Wild Flower Ch. 09


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Jack had been like a brother to him. They had shared everything. But those two people had broken his heart. They had killed him. They had destroyed his face and his identity. They were really evil.

"No!" He thought as he increased his pace. "You are no longer Angelo. You are stronger, powerful and even more confident. You are Miguel Powers now and the cards are now in your hands. Yes! You are gonna turn the tables on them."

Miguel knew he wasn't gonna waste his time crying over spilt milk. It was now action time and he was gonna make them pay for it. Nothing on this earth was gonna make him turn away from his mission. Nothing!

Miguel was completely lost. He couldn't even think properly and he couldn't see clearly. He was so lost that he had no idea just how fast he was moving. He couldn't even see just where he was going.

What Miguel didn't realize was that while he was moving at that pace, there was someone coming right in front of him, a young man. The man was busy talking on the phone while looking as if he was late for something. He was carrying in his hands what looked like huge papers and a bag. He was just a simple man.

The next thing Miguel felt was someone bump into him really hard. But it was the other way around. Miguel bumped hard into someone and he immediately got out of his thoughts, stopping in his tracks. He quickly moved his eyes to the ground to find a surprised or rather mad looking man.

The man had short dark hair with the sides shaven. He had a handsome face with well shaven beards. His eyes were deep green and they had light in them. He was really muscular and quite sexy but Miguel absolutely didn't care about the man.

The man was dressed in a simple red and blue striped shirt which he didn't button up. He had a white vest inside. He was wearing a blue skinny jean which was awfully simple and white sneakers. His face was completely blank at first but then suddenly into what looked like surprise and anger to Miguel. He just didn't care.

The man had been talking on the phone but now the phone was lying on the ground and it was completely broken. The papers he had been holding were completely scattered on the ground. He was seated on the ground looking straight at Miguel's beautiful face.

Miguel didn't know what to do but he was somehow furious. He knew the guy was on the ground and some people were already staring at him but he absolutely didn't care. All he needed to do was just get out of there and probably have some peace of mind.

Tearing his eyes away from the man on the ground, Miguel groaned and then started walking away from him. He didn't say anything to him because he had nothing to say to him. All he wanted was to get out of there.

"What the fuck!" The man on the ground furiously got up from the ground.

The man couldn't believe that had just happened. He couldn't believe that someone had just bumped into him and rudely went away without saying anything. He was really mad and he wasn't gonna let it go.

"Hey!" The man angrily called. "Hey! I am talking to you."

But Miguel just kept on going. In fury, the man quickly rushed towards Miguel and gripped his arm, turning him around quickly.

"What the hell?" Miguel snapped, looking angrily at the man. "What the fuck is your problem? How dare you touch me, you stupid..."

"Look, don't insult me okay?" The man said angrily. "I won't take that from you."

To say Miguel was surprised would definitely be an understatement. A myriad of emotions took control of his body and he just didn't know what he was feeling anymore. First, he didn't tolerate such rude behavior from anyone. He wasn't gonna take it. Secondly, the man looked like someone from the middle class and that was definitely an insult.

"How dare you talk to me like that?" He furiously released his arm. "Who do you think you are to touch me with your filthy hands?"

"I am filthy?" The man chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. "Really? Well!" He folded his arms on his chest in mock. "You just bumped into me and I need you to apologize to me immediately."

Hearing what the man had just said, Miguel burst into laughter, shaking his head. For a moment, he forgot about his troubles and worries and just laughed. He couldn't believe he was actually hearing that from someone that he couldn't even be in the same class with.

"You must be out of your mind if you think..."

"Oh yeah," The man furiously dropped his hands, looking angrily at Miguel. "Just look at what you've done. You bumped into me rudely and you couldn't even say sorry. Look..." He furiously pointed to the ground. "My paintings are probably destroyed and you've broken my phone."

"Is that what you are worried about?" He asked harshly. "By the way, I didn't bump into you. You bumped into me and you are definitely lucky because I really don't..."

"You are so full of yourself." The man yelled in his deep manly voice. "That is what is wrong with rich guys like you. You don't value..."

"Look, I suggest you save that lecture for someone who cares." He roared. "I really don't have time for this no sense, okay. I am a very busy man and I was actually going somewhere before you rudely stopped me."

"And you don't think I was going somewhere?" The man snarled. "I was actually very busy and now you've ruined my call and destroyed what I had. It was really important. It is not just rich men that have things to do. Even poor people like me have things to do too. You've ruined what I had but I am willing to let it go if you can just apologize. We will both..."

"That isn't happening." He clenched his teeth, making sure the man got it loud and clear. "You can dream about it but it won't happen. I know how to deal with people like you so don't you dare mess with me, okay?"

With those words, Miguel made a quick turn only to find that some people were watching what was going on. But he didn't care about that. He just continued on his way before...

"I thought I told you to apologize." The man said rudely.

Miguel made a quick turn and faced the man. "You are really daring me."

"I don't care what you think." The man said. "You've ruined a lot of things for me. I was supposed to do a really important presentation but you've ruined that for me."

"So what?" He shrugged, dropping his hand to his hip. "You are just seeking attention and you are gonna regret it if you continue with this."

"I don't care about your threats." The man said confidently. "You might be dining with the high and mighty and I might just be a poor man but we are all people. That makes us the same. You don't have to look down on me. I will not take that from you. Just apologize and I might just rethink what I want to do."

"Really?" He gave a teasing soft chuckle. "And what are you thinking of doing, uh? You can't do it because..."

"By the look of things, you are younger than me... sir." The man said rudely which greatly angered Miguel. "I suggest you give me respect and just apologize. I had worked my ass out just to make what I came here to sell. It might not be too important to you but it is really important to me."

"Hmm, I..."

"What's going on here, sir?" Miguel heard the deep voice of one of his guards. "Is this man making trouble for you, sir? Don't worry about that. We will handle him for you, sir?"

"No!" Miguel raised his hand, signaling his guards to stand still. "Don't do anything." He said, looking at the man's surprised and angry face. "I can handle him. He said that I have ruined a lot for him."

"Yes!" The man said harshly. "You've ruined a lot and I want you to apologize. An apology can mean a lot to some of us."

Hearing the man, Miguel moved his eyes towards the ground and saw the man's things scattered all over the ground including his broken phone. He moved his eyes towards the angry man and just laughed. He knew exactly what to do.

With a soft laugh, Miguel raised his hand towards his guards. "Can I have my wallet?"

"Yes, boss." One of his guards said. He then handed the wallet to him.

Miguel took the wallet in which he had a wad of cash in. He opened the classy and elegant wallet, looked inside and took out all the money that was in it. It was filled with 100 dollar bills and it was so much. He didn't even care about total amount that was in there. He just took it out all.

He handed the wallet to his guard and then walked to the man and stood right in front of him.

"You asked for an apology but you are never gonna get it from me." He said softly, making the man angrier. "I know what men like you really want because I have encountered men like you. All this drama that you've pulled up here is all known to me, okay. I know you are just hungry and I will solve that."

"What?" The man exclaimed, clenching his fists. "Look..."

"So..." He paused and took a quick glance at the ground. "...you said I ruined everything for you. Well!" He smirked. "I am gonna fix that for you."

With those words, Miguel raised the hand which he had the cash in. "I hope this will be enough to feed your body and fix everything that I have ruined. You could also do with a better phone."

With an evil grin on his face, Miguel threw the entire cash on the guy's face and it all fell to the ground. It was just a lot that it could be just a fortune for the guy.

"That money will feed you for an entire year." He said harshly. "I hope I was able to fix all your fucking problems. Now listen to me..." He pointed his finger angrily at the man that looked even more surprised. "...don't fucking mess with me again because I will so deal with you." He patted on the guy's chest. "Goodbye and I hope you enjoy the money."

With a sinister laugh, Miguel made a quick turn and faced his guards. "Let's go."

The guards bowed and started rushing towards the car. Before Miguel started walking, he took a quick glance behind at the man that seemed madder than he was a few minutes back. He liked seeing him the way he was, humiliated. He deserved it. It wasn't gonna be a really bad day after all, he thought as he smirked.

Miguel chuckled and then went with his guards to the car. One of the guards opened the door for him and he quickly hopped in. The guards entered the car and started driving from the wonderful hotel. Miguel looked behind and saw the man angrily picking up his stuff on the ground and furiously walking away.

He smiled and then wore his beautiful black sun glasses.

"Huh?" He had fun.


Christian arrived at his house and boy was he mad. Anyone that saw him didn't need to ask him to know he was really angry. It was written all over his face. He had a big frown on his face. He was holding on to some papers tightly and they were a little wrinkled but he didn't care about that.

Christian Palmer was a 28 year old man who lived in just a small house because he didn't care about riches that much. His passion was art and he was really talented at it. Just holding a pencil and beginning to draw was the best thing to him ever. He had dreamt of being an artist for a long time and he was now living his dream.

He had his own studio and he had made some great paintings. His house was just small, more like an apartment. It had four bedrooms, a small kitchen and a small living room with ordinary couches. He also had a small room where he had his paintings and where he did his drawings most of the time.

Christian reached his living room, threw his stuff on the couch and furiously sat on the couch with his hands crossed. His breathing definitely showed that he was definitely mad. His eyes were red from anger and his body was trembling terribly.

"Christian!" He heard a sweet voice.

Hearing the voice, Christian quickly moved his eyes towards the voice and found his friend, George looking straight at him. They were good friends and were definitely of the same age. George worked as a waiter at a hotel and they stayed together at times even though George had his own house.

George was a great friend and companion. He was an average blonde guy with a great personality. He really helped Christian a lot and both of them loved each other so much.

"What's wrong with you?" George sat closer to Christian, resting his hand on his shoulder. "You look really upset. Anyway, didn't the meeting with the client go well?"

"I didn't meet with any client." Christian said harshly, looking right at the floor.

"What?" George gasped. "Are you crazy? I thought you told me that the client was really important and he was waiting..."

"Right now, that is the least of my problems." Christian chuckled bitterly. "I have so many things up my mind and..."

"Hey! You are angry. What has happened?" George asked with concern in his voice. "This is so not like you. What made you..."

"I will make him pay for this." He said harshly. "I won't just let him go like that?"

"What? Who?"

Christian moved his angry eyes to George and groaned in his anger. He took a deep sigh and told his friend what had happened when he had gone to meet up with his client. Remembering it actually made him really angry.

"...I just took my stuff and left that hotel." He said harshly. He was just too angry. "How dare he do that to me? He thinks he owns the whole world and everything revolves around him."

"What happened to the money?" George asked softly. "Did you take it?"

"What?" Christian furiously got up and grunted. "How can you ask me such a stupid question? You know me better than that. I just took my things and left. I am not that desperate as to take such kind of money. I am really pissed right now and..."

"I am sorry," George apologized. "I didn't mean to ask such a question but what are you gonna do about it?"

Hearing what his best friend had just said, Christian looked at him and chuckled bitterly, rubbing on his hands.

"You know very well the way that I am." He said with a quick nod. "I will not let this go. I will not just let him go like that?"

"What?" George gasped. "Are you kidding me? This is someone rich and powerful we are talking about. If you ask me then I suggest you let this go. I don't want anything to happen to you and you know that. I care a lot about you."

George was probably right when he said that. Christian could really see that his friend was really scared and he understood his fear completely. But...

"No!" He shook his head softly. "I don't care if he is rich, powerful or influential. I am not afraid of him and I will never be afraid of him. The only way I will be able to let this go is if he apologizes to me."

"But, Chris... you have no idea what this guy is capable of. You shouldn't mess with him."

"He has no idea what I am capable of too." He said confidently, clenching his fists. "I am not afraid of him and you shouldn't be afraid of him too."

George sighed, trying his best not to act scared. He was afraid for his best friend because what he did was probably risky and he couldn't help but be afraid.

"Fine." He gave a gloomy sigh. "What do you plan on doing?"

Hearing his best friend's question, Christian made a quick turn and faced him. When their eyes locked, an evil grin appeared on his face. He knew exactly what he had to do.


Miguel was busy in the mall, trying to decide what to buy. He was just alone because his guards were passing around the mall to look for some things because he had given them that freedom. There was just a lot that he had to choose from and he was taking his time perfectly.

It was another day and it had already started out great. Miguel had just come from his company and he had already left because he did what he wanted to do there. After all, he had workers that worked under him. They were paid to do every work that he instructed them to do.

Miguel was putting on a beautiful blue designer's shirt which was revealing his beautiful hairless chest. It was tucked in a sexy tight blue skinny jean that completely showed his perfect shape. He had a serious face. He just wanted to take his time shopping. He thought he was gonna have some peace until...

"Hello!" He heard a voice, a really familiar voice behind.

"That voice." Miguel thought as he tried hard to remember where he had heard it from. "It sounds really familiar and... where did I hear it?"

With a frown on his face, Miguel turned quickly only to get the surprise of his life. It was the same guy he had met the other day. The guy was standing right in front of him with a serious face. He was looking right in his eyes and Miguel got irritated as soon as possible.

The guy was putting on a beautiful yellow shirt which he didn't button up with a white vest inside. He was putting on a little old jean and he didn't even look presentable.

"You." Miguel said angrily. "What do you think you are doing here? Are you following me around or what?"

"It is nice to meet you too." Christian chuckled nervously, still staring at the young man's handsome face. "And no, I am not following you."

"Good!" Miguel made a quick turn and started walking away slowly, looking all around. "Then I suggest you get out of my sight and stay far away from me."

"Really?" Christian chuckled, following Miguel behind.

"I don't wanna talk to you because I have better things to do, okay?"

With a chuckle, Christian gripped Miguel's arm and pulled him closer, looking deep in his eyes. Their eyes locked and for the first time, Christian saw how beautiful the young man's eyes were. He was actually really beautiful.

"Are you ready to apologize now?" He asked softly, holding his arm tightly. "I haven't forgotten about what you did to me the other day."

"What?" Miguel quickly pulled away. He had no idea why he somehow got scared when the man touched him. He felt as if someone wanted to hurt him. "Don't touch me ever again, okay?" He furiously pointed. "You are gonna..."

"I don't care about your threats." Christian said rudely. "I have dealt with men like you my entire life so I am not scared of you. You humiliated me the last time we met and you insulted me so much so right now I want you to apologize to me."

"You really are asking for it." Miguel chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. "What the fuck is your problem? What do you still want from me, uh?"

"I have already told you what I want." Christian said softly. "I won't forget about the humiliation the previous day unless you apologize to me. It's just a simple sorry and the both of us shall have our lives just like the way we want them."

"Well!" Miguel slightly moved his head forward. "I don't apologize to men like you, okay. I will never apologize and I don't care what you are gonna do. I am warning you for the last time."

"Well! Your warning doesn't work to me." He said confidently. "I know how little boys like you are and..."

"What?" Miguel simply couldn't believe he was actually hearing that from a man that he didn't want to talk to.

"Yes! Cat got your tongue?" He laughed, getting closer to Miguel.

Miguel started taking a few steps back when he saw that the man was closing in. Somehow, he got really scared but he was trying to keep himself calm but looking confident and acting confident too. He didn't want the man to come near.

"Stay away from me." Miguel warned, looking all around. But there was no one in that part of the mall. It was just the two of them.

"Yes! I know how spoilt little boys like you are." He said softly, still going closer to Miguel. "You are born with silver spoons in your mouths. Your parents spoiled you until now. You had everything during your childhood and you are still a mama's boy."

Hearing what the man had just said, Miguel stopped and looked angrily at the man. All that talk about his parents got him really angry. He looked closely at the man and did something that even he didn't expect.

He raised his hand high up in the air and quickly directed it towards the man. But Christian was so quick that he blocked the hand and held it closely in his hand, still looking at the angry man. He knew what he did was probably wrong but it was worth it. He couldn't have that young man slapping him. It was really impossible.