Whatever They Want


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The pressure was fantastic. Her ass ached already, as it had after Margaret was through with her, yet it still had a bit more to go. That could wait. Lily thrust her arm against her stretched asshole, jiggling her luscious cheeks, the flesh bounced like a bowl of Jell-O yet hard muscle rested beneath it. She bucked her hips into her fingers, forcing them to the tip and down again to the knuckles. Her thumb curled in and formed a cone shape.

Then she pushed. Lily groaned at the staggering mix of anguish and bliss. Her hole opened wider and wider, it slowly swallowed her hand, enveloping her palm in its velvet cave. Then her wrist popped in. Cheers erupted all around her, as did a series of moans not unlike her own. She wasn't done, though. Lily punched into herself.

A hush fell over the crowd, as if they all agreed to listen. Aside from the occasional smack of flesh on flesh, or moan, they were silent, enraptured to Lily's show as she fisted herself with reckless abandon. Her cheeks clapped together and against her arm with each thrust, her pussy released any trapped air with a lewd squelch, while her tits hung freely and sat in the cup of her other hand. She was gonna cum.

"Ah, fuck! Hmm, yeah! So deep, so thick!" Lily moaned, she pinched and pulled on an engorged nipple. She slid down the pole in a daze, lost to the world around her, until her cheek rested against a dollar bill and her ass was raised high, like an animal in mating season. Her thighs were spread and tense, their muscles helping stimulate her ass.

"fuck...fuck... Fuck! FUCK!" Lily moaned as she approached the precipice of her release. Something met her fingers inside her ass, though she couldn't fathom what it was. Only that it made her cum. And hard. Her voice cracked into oblivion as she threw her head back, mouth agape and tongue limp, eyes rolled back while her body shook with wild arcs of bliss. She shoved her hand in her pleasure and sank halfway up her forearm.

Vague sounds penetrated her release. Cheers and moans that weren't hers, gasps of shock, and splashes of something. She collapsed onto the stage. Her hand slid from her ass, which had formed an obscene gape, a near perfect circle where her fist had been, as all her muscles went limp. Someone helped her off the stage.

"You awake?"

"Hmm?" Lily tried to answer but none of her muscles would listen.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Lily pried her eyes open and found herself in the dressing room. Shana was at her side, her gorgeous face contorted with worry. For whom? It couldn't be for Lily.

"Jesus, don't scare us like that," Shana said and sat with a heavy sigh, "Some of us thought you'd gone into a coma."

"What happened?" Lily mumbled and pushed herself upright. Had she fallen asleep?

"You passed out on stage," Shana explained.

"Oh," Lily said. That would explain the weird dream. How could anything make her grow the way she had? It was all a fantasy, concocted by a dehydrated brain. She sighed, hoping it could become a reality someday, "Why're you using my table for your money, anyway?"

Shana blinked, "Honey, that's your money."

Now Lily blinked, "What?"

"They went crazy for you. Can't say I'm surprised either. Not many of us would fist ourselves on stage like that."

Lily stood. She had to, the mountain of bills obscured too much of her seated body, and took a sharp inhale. What had been amazing curves, the kind any girl would envy and everybody would lust for, were now obscene swells on her form. They were impossible. She was impossible. No one could have shoulders so slight and breasts so huge, nor a tiny waist and decadent hips, or for both unseemly aspects to be as perky as ever. And her ass, it curved out from her back like a small shelf.

"This is..." Lily stumbled over her words as she stepped to look down at herself. She was naked, yet her breasts sat proud on her chest, despite going past her ribs and obscuring half her belly, "What the fuck?" The words came as little over a breath, loud enough for Shana to hear and nothing more.

"Yeah, we were all pretty shocked as well," Shana said as she looked Lily up and down, "You should've told us you were trans."

"But, I-I'm not! I'm a girl. Or, I was," Lily sway on her feet and fell back to her seat. The cock attached at her crotch brushed against her thigh, halfway to her knee, as did the dense sack beneath it. If nothing else, she was at least hung like a horse. Something was off about it. A tentative hand reached down and past the new addition, to where her pussy should lie, "It's still there."

"What is?" Shana asked, observing her.

"My pussy," Lily laughed, a mixture of shock and relief turning to amusement in her discombobulated state, "I've still got it."

"Never heard of that before," Shana said, her brow arched in surprise and curiosity, "What does that make you then?"

"I, uh... No idea," Lily said. The laughter dwindled and left uncertainty in its place. How much else had changed? Shana made no comment on how huge her tits had become, as if they were always so enormous that watermelons were a close match, nor her ass. Even her cock, an appendage that everyone around should've known wasn't there less than an hour ago, didn't raise any eyebrows. Was she the only one who knew about it all? No, Margaret had reacted earlier.

Was it inconsistent, or something else? Far as she knew, she should've grown once and that was it, but here she was with an ass one could balance a cup on and tits so huge they rested on her table if she leaned over it. Whatever she drank could have delayed effects. Mind altering ones. But that meant magic existed. Which was impossible.

Just as her new body was impossible. Even plastic surgeon addicts didn't have curves so outrageous, nor so perfected. Lily's didn't sag as their size stated they should have, nor were they spheres jutting from beneath her flawless skin. Whatever the reason, she needed new clothes. At this size, even Shana's clothes wouldn't fit her, and she was the biggest girl around. Or second biggest now.

"Here," Shana said and tossed a garment her way. It was an XXL shirt. Another toss and she was holding an oversized skirt.

"Thanks," Lily said and pulled them on. Despite their intent for large women, her curves put the ensemble through its paces. The shirt came to a stop just above her absurd hip line, which made the skirt hike up so high her ass peaked out from beneath it, "I really need to go shopping." Lily muttered.

"So do I. Wanna go tomorrow?" Shana said.

"Uh, what?"

"I need to go shopping. You need to go as well. Let's make a day of it," Shana explained, rolling her eyes. Her lips tilted into a playful grin.

Shana was a lesbian, through and through. She refused to even flirt with men. Her performances on stage were dedicated to the women in the audience alone. And yet she was asking Lily out. Or so it seemed. Shana had no problem being friends with guys, so perhaps that's all it was.

No, Lily rebuked the idea. Any number of factors could explain her thoughts at that moment; the high of her recent orgasm, the shock of discovering she had a cock now, the joyful terror at the size of her new curves. But she was certain Shana was asking her on a date. The gleam in her eyes, the way her head tilted, how her lips parted, and the way her thighs were slightly spread all signalled her interest.

"Uh, yeah. Sure," Lily said.

"Great. I'll text you where to meet me. Goodnight," Shana said and left, though not without a parting glance at Lily.

Lily headed straight home that night. She didn't indulge in the lust of the city, focused on finding solitude so she could properly check herself. It wasn't easy, though. Men and women alike approached her from nowhere and did their best to court her, some claimed to have Lamborghinis, others pointed to the most glamourous, and depraved, hotel in Lilith's Row and promised to put her up there for the rest of her life, some simply offered the best fuck of her life. Such was the power of her new figure. She'd be a liar if claimed not to enjoy the attention.

But the hunk of meat between her thighs kept her reserved. Acceptance was as common in Lilith's Row as sex, everyone had their fetishes, some normal like bondage or feet, others fell far from the norm. Yes, finding acceptance from others was easy, from oneself, however, was not.

Lily slid into her apartment. As her hips cocked they brushed against the doorframe and sent a pleasant jiggle through her abundant flesh, and an ember of desire. She threw her clothes aside and headed into the bedroom, where her full-length mirror awaited. Compared to the other sins found in that part of the city, vanity was minor, though Lily rarely thought of herself as vain. Until then.

How could she not? She turned her back to herself and stared at the gorgeous globes of fat and muscle that formed her ass, each huge yet compressed, as if she had performed a thousand squats and walked a dozen miles every day. A firm slap rippled her flesh but it soon resumed its lush shape. It bled down into her thighs, almost wide enough to close the gap. And yet, her waist remained unchanged.

It looked smaller if anything. Her abdomen sported faint lines of muscle. She supposed she would need all the muscle she could get, given the enormous weight put upon her. Although it didn't impede as she expected it to. Her breasts were enormous, few other words suited their new size. From their beginnings below her shoulders, they extended forth to hang over her belly like perfect, milky teardrops. And her nipples stood at their precipice like cherry-coloured queens atop their thrones.

Then there was her cock. Everything about her screamed excess and it was no exception. Though it appeared small compared to her unseemly hourglass curves, she couldn't recall seeing one so large. Certainly not while flaccid. Or one so... feminine. Was that even possible for a penis?

It hung from her crotch and rested atop a pair of balls, each on par with golf balls. She'd seen dozens of dicks, small and large and strange, but they lacked something here. Lily wrapped a cautious hand around it and gasped, not at the sensation that welled within her member, though it was extraordinary, but at how smooth it was. The foreskin covered everything in a silk layer of soft, pliant flesh, unwrinkled and without veins. As was true for her balls, the sack was glossy and taut, without a single hair in sight. She peeled back the skin and saw the head, a light yet lustful lilac shade.

"Maybe you're not so bad after all," Lily mused aloud and studied her body. All of it. She made efforts to frame her cock now, to highlight how it juxtaposed her gender, yet also how it suited her. If she didn't know better, she might've believed herself to be sex incarnate. Would explain the abrupt addition, she thought.

She, inevitably, found herself aroused. Her nipples extended further into plump, regal teats, while her thighs became wet from the desire in her snatch, but her eyes were affixed to her member as it swelled and rose. Lily bit her lip to keep from moaning, as if the sound might stop her erection. It took seconds, yet they seemed to stretch into forever.

The smooth surface vanished as veins throbbed to life. Its head poked into the air, now a deep shade of violet. The girth kept pace with its length, burgeoning into a blunt weapon at almost a foot long. She cast her experienced eye over it. Ten, maybe eleven inches of throbbing cock meat jutted from her perverse body. She should go to the Size Club, a place where size queens gathered and sampled the largest cocks around. They didn't where it came from, so long as it was big.

And Lily filled the criteria to the letter. Not to mention she was a woman. Her curves made sure none could mistake her for anything else, as did her drooling cunt. What woman wouldn't want her?

Why only women? Lily wondered with a slight frown. She didn't care who she slept with, so long as they gave her what she wanted - half a dozen orgasms and a pleasant ache the morning after - but now she couldn't get into the idea of being with a guy, not sexually at least. Was this how Shana felt toward men? At the same time, her pussy craved a nice, hard cock.

It would wait. A more pressing matter awaited her attention, that being her dick. Lily sat on her bed, which creaked louder from her ever-increasing weight. She ignored it and laid back, propped her head on some pillows and spread her legs. Her balls fell to rest against her snatch, its juices hot as lava, and unleashed waves of want. Curiosity shared control with her arousal, while fear and uncertainty quivered in the background, wary of what this new masturbation might lead to.

But she knew where. Pleasure. She'd felt it at the club, despite being unaware of her cock at the time, and craved to replicate that same bliss. Anyone would, after the way she came. Goosebumps rippled across her skin at the mere memory.

Lily curled her fingers around the shaft and cooed at the warmth. Each beat of her heart was echoed by her prick, its veins throbbing like a tribal drum, summoning her lust to the forefront. Her fingers refused to meet around its consistent girth. The sole fluctuations she found were as she crossed over the bulbous veins, each thicker than any man's she'd seen, pulling her foreskin taut. Promises of bliss whispered to her as she took her first stroke, from base to tip, over the pulsating ridges, up and up until she gripped the head. She pulled back slowly, savouring the sensation of her skin peeling back to reveal more.

"Look at you," Lily said, no more than a whisper despite her privacy. How was it that she came to own a cock that dwarfed anything she'd seen before? What fortune, or misfortune must she have gained? The truth was; none. It was just a roll of the dice and they landed on curvy and cock.

She had no right to complain. Her desire was granted and with extra. Life would carry on, possibly for the better, she thought as she repeated her earlier stroke. Each was faster than the last, flooding her with pleasure as she familiarised herself. She experimented with changes to her grip, loosening one finger and tightening another, until she found the tune of her wanton delight. Moans slipped free as she stepped up the tempo even further, then slowed as something warm and slimy met her touch.

Lily removed her hand and brought to her face. Pre-cum. A lot of it. She glanced to her member and saw a streak pour down its front to pool on her crotch, then down past her balls. Her dick lurched as the river found her asshole. An idea formed in her head as she returned her attentions to the drooling appendage, both hands this time.

She slathered them in her pre. Soon, her palms glided across her cock, massaging the slime into it. Fresh bursts kept it from sticking for long. She moaned and rolled her hips to her masturbation, as if fucking her fists. She removed one after a moment, though the other sustained its pace, and brought it low. Past her new ball sack, and her forlorn pussy - to which she made a silent promise finger afterwards - down to her puckered sphincter. It was still sensitive and lightly gaped from earlier.

Rivulets of pre and her pussy juices dribbled around the wrinkled ring of muscle. Some found their way into her ass, sending a delicious trill of pleasure through along her insides. Perfect. Lily circled her anus, gathering and working her slime into it, before she pushed three fingers inside. Her sphincter opened with glee, it swallowed her fingers how a slut would swallow dick, with a lewd slurp of fluid and a moan from her. A fourth digit was added and, with it, came the delightful burn she coveted.

"Hmm, oh god, this is great," Lily moaned. She kept her eyes trained down at herself, locked to her crotch, where one hand glided over her cock in long strokes, and her forearm sank past it, undulating as she finger fucked her ass. Pre-cum spilled in limp bursts, covering her groin and upper thighs. Until she curled her fingers and forced a rocket of cock slime to fly free to splatter her face.

Lily licked up what she could. Pleasure temporarily overrode her sense of taste, when it returned she moaned in mindless lust. How could anything from a cock taste so good? She was familiar with all sorts. Some guys were so bitter they crossed the line into putrid, others were fine but didn't shower, forcing her to taste sweat and leftover bits of cum, a few went the extra mile though it rarely did anything. She couldn't vouch for it all, but her pre-cum tasted like a compilation of all the best cocks in her life.

Salty and smooth, bitter yet delicious, like a sour candy that hid a luscious flavour beneath the layer of tartness. And still more jetted from her cock. It fell across her chest now, slathering her new, monumental tits in pre-cum. A one dick bukkake, Lily thought and moaned at the idea. Was she really that productive? One way to find out.

She tucked her thumb into her palm and formed a cone. It wasn't necessary. Her hole had long since given up the ghost of resistance, any refusal was now nothing but a token affair, something her body did to give more pleasure. But she continued the method, sliding in past her knuckles. Velvet walls clenched around her wrist. They pulsated against her skin, though whether in rejection or bliss was unclear. Its compliance wasn't a factor, however.

Lily opened the cone and curled it into a fist. Her nails lightly scratched her anal tunnel, sparking stabs of glorious pain and delight across each of her nerve endings, while the walls stretched wide to accommodate her fist. She didn't hesitate to fuck herself on her broad limb. The position wasn't ideal, but she managed to go deeper. Lily slowed both hands and savoured the way her ass opened and closed before her fist.

But ecstasy couldn't wait forever. Lily's moans became airy, higher pitched, and louder as she approached release.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Her motions raced to her finish. Entire ounces of pre-cum gushed from her cock, her pussy clenched around thin air, spilling juices, while her ass bulged with the pull of her fist. The shape encroached on her pussy space as well, rubbing its walls together and eliciting still greater pleasure.

"Cum, cum, cum... gonna cum..." Lily bucked her hips to the beat of her strokes, pushing her fist deeper. They arched as she threw her head back on her pillows. Violent jerks rocked her body as her abdomen clenched and her cock lurched. A few seconds passed in suspended bliss. It all came crashing down on her.

Lily's voice gave out to an ecstatic scream that fell to a strangled rasp. The tendons in her throat jutted out, muscles trying to push sound from her gaped maw. Her eyes rolled back, her ass clenched and her cock pulsated. Then the first volley was unleashed.

Faint sensations broke past cloud nine as cum arced high and rained upon her. Droplets separated and splattered against her skin, while the main body of viscous fluid crashed against her sternum. Some splashed onto her face. The second wave was stronger and fell upon her face, some into her open mouth. A stray drop glued one eye shut, and others matted her hair. The third came just as powerful.

As did the fourth. The fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Lily lost count as each spurt rocked her body to its core. She almost missed it as the sprays reduced to a trickle.

"Oh... fuck me, that was good," Lily laughed and reached out for her phone. She'd left it behind, unable to fit it into her undersized clothes that morning, and raised it high to take a selfie, "Hmm... just woke up like this, yummy" The stripped giggled to herself as she uploaded the photo. She turned off notifications, certain she would get dozens, if not hundreds of likes and retweets and so on, and headed into the bathroom. With no intention of bathing herself. Not yet.
