Wild Flower Ch. 09


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"Of course, boss."

With an evil grin, Miguel cut the call. He felt really happy. It was now time he started concentrating on his mission.

"I only have one thing to live for. You all better be ready for me, okay?"

He smiled evilly, trying his best to think properly about how he was gonna do what he wanted to do. The time was now. It was the perfect time to do what he wanted.


Three days later

Miguel was sitting in his office, busy checking on some of his emails. His business was booming as each day many clients were inquiring more and more about his products and his company's services. He was striking more deals as days went by and he really loved it. With the pace things were moving at, Miguel knew that it wasn't gonna be long before his company expanded.

As Miguel was sitting in his office, he heard a soft knock on the door. He moved his eyes towards the door and told whoever it was that was at the door to come inside. When the door opened widely, Mark came inside, dressed in a beautiful black suit with all the gadgets every classy guard would ever need.

"Mark!" Miguel got up and dropped his hand to his hip. "I believe that today you have everything that I had asked?"

"Yes!" Mark chuckled nervously.

Miguel could see that Mark had a document in his hand which probably contained all the information about the man that was always following him. He had no idea why he had asked the guard to find that information. Maybe he was just really curious.

"Here!" Mark handed over the document.

With a smile, Miguel took the document and sat back on the comfy office chair with his legs crossed like a boss. He opened the document and started passing through it.

The man's name was Christian Palmer, a really talented artist. He lived somewhere near town and did paintings for anyone that was interested, especially big clients. Though the document didn't include Christian's parents, Miguel noticed that Christian had started painting when he was really young. He was one of the most talented men in the city and his paintings were sold at high prices. His skills and talent attracted a lot of big businessmen. Blah-blah-blah, which he didn't even care about.

"Hmm," He chuckled sinisterly, throwing the document on the table. "So he is actually an artist? I knew he is just a nobody. What I don't understand though is the reason why he is so persistent and why he is looking for trouble from me."

"Does he pose trouble for you, mi senor?" Mark asked in his deep manly voice.

"I have no idea what he wants from me." He gave a gloomy sigh. "I feel it's more than the apology that he is always asking. But I know how men like him operate. I have dealt with a whole lot of them."

Mark sighed, looking straight at his boss.

"What plans do you have for him? I know that we can deal with him and..."

"Don't do anything to him." He furiously got up. He had no idea why he got a little angry. "He is probably just a troublesome man who is seeking trouble from me. But I don't want to defame him or ruin his career. I have other plans for him."

"May I know what those plans are, mi senor? I can help you, you know."

Miguel chuckled teasingly when he heard his guard's words. "You may leave me now. I have a lot of things to do."


His guard quickly left and shut the door.

"Christian Palmer!" Miguel whispered. "Just what do you really want? Why do you want to get yourself in trouble?"

Miguel still had questions but he had a lot of work to do as well. He just forgot about it and went back to reading his emails and replying to some of them. An hour after his guard left, Miguel's personal assistant came inside the office with a smile.

"Sir, there is a Mr. Williams who wants to see you." She said with a smile. "He said it is really important."

"Mr. Williams?" He frowned. "Who is Mr. Williams?"

"I have no idea." She said softly. "He said he is from Royal trades and holdings. He said it's business related."

"Um," He paused and sighed. "You can tell him to come inside."

"Thank you, sir."

When his assistant left, Miguel wondered who Mr. Williams that had come to see him was. He was expecting a classy businessman to come inside but what he saw got him up on his feet. The person that appeared at his door was none other than Christian Palmer. He had an evil grin on his face as if he was planning on something really evil.

Christian was dressed in simple blue jean, white shirt and black shoes. He was looking a little sexy and presentable. But he was not looking like a businessman at all. He came inside the office and closed the door behind him.

"You." Miguel said angrily, moving away from his beautiful desk. "What the fuck are you doing here? How did you even find this place?"

"Hmm," Christian chuckled happily. "Wow! Aren't you glad to see me? And why should you be surprised? I thought I told you I would continue following you until you apologize to me."

"I want you out of here." Miguel said angrily, pointing towards the door. "I am a really busy businessman and I have no time for your foolishness today. Get out of here before..."

"Relax." Chris got a little closer to the sexy guy that he couldn't even get his eyes off. He was feeling excited talking to him. "You know why I am here, Miguel Powers."

"Oh! Wow!" Miguel nodded, giving a mocking smile. "It looks like you've been doing your home work perfectly."

"Don't they say that you've got to know everything about the type of person you are dealing with?" He chuckled happily, folding his arms on his chest.

"I am glad you did your research." Miguel said in mock. "I am also sure your research told you that I am not a type of person to mess with. So you better be on your way right now before I call my guards to throw you out."

"Hmm, I guess I missed that part, beautiful boy."

"Don't call me that." Miguel sneered. "Get out of here because what you came here to do isn't gonna happen. I told you that and I am honestly getting tired of you." He quickly moved his eyes towards the door. "Mark! Mark! Please. Come in here."

He looked at Christian as he waited for his guard. "I think I have had enough of this game, Christian Palmer."

"What? So you actually..."

"Listen to me and listen very well." He warned. "Once you get out of here, I want you to stay away from me, okay? The next time that you come close to me... I will make sure that you regret it. I will hurt you to the point where you will live in fear. I am a really dangerous person so you better stay away."

Chris had his eyes at Miguel, trying to get what he was saying exactly. He had no idea if Miguel was being serious or he was just joking but what Chris knew was that he found it fun.

With a groan, Chris burst into laughter, shaking his head. It wasn't before Miguel's guard gripped his arm when he knew that he was serious.

"Mark! Please, escort this man out of this building." He said in a commanding voice. "I don't want him to come here ever again."

"Yes, boss."

Hearing Miguel's orders, Christian lost that little smile on his face. He furiously removed his arm from the guard and looked at Miguel for a really long time.

"You may try to get me away but always remember what I told you." He gave his last warning. "Stay away from me. I might have tolerated your behavior but not anymore. Get him out of here." He ordered.

"Let's go."

Mark tried to grip Christian's arm but Chris quickly retaliated. He looked at Miguel and gave an assuring smile, telling him that it was not over yet. Then without saying, he left the office with the guard behind him.

"Fuck!" He cursed, going back to his seat. "I have a lot of things to do. I don't need his troubles."

Miguel truly had a difficult task ahead of him. There was just a lot that he had to do and he was gonna do it that particular day.


Lambert was in his car, enjoying his special moment. It was late in the afternoon and he was on his way to his house after having a busy day at the office. Fuck! He was horny and just wanted to fuck a tight ass, a really sweet ass. He knew he was married but he preferred a sweet ass to his wife's old pussy. He just wanted a fresh young man to fuck that particular day. But where could he find one.

Taking a deep sigh, Lambert moved his eyes out and looked outside the window. They were passing out of town and it was a little hot. But just as he was about to move his eyes away, he saw something that caught his eyes.

He saw a man who was standing by the car with his back turned to the road. He looked stressed and he was holding his head. The man looked young and classy. But that isn't what Lambert cared about. All he cared about was what he saw.

The man Lambert saw was dressed in a sexy, tight skinny pant with a beautiful yellow shirt tucked inside. He had really long dark hair which he had tied in a long ponytail. Lambert did a quick scan of the man and once his eyes landed on that sexy bubble butt, his heart began racing beyond control.

Lambert's eyes widened and he actually whistled at that piece of ass. His body vibrated in pleasure and his cock became iron hard and he could feel a little pre-cum oozing at his slit. His brain froze and his entire body got caught up in a blissful flame. He was filled with so much lust that it made him tremble. He was dying to fuck that ass because he was a sucker for ass.

Lambert couldn't see the young man's face but his ass was big enough to assure him purely unimaginable pleasure.

Just seeing his ass got him into all kinds of evil thoughts. He imagined the young man humping on his mushroom cock. He could almost feel the pleasure of being inside that ass. He could already hear the young man screaming out in pleasure and begging for more. He could already taste his sweet lips. He could already feel himself coming deep inside that ass.


"Stop the car." He hit hard on the seat, urging the driver to stop.

"What?" The guard at the front asked.

"Pack the car right now." He commanded. "Pack near that young man. He needs help."


The driver did just as Lambert had instructed. He packed the car near the young man.

"What do you want us to do, sir?" The guard asked. "Should I..."

"I will do it." He said impatiently. "Just stay in the car until I call you."

"But sir..."

"Those are my orders." He slightly raised his voice. "If you can't fucking follow them then you are not fit to work for me."

"I am so sorry, sir."

"Just stay in the fucking car."

Lambert quickly buttoned his jacket up and hid his huge bulge. He fixed himself up and then got out of the car as elegantly as he could. He breathed in the wonderful air and could almost smell the beautiful young man.

This was it. Lambert slid one of his hands in his pocket and started walking towards the stressed looking young man. It wasn't that long before he reached him. All the way to the man, Lambert had his eyes on that juicy ass.

"Excuse me." He cleared his voice, tearing his eyes from the young man's ass. "Are you okay? Do you need help?"

"Oh thank God," The man gasped in a really sweet tone, making a quick turn.

As soon as Lambert looked at the young man's face, his lust went to another level. His cock even released more pre-cum that he could have sworn he came right there. His under wear got really wet. He gulped when he looked at that beautiful face as his lust reached its maximum.

It was the same guy, the same guy Lambert had been trying to track. It was the same guy he had seen at the party. Fuck! After many nights of lusting, jerking off and having wet dreams like a teenager, he had finally found the man that he always wanted to fuck. It was all him.

"Please, I am beg..."

Before Angelo even finished his sentence, Lambert thrust his hips violently, slamming his entire cock into that tiny hole. Angelo's eyes widened as a painful deafening scream escaped his mouth. His entire body was enveloped in a really sharp pain that made him to almost pass out. He couldn't believe that Lambert had slammed that big tool all at once. He felt as if he had just been ripped apart and he got really hurt. He didn't know if he was bleeding or not but what he knew was that he was in excruciating pain. His eyes were about to pop out of his socket. He couldn't stop screaming. He could feel Lambert's cock all the way to his bowels and it was the most painful thing ever. He was weakened.

"Fuck! You are so tight." Lambert moaned as his mouth gaped. "You are so fucking sweet. I can't believe you have taken this entire tool. Now it's time for pleasure."

Miguel couldn't believe he was actually standing right in front of Lambert. It felt as if he was being raped over and over again. He remembered what Lambert had done to him and after that painful visit in the past, he felt like crying. He felt like strangling Lambert and killing him right there. He couldn't believe that man had actually...

"Hey!" Lambert chuckled softly, getting Miguel out of his pain.

Miguel felt like crying but he did his best to prevent that from happening. He was gonna stay strong and he was gonna play his cards very well.

"Well! My car has a problem and... and..." He actually stuttered. He felt his body get hotter and sweat started forming. He got a little scared when he looked at that monster.

"Oh! What seems to be the problem, young man?"

"Well!" He pointed, taking a few steps behind. "I have run out of gas and I can't move anymore."

"What?" Lambert took a quick glance at the car. He then chuckled satisfyingly. "You mean you are actually alone?"

"Yes!" he said.

"I thought you had body guards." Lambert said softly. "Why would a sexy and beautiful boy like you be moving alone? These kinds of places do not fit someone as beautiful as you. You shouldn't be alone. What if something happens to you? You are too beautiful to be driving alone."

"Oh!" Miguel blushed brightly, passing his hands through his hair. "Thank you so much, sir. I never actually knew you were this sweet. It's really good hearing you talk to me like this. It's too much for me coming from a great politician like you."

"Wow! So you actually know about me?" Lambert felt as if he had just hit a jackpot. With the way the beautiful man was blushing, he knew very well that it was gonna be easy to get him to bed and fuck his brains out.

"Who doesn't know about the great Lambert in this country?" He felt like throwing up. "It's a great honor to meet you here. I actually never knew that we would one day meet."

"Wow! It's a great honor to meet with such beauty today." Lambert commended. "I am really glad that I have met you here today. To be honest, I have been dying to meet you ever since I saw you at that party."

"What a dirty pig?" Miguel thought, grinning at the ugly man. "He actually think I am gonna jump into his bed. Keep thinking like that because you are only making things easier for me."

"Really?" Miguel blushed even more. "I actually never knew my idol has been dying to meet me. I guess this is my lucky day. I am so happy to meet you, sir."

"Lambert!" He chuckled. "Henry Lambert. You can call me that."

"Okay. Lambert!" They both laughed. "Please." His face got serious. "I really need your help, sir. Can you help me because I am in need of gas?"

"Hmm," Lambert sighed, chirping softly. "Well! Today must be your lucky day because I have some spare gas in my car."

"Really?" Miguel covered his mouth. "Please. Help me, Lambert. I have to get out of here."

"You don't have to ask." Lambert knew he had already won the game. It was just a matter of time before he deeply fucked the guy.

Lambert moved his hand in the air, signaling the guard to come to him. He had his eyes on the blushing young man that was terribly making him horny.

"Yes, sir..." The guard quickly came and bowed.

"I want you to help this young man with some gas." He ordered. "Make sure that he gets enough gas for his car."


The guard went away quickly and came back with a container which had gas in it. Miguel gave him permission to do what he wanted. As he started his work, Lambert took Miguel a little further with the excuse that he didn't want gas to get on his clothes or his beautiful skin.

"So..." Lambert chuckled nervously. He knew he had to start making his moves. "...what would you say if I asked you to dinner?"

"Dinner?" Miguel raised his eyebrow, looking straight at the irritating man. "I don't get it."

"Hmm," Lambert gave a deep breath. "What would you say about dinner?"

"You mean like a date?" He asked.

"Yes! Would you go on date with me?"

"What?" Miguel gave a teasing chuckle. "You are asking me on a date? I thought you are a married man, Lambert. You can't go on a date with me."

"Yes!" Lambert knew how to play his cards with the game Miguel was playing. "I am a married man but that can't stop me from going on a date with someone as sexy as you. Would it be wrong if I told you that you drive me insane?"

Miguel looked at Lambert seductively, slightly shaking his sexy body. "No! I don't think it would be wrong but..."

"Then come on a date with me." He pleaded. "There is just a lot that you will do for me when you agree to go on a date with me. Please."

Now they were getting somewhere.

"And what am I gonna get out of that date?" Miguel asked with an assuring smile. "What's in it for me because I am the kind of person who does things for benefits?"

"You are really something."

"I am a businessman." Miguel bit his lips, seducing Lambert even more. "I always do everything for benefits. After all, we live in a world of business. Don't they say, give what you have to get what you want."

Lambert chuckled, shaking his head. He was totally under the sexy boy's control.

"I like you." He pointed beautifully at Miguel. "I really like you so much. But for a date with you, I will do anything for you. Just tell me what you want from me."


"Anything!" Lambert winced. "Just name it and it will be completely yours."

"Atta boy!" Miguel thought as an evil grin appeared on his face. "Now I have got you where I want you to be."

"Tell me." Lambert chuckled happily. "What do you want in exchange for a date?"

Miguel looked confident. "Power, influence and connections," He said simply. "That's all that I want from you. If you can promise that then I am willing to go on a date with you as many times as you want. You can even do more if you wish."

"Gotcha..." Lambert thought.

"It is done." Lambert had now gotten Miguel where he wanted him to be, under his control. "If that's all that you want then I will give it to you. I can even give you more if you ask me."

"No! That's all that I want right now."

"Okay." Lambert might not have shown it but he was really excited. He had finally got him. He was finally gonna fuck him. "It's settled then. You and I are gonna go on a date let's say..." He paused and just thought. "...how about tonight at..."

"No!" Miguel shook his head. "I don't wanna get into trouble with your wife or be the talk of the media." He got seductively close to Lambert. He was getting sicker as he got closer but he was ready to deal with it. "How about you come to my place because I will feel safer at my place? Besides, I think things will get a little..." He purred. "...hot at my place."

"Fuck!" Lambert's cock throbbed painfully in his pants, releasing a huge amount of pre-cum. He gulped, getting even hornier. He had never met anyone sexier than the young man he was with. Even the boy he had raped, Angelo or something. He didn't even care. He wasn't that sexy. An opportunity had just come so how could he reject that. Besides, he knew he was gonna get lucky at the young man's house.

"Who am I to reject such a wonderful suggestion from someone like you?" He breathed sensually, trying to control himself. "But, do you live alone?"