WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 17


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"Wasn't there a famous Apache Indian Chief imprisoned there too?" Dawn asked.


"Yes, that's the one."

"Right state, wrong fort. He was at Fort Pickens in Pensacola, along with many of his brethren. Bringing the Apache here from the arid State of Arizona was not a good mix. Something like 25% of the Apache died from tuberculosis. The damp climate didn't agree with them."

"Was Geronimo one of the Indians who died there?"

"I believe he died in Oklahoma, much later. Most of the remaining Apaches were sent to Oklahoma when they realized how many were dying from preventable causes. We'd better go. We don't want to be late for the ferry."

Backtracking a few blocks, we found the Bliss Key West restaurant, another highly rated food location. It had been a few years since I'd eaten there and the menu had changed somewhat. The food still looked good, with a lot of unusual ingredients not found everywhere. I had the Yellowtail Snapper filet, with a cream caper sauce. Chantelle had Grandma's Shrimp and Dawn had the Petronia Chicken, seared chicken breast, in an orange brandy sugarcane rosemary reduction. All the entrees came with rice, garlic sautéed spinach and the Bliss Cole slaw, which had both romaine and cabbage with carrots and a ginger honey dressing. Both Dawn and I gave Chantelle a taste of our food. If she liked it and thought she could cook it; chances are it would show up on our menu in LA. It was 4:45 when we finished supper. Chantelle used the corporate card to pay for this meal. I didn't argue, I'd been paying my fair share so far. I'd paid for the ferry ride because I didn't think Brianna should be paying for stuff we were doing for fun. Food and shelter was one thing, galavanting around Florida was another.

On the ferry, I told Dawn she could remove the cover-up once more. If the crew didn't say anything, she could remain that way. She didn't fidget at all on the return trip, proudly displaying herself. The lateness of the day and the sea breezes over the deck dried her shirt dress enough it didn't look as transparent as it had but it still molded her form beautifully. We went back to the upper deck and watched the sun setting in the western sky. It seemed as though the ferry was less crowded than this morning. Usually it was roughly the same coming and going. Even those folks who didn't return because they were planning to stay a day or more in Key West, were replaced by those now returning from yesterday or before. Or perhaps they were tired or drunk and downstairs where there were more seats, but I thought there was a chance to do something I couldn't do with more crowded conditions. Of course, I needed a diversion to pull it off, but I did have one already.

"Chantelle, I want to fuck you up here."

"Oui, Monsieur. Can we do it without being arrested?"

"I believe so, though it will still be risky and we will require Dawn's assistance."

"What do you need me to do?" Dawn asked.

"We need to to catch everyone's eye, to drawn everyone's attention to you and keep it on you."

"Do you need me to be naked?" She asked. It seemed to me she was a wee bit eager to strip off what little she wore.

"Nothing quite so dramatic," I replied. "I want you to go to the center of the deck up here, maybe make a sound, a moan or something dramatic. When you see people starting to look; stretch up, really reach high and to make your dress tight over your body. Doing so will also raise your hemline, making the dress even shorter than it is. That will quickly grab most people's attention. As you lower your arms, smooth the dress over your breasts. Don't make it obvious by rubbing them or cupping them, but linger as your hands move down. Continue smoothing your dress as your hands move down, over your stomach, your hips. Then start sauntering towards the bow of the ferry; put your hips into it, like a model moving down a runway. I'm fairly certain every eye which looked at you will follow your path to the front of the boat, leaving me to fuck Chantelle in the stern here. The stairs are to the side, no one can come up behind us. We'll need several minutes to cum, so when you get to the front, do something else to keep attention focused on you; maybe bend over at the waist, like you're still stretching, maybe a sore back. I want you to do what you can to keep attention focused on you at the front and not anything happening at the stern of the boat, but not to get naked or anything so crude like masturbating which might get you arrested or at least draw attention from the crew.

"In addition, while you are doing this, I want you to be cognizant of all the eyes on you, watching your every move. I want you to think of all the hard cocks you'll be raising, the mouths salivating, the hands itching to trace the same path your own hands took. Imagine only, that you're naked and the men and women drooling over your body could line up to fuck you, to shove their cocks in your cunt or ass or mouth; the women could lick your cunt, sucking the cream of the man who'd preceded them flowing from your pussy or ass. I want to know if you cum as you imagine this."

"Oh, God. I'm almost cumming now," Dawn said.

"Go ahead then. I'll start fucking Chantelle as you get people's attention."

Dawn did a slow walk toward the center of the deck. She started whistling as she walked, already people started to watch.

"Are you wet, Chantelle, because I'm going to plunge right into your cunt?"

"Oui, Monsieur. More than wet enough to fuck."

"Good, as soon as Dawn starts stretching, I want you to bend over. You can't make a sound to draw any attention to us."

We both watched. Already, half the eyes on the top deck were watching the girl in the thin dress, her nipples hard and obvious. She reached the middle and gave a groan, like she hurt, and started stretching, reaching up as high as she could, the dress molding over her tits, the dress rising to about two inches below her naked cunt. Chantelle bent over and I pulled her dress up over her hips. There was a low wall in front of us. Not high enough to hide what we were doing, but obscuring her wide spread legs as I speared into her. She gave a low whimper as she felt her folds part for my prick, but plenty quiet enough not to draw attention to us.

In front of us, Dawn had stopped stretching and ran her hands down the front of her dress as though she was smoothing the fabric down. Her hands made a slow journey as the moved, accentuating her curves. By now, most eyes were on her, or if not on her, talking in low voices to a companion about her. Done with the routine in the center, she started a slow walk towards the bow, her hips wriggling provocatively as she moved. Dawn and I could both measure her progress forward by the way all the faces followed her. I was pumping rapidly back and forth in Chantelle's liquid sheath, sliding through her like she was oiled. Chantelle's breath was becoming ragged and halting, not loud, but panting. Her buttocks were moving backward to intercept my hips as I pushed forward, straining to get me deeper.

Up front now, Dawn groaned again and stretched more as if she still hadn't worked the kinks out the previous time she stretched but after raising her arms, she bent forward from the waist as if stretching her back and hamstrings. Her dress rose perilously high on her legs and I thought she would be exposing her ass to the entire deck, but it stopped just short. She slowly straightened, the dress dropping again, much to the disappointment of half the men holding their breath. Chantelle orgasmed, her cunt clasping my cock in velvet gloves. I was close myself.

I saw a young man approach Dawn and say something to her. She nodded her head and patted her shoulders and damned if he didn't start rubbing her shoulders. She started moaning loud enough for us to hear her from the back, almost as if she was having an orgasm, and maybe she was. Whatever it was, she was still keeping the attention of everyone watching and I was able to finish in Chantelle, 22 hours of spunk spurting deep into her pussy. I was able to keep going long enough after my release for Chantelle to cum again. When she finished spasming, I pulled out and lowered her dress as she stood up. No clean up today. The cum was left to drip down her legs. Even my cock went back into my pants covered in our spend. It had worked. I hadn't seen anyone paying attention to us at all. Dawn glanced back in our direction and seeing we were done, I could see her patting his hands as if to say enough. He stopped and she turned to him and gave him a brief kiss in thanks, though she made sure her breasts went into his chest long enough for him to feel her turgid nipples. We took a seat and Dawn joined us a few minutes later, sauntering sensuously back as she had going forward.

"Did you have fun?" Dawn asked.

"Indeed we did." I responded.

"I orgasmed twice," Chantelle said, "though our fluids are now running down my legs."

"I did too," Dawn said, "and if I bent over now, all those watching my ass would see it. I can feel it halfway down my thighs."

"What was the interaction between you and the man rubbing your shoulders?"

"What a nice guy he was. When I bent over, almost showing my bare ass to everyone, is when I orgasmed, and he must have heard me moan when it happened. He approached me and asked if there was anything he could do to help. I told him my body was stiff and my neck sore and asked him if he'd rub my neck and shoulders. He did, and he had wonderful hands. Coming on the heels of my climax, it felt very good. I wanted him to grab my tits and tell me to bend over so he could fuck me, but he was a gentleman. He stayed away from my breasts, though I know he was watching them closely, my nipples were so puckered and hard and I know how thin this dress is. When I saw you were done, I thanked him and gave him a quick kiss, making sure he could feel the erasers on my boobs even as I felt his stiff prick under his shorts. He asked if we could go on a date and I said I was sorry, but no; I was traveling to California Thursday and would be busy packing for the trip tomorrow. I thanked him for his offer and told him he was very nice."

"I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it as much as we did," I said.

"God, yes. You're turning me into an exhibitionist and a slut."

"Traits which will stand you in good stead in your new vocation as sex slave."

"This is really happening, isn't it? I'm becoming a sex slave for Mistress."

"Yes, it is. And if today is any indication, you'll be a good one."

"Thank you, Sam."

When we reached our dock, I told them to wait to disembark. I wanted us to be among the last people leaving the ferry. When Dawn asked why, I told her I had my reasons which she'd know soon enough. We weren't the last ones off the boat, but we were close, which also meant the parking lot where we'd left the car was almost empty as well. Maybe the last ones remaining belonged to crew, who still had work to do. There was very little lighting in the parking lot, which I appreciated for what was happening next. It wasn't much more than a grassy field. When we got to the car, I told them to wait by the trunk while I made preparations. Chantelle looked at me with a glint of anticipation, while Dawn was still puzzled. I opened the front passenger door and slid the front seat all the way forward, then I opened the rear door.

"Strip down, both of you."

Both of them removed their garments without hesitation. The lot was dark and there were no people about, though I'm not sure if it would have made a difference if there were. I told Chantelle to sit down on the seat and Dawn to get on the floor in front of her. Both of them immediately knew what I had in mind and Chantelle slid into the seat without delay, spreading her legs for Dawn. Dawn climbed in behind her and I closed the door.

"You'll change places halfway back to the hotel. I'll tell you when."

By the time I was in the driver's seat, Dawn was burrowed between Chantelle's thighs, eagerly licking my cum from them. The radio was on when I started the car, but I turned it off. The only music I wanted to hear was the sounds of slaves gasping in pleasure. According to the map app, it was forty minutes drive, so each of them would get twenty minutes of fun. I was such a benevolent Master. Having no reason to suppress her moans, I could tell Chantelle climaxed three times before they had to switch places. Dawn must have been even more aroused. She orgasmed four times before we reached the Residence Inn, the last time as we were pulling into the parking lot. I told Chantelle she needed to stop as soon as Dawn's spasms waned.

Glancing at my watch, I saw it was twenty past ten. If it was 90 minutes later, I would have made them walk back to the room naked, but now, it was still too active. Too bad. I tossed Dawn her shirt dress and Chantelle the cover-up Dawn had worn. Her own dress would have been too difficult to put on in the car. They helped each other wiggle into their clothes.

"The last one to the room has to suck my cock," I said. I expected a mad dash for the room, but instead, both of them stood there, looking at each other to see who would move first. I changed the contest. "The last one to the room doesn't get to suck my cock." Chantelle was off like a shot, suddenly realizing the rules had changed, but Dawn was right after her and had a body made for running. I watched them streaking for the room and laughed. One just had to have the proper motivation. I followed along at my own pace, happy to let them fight it out.

I reached the room and both were standing there waiting for me, huffing and puffing. "Who won?" I asked.

"I did, Master," Dawn panted.

"Is this true, Chantelle?"

"Oui, Monsieur. She won fair and square."

"It's a good thing," I said. "You didn't stick around to hear the second part of the contest. The last one here gets fucked. I would have hated to violate my agreement with Marcia."

"Master," Dawn complained, "you mean if I had lost you would have fucked me?"

"What do you think?" I asked.

She looked at me for a minute and laughed. "No, you're teasing. You wouldn't have fucked me if I lost."

"Good girl." I opened the door and let them in. "There's definitely going to be some fucking going on here tonight, though. I'm hard as a rock. Listening to you two in the back seat was amazing."

"Merci, Monsieur."

"Since Dawn was here first, she gets to swallow my first load. Chantelle will get me hard again so I may fuck her sweet, sweet cunt."

We all stripped down and I lay on the bed, my penis a pole reaching for the sky. Dawn knelt down by my cock and prepared to suck it. I stopped her.

"No, you've earned your own pleasure. Get in a sixty-nine. I want to get you off as well."

Dawn quickly scrambled around and lowered her pussy to my face. She was still wet, or wet again. I could smell her arousal, pungent with need.

"Take it slow," I warned. "I don't want a race. I want to enjoy every minute. Chantelle, take a movie I can send to Marcia so she may see I'm still well cared for."

"Oui, Monsieur." She got up to get her phone, returning moments later.

Dawn began licking my shaft, taking her time, not trying to take it all right away. I was doing the same, licking and kissing around her cunt, teasing but not pleasing. We were both moaning in no time. She was doing an outstanding job now, having developed her skills and techniques over the past week. After about ten minutes, I started licking her slit, still staying away from her clitoris, wanting to build the tension before bringing about her release. Feeling me delving between her folds, she reciprocated by taking more of my cock. Her hand was cupping my sack as she sucked. This orgasm would be a splendid explosion when I finally passed the tipping point.

When I felt myself getting close, I spread her butt cheeks, letting a finger play with her pucker, trailing up and down her crease from sheath to coccyx. She began to squirm over my tongue. When I finally allowed myself to lick her clit, my finger penetrated her ass and she moaned and orgasmed, her pussy undulating before my eyes. I gathered the nectar leaking from her as she spasmed, delighting in the taste of her pleasure. At the same time, I was filling her throat with my essence, spurt after spurt spewing into her sweetly sucking mouth. Gradually, our climaxes eased and I released her, allowing her to get up, only to be replaced by the other slave patiently waiting her turn.

We started out the same way, orally teasing the other. She had to work harder for my erection, but her skills were easily up to the task. Dawn had taken over the filming duties and captured Chantelle's head bobbing on my prick, turning me hard. Since I fucked her from behind on the ferry, I wanted to fuck her from the front this time. I turned her over and pushing her legs up towards her head, settled between them, sliding my cock into her damp desire. While slowly fucking her, I was able to nibble on the peaked points of her breasts, nuzzle her neck and passionately kiss her soft, supple lips. Ten minutes later, she flexed on my cock, squeezing delightfully as she moaned through another orgasm. I still had a way to go and had the time to relish the silky sheath wrapped around my shaft.

"Monsieur, fuck me! Mon Dieu, you feel so good inside me. I could fuck you forever."

I laughed. "I don't think I can last forever. Would you be happy with another ten minutes?"

"Anything, Monsieur."

I started thrusting faster. She held my head and kissed me frantically like it was the last time we'd ever be together. She climaxed again, then again, then a third time, one after the other, compressing my cock in her superb cunt. Shit, I wasn't going to make ten minutes. I'd be lucky to make five, the pleasure of her pulsating pussy so intense on my prick. I felt my sap rising in spite of my best efforts to hold on. At the last possible second, I slammed as deep as I could while clutching her ass to my hips and let go, throbbing wildly. We both started breathing again, gasping, halting breaths. I felt I'd been holding my breath the last five minutes, I was so winded.

Dawn set the phone down. "I wish you could fuck me like that, Master. I want to feel a cock in my cunt so bad."

"Do you know where Chantelle's toy is?" I asked.

"Yes, Master."

"It will have to do," I said. "Go get it."

She hopped up and got the Chantelle's new Womanizer In and Out. She returned to the bed.

"Climb into my lap," I said. "We'll help you enjoy yourself."

I tucked a couple pillows behind my back and leaned back. Dawn got between my legs and inserted the toy in her cunt and turned it on. While she pumped it in and out in her pussy, I played with her breasts and kissed her ears, neck and shoulders. Chantelle rubbed her legs. In ten minutes, Dawn had five orgasms.

"Thank you, Master; thanks Chantelle. I enjoyed it very much."

"We don't have to do very much tomorrow morning," I said. "Tomorrow afternoon, we'll need to wash clothes and get everything packed. We'll load everything in the car Thursday morning before the closing. After it's over, I can pick you and Dawn up from Joe's and we'll hit the road. Okay?"

"I will not be going to Joe's Thursday morning, Monsieur. Dawn is still welcome to go if she wishes, but I've said my goodbyes to Joe and don't want to repeat them."

"Is there any particular reason why not?" I asked.

"None I wish to talk about, Monsieur. I had my fun with Joe and now it's over. I do not need to see him again."

"Dawn, do you still want to go?"

"If you have no objections, Master, I would. It may be some time before I may enjoy a cock again. I would like to enjoy his again before I go."

"I have no objection. I understand completely. Chantelle, could you arrange for Dawn to spend time with him Thursday morning?"