Wedding Reception

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Seniors meet at grandchildren's wedding reception.
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A friend of mine who knows I'm older and like to write stories about people my age suggested this idea to me. It does have a long build up, as is typical of my work, and it's not too kinky.

If you don't like stories about retired seniors interacting with each other, please move on.


The date was quickly approaching and Mark was glad that he was not involved in all the hub-bub. He loved his granddaughter and was happy for her, but the chaos surrounding her upcoming wedding was better suited to her mother and friends, not her grandfather.

The nuptials were scheduled for the coming Saturday and located in the back yard where he had played hide and seek with her so many years ago. Was it really that long ago? He had met the young man at the family gatherings. Emily had been going out with him for a couple of years now and everyone seemed to like him. Matt did seem to be a nice boy, I guess if he's getting married, he's a man.

Mark had talked with him only a couple of times, but each time he seemed respectful and had a plan for his future. Mark liked him too and got the impression that Matt actually loved his granddaughter.

Mark's only task now was to show up with the wedding gift he purchased at the store where Emily and Matt had registered. The list made things so much easier. Mark didn't need to understand why young people wanting some of these items, he only had to write the check for the item he picked out. They even wrapped his gift for him and made sure no-one else bought the same thing. Nothing worse than getting twelve toasters, hell there was not even one toaster on this list.

The wedding was still five days away, so he decided to get a haircut, he didn't want to appear too shabby on his favorite girl's big day. He did not need a tux, or whatever the wedding party was wearing, but he did need to look good and he dropped off the suit he planned to wear at the dry cleaners who promised a two-day turnaround.

Linda would have loved to be involved in the wedding planning, but the bride-to-be wasn't related to her yet. She had met Emily several times and her grandson talked about her almost non-stop. It was obvious to anyone paying attention that these two were in love.

She remembered as if it were yesterday, driving him to his soccer practice and how could she forget his tenth birthday and the Harry Potter theme. She told her daughter that she would be happy to make the cake for him and there was no need to buy one. She worked for hours making that Sorting Hat birthday cake. It was hard to believe that her grandson was now getting married.

She had taken this opportunity to buy a new dress; it wasn't often she had an opportunity to dress up. She was scheduled to have her hair done on the Friday before the wedding. She had already gotten her gift. She had the Vitamixer blender wrapped and ready to go. Matt and Emily both enjoyed their morning smoothies over what Linda considered traditional eggs and toast breakfast.

The day of the wedding appeared to be perfect. A mild breeze kept the sun from being too hot. The temperature hovered between 72 and 75. Most considered this perfect. Everyone arrived on time and the Justice of the Peace, being a family friend was also invited to the reception after her official duties were discharged.

The music flowed and bride looked fabulous standing next to her handsome groom. The vows were exchanges following everyone's favorite--the kiss. Every camera clicked and flashes went off. The bride and groom turned each wearing a huge smile and greeting their friends and relatives as a newly married couple.

They left along with the brides' maids and grooms' men for the professional photos while the guest filed by the tables of food and the caterers.

Each guest found the table and seat with their name tag and after a bit of introductions all around, the meal was addressed. The bride's family had hired a good caterer; the food was fantastic. The bride and groom made their rounds talking with all the guest. Mark and Linda were seated at the same table and they were soon to find out why. It seems as if their grandchildren thought that the two of them would make a nice couple and informed each of them that they were both single and in need of a companion.

Both Mark and Linda were somewhat embarrassed; it had been decades since anyone set them up on a blind date. The kids insisted that they chat and get to know each other and they would quiz them later.

"So, it seems as if we've been set up," Mark said after the newlyweds left them alone. Everyone else that had been at the table was now on the dance floor, so they had no choice but to talk with each other.

"It does seem that way, doesn't it," Linda agreed.

They spent the next couple of hours getting to know each other and found that they liked each other. Both had lost their spouse ten years ago and had tried the dating scene, but soon found out that the people they met there were mostly after money. They both saw their families every other month or so and each had a circle of friends, but none that close. Linda went to a crafting group once a week and Mark went to an open studio to practice his art. Both felt it necessary to exercise, but found it boring.

They found out that they lived less than a mile apart and agreed to meet for a walk along a trail that Mark knew. Linda wanted to know if he knew any of the birds along that trail. He didn't, but Linda offered to point out some. She hadn't been birding, as she called it, in several years. Mark offered that he had bird feeders at his house, but didn't know the names of the birds he fed.

"I must admit that this has been a good first date," Linda commented.

"I agree. I'm not much of a dancer, but would you care to dance?" Mark responded.

"I actually think it is expected that we do, and if the truth be known I don't dance well either. Apparently, I have two left feet," Linda added.

Together they found the dance floor and noticed their grandchildren both giving them a thumbs up.

"I think they expect us to leave together," Linda commented as soon as Mark's hands were around her.

"I wouldn't be opposed to that, but we have just met. If you don't think that might be rushing things a bit, that might be a very pleasant ending to a very pleasant evening," Mark responded.

"We're not teenagers anymore and I don't know about you, but I don't have a curfew. I find you attractive and I've heard that you can tell how good of a lover a guy is, by how good of a dancer he is," Linda commented.

"So how am I doing?" Mark asked.

Linda moved in closer, put her head on his shoulder. She placed her lips close to his ear and whispered, "Fantastic."

They finished their dance and said their goodbyes to the people they knew. They came back together to talk with their grandchildren.

"Well, so far, your little ruse has paid off. We like each other and we are not ready to say good night to each other yet," Linda addressed the newlyweds.

"I knew you two would hit it off, grandma. I only had to talk with Mark for a short time before I was convinced that you two had to get together. You have so much in common," Matt said.

"Yeah, Grandpa, I knew it too after I talked with Linda. Matt and I talked and tried to find a way to get you two together," Emily said.

"And the only thing you two college grads could come up with was to invite us both to your wedding?" Mark said with a laugh.

Emily laughed and replied, "It worked, didn't it? You two go have fun and I want to hear all about it."

'If things work out you two will be on your honeymoon by the time, we're done with this blind date you set up," Mark answered his granddaughter.

Emily's jaw visibly dropped and both Mark and Linda could not contain their laughter. "We're not heading out until day after tomorrow," she said, still in shock.

"Good night you two," Mark said as he and Linda made their way to the exit.

When Linda finally stopped laughing, she said, "It serves them right after they set us up like that, but actually two more days with each other could tell us a lot. I'm not sure about you, but I haven't been naked with anyone in quite a while."

"It was a joke, but right now being naked with you sounds like fun. You realize that neither of us knows the other's body, nor what we each like. That normally takes a while to figure out," Mark answered.

"We could talk about it for several hours or just play it by ear. Why don't you follow me to my house and we'll figure it out over a glass of wine?" Linda offered.

A short time later, they walked into Linda home.

"Have a seat and I'll get us some wine," she said heading off into the kitchen.

Mark admired the art hanging on her walls, she had several pieces of string art and a few interesting pieces of painted driftwood.

"I like the art you have here. Did you do it all?" he asked.

"I'm glad you like it. Yes, it is all mine and I have a lot more. I like to display different pieces every month. The driftwood is new. Do you like it?" she answered, bringing in two glasses of wine. She sat down and after fidgeting a bit asked another question.

"I have been in this dress for far too long, would it upset you if I changed into something more comfortable?"

Mark looked at her, smiled at the implication and answered, "Not at all. Please be comfortable."

"I'll just be a minute. Feel free to take off your jacket and tie," she answered then recognized what she'd said before and its implication, "Leave your pants on for now," she added with a smile.

Linda returned wearing an opaque night gown that fell below her knees. "That feels so much better," she said then noticed that Mark had removed his jacket, tie, and shoes. "I'm sure you would feel better wearing less as well, but we did promise to talk first,"

"We did. We said we would talk about the things we liked to do in the bedroom. Well, to start off I haven't done anything kinky in a very long time. I'm actually not that limber anymore and to tell the truth, I haven't done much of anything in quite a while," Mark shared.

"I guess I can say the same; I do have a vivid fantasy life, full of ideas that would kill me if I tried any of them. How about if we just hug and make out a bit?" she asked.

Mark got up and wrapped his arms arm the woman he had just spent the last several hours getting to know. Linda cuddled in close to him and let out a sigh.

"It has been a long time since I hugged a man who was not related to me," she said.

She pulled him closer relishing his warmth against her breasts. Suddenly she felt something familiar from a hug with a man, she hadn't felt in years. She pushed her groin against his and pulled her head back to look at him. She smiled, "This is nice," she said and raised her hands to stroke his chest.

"I love the feel of your chest," she commented.

Mark raised his hands to cradle her breasts, "I love the feel of yours too," he answered.

"Would you like to get more comfortable?" Linda asked.

"Are you saying that I can now take off my pants?" he countered.

"Shirt too," she answered.

Within a short time, Mark again stood in front of the woman he found so appealing wearing only his boxers and with Linda's hands stroking his now bare chest.

They continued to hug and caress each other for several minutes until Linda pulled away breathless. She grabbed his hand and lead him into her bedroom. Once there she pulled her nightgown over her head leaving her nude.

Mark removed his boxers and they just stared at each other for a while. They eased closer to each other until they again embraced. Their hands were no longer restricted to above the waist and soon their groping became more frantic. They fell onto the bed and allowed their mouths to taste what their hands had just recently explored.

A half hour of sweaty activity left them both gasping for breath.

"That wasn't bad, for a first time after so many years, but I'm not young anymore and will need to recover from this. I hope you don't mind, but I need a rain check for the encore," Linda muttered.

"Me too," a breathless Mark replied. "I do need to get home, but I do want a rematch. I'm not sure if I can do any better, but I'm willing to try."

"We haven't even gotten into anything kinky yet, so there is a lot more we need to explore. Wanna get together tomorrow, or do you need longer than that to recover?" She asked.

Mark got dressed and made sure he had Linda's number and she had his. He headed home knowing that Emily would call him in the morning wanting to know how things went.

The next morning Linda got one of her rare phone calls from her grandson. She expected his call after she left with Mark last night. Nothing like a bit of juicy gossip to get a phone call.

"Hi Grandma, I hope I didn't wake you up."

"Hi Matt," she answered understanding that he might think she hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. She had stayed up a little past her normal bedtime, but she had awaked refreshed and full of energy. "Not at all. I've been up for a while."

"So, how did it go with Mark?" Matt asked.

"I don't kiss and tell, but if you must know. I like him and we are planning on walking a trail he knows later on this morning," she answered.

"So, he didn't spend the night?" Matt pushed.

"Subtle, real subtle, Matt," she chastised.

They continued their conversation for another twenty minutes. Matt seemed to be pleased that his grandmother and his new grandfather-in-law were hitting it off. While Linda played her verbal chess game with her grandson. Mark was having his own sparring match with his granddaughter.

Mark called Linda after his conversation with his granddaughter to ask if she was still in the mood to walk the trail and point out the birds to him. He assured her that they would only go a couple of miles and it should take a little over an hour. He also promised her lunch after.

Mark picked up Linda a half hour later and drove them to the trail he'd told her about. Mark learned the names of several birds and wondered if he'd remember them all. They continued to chat along the way about the morning phone calls they each received and that the kids were happy that the two of them were now dating. Neither of them told their grandchildren that they spent the evening naked with each other.

Later over lunch they discussed the night before and their desires for how each wanted to proceed. They were too old to think about marriage and each had plenty of their own assets. They then shifted to what each of them considered the most important and that was sex. Linda had indicated that she had a kinky side, but might not be athletic enough to actually do any of it.

They talked about some of the not so wild activities that not everyone admitted liking. There was light spanking, maybe blindfolds, and costumes. Linda indicated that she liked to be in control and wore leather in her fantasies.

They filled the afternoon with shopping. Mark was amazed at the number of stores Linda knew of that sold erotic clothing. He knew of a few of what were once called dirty book stores, but Linda knew where to buy the items of fantasy. After three hours of shopping, they had collected a leather harness for Linda that consisted of little more than straps fastened together to surround her breasts and a garter belt. She also found the stockings she wanted and a pair of patent leather high heeled shoes.

They found a flogger, a few paddles for spanking and a couple of blindfolds. The next store that Linda led them to, had an assortment of lingerie, most very revealing.

All in all, it had been a very productive shopping trip. They headed back to Linda's house with their goodies, eager to try them out.

"Have you ever done any of this before?" Mark asked.

"No, but I've seen some porn and don't you dare be shocked. Women watch porn too. Seeing some of those women dressed in leather with men at their feet turned me on and I have wanted to try it for a long time, but never had a partner until now. We didn't get any bondage stuff, because you indicated that would not be erotic to you, but we did get everything else. We do need to go very slow and very gentle until we find out if we like it and if so, how far we can go," Linda answered.

"I'm not shocked that women watch porn, but I am surprised that you knew where all of these stores were and what products they carry," Mark remarked.

"I've been to those stores before, many times, but never bought anything, again because I didn't have a partner," she clarified.

"Looks like we now have a lot of toys to play with and find out what we like," Mark said with a wicked grin. " I assume you want to start out with the leather and the flogger,"

"If you don't mind. I've been looking forward to this for years," she replied.

They arrived back at Linda's home and unpacked the items they bought.

Linda grabbed the leather and disappeared into the bedroom. She reappeared a few minutes later with black leather straps pushing up her breast without covering them, a black leather garter belt with no panties, a pair of smoke-colored stockings and a pair of black patent leather heels and carrying the black leather flogger. She looked like a mistress in a porn movie.

Mark could only stare at the siren before him. He felt an overwhelming desire to get onto his knees before this sex goddess. "Wow!" was all he could say.

"You like?" she asked.

"A lot, but this is your fantasy, so you get to direct what we do now," Mark answered.

"Well, I can't stand on the bed in these heels, so why don't you grab the thick blanket from the bottom drawer and lay it out here on the floor. You can lay on that and I'll be over you," she directed.

Mark came back out and adjusted the blanket to form a pad on the floor.

"You also have to be naked," Linda informed him.

Mark stripped down and laid down. His cock stood up tall and proud. Linda positioned herself over his face so she could stare at his cock while giving Mark something wet to stare at too. She bent over and let the flogger fall softly across his cock and balls.

She heard him moan and responded, "Spread your legs."

Mark did and felt the flogger caress his butt and be slowly pulled across his balls and cock.

Linda was certain he was enjoying this, but she had never done this to a man before and they hadn't talked about this, so she felt this was as far as she wanted to go for the first time. They would talk about this later and determine the ground rules. She lowered herself onto his waiting mouth and kissed the tip of his penis. She felt his cock lurch up to greet her and she took the head into her mouth.

She made sure to use every technique she'd used before and some she'd only seen in the porn videos. She licked the underside of his cock and his balls. She sucked on his tip and took as much of his cock as she could into her mouth giving him long powerful strokes with her mouth.

She felt him stiffen and increased her pace. He shot everything he had into her mouth and still she kept sucking. She knew from experience with other men that one orgasm was all they had and she was content with that. She expected a long erotic relationship with this man. She still looked forward to being spanked.


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vodiodo69vodiodo69over 1 year ago

Where is the next chapter???? She still needs a spanking! She can take the flogger, no problem!


Oldmanaz2Oldmanaz2almost 2 years ago

Very enjoyable. Just enough buildup. If you continue I hope you become just slightly more explicit. Nice work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Can't wait to read more!

Howardw41Howardw41almost 2 years ago

Another great story. I enjoy the mature theme as that is who I am. Ignore the nay sayer. This was realistic. I’ve had a similar experience, where I met a mutuel lady who was kink curious, but never had done any of it. It how I started down this path.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I am glad that Mark was able to rise to the occasion

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