Whatever They Want


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She wanted to savour the feel of so much cum, indeed enough to shame a bukkake, as it oozed and dried on her skin. Lily gathered some on her finger and brought to her lips. Like so many girls in Lilith's Row, she had grown to enjoy the taste of semen, though there were plenty of better flavours out there. This, her own cum, was nothing like that. How could she describe? Sweeter than honey, richer than the purest chocolate, thicker than yogurt and as savoury as the finest fillet mignon. But they didn't do it justice. Not in the afterglow at least.

And the smell? Lily sniffed herself, took a longer breath and held it, as if basking in the aroma of a bouquet or wine. Whatever the reason that potion had made her grow a dick, it clearly knew what it was doing. No women would say no to this.

Lily tracked a finger through the gunk. It defied gravity, oozing down in thick, slow rivers. Her stomach and face were covered, as was most of her breasts. Glimpses of skin peaked through the slight, off-white tone of her jizz. She licked her lips clean and guided as much as she could into her mouth, watching herself with glee, when another idea hit her. She returned to her phone and snapped another picture, this time with her mouth wide open and tongue bathed in a pool of cum.

"Geez, Lily, you're such a slut," she said to her bathroom mirror. Her face was mostly clear of seed now, though her hair wasn't so lucky, and her chest still bore the fruits of her orgasm. Part of her wanted to go to bed like that, like it was somehow her natural state now. But she wasn't so out of it. Lily ate all that she could and stepped into the shower, scrubbing off every speck she could find.

There'd be more orgasms in the future anyway. Many of which she hoped to share with Shana. Starting tomorrow, on their date. Lily curled under her covers, arms wrapped around her huge tits like they were a lover. They still smelled of her cum. She breathed deep and drifted to sleep, dreaming of what she and Shana might get up to. And of how Shana's coveted pussy must feel. How tight it could be. How wet it was. How strong her orgasms were. If she was a squirter.

Then she woke up. The sun was high and the streets full of life as always. Her eyes bulged at the fear that gripped her. Was it all just a dream? She jerked upright and stopped. Her breasts rested heavily in her lap, huge and round and perfect as they were yesterday. It was real, she thought and sighed in relief. Then she noticed the slimy sensation between her tits. She parted them and saw an ocean of cum.

She shouldn't be surprised. After the dreams she had, cumming her sleep was inevitable. It was still fresh too.

"Guess breakfast is on you," Lily said to her cock. Now flaccid, it once again appeared smooth and feminine between her lush thighs, as if it belonged there. It did, she decided. No one at the strip club seemed to mind, if anything, they had loved it. She could only guess at why, but she assumed it had something to do with how... excessive her form had become. Even photoshop morphs rarely went as far her actual body had gone.

She didn't eat just her cum, though she swallowed every drop within reach with glee until her stomach gurgled in protest. Despite its viscosity and the sheer amount, she found herself starving and got herself a huge bowl of cereal, yet it didn't fill her as she'd hoped. She went on to cook an omelette, and afterwards a snack of jellied toast. After all that, she was sated. She suspected her growth required a large amount of nutrients.

Lily lazed about on her couch, watching tv even as her attention on how her ass felt seated in her once massive cushions. Her hips spread out across one half of the furniture, a fact that left a dark stain behind where her pussy had sat. She abandoned the television and searched through her clothes, searching for an old gag gift, though it was more a jab at her flat chest back in high school. It was a massive bra, designed for jokes and to be stuffed. No natural woman could fill cups so huge and have a chest so slim.

None but her. Anticipation quivered in her bones as she looked at the label, one marked with a huge, smirking face; 32S. Her band size hadn't changed in years to her relief and she hooked it, then came the cups. Some might describe her smile as demented, others as the purest joy, like a child on Christmas morning.

The cups were too small. Not by much, only one or two sizes, but that meant nothing. She had outgrown a gag gift all things! She almost wished she owned a pair of plus-sized thongs, just to see if her ass was too vast for them as well. Lily adjusted the cups to better support her monumental mammaries, which spilled out the tops and sides. They should weigh half a ton, she thought and hefted one in her hand. Even with the bra, they should be dragging her to the floor unless she used all her might.

Yet she felt no different to a couple of days ago. Their momentum was a problem, she recalled, relieving last night's dance and how she had almost tripped several times, but no one had cared. It made them seem real, despite their enormity suggesting otherwise. She didn't have problems with making breakfast, though. Most women, even those who grew up with such endowments, complained of how they got in the way of everything.

"Maybe I'm just naturally gifted?" Lily mused and went through her wardrobe, hoping she had an old boyfriend's shorts to wear, something nice and baggy that would fit around her ass, and not announce her cock to the world at large. Underwear was out of the question for the meantime. Anything she owned was skimpy at best, nothing suited for handling a monstrous prick. Through her search, her breasts never got in the way. Not in a way that she noticed anyway.

She eventually found something that fit. As she'd hoped, it was an old boyfriend's forgotten pants, though they did little, if anything, to conceal the bulge of her cock. Lily shrugged and threw on the oversized shirt Shana had given her last night, then returned to the couch. She doubted any fabric could ever hide such a member.

An hour later, her phone buzzed at her. Shana had texted her. Lily tore her hands from their mission to explore her breasts and grabbed the phone.

Meet at the mall in an hour? Outside the food court.

She replied: Sure, sounds good.

Great! See you soon xxx.

Lily reciprocated and leaned back in her couch, beaming at her roof. Most people adhere to the third date rule before sleeping with someone. Lilith's Row had a different set of traditions, or they were just a great deal quicker. If you didn't at least give oral on the first date, you were a prude. And, if memory served, Shana was no prude. Not based on that night a while back.

Lily's cock rose from its slumber at the memory. Her co-worker was a strap-on and dildo aficionado, not to mention a blatant dominant. Even drunk, she had bound Lily with beautiful knots so tight she had little hope of escaping on her own, and tormented her, before shoving a strap-on onto her and riding it until the sun grazed the skies. All the while, Lily had been in heaven, both from the sights before her, of Shana's tits bouncing and jiggling and slapping together, and of her hips gyrating in lurid circles, and the sensation of the curled dildo inside her. It was deep enough to scrape against her cervix.

"Bathroom," Lily said and rushed to her lavatory. Last thing she wanted was to clean up a mess in her living room. Besides she had a measuring cup in her bathroom.

Several minutes and one incredible orgasm later, she held the cup, panting and licking cum from her face. It was overflowing, despite being a litre deep. And that didn't account for the huge amounts she'd cleared from her face and chest. Condoms would be useless on her. They'd burst partway through the climax. If she came inside Shana, the girl would be pregnant for sure.

"Oh, fuck," Lily groaned, the image of a pregnant Shana floated into her mind and paraded around, huge belly and enlarged curves on full display. All borne out of a need for Lily's child. Her cock lurched and released a final dollop of cum at the thought. Maybe someday, she thought and vowed to use the fantasy later. If it was needed that is.

She cleaned up, made sure she was presentable, and left to meet Shana. A warmth flooded her the moment she set foot outside. She ignored it and focused on keeping her focus straight ahead, not on the admirers. Heads turned, of course, and watched her go. A couple cars even turned around to follow her a bit longer, until she entered the nearby mall.

Like most malls, it had three floors of stores and one extra for the food court, where all manner of fast food chains resided, eager to fill bellies and make the careless turn into gluttons. Lily liked a chubby girl. They made perfect snuggle partners, and the softness of their thighs around her head was also lovely. One floor was devoted to random stuff, souvenirs, music and maybe a book store or two. The ground floor was a shrine to clothes, most of which supplied only the sluttiest garments around.

All eyes followed Lily as she headed to the food court. Once there, they were torn. On one hand, a literal goddess to excess stood amongst them, wearing a shirt that should've several sizes too big but was instead straining around the expanse of her tits, and a pair of pants that outlined an uncharacteristic bulge. On the other, Shana was realistic, feasible, in her beauty. Yet neither Lily nor Shana had eyes for others.

"Hey," Shana said when she was within earshot.

"Hey. How're you doing?" Lily asked. They moved to a table in the centre of the room, a perfect vantage point for all their admirers. Lily restrained a giggle when she set her breasts on the table. The shirt raised with them, revealing a glimpse of her upper hip and sleek waist. Shana had no such problem, rather she seemed to join the onlookers for a moment before recovering herself.

"Good, good. I'm surprised you'd wait so long to get new clothes. I'd have you'd be prepared," Shana said.

"Yeah, me too," Lily chuckled. What store would supply clothes that'd fit her anyway? Plus-sized places wouldn't stock her band size, regular shops wouldn't even come close to the cups she needed. It would be custom orders from then on. Though did she really need bras? Lily looked to her breasts, their fathomless cleavage stretched before her, and recalled how little strain they put on her back. They were the product of a potion, she thought. Perhaps normal restrictions wouldn't apply.

"One sec, gotta use the toilet," Lily excused herself. Moments later, she was back. She had chucked her bra away, leaving it for some girl to discover. Now each step made her bosom bounce as it wanted to. Her nipples poked out from the shirt and rubbed against it, sending gentle flickers of pleasure through her.

"Don't you need a bra?" Shana asked.

"Meh," Lily shrugged, sending a delicious quake through her bosom. She leaned back, lifting her tits from the table and sank into the chair. Her breasts mashed into the side of the table, despite her sitting a fair distance away. She caught Shana's eye staring at them and grinned, "Anyway, where do you want to go first? I'm fine with whatever."

"Um," Shana blinked and shook herself free of the hypnotic pull of Lily's bust, though they summoned her eyes constantly, "I need some new underwear and a couple bits and pieces."

"Then lets go," Lily said and jumped to her feet. All eyes jumped with her, as if observing an act that defied nature. And it did. Lily's monumental bosom fell and clapped against her stomach loud enough to capture any stragglers in her brief display. Her tits jiggled and settled. She ignored the powerful heat that permeated her being, focused on Shana's reaction. She, like everyone, was glued to the sight.

"Yeah," Shana said and smirked, as if realising she had hit the jackpot. Anyone could see she was a boob lover, though her adoration for hips wasn't to be underestimated, if the lick of her lips each time Lily turned her back was any indication. No doubt remained in Lily's mind. They would sleep together that night, maybe earlier. Before that, however, she wanted to tease this beautiful woman as she had been teased for so long.

That was the plan.

It started off right. They went back the ground floor, entered a clothes store and Shana picked out her favourites, though never without Lily's opinion. A sheer corset, complete with stockings and suspenders, some skirts that were short even by the strippers standards, a pack of thongs made to be torn off. Lily's focus drifted after those.

People were staring at them. That, by itself, meant nothing to her. They did that every night anyway, but it was the sense of constriction around her chest and hips, as if her clothes were shrinking by the second. She glanced down at herself. Not shrinking. She was growing.

A slight tear reached her ears. The already low and strained neckline of her borrowed shirt had ripped further, revealing a lush amount of her inner breasts. Despite her situation, she was captivated by her bust, even as it visibly expanded before her startled yet lustful gaze. How many people could say they naturally formed cleavage, in what she assumed was an XXL shirt meant for guys, all because their tits were too big? She could.

The fabric cried as it tore further. Lily babbled an excuse and rushed to the change rooms. She locked herself inside, away from everyone. The moment the door slid shut, hiding her, the sense of expansion ceased. Now gone, she could recognise it to an extent. It reminded her of drinking too much soda, the same bloated, bubbly feeling in her gut, but it was spread across her entire form.

Lily breathed deep in her relief. Her shirt ripped again. She couldn't take long inhales, not until she had another top. Even the rare cop seen in Lilith's Row couldn't let public nudity go, not when it could warp otherwise ordinary children. And she would warp them, child or teen or adult.

One look at her chest and a woman would turn bi-curious at best. Lily nursed her bottom lip as she hefted her further augmented tits, grinning and moaning at how they poured across her arms and swallowed her hands, each slight movement imparting pulses of pleasure. Unlike implants, her nerve-endings weren't spread out, therefore diminished, rather new ones had formed across her mountains. Each touch was a new, powerful yet familiar sensation.

Lily glanced to the mirror and froze. Her body was half-turned away, giving her a perfect view of her ass, which matched her bust inch for inch. It stretched out from her spine and curled out further and further, as though without end, until it tucked in to meet her enlarged thighs, which diminished into her legs. She was taller as well. She had rolled the pants up to avoid tripping on them, now they were loose and came to an end at her ankle. But that didn't keep her gaze locked in place.

At her angle, she caught a glimpse of the bulge in her front. It was huge. Arousal danced between her thoughts, yet her cock wasn't erect. Lily slid the garment down, eyes still fixed to her reflection and the enormous curvature of her ass. She turned fully around, as if to conceal the surprise from herself, and looked down.

As she suspected, her cock had grown as well. So had her balls. They didn't worry her, though. It was the additional occupant now nestled in alongside her dick.

"This is..." Lily teetered and collapsed to the bench, staring at her dual shafts. They were a far cry from twins. One carried Lily's complexion and was as sleek as ever, yet the other was a strange creature. It was thicker than her bicep, yet she saw no sign of foreskin, nor of a head. If it didn't seem so impossible, she thought it resembled a horse's cock. It was.

The moment she hazard a guess, something in her brain confirmed it as truth. Lily, the former Asian-American stripper with a body as slender as a gymnasts, now sported curves too absurd even for porn and a pair of cocks, each a separate species from one another. How should she feel about this? Fear? Certainly. Intrigue? Possibly. But lust? No, yet her cocks rose in grotesque mirrors of each other and her thighs became damp from her pussy.

She stood again and faced the mirror. Before she lost herself, she had to check for other changes. What if she had a stub where a tail was forming, or her asshole was replaced by an extra pussy, or vice versa?

"Fuck, why does that turn me on?" Lily moaned as she turned and pulled her mountainous cheeks apart. Her asshole was still in place, though the ring was huge now, resembling wrinkled donut just begging to fucked, fisted and worse. She released her ass and moaned as they collided with the muscle. And what of her pussy?

Lily bent over and spread her thighs, "Thank god," she sighed. It was still there. Not unchanged, but at least she hadn't lost her femininity. Her vulva had swollen so plump it would rub against her thighs, an endless stream of moisture trickled down her legs, and her lips overflowed into the open. It pulsated in wanton desire. Lily reached back slid two fingers from each hand inside.

She stumbled at the burst of pleasure but reoriented herself and pulled. Her cunt opened with ease, like it was made from elastic, until she saw the very back of her pussy. Its cervix had changed too, though it was hard to tell, tiny bumps dotted the barrier and her inner walls. A finger brushed one and caused a gush of fluid to splatter the floor. It was sensitive as her clit, if not more so. Lily hadn't checked that, yet. She released her fair sex and found her clitoris, which now protruded an entire inch from its hood. And seemed to overflow with sensation as her legs quivered at a single touch.

Her cocks were erect now. They bumped into her chin as she recovered, leaving behind a coating of pre-cum. Lily straightened her back, repressing a shudder of bliss as her curves rubbed at her ass and cunt, and sat back down. She had to be calm about this, even while her pulse raced and her body demanded pleasure. There was a catalyst for her change, she was sure of it.

But what? Lily wasn't a fool, she performed well enough in school and could've gone to college, but a mixture of the horrifying tuition fees and a stifling household led her to Lilith's Row. Even so, she would figure it out. She just needed to think carefully about when she grew before. The first and second times were after she danced, but she hadn't now. So what...

Her thoughts cut off at an abrupt knock from Shana.

"Lily? You okay in there? One of the staff said they saw you go in here."

"Um, yeah. I'm fine! Perfectly fine." Her voice told the exact opposite.

"Open the door," Shana said.

"No," Lily whispered.

"I said, 'open the door'." Shana's tone was powerful, commanding, precisely as a dominant should be. Lily's cocks each leapt at it, like a dog hearing its owner's voice after a long absence. They pulled her up and to the door. She undid the bolt and stepped aside. Shana entered, carrying a large haul of clothes. She set them down on the bench, seemingly blind the damp patch of pussy juice Lily had left behind, and turned.

"Oh, you got horny again?" Shana asked, nonchalant as if this was a usual occurrence.

"I... what?" Lily frowned.

"Did these get you going?" Shana ignored her confusion and held up a set of latex underwear, the kind that restricted and rubbed against the body to arouse the wearer. It came with a cock-shaped ball gag, complete with a sperm pump.

"Is that for me?" Lily asked.

"Yep. Though I'll have to make some adjustments for your huge, cow-tits," Shana said and approached, dropping the latex. She cornered Lily, towered above her. A familiar warmth flooded Lily, not one of arousal, though that fire burned hotter by the second. It was bubbly and gave her a bloated sensation. She was growing again.
