When You're Near Me


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"It's okay... really." Ashley touched her friend's arm. "Although I think I've gotten more dance offers in the last hour than I've had my whole life."

The frown on Jessie's face did not go unnoticed by the brunette. Jessie scanned the immediate area for any would be suitors. "Yeah, I've noticed."

"Hey there you two. How's it going?" Krista grinned ear to ear.

"Fine before you stopped by." Jessie said dryly.

Krista nodded toward her friend but said to Ashley. "See what I gotta put up with? She loves me, but sometimes she just doesn't appreciate me."

"I bet." Ashley said, sounding unconvinced.

"Oh, you hurt me." Krista clutched at her heart. "Just for that, you gotta dance with me. Okay?" She added in a sincere and kind voice which sorta pissed Jessie off.

Ashley felt like she was in a tight spot. Looking for Jessie to show some kind of reaction, the brunette hesitated.

"You don't mind, do you, Jess?" Krista didn't miss Ashley's unspoken question to her best friend.

"Why would I mind?" The bartender grabbed the bar towel and furiously swiped at the countertop.

Reaching her hand out to Ashley, the ash blonde said. "Well, then...it's you and me."

"Okay." It was a fast dance so Ashley decided to join Krista on the dance floor. Only after a few minutes a slow song interrupted the music and she felt Krista easily take her into her arms. "Oh!"

"You okay?"

"Yeah. It just surprised me." Ashley needed some time to adjust but felt comfortable enough with Jessie's best friend. However, when a woman tapped Krista on the shoulder, wanting to cut in, Ashley paled as the ash blonde easily conceded to the request.

Jessie's eyes were glued to the dance floor as Krista turned over Ashley to another woman. She wasn't too keen on her best friend dancing with the brunette in the first place. And now with the appearance of this other woman, Jessie's insides were churning. She held onto the edge of the bar to steady herself.

"You okay?"

Jessie remained frozen in place as Ashley danced with another woman.

"Maybe you should stop hiding your feelings for her?" Jack whispered behind his employee.

"What?" She asked, but her eyes never left Ashley. Then without conscious thought, Jessie determinedly walked toward the couple in her sights. "Excuse me?" The blonde didn't wait for the unwanted dance partner to release the brunette. Jessie slipped between the two, taking Ashley in her arms.

Before the fuming ex-dance partner could protest, Krista grabbed her and led her across the dance floor. Her boyfriend, Steve, was mildly interested in the shenanigans his girlfriend was involved in. He figured later at home she would give him all the details.

Staring deeply into rescuing blue eyes, Ashley smiled shyly. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Jessie pulled the woman in her arms closer and whispered. "I'm gonna kill Krista."

Ashley pulled back slightly. "You think she was behind this?"

"Oh, I know she was." Jessie didn't have time to hunt out and reprimand her friend as she was enjoying the nearness of Ashley in her arms.

And when the jukebox suddenly switched songs again, both women laughed as they heard the familiar lyrics that played such an important role in their lives. "Oh, she's dead alright." Ashley laughed.

Being a smart woman, Krista wasted no time in grabbing her boyfriend and dragging him out of the bar to their car. Her last thought that night before she fell asleep was that she should really call in sick the next day.


Jessie never had a chance to confront Krista directly as her best friend did call in sick to work the next day. However, the blonde was still on a high from her evening with Ashley. As a matter of fact, Jessie actually called Krista up to thank her but never said why so that left the ash blonde even more confused. Krista decided then and there that she would have to get to the bottom of what exactly was going on between Jessie and Ashley.

While Friday went well for the blonde, Saturday morning came all too early and she knew exactly why. Jessie had promised Ashley at dinner last night to go look for tattoos today. While the blonde wasn't too hyped about the idea, it seemed that Ashley was all excited. So Jessie reluctantly agreed since seeing the smile on the brunette's face caused her to cave at any of Ashley's requests.

"Come on." Ashley grabbed Jessie's hand. "We're only looking."

Reluctantly being pulled into the shop, the blonde growled. "Yeah, right." Jessie rolled her eyes when a huge grin popped up on the brunette's face. "I'm done for." They entered the shop and Jessie was immediately assaulted with an array of designs posted all over the walls and some even extended to the ceiling.

Ashley made her way over to the counter. "Hey, Tap."

The big man smiled. "Come back for another one?"

"Nah." Ashley pointed to her friend. "She's looking. But who knows maybe I'll see one I like."

Tap withdrew a huge book from under the counter and placed it on the counter top. "Got some new designs. Take a look. I think you'll find one or two you'll want for yourself."

Ashley glanced at the book before looking back at Tap. "They are addictive."

"What's addictive?" Jessie walked up behind her friend.

"Tattoos." The brunette smiled then introduced her friend to the owner of the shop.

"Hi." A slow, reluctant smile formed on Jessie's face.

The huge man with tattoos covering every visible inch of his body except for his face smiled at the blonde. "First time?"

Jessie shook her head. "We're just looking."

He squinted his dark eyes at Ashley, prompting the brunette to explain. "Oh, one of us is getting a tattoo. Just give us a minute."

"Sure." Tap grabbed a few supplies then walked through the back office door.

Jessie's questioning blues eyes shot Ashley a scared look. "One of us?"

Ashley placed a calming hand on the blonde's arm. "Don't worry. I made an appointment. Do you know how hard it is to get an appointment?"

"For what?" Jessie swallowed hard. "I thought we were just looking."

"We are. But... well, in case you wanted one I sorta thought it would be a good idea to set up the appointment. You know..." Ashley let that explanation dangle in the air.

"In case you talked me into one and then I backed out before we could get an appointment. Is that what you meant?" The blonde was finding it hard to be upset with her friend as she did technically agree that it was a good idea for her to get one over dinner last night.

"No....well, not exactly." The brunette shyly looked away before returning her green eyes to meet her friend. "I just think one would look good on you."


"Yeah." Ashley looked away before returning her eyes to Jessie. "I think a tattoo on the lower back is sexy."

"You do?" The blonde spent a moment shell-shocked from Ashley's statement. "Any particular kind?"

Ashley shrugged. "A lot of women have tribal ones. That could be nice."

Jessie grabbed the book on the counter and started flipping through it. When Ashley laughed, the blonde squinted her eyes at the brunette. "You gonna help or not?"

The younger woman scooted closer to the blonde. "I'm all yours."

When Ashley said that, both women turned their heads and locked their eyes on each other. What transpired in that moment sealed their fates forever as they searched each other's eyes and felt a deep longing calling from within.

As if it was the hardest thing in her life to do, Jessie finally unlocked her eyes from Ashley's gaze and returned to the book in front of her. The blonde's emotional state was dangling precariously from the intense moment. She found refuge in the tattoo designs but none of the tribal tattoos interested her.

Ashley was shaken to the core from the overwhelming feelings that spiraled throughout her body. So much so that the younger woman closed her eyes in an attempt to calm her ricocheting emotions. Hearing Jessie's voice brought her out of her reverie.

"Maybe something different. What do you think?" The blonde sought Ashley's advice.

The brunette studied the pictures before her. "I don't know. It should have some meaning for you though."

A picture flashed in Jessie's mind as she turned the next page and there located in the center was a design that touched a part of her that somehow reminded her of Ashley. "That one." The blonde glanced at her friend.

Smiling, Ashley agreed.

Now lying on her stomach, Jessie's wide eyes stared at the brunette. "Is there time to back out of this?" She let out a nervous giggle.

"Here." Ashley took the blonde's hand. "If you're going to be a baby about this, I'll hold your hand the whole time."

"Hey!" Jessie whined.

"Ready or not." Tap pressed the ink-filled needle to the skin.

Jessie jumped and her eyes widened.

"Will you stop that?" Ashley rubbed her hand over Jessie's. "Just take some deep breaths and..." The brunette sucked in a deep breath of her own. "...listen to the sound of my voice. Okay?"

Jessie concentrated on Ashley's sweet Texas twang as the brunette rattled off stories from her childhood and the antics of her dog, Makayla. The calming and reassuring voice of her friend nearly lulled her to sleep. And before Jessie knew it, the tattoo was complete.

"There you go. Take a look see." Tap removed the cloth.

As Jessie refused to let go of her friend's hand, Ashley maneuvered as best she could to get a good look at the tattoo. "I love it."

"You better. I didn't go through almost an hour of pain for nothing." Jessie pushed herself up.

"Here's some salve." Tap tossed the jar to Ashley. "You know what to do."

As the big tattoo artist collected his things then left, Ashley studied the tattoo again. "What made you choose this one?"

"What are you supposed to do with that stuff?" Jessie eyed the jar in Ashley's hand.

"This?" The brunette held up the jar. Jessie nodded so Ashley explained. "It's for the tattoo silly. It will scab over and don't you dare pick at it. Okay?"

Jessie pushed up the rest of the way and then swung her legs over the edge of the table. "You know you could have explained all of this to me before."

Ashley shrugged. "I suppose. So?"

"So what?"

"Why that design? I'm just curious."

The blonde shrugged before turning away. "It reminded me of you. I don't know why..." Then it occurred to the blonde where she saw the image that popped into her mind before seeing the design she had selected.

It then dawned on Ashley. "Oh!"

In unison, they both said. "The tiger."

"Yeah, your tiger." Jessie admitted. "That's why it was so familiar."

Ashley moved around behind the blonde and looked at the tattoo once more. With her eyes, she traced the tiger paw yin-yang design. Ashley smiled.Nothing like putting your brand on.... The brunette refused to finish that delicious thought. She knew that Jessie only sought friendship but something deep inside her yearned for more.

"Hey. You gonna stare at it all day or take me to lunch? You did promise, you know." Having Ashley's eyes glued to her back was not an unappealing idea as it was making her whole body tingle but Jessie was already having a hard time deciphering the realization of what that particular tattoo symbolized.

"Lunch it is." Ashley yanked at the blonde's hand, pulling her off the table. After the brunette settled with the tattoo artist, she led Jessie out to her truck.

Chapter Sixteen

All of Sunday Jessie milked what she called the 'excruciating' pain of getting the tattoo for all it was worth. With a knowing but patient smile, Ashley complied with the blonde's every whim and desire.

"Anything else?" The brunette handed Jessie a soft drink.

"I could use a massage." The blonde didn't hesitate to ask as she turned over on the couch.

Ashley propped her hands on her hips. "How many do you need in one day?"

Jessie swung her head around toward the younger woman and waggled her eyebrows. "As many as I can get?"

"Uh huh." Ashley scooted the older woman over and once again, she worked her magic on the blonde. She ran her hands the length of Jessie's back, carefully avoiding the newly tattooed area. The blonde moaned and stretched like a pleased feline. "I guess this is the price I pay now. Being at your beck and call."

"It was your idea." Jessie liked the thought of having Ashley at her complete disposal. "At least until it heals completely. I'm thinking six to eight weeks."

"Are you a slow healer?"

The blonde's eyes were closed as Jessie laid her head on her folded arms. "I can be if it gets me this kind of attention. My personal body slave." With a sharp slap to her backside, the blonde's eyes popped wide open. "Hey!"

Ashley stood up. "You deserved that."

Jessie twisted around. "Is that how you treat all your clients?"

"Only a special few." The brunette winked at Jessie before turning on her heels.

The smiling blonde watched Ashley walk away from her and couldn't help but gaze at the brunette's sexy walk. Shaking her head from her sexual musings, Jessie turned to Makayla who was watching her intently. "Don't you dare say a word."

Being a very smart animal, Makayla remained silent for the moment.


However, the next day Jessie didn't fare so well as Krista stormed in her office. The blonde was having a hard time sitting in her chair with her tender back and now she was facing a very determined friend.

"So what gives?" Krista's dark eyes flared.

"You tell me." Jessie shifted in her seat and felt the irresistible urge to scratch her lower back.

Seeing the blonde squirming around in her chair, Krista eyed Jessie suspiciously. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Jessie scooted up on the edge of her chair. "Now if you don't mind, I have work to do."

Remaining in her seat, Krista pursed her lips together. "I'm not leaving until you admit to me what's going on between you and Ashley."

"Oh, really?" Jessie didn't like being put on the spot or having her best friend make this kind of demand. "Why don't you tell me what was going on last Thursday night?" Krista's eyes found an interesting place to look at on the far wall. "Pushing every available woman at Ashley. And don't think we both don't know you were behind it."

Krista glared at her friend. "It worked, didn't it?"

"Exactly what were you going for?" Jessie started to lean back in her chair but stopped herself.

"What's wrong with your back?" Krista got up and moved around the desk. "You pull a muscle again?"

Jessie scooted her chair away.

When Krista reached toward Jessie, the blonde moved further away. "Alright. Let me see."

"What? It's nothing. Really."

Krista plastered on an 'I don't believe you' smile. "You know I'm not giving up till you give in."

"Oh..." Jessie twisted around and pulled her shirt up. "I got a tattoo."

"A what?" The ash blonde studied the design on Jessie's back. It was sorta hard to see as it was scabbing over. "I see. And who talked you into that?" The ash blonde clearly remembered the subject that initiated the break up of Jessie and her ex-girlfriend, Tina.

"Do you like it?"

"Once it clears up I might." Krista sat on the edge of her best friend's desk and crossed her arms.

Jessie sighed. "Ashley and I..."

"I knew it."

The blonde carefully tucked in her shirt. "It was my decision." When Krista remained silent, Jessie dropped her eyelids briefly before continuing. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything." Krista cocked an eyebrow.

Jessie looked away from the ash blonde's intense stare. "I just like being with her and... we're friends and..." Even blonde was hard pressed not to realize that what was happening between her and the brunette went well beyond friendship.

"You're in love with her." It wasn't a question.

"I am not!" Jessie felt her heart constrict with the thought of being in love again and an old familiar pain resurfaced.

Shaking her head, Krista continued. "Yes, you are."

Jessie refused to meet her friend's eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, Jessie. I'm happy for you." Krista reached over and tugged on her friend's chin, bringing it around so she could see Jessie's face. "But I know you. You'll realize it and instead of opening your heart, you'll close it up tighter than it was before."

Having to look her friend directly in her eyes, Jessie pulled back but didn't look away. "You think you know me so well."

Krista ran her tongue over her teeth and considered her next words. "What I know is that I've never seen you happier than you are when you're around her. Your face lights up. You can't focus on playing softball unless you know she's there watching. You talk about her all the time. I can't even say Ashley...." Jessie smiled. "There, right there. I mention her name and you smile."

"Okay, okay. I get your drift." Jessie rubbed her chin in a thoughtful pose.

"But what are you going to do about it?"

And it was that question that sent the blonde in a tailspin.


After Jessie called to inform Ashley that she was running late and would drive her own car to the soccer game, the brunette, although curious, quietly accepted the blonde's decision. She picked up her brother and set off for a long evening.

When Andrew's team decided on a scrimmage game instead of regular practice, the young man volunteered his sister to play. Other members of the team rounded up a few friends and bystanders to complete the field. Ashley was reluctant at first since she had a game of her own later to play in but seeing the happy smile on her brother's face clinched her decision.

"Okay but next time ask first."

Andrew smiled then quickly leaned in and kissed his sister on the cheek. "Thank you."

Shaking her head, Ashley watched her energetic brother run on to the field. "One of these days...." She took a brief moment to search the surrounding area and bleachers for Jessie. When the blonde had called, Ashley noticed something amiss but couldn't put her finger on exactly what it was. She determined to ask the blonde when she showed up for the game. "At least I hope she does."

"Ashley! Come on." Andrew called.

After a quick run to mid-field, the brunette found herself amidst several players trying to get the ball her brother just kicked her way. She maneuvered quickly but was caught off guard for one brief moment, losing the ball to an opposing player.

Mitch ran up to her and grabbed her shoulder. "You okay?"

"Yeah." The brunette felt a little embarrassed about losing the ball but determined to get back in the game. "Come on."

Mitch followed Andrew's sister and after some finagling, they worked in tandem to get the ball downfield before handing it off to a member on their team who kicked it in for the first goal of the game.

When Jessie arrived, she was surprised to see Ashley on the field playing with her brother's team. The blonde took a top seat on the bleachers and settled in for the conclusion of the game. She had hoped for a few minutes to talk with Ashley before the brunette's game started.It's just as well. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

During a brief break in the game, Ashley sought and found Jessie sitting in the stands and waved. A sense of relief washed over her when she saw the blonde. Ashley had hoped to talk with Jessie before her game but that was now out of the question.She looks....But Ashley couldn't finish that thought as Andrew pushed her ahead of him.

"Ash, come on." Andrew nudged his sister forward before heading off in the opposite direction.

After a long and hard fought practice game, a worn out Ashley made her way to where Jessie was standing. "Hi."

"Hey." Jessie motioned for Ashley to sit down and handed her a bottle of water.
