your being. For every one you have over two, you will be denied your orgasms for one day. I won't be rushing, so both of you have your work cut out for you. Chantelle you have to open yourself up to her so she can reach all your good bits. Begin."