Wild Flower Ch. 09


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"No!" He shook his head. "But I have a land on the outskirts of town near the forest and close to the river. There is a beautiful house there. Maybe you can come their tomorrow morning and we might just spend the entire day together."

"Fuck! Really?" He gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Yes! But there is just one thing that I want."


"I don't want you to come with any of your guards. Leave them and come alone."

Hearing what Miguel had just said, Lambert frowned and wondered why the young man had just told him that.

Miguel on the other hand saw the frown on Lambert's face and he knew exactly what his thoughts were. But he just smiled brightly, seducing the idiot.

"What?" Lambert exclaimed. "I never leave anywhere without my guards. They are..."

"I just want us to be alone." Miguel gave a gloomy sigh. "My guards won't be there because this will be really important to me. Hmm," He lost the smile on his face, making a quick turn. He turned his back to Lambert to show him his ass. "I guess you don't trust me at all. Maybe we shouldn't even meet at all. I am really sorry but I don't think this will be possible. It was a really big mistake. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. It's just that I have always wanted to meet and now that the opportunity has come..." He gave a gloomy sigh, taking a quick glance behind. He knew exactly what had to be done and it was what he was doing exactly. "...I just wanted us to be alone."

Lambert looked at Miguel's ass and almost spurt his come in his pants. He knew that an opportunity like that wouldn't ever present itself again.

"No!" He turned Miguel around, holding his arms tightly. "I will be there tomorrow morning just for you. I won't even bring my guards. They won't even know that I will be coming there."

Miguel looked at the hands that were holding his arms and he remembered his painful rape. He quickly pulled away and smiled brightly at Lambert. Then he quickly pulled a card from his pocket and handed it over Lambert. Lambert took it and smiled brightly.

"That is the address of my place." He blushed. "I will be there early and I will be waiting for you."

Lambert was already a winner. "I will be there."

"Okay." Miguel looked towards his car and saw Lambert's guard coming towards them. "I can see that your guard has already finished his work. Thank you so much for your great help, Lambert."

"No! Thank you for agreeing to go on this date with me." He chuckled happily. "It was a great pleasure talking to you. I will see you tomorrow morning at your place."

"I can't wait. Goodbye."

After waving to Lambert, Miguel went back to his car, losing whatever smile he had on his beautiful. He felt a really sharp pain his chest, making the pain even worse. Tears came pouring down his face as he remembered how the man had ruined his life. He remembered the rape, the beatings and the painful words that had been uttered by Lambert.

Miguel opened his car door and entered the driver's seat. He waited until Lambert's car drove off and cried even more. His pain was too much. Never in his life had he ever experienced such pain. It was probably the worst pain he had ever experienced. He didn't feel like he owned his life. It felt as if it belonged to someone.

"You shouldn't cry, Miguel." He wiped his face with his handkerchief clean. "Whether Angelo or Miguel, you are gonna make him pay. Tomorrow isn't gonna be long. It is just a few hours. You are gonna get rid of some of your pain."

Putting his handkerchief on the seat, Miguel quickly took his phone and dialed Mark's number.

"Is everything ready for tomorrow? I don't want any mistakes."

"You don't have to worry about anything, mi senor." Mark said on the other end of the line. "Just do what you have to do. Everything is just the way you had instructed it to be."

"Good! I will be there this evening."

Without saying anything further, Miguel cut the call. He quickly gripped the driving wheel hard, clenching on it. His body was trembling in fear and anger. His heart was pounding deep in his chest. His breaths were really harsh and he could have sworn he felt the blood passing through his ears.

"It is your turn to suffer." He said in an evil tone. "It is your turn to experience the pain you had inflicted on me. It won't be long now, Lambert. You are gonna pay for what you did to me... with your life."

Miguel felt a tear running down his cheek but he quickly rubbed it. Then he started the engine and drove off.


"I don't want you to prepare anything for me because I won't be here tonight." He instructed the maid that was following behind. "Just prepare something sweet for Brian. Make sure that he has his dinner before he sleeps, okay?"

"Yes!" The blonde maid said softly. "But sir, where are you going?"

"What?" Miguel made a quick turn, facing the maid. "Since when did you start inquiring about my movements?" He said harshly. "I employed you to work in my house and not ask me stupid questions."

"I am sorry, sir." She bowed.

"If you have nothing else to do then get out of my sight before I fire you immediately." Miguel was really filled with rage after his meeting with Lambert earlier. He just wanted to end that madness once and for all. "Your job is in the kitchen and not asking about my whereabouts?"

"I am really sorry. I will leave now."

The maid went away sadly after apologizing to Miguel.

"What a stupid maid." He said harshly as he made a quick turn.

"Where are you going?" He heard Brian's voice ring throughout the living room.

Hearing Brian's voice, Miguel moved his eyes forward and saw him rushing down the stairs. Miguel took a deep breath and started walking towards the stairs, walking with elegance and poise.

"I am not going anywhere."

"What?" Brian came down the stairs and blocked Miguel. "I heard you tell the poor maid that you were going out. I really need..."

"Look, I am a grown up man and I don't need to tell you where I am going." He snapped. "I have my own things to do so just leave me alone."

"What's with you?" Brian argued, shaking his head in sadness. "I am only asking because..."

"I am going out." Miguel clenched his teeth, giving Brian angry eyes. "That's all that you need to know. I am going out and I am not coming back so don't wait for me tonight. I don't even know if I might be back tomorrow either so..."

"You are so unbelievable." Brian couldn't believe Miguel was telling him that.

"Well! You better get used to it."

Without saying anything else, Miguel walked past Brian and went upstairs. Poor Brian just remained on those stairs, wondering why Miguel suddenly had that attitude. It was as if recently, Miguel was hiding some things from him. It was so not like him. They used to tell each other things but now... Brian was kept in the closet. Just what was going on, he thought?

A few minutes later, Miguel came back dressed in a beautiful dark blue t-shirt, sexy dark skinny jean and yellow snickers. His hair was loose and he had small bag with him. He found Brian where he had left him and he truly felt terrible for not telling the guy the truth. But he didn't want to tell him for his own good and safety. He loved him.

"I am leaving." He said.

"Please. Tell me..."

"We've already had this conversation, Brian." He sighed. "I will see you later."

Miguel patted Brian on the shoulder and left the mansion. He went straight to his beautiful car, dropped the bag at the back seat and quickly drove off.

It took Miguel almost an hour to reach his destination, his other house which was located on the outskirts of town. He parked outside and looked at the entire place carefully. It had really been long since he had come to that place.

The place was really beautiful. It had been his father's place years ago but it had been completely abandoned until recently when he had renovated the whole place. It was now looking spectacular especially with the two floor white mansion which brightened the whole place up. It was good for relaxing but he currently had no time for that. He had renovated it for a very special purpose which was surely gonna help him with his mission.

After a few minutes of watching the place, Miguel got out and took his bag with him.

It was a really beautiful place with a lot of flowers and wonderfully sweet air. It had a small garden where there were a few trees and lots of flowers. There was a small pool on the right side, a courtyard and statue which was also a fountain of water.

There was a beautiful mansion which was just in the middle of hundreds of acres of land which belonged to him. The mansion was white and it had everything in it which every elegant man would ever need. But that house only had a staircase and not an elevator. But it was good for someone that wanted peace and quiet.

Miguel slowly walked towards the door where Mark had parked the other car. As he was going, Mark quickly came to him and helped him with the bag. It was really late and it was dark but there was so much light that Miguel was able to see everything.

"Welcome, sir." Mark greeted with a serious face.

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes!" Mark shook his head. "Everything is ready as you had instructed."

"Good! You know exactly what you have to do tomorrow." He gave a gloomy sigh. "You don't have to wait for my signal. Just do what has to be done."

"Yes!" mark shook his head. "But are you ready boss."

"Why wouldn't I be?" He laughed manically. "I have waited too long for this. Just don't make any mistakes because tomorrow is really important to me."

Miguel smiled faintly and then went inside with his guard. He knew that the next day was gonna be really important to him. He was gonna finally start his mission.


Lambert's car arrived at the place where he was to meet with the handsome young man whose name he didn't even know. He double checked the address and it was the same one. Lambert's heart was racing terribly and his body was quivering. He was filled with so much lust and his cock was already hard but he knew he was gonna be satisfied soon.

Lambert was dressed in a beautiful pitch black designer's suit with a white shirt inside. His hair was gelled perfectly. In fact, he was ready for that day to get better. He was all alone just like he had promised the beautiful young man. He didn't even tell anyone he was coming to this place, not even his wife or children. He had just taken the car keys and left just like that. But it was worth it.

"This is it." Lambert checked himself in the mirror. He was just looking perfect.

With a smile, Lambert got out of his car and locked it. Then he started going near the white mansion. From the car which was parked outside the mansion, Lambert already knew that the young man was already for him and it just got him really excited.

It wasn't long before he found himself at the beautiful door. He felt his hands shaking and his hormones getting out of control. Aside from being lustful, Lambert was really nervous. He knew very well that he had done such things before but his nerves were preying on him.

"You can do this, Lambert." He breathed. "You can do this."

With those words of encouragement, Lambert raised his hand and slowly knocked on the door. He waited for a few seconds for an answer but there was no one that answered. He knocked again and again but there was no answer.

"Strange." He thought, looking all around. "I thought he said he would be here. Maybe he is waiting for me inside. I will let myself in."

With a deep breath, Lambert moved his eyes and tried the knob. He was really excited to get inside but before he even moved the handle, something terrible happened to him, something that he couldn't even explain.

Lambert was about to move the knob when all of a sudden he felt a sharp pain to his head and then a loud sound as if something had just fallen to the ground with intense force. First, his vision started blurring and his entire strength left him completely. His heart began racing and he felt as if he couldn't breathe properly.

The pain kept on getting worse, getting to his brain. His vision kept on blurring until he couldn't see anything anymore. Before he even knew what was going on, he felt to the ground and passed out.

"Yes!" Mark said in his serious voice, putting the shovel to the ground. He had just hit Lambert hard on the head and now the man was completely passed out on the ground. His job was done.

Seeing Lambert unconscious on the ground, Mark quickly took out his phone and dialed his boss' number.

"Yes!" Miguel said on the other end of the line.

"I have done the job."

Miguel laughed manically on the other end. "You know what to do next. I will be there."

"Yes, boss."

Mark looked around before he quickly held Lambert's hands and started dragging his body inside.


"Oh, my head." Lambert groaned in pain as he slowly recovered. "What happened?"

Lambert had a really terrible headache that felt as if something was pounding on his poor little head. His veins felt as if they had exploded and his heart was pounding painfully in his chest. He felt really cold and his entire body was quivering. He didn't feel like himself. In fact, everything felt wrong.


When Lambert opened his eyes, he got surprised by what he saw and honestly fear struck him right there. Instead of being somewhere beautiful and diving in pleasure, he was somewhere really terrible. It looked like an old basement with a lot of old things ranging from old books to furniture. There was one little bulb that provided light though it wasn't that bright.

He made a quick look around and his eyes widened at what he saw. His breaths came out violently and he had never been as scared as he was at that particular time. Seeing the state he was in, he tried to quickly move but he realized that he couldn't move his hands.

His hands were tied tightly to a pole and they were tied behind his back. He was definitely screwed and he had no idea how he had gotten to that place. The last thing he remembered was being outside the young man's mansion. But now he was in a basement.

Lambert realized when he did a careful check that he was also naked. Apart from the boxer brief that was left on him, he had nothing else. He was really scared that he wanted to cry.

"Hey!" He shouted at the top of his voice. "Is anybody out there? Please! I need to get out of here as soon as possible."

Lambert continued shouting in his fear filled voice until he heard the door opening. He moved his eyes to the staircase and he couldn't really see the person that was coming. But once he saw who it was, he didn't know what to think anymore.

Miguel came and stood in front of Lambert, looking at him with an evil grin on his face. He was with his guard who had a serious face. Miguel loved seeing the fear in Lambert's face. He loved the surprise on his face. But most of all, he loved the position he was. He couldn't believe he actually had the person that had raped him on his little finger.

Miguel was dressed in a beautiful pink shirt with a deep blue skinny jean and black shoes. He had his shirt half way done and then folded at the sleeves. He was looking really sexy. His hair was tied in a ponytail and he had his arms on his chest.

"How are you?" He greeted with a smile. "I hope you are enjoying our little date."

"What?" Lambert chuckled softly and then burst into laughter. "Is this part of our date?" He laughed softly. He was really hoping it was part of it because he was really scared. "So you like bondage, uh? I can see that you are a naughty little boy."

"No!" Miguel lost the little smile on his face. "I don't like bondage and not with someone like you. This is about something else."

"What? What... what are you talking about?" The mighty Lambert actually stuttered.

"Oh!" Miguel chirped, shaking his head in mock sympathy. "What has happened to the might Lambert? Are you scared? You know," He said harshly. "You are really so annoying but do you know what? I am gonna deal with you today and..."

"Look! If this is a joke then it's not funny." Lambert chuckled nervously, feeling his heart pounding deep in his chest. He was getting even more scared. "Untie me and we can do this thing..."

"You think this is a joke?" Miguel yelled in his face. "Well! Keep thinking like that because you are gonna remain tied up like that so you better get used to it. You are gonna pay for all your sins today, Lambert. You are gonna regret ever messing with me. It's what evil men like you deserve."

"What?" Lambert was no longer laughing or smiling. "What are you talking about?" He frowned.

Seeing the frown on his face, Miguel felt tears building in his eyes. "You haven't changed at all. A man like you will always be evil. All you know how to do is destroy the lives of young boys. I actually saw that frown on your face three years ago. Do you remember it?"

Hearing Miguel's words, Lambert just got more confused. He had no idea what Miguel was talking about.

"Three... No! You must be mistaken." Lambert shook his head. "I don't know what you are talking about. Let me go this once."

"Oh really?" Miguel shook his head in pain. "Don't you remember what you and your crew did that poor little boy? He pleaded with you..." He said hoarsely, clenching his fists. "...he begged you to stop but you still did it anyway. You destroyed his life."

"What?" Lambert's heart gave a sharp pound that almost gave him a heart attack. He didn't need to be a genius to know that the young man was talking about Angelo and his rape three years ago. What he couldn't understand was how the young man got to know of that when it was a secret they vowed never to reveal. It was impossible. It got him really scared. But he knew what do. After all, Miguel wasn't there, right?

"Look! You have got me mistaken with someone else." He gulped. "I am not that kind of person so..."

"It is you or perhaps you need a reminder." He snapped, feeling his body quiver. "You raped and killed that innocent boy when he pleaded with you. You ruined his face and you continued raping him even though he was pleading with you."

Lambert was screwed but all hope was not lost.

"What... what are you talking about? I am a generous man and I cannot do that."

"Really?" Miguel chuckled bitterly. Then he got closer to Lambert. "Don't you remember me? Have I changed that much?"

"What? I have never seen you before."

"Oh!" Miguel chuckled. "Perhaps this will help you." He got closer to him. "I am Miguel or perhaps you know me by my other name... Angelo?" He said hoarsely. "I am that same boy you had raped and killed three years ago."

"What?" Lambert felt tears building in his eyes. He got really scared and he started visibly trembling right there. "How... how is this even possible? No! You can't..."

"Of course, I am the boy that you raped three years ago." He chuckled manically, fighting his tears. "You destroyed my life and my identity. You made sure that I wouldn't return but here I am." He opened his arms wider. "I have a different face and a new identity. But now it's time for you to pay."

"No!" Lambert shook his head.

Miguel got closer to Lambert as a tear dropped to his cheek which he didn't even bother rubbing.

"There were four of you men that raped me that night." The word itself was painful. "One of them was you and the three others were masked. I am only going to ask this question once and I demand an answer or else you are gonna regret it." He took a deep breath, trying to ease his pain. "Who are the three masked men that brutally raped me that night? I need their identities right now."

Hearing Miguel's question, Lambert got a little confident. He knew now what he had to do. He was really scared but he wasn't gonna allow Miguel to win. He knew that once he gave those names, he was gonna be killed so he was gonna use that to his advantage.