Willing Slave, Unwilling Master Ch. 14


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For a moment I think he's right. Then I remember the icy pain from when the taser chip was injected into my hand. I've never actually tested Marvin's crazy implanted tech, but now seems like a good time. My heart lurches as I tap my middle finger tip against my thumb three times, before I repeat the action with my ring finger: the activation-sequence.

Vin snorts at my look of relief. "Got some plan, boy?"

The now activated taser feels like a nest of hornets buzzing under my skin, and I waste no time aiming a punch at his chest. A grin still on his face, he makes no effort to dodge—which is a mistake.

It feels like punching a speeding Anti-grav train. The impact throws my hand back, slamming my still sparking knuckles against the bulkhead, and ripping at my shoulder. As for Vin, the huge man is thrown backwards as if he weighed nothing. His bulk collides with the wheeled table, sending both him and it clattering to the ground.

Smoke gently curls from Vin's massive, and thankfully still moving, chest. Whatever happens, I don't want to be a killer. Flexing my severely bruised knuckles, I wait for ten agonising seconds to see if any more movement is forthcoming. But he seems to be out for the count. Shaking my free hand to restore the feeling, I turn my attention to my restraints.

"What the hell is going on in there?" Juke yells from outside, his voice muffled by the heavy metal door.

I freeze, statue like, before sense hits me nearly as hard as I just hit Vin, and I quickly undo the strap holding my arm. Juke continues to shout through the door, adding his pounding fists to the cacophony of noise. Doing my best to block the sound out, I jump to my feet, searching the floor for some kind of weapon.

Despite the numerous instruments of pain and destruction I saw on the table earlier. I can't spot a single one. My mind is racing to fast, I can't focus. A loud hiss echoes through the room, and I suddenly find that I have no trouble focusing on the thick metal door that slowly swings open with a mournful groan.

It seems to take awhile for Juke to register what he's seeing. His eyes flicker between his fallen partner and me. Slack jawed he finally settles his gaze squarely on me.

"You know," Juke says slowly, "I actually told him to go easy on you." Though he projects an air of serenity, I can see the rage boiling in his eyes.

I don't say anything. Some crazy part of me had been hoping that upon seeing his much bigger friend incapacitated Juke would have decided to cut his losses and ran. But fleeing seems to be the last thing on his mind.

With a gulp, I tap out the activation sequence for the taser again, hoping it has recharged enough. I can tell at once it hasn't, the buzz from before is now more a tingle. I don't doubt that it will still pack a painful punch. But that's all it will do.

"Just walk away," I say, gesturing to the big man still smoking on the ground.

"Oh no, you're not walking away from this." Juke snarls, his usually calm, lizard like face now contorted in rage.

I take a step back as my would be murder takes a step into the room. This seems so unfair, how can it be that I manage to take out the big guy, only to fall prey to his fun-sized accomplice? There's no justice in the world.

"Stop!" I say, my voice wavering as Juke takes another step towards me rolling up his sleeves. Looking over the top of his head, I notice that the door is still open. If I can find some way to dart around him, maybe I can make a run for it.

Already I know that's a stupid plan. This room is too small, and even if by some miracle I do get out, this warehouse is a maze. A maze that Juke knows a lot better than I do.

Wild ideas run rampant through my head, as I stumble backwards into one of the disused computer terminals. Where one last ditch, insane option presents itself. Time seems to slow down. Juke is about halfway across the room and approaching fast. I only have a few precious seconds to act.

Taking a deep breath. I plunge my electrified fist into my stomach. At once all my muscles contract and I bend in half, before falling sideways onto the floor. The shock the guards gave me in prison is nothing compared to this. It feels like my very bones are on fire. All the air is forced from my lungs, and my vision blurs.

"What the fuck!" Juke yells, jumping back in surprise.

With my eyes watering and every limb shaking, I triumphantly hold up my right hand. My little finger blinks with a rapid red light. Outside the building somewhere there's the sound of an enforcer siren.

"I told you," I say between clenched teeth, "I have a very low pain tolerance."

Eyes wide Juke's gaze flickers between me, Vin and the door. Stunned even as the wail of the sirens draw closer. With a roar like a feral beast he turns on his heels and runs. Not looking back at either me, or his partner.

Silently thanking the stars that there just so happens to be an enforcer patrol close by. I lay flat on my back, looking up at the metal ceiling as I wait for rescue.

--- --- ---


One thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, one thousand eight hundred... I breathe a sigh of relief as my countering finally finishes. My mind rings with numbers, reverberating in my aching head.

Nineteen different ways of counting up to six-hundred seconds should give me three hours and ten minutes. I gently rub my aching chest—a result of a fresh coughing fit—before pressing a finger to the spot just below my ear.

"Please," I whisper into the darkness, as the familiar beeps of the implant trying to find a single start up. If the Warden's catch me they will hurt me badly. They might even kill me. And even if they don't, without the medicine from Dr. Walker or Mr. X I will be dead very soon. I just want to hear my Master's voice again, even if it's for the last time.

The no connection tone rings in my head.

Sighing softly in disappointment, I move to the edge of the bed, wincing in pain. The cane marks on my bottom burn, my chest throbs, and the ache in my joints is almost unbearable. How am I supposed to escape when it feels like my body has already failed? I slowly sit up my bottom screaming in pain as I put pressure on it, but I don't have a choice. If I stand up too quickly the dizziness will make me fall over.

Spies in Master's movies never fall over.

It takes more effort than I was expecting to stand up. And even then a fresh wave of coughing nearly has me back on the bed again. Rubbing my chest I shake my head. I need to do this!

It wasn't difficult to persuade Dahlia that we should sleep in her bed tonight. Leaving my bed, and the keycard hidden inside it, free to access.

After Warden Smith came in and yelled at us Dahlia's been even more passive than usual. I hope she's okay. She kept my secret, and now, if I can do what I came here for, I can give her an owner in return.

Being careful not to stub my toes—my feet might be the only part of me that are not currently hurting—I make my way to the empty bed and quickly kneel down to retrieve the keycard. It comes free easily, and I quickly tie the cord around my wrist so I don't lose it in the darkness.

"You shouldn't leave," Dahlia whispers, close behind me.

I jump, slapping my hands over my mouth just in time to stop my yelp of panic. "Dahlia!" I whisper, "Go back to bed!"

"I don't want you to leave," she replies softly, "not again."

"I'll be back soon," I whisper, trying to sound reassuring.

"What if you're not?" She asks sadly.

"Then you look after Thistle and Leilani," I reply, standing up and turning to the door. I need to be the hero like in Masters movies. Just one more free girl thing to do, then I will be back with my owner.

My sister throws her arms around me suddenly, nuzzling my neck in the darkness. I hug her relishing the closeness before pulling away.

"Go to bed," I say softly. "Everything will be better in the morning."

I can hear my sister hesitate behind me, before the creek of mattress springs tells me she has returned safely to bed.

Taking a deep breath, I move to the faint red glow beside the door. I stand frozen in front of the access panel. One more choice, just one more and I can go home to Master. I hope he's proud of me. I've done so much. I've lied and stolen and done all the things that should have broken my mind. Maybe Master is right, maybe we can make choices for ourselves. Well, after this, I'm going to chose not to make another choice for a very long time!

I need to focus. I'm still not done with my mission, not yet. I look back into the room, imagining I can see the shapes of my sisters in the darkness. I will find you owners, I promise.

With the care I normally use to stoke Barnaby, I press the card to the scanner. The beep seems to boom around the room, far louder than when the lights are turned on, followed by a click that seems just as loud. I wait to see if any of my sister's will react, but there's nothing. I suspect that Leilani has much to do with keeping Thistle quite, and Dahlia already knows what's happening.

Outside the corridor is dimly lit with green lights above some doors, and red lights above others. Peeking my head out, I look up and down the corridor, relieved to find it's completely deserted. Well, perhaps not completely deserted. At the far end of the hall there's a light on in Dr. Walker's office, but even squinting as hard as I can I can't see anyone moving inside.

The stone floor of the corridor feels like ice as I step outside, and for a frantic moment I wonder if it's burning the souls of my feet. Before I reason with myself that it's the same floor as the cell and I'm just letting my panic get the better of me. Still, this is the most disobedient thing I have ever done. Come to think of it, this might be the most disobedient thing that any Lower Vil has ever done!

Master would think that an amazing achievement.

Taking another step forward, I jump as I hear a click behind me. Spinning on the spot I'm just in time to see the green light above the door turn to red. And I'm not surprised to find that when I push against the cold metal door it's locked. No way back now, not without risking another loud beep.

Turning I pause to let me head stop spinning, before setting off down the corridor. Despite being barefoot my footsteps still seem to echo with alarming volume. I try to walk on tip toe, which does cut down the noise, but after nearly stumbling over twice I give up, and just focus on getting to my destination.

The first two doors I pass have green lights overhead, but the third is bathed in red light. It's locked. I curse myself for stopping, the stairs are only one more door down, but what if there are more girls like me and my sister's down here? Or boys? Should I try and open the doors and help them?

No. I've never seen anyone one else down here. And even if there are more Lower Vil down here, there is no reason why they would want to escape with me. I'm just being stupid and wasting time. Still, I can't help but press my ear against the cold metal just in case.

I can't hear anything.

Leaving the locked door behind, I make my way to the fourth door. A painful sting from my bottom reminds me of what this door cost to find. There's an access panel beside the doorframe, identical to the one in our cell. I reach out to press the card against it, but before I can the light above my head turns green.

"What?" I say, confused for a moment before the door bursts open and I only barely manage to jump backwards out of the way. I slam into the wall opposite the stairs, the blow knocking the air from my lungs and setting my punished bottom on fire.

Oh stars, oh stars! Gasping for air I look up to see a man silhouetted against the bright lights of the stairwell. How? I glance at the door which has slammed against the wall. I can see though the top panel! It's phased just like Master's skylights in his bedroom. Whoever was behind the door could see me perfectly!

I have to push my back against the wall to keep standing, as a hacking cough forces its way out of me, bringing tears to my eyes. The figure in the stairway moves slowly towards me. Though my watering eyes he seems like a black blur—more a monster than a person.

"Well, fuck me Red," he says, and I recognise the voice at once: it's Warden Smith.

"Who would have thought you had it in you?" he snatches the keycard from my hand. "I'm almost impressed."

My heart thunders in my chest, and I feel like I need to throw up and pee at the same time. But I stand up a little straighter. I don't want this evil human to know how much he scares me. I want to be strong. Like my Master would want me to be.

"Oh Red, don't look so down," he says with a smirk, grabbing my chin and pitching up my face so I'm forced to stare straight into his pale eyes. "This was brave, and I can admire that."

"Thank you sir," I say automatically, my words muffled by his grip.

He barks out a laugh, "You lot really are fucking pathetic, aren't you?" His tone changes as he takes a step forward, only inches away now, "I bet you just wanted a good hard fucking huh? Like you got when you were away? Well, don't worry sweet cheeks daddy'll look after you."

He takes another step forward forcing me against the wall, his disgusting lips finding mine. I can feel his erection poking me as his weight crushes my breasts. He tries to push his tongue into my mouth, but I clamp my teeth together not letting him.

"Come on," He says, grinding his hips against my stomach. "You be a good girl for me, and no one has to know you were out of bed out of hours."

I feel his cold clammy hand start to slide down my belly, moving towards the junction of my legs. No, no, no, stars no! I don't want him to touch me there! That part of me belongs to my Master. And even if it didn't, I wouldn't want such an evil human to put his hands on me. I hate this, I hate this! I hate him!

"No!" I say, placing my hands against his chest and pushing as hard as I can.

To my surprise he falls backwards, clearly not expecting me to fight back. For a moment all is silent as our eyes meet. Then he explodes. "You little bitch!" he yells. "You filthy fucking whore!"

I stand frozen in fear. Until I see him stating to stand up, and I come to my senses. I do my best to hobble passed him to the stairs. But my body refuses to obey my commands. My head spins and my lungs burn. I'm so close, but I'm too slow. He grabs my upper arm and with no real effort turns me back to face him. Before slapping my face so hard I fall to the ground.

I blink away stars, my cheek burning. I feel tears in my eyes. No! This is unfair, I'm so close! I mange to roll onto all fours. Only for him to kick me in the ribs, sending me to the cold concrete floor once again.

"Fucking cunt!" Smith snarls from above me. I cower away, imagining I can feel the rage radiating from him.

"What do you think you are doing?" A cool female voice says, and both me and the Warden turn to look at Dr. Walker striding down the corridor, her white labcoat steaming behind her, glowing attentively green and red in the darkness.

Not wanting to waste the distraction, I half crawl, half slide my way to the towards the stairs.

"Ah, Linda," Smith says, his anger from a moment ago seeming to vanish, "I didn't realise you were still in the building."

"Clearly," She replies. "What is going on here?"

Tasting vomit in the back of my throat, I make it to the door frame. And with the Human's still distracted, I do my best to get to my feet.

"I found this one out of bed and out of her room," Smith says, pointing at me, "When I tried to help her return to bed she attacked me. And I was forced to defend myself."

"I see," Dr. Walker says, looking over at me without any obvious expression. Our eyes meet and I notice, yet again, how tired she looks. It's like she hasn't slept for days. I feel a stab of guilt. Did I do this to her?

"She broke one of the overriding edicts," Smith says slowly. "You know I have to report this to management."

"That won't be necessary," Dr. Walker says quickly, looking at me with wide eyes.

I look at the stairs beside me, they are so close. But as I fight down the urge to throw up, I realise it's hopeless. I'm too weak, too exhausted. I'll never make it.

"I'm afraid that it is Doctor," Smith says. "See, I've been talking to management. They were worried you're emotions might be getting in the way of your judgement."

I watch Dr. Walkers face turn from tired and confused to furiously angry in seconds, and I thank all the stars that I was always a good girl in her presence. However she quickly swallows down her anger, nodding slowly.

"I understand," she says softly, "but, it's been a long few weeks hasn't it? You really want to bring management into this? I was thinking we could just grab a drink instead."

Smith blinks at her, clearly as surprised by her reaction as I am. Dr. Walker likes this Man? That's what 'grab a drink' means isn't it? That she wants to go on a date with him and become his girlfriend.

The Warden looks at her for a long time, before grinning and flatting his hair with his palm. "Yeah, that sounds nice, real nice Linda," he places his hot sweaty hand on my shoulder. "And you're right I don't have to report Red here. We're friends, I do a favour for you, you do one for me," he winks.

I'm a little surprised he doesn't see Dr. Walker shudder before she smiles brightly. "Why don't you take Rose back to her room while I freshen up? It looks like she might need some help walking."

"Come on then, Red." Smith says cheerfully, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him. I grab the door frame with both hands, holding on with everything I have. "Come on you stupid little bitch," he snarls.

Suddenly his grip on my arm loosens. What? I look up at him in shock. There's a syringe in the side of his neck, held by Dr. Walker. He turns, and the two humans look at each other face to face, his lit by red light, hers by green.

Then he sways once, twice, three times, "What the fuck!" he groans. Letting go of me altogether he turns towards the stairs. Once again he sways his eyes rolling back up and into his head and he takes an unsteady step backwards.

Dr. Walker reaches out her arms as if she were going to catch him. But just when it looks like he's going to topple backwards he seems to come to his senses. He takes a final rickety step forwards overcorrecting himself, and falling forward. His face hits one of the concrete steps with a moist crunch.

Despite how evil a human Warden Smith is, I wince at the sound. So does Dr. Walker. Slowly our eyes meet, neither of us speaking. I glance over at Smith's still body, did she kill him or just knock him out?

"What a pig," she says at last.

I don't understand what's happening. All I know is that the inspection team is somewhere up those stairs and—more importantly—so is my Master. I'm battered and exhausted, and I feel like I'm going to be sick at any moment. But I know i'm going to feel a lot worse if I don't at least try to get back to my owner.

I make a break for the stairs. I mange about two steps before stumbling over my own feet, my head spinning.

"Rose!" Dr. Walker says in alarm, catching me and, with a grunt, pushing me back to an upright position. "What on earth are you doing?"

"Falling over," I groan, there's no point pretending now. Whoever I was before I met my Master that girl is truly gone. I'm a slave, I will always be a slave, but I'm Dan's slave, and that means something.

Dr. Walker blinks at me. "So, is sarcasm a symptom of genetic imbalance or something you learned on your adventure?" I can't tell from her voice if she's angry or not.