Willing Slave, Unwilling Master Ch. 14


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"We cannot understate the help these citizens have been in this operation," X says, taking a step forward. "I do hope, mister senator, you are not making light of the sacrifices these young people have made for this government? Voluntarily I might add."

The smirk is wiped from the man's face, "Well, no of course not. Undoubtedly without your help this whole situation would not have had nearly so favourable a conclusion. And of course you will be compensated accordingly."

"However, I'm afraid the girls you have rescued are simply too valuable to be left out in the world. They represent an entire new breed of Lower Vil."

"An illegal breed of Lower Vil." Master says.

"Even more reason to keep them off the streets," Senator Lane says. "I'm sorry, but simply put this government cannot risk losing such vital research."

I feel my heart sink. After everything, everything I did, everything Master did! They are going to take us away. I won't be able to escape again, and even worse I will have broken my promise to my sisters!

"That's not fair!" I say, blushing as every pair of eyes in the room turn to me.

"Rose!" All three of my sisters hiss at me.

"Whose slave is that?" Senator Lane asks, raising his eyebrows.

"She is mine," Master says fiercely.

"Then perhaps it's just as well. She's not very well trained."

"She's perfect," Master snarls. "You tell him what you think sweetie," my owner says, nodding at me.

That being taken away was unfair was what I thought, and even that I said without thinking! But, Master is counting on me to explain why I shouldn't be taken away. Even though, really, a slave shouldn't have any say on what's done with her.

"I don't want to be locked up again," I say quickly before I can lose my nerve, "I didn't do anything wrong, none of us did! We deserve to have our owners and-"

Senator Lane cuts me off, "Enough! This creature has no legal rights. She is property of this government, and I will not have her talking as if she anything but an observer here."

"The slave will speak," a new voice, low and dangerous, carries through the room. Everyone turns to the Vil. Who has finally spoken. I watch as her slave pokes a shy face out from behind the legs of her owner.

"But," Senator Lane protests.

"The slave will speak," the Vil woman says again, and I notice a few of the feathers that lay flat on her head start to rise. Though I don't know what that means.

"Go ahead, Rose," Mr. X says, not unkindly.

"We deserve to be happy," I say. "That's what I was going to say: we deserve to be happy."

Master smiles at me, and with a sudden shock I realise he's crying. Oh no, I didn't want to upset him! But there is nothing I can do to comfort him at the moment! Every set of eyes in the room turn back to Senator Lane.

"Well, we certainly won't mistreat the them," he says, apparently taken aback. "They will live in comfort with all their needs met. Everythin—"

This time it's my Master who interrupts, "Wait I know you!" he points to the Vil woman. Who looks at him in confusion for a few moments before a smile—which shows off a pair of sharp fangs—lights up her face.

"Yes, with the paper containing kindness, I am remembering," she replies. Master knows her?

"You told me I didn't understand a Lower Vil's nature," my owner says, his eyes still red. He continues speaking as he reaches over to stroke my hair, "You were right. I used to think it was simply a case of freeing them. That the only reason they act the way they do is because of how we raised them, and It would be wrong to say that there isn't some truth in that."

"But, Lower Vil are not human. They need an owner to feel safe, to give them a stable base from which to explore the world. Because when they are free to express themselves, they are curious, and loving. They make beautiful art. They love stories and they actively want to learn about the world."

"I want to give Rose and her sisters the chance to grow, we all do," he gestures to his friends, who nod, though they all look very confused. "They deserve to be happy," he finishes, looking at me with pride.

Something like a smile touches the Vil woman's face, "The slaves, they will go with these humans," she says, pointing to Master and his friends.

"And be given Ident chips," Master says, a broad smile on his face.

The woman nods.

"And the balancing agent they need to survive."

The woman nods again.

"You don't have authority here!" Senator Lane says, his face going red. "You are not in a position to give me orders!"

Mr X, who was smiling to himself moments ago, suddenly freezes, and even the black clad human guards shuffle uneasily. Everything is silent for a few moments. I notice a few more of the feather rise on the woman's head, standing up like hair. Her full, and terrifying focus is fixed on Senator Lane.

"But the potential profits!" Senator Lane gasps, his eyes darting from the Vil woman to me and back again.

The woman shows her fangs.

"What do you think of all this?" Senator Lane says, rounding on Mr. X, who shrugs.

"Given that, despite our best efforts, the compound managed to destroy roughly ninety-eight percent of any relevant data on the girls I would say this is not an advisable hill to die on."

Senator Lane blinks, shaking his head. "Oh very well then, very well! But these girls are your responsibility. I trust you are able to take care of things?"

"Of course," Mr. X says brightly. "Don't worry sir, leave everything to me."

He nods once, "Madam Zxxit'pah'rookah my apologies for that unfortunate misunderstanding. Shall we return to my office and discuss number projections?"

The Vil woman takes one last look at us, as does her Lower Vil. Before she places a hand on the girls head, and, with a smile, follows Senator Lane out of the door escorted by the two enforcers.

"What just happened?" Master asks, looking around the room.

"Politics, Mr Fallow." Mr. X says with a grin. "An impassioned stance quickly replaced by an opposing stance when the situation no longer seems favourable. Yes, it's a fair miracle indeed that I am above such things."

Returning to my side, Master grabs a pillow and pushes it behind my back. I look at him guilty, biting my bottom lip. But he just smirks at me. Across the room my sisters shyly approach their perspective new owners.

Turning his attention back to Mr. X Master frowns. "He seemed to give up on the girls very easily. Are you sure we don't have to worry about him?"

"The girls were an unexpected windfall. He would have liked to grab them up, but really, he wasn't so invested."

"But," Master says, a puzzled crease forming in on his forehead, "I thought the plan was to get the girls out. So he should have been expecting them?"

Beside the bed Thistle sinks to her knees in front of Miss Claire, who quickly pulls her to her feet. Before bending down to brush my sister's knees with her hand. I didn't know Thistle wanted a Mistress. I don't have much time to wonder about my sister though, as Mr. X's laugh draws my attention back to him.

"You think, Mr. Fallow," he says, trying to contain his laughter. "That the plan was to wait for one of the girls to get kidnapped. Find her, heal her and then employ her to go undercover in the compound and alert a passing inspection team."

"Well, when you say it like that," Master grumbles. "Fine, what was the plan?"

"We were simply going to arrest a Doctor Linda Walker, and obtain enough evidence to convince both our own and the Vil's government to launch their own investigation. However, we assumed that the girls would have been destroyed along with all other evidence, and that most of the people involved would escape justice altogether," Mr. X shrugs. "Thankfully fate and chance gave us a better, albeit more complicated, option with a very satisfactory result."

"I'm happy they didn't kill us Master," I say, looking at my sisters with a smile. Dahlia blushes as Mr. Jasper says something to her. Meanwhile Leilani and Master's slightly odd friend Theo seem to have found something to talk about. Or, at least, Theo has, and Leilani is listening intently.

"Why would they have killed them?" Mr. Jasper asks, placing a hand protectively on Dahlia's shoulder as he turns to stare at my Master. My sister's look less concerned, but in their own way, no less interested.

My owner looks to Mr. X, who nods, "Go ahead and tell them Mr. Fallow. We will have to reveal the truth publicly, now that the girls will be out in the world."

Master looks at me, before shrugging, and beginning to tell everyone all about the rescue mission and the genetic modifications. I try my best to listen. Even though it's a story I already know, but I get distracted as Mr. X walks over to me.

"You have done very well Rose," he says brightly. "Far better than even I imagined."

"Thank you, sir," I reply, the praise making my cheeks warm even when it's not coming from my Master.

"Doctor Walker sends her regards, and hopes you're okay," he says quietly. "As does Lucy."

I look at him open mouthed, feeling instantly guilty. Dr. Walker helped me escape, but I haven't thought about her even once since I woke up. I glance over at Master but he's still explaining things to his friends and my sisters.

"Dr. Walker isn't in trouble for making us?" I ask nervously, not wanting to get my friend punished.

"Well, most of the people we have enough evidence against to arrest have been split between ourselves and the Vil. They will face justice on one world or another. But, thankfully, before we could officially arrest her, Doctor Walker volunteered to help us."

I frown, "Like how Master and I volunteered to help you?"

Mr. X laughs gently, "As it happens it was just like that."

The department of Interspecies relations isn't a horrible place to live, and Mr. X isn't a horrible person. Even if he does tease my Master. I hope Dr. Walker will be okay, and she's not too sad that she can't make more girls like us.

"Can I visit Lucy?" I ask, watching my sister's touch their faces. Master must have gotten to the part in the story where we don't get any older.

Mr. X frowns, "A visit might be a little complicated to arrange, but you can always talk to her," he taps my cheek with two fingers.

I had forgotten about the communication chip! I smile. "Thank you Sir! For everything."

He looks a little taken aback, but nods and winks, "You will look after Mr. Fallow won't you? I do worry about him and the state of our education system."

Ignoring the rude comments about my Master, that may or may not be a joke, I nod enthusiastically.

"We look after each other!"

Mr. X smiles gesturing with his head to Masters friends. Who stand looking stunned. Master must have finished his story. He frowns at Mr. X, before sitting on the bed beside me and letting me cuddle against his side.

"I hope you're friends agree to be my sisters owners," I say softly.

"Me too," my owner says, watching his friends and my sisters. Before he slaps his hand to the side of his head. "I almost forgot!" he says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a black band.

"I've been keeping this safe for you," he says, handing the object to me.

My collar!

"Thank you Master!" I gasp, letting him fix my collar around my neck.

I can't help but giggle at the looks my sisters give me!

Mr. X smiles at me, before turning his attention to Master's friends. "Well, we have some formalities to deal with," he says. "Are you all happy to take of these girls into your care?"

"Do I have a choice?" Mistress Claire asks, looking between Me, Master and Mr X.

"Not really," Master says, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. "But we promised to protect the Lower Vil. This is our chance."

Mr Jasper, looks down at Dahlia and smiles, "I'm willing."

Mistress Claire nods slowly, taking Thistle's hand in hers. "My parents are going to give me hell for this."

Everyone's attention turns to Theo, who looks at Leilani. "Is this what you want?" he asks my sister. "I'm afraid I don't know much about being a Master, or caring for you."

"You're perfect," Leilani says, "and I want to belong to you."

Theo blushes. It must be a rare event because all of Master's friends look at each other in amazement.

"Well, that settles things," Mr X announces. "I'll arrange for ident chips to be provided," he continues, pulling his tablet from his pocket and tapping it a few times. "If you really need me then Rose knows how to contact me. Otherwise do try and stay out of trouble," he says with a small smile, before leaving the room with a final nod to my owner.

Master strokes my hair, as I watch my sister's and their new owners. Each group seems as stunned as each other. I think it's going to take my sisters a little while to get used to life outside the compound. Like it did for me. But they will get there.

"Do you think he had this all planned out?" Master asks, and I notice his gaze hasn't left the door Mr. X just left though. "Like, he knew exactly what would happen the moment he stepped into this room?"

Shrugging I reach up to kiss my owners cheek. Mr. X is smart, but I don't think he can predict the future.

"So..." Mistress Claire says, walking over with Thistle following close behind her. "What do we do now?"

Master grins at me, "I wonder if you can get pizza delivered to a hospital?"

--- --- ---



"Ready?" I ask, taking a final look around my bedroom.

"I think so Master," Rose replies, playing with the hem of her hoodie, well, of my hoodie. It's still too big for her, but at least she will be warm. And I can't help but appreciate how cute she looks in it.

Smiling I open my arms and she gladly falls into a hug, leaning up so that our lips meet. As always the world fades around me and all that really matters is the beautiful girl in my arms. Even now, I sometimes wake up in a panic wondering if this had all just been a dream.

"Come on you two!" Claire shots up the stairs. "We're going to miss the train."

Rose looks up at me in alarm.

"Relax," I say with a smile, "we have lots of time."

Even so I grab my suitcase, before making sure Rose has her coat, hat and gloves. It's been nearly four months since she left the hospital and she hasn't shown any symptoms in all that time. But I'm not taking any chances.

"Mr Jasper says that were we are going the weather will be hot."

"Jasper says," I correct her. "And he's right. It's on the West coast, right next to the ocean."

Apparently I didn't get the hint, because she frowns at the hat, "It will mess up my hair Master."

Ah, the hair that Jezebel did for her this morning. I throw the hat back onto the bed, before holding out the gloves. Which she dutifully puts on.

"Good girl,"

Her brilliant smile is all the reassurance I need that, despite having made leaps and bounds in the recent mouths, she still enjoys being praised. Picking up my large suitcase, I follow her out of my room and down the stairs.

Our feet crunch on the gravel as we step outside. A large hover bus sits idling at the end of the driveway near where my friends and Rose's sisters gather. My slave girl looks up at me with an unasked question, before I take her suitcase and watch as she rushes over to her siblings.

Watching her hug and nuzzle them you would think it had been weeks since they last saw each other. Instead of about nine hours. I hear someone walk up beside me and smile as Emily comes into view.

"The house is going to be very quiet without you and Rose here, Sir," she says, looking down at her feet.

I grimace. I really do feel guilty for taking Emily's friend away from her. "We'll be back at Christmas," I say apologetically. "It's not so long, and you have our number so you can talk to Rose and me whenever you want."

She nods slowly, still looking down.

I learn over and pull her into a side hug, "Of course, Mum and Dad are going to want to visit. And the Point Loma hub just so happens to have the biggest sea life zoo in the world. If you're interested in that kind of thing?"

My father's slave beams at me, "Yes sir!" she says. "May I go and say goodbye to Rose?"

"Of course. If you can pry her away from Dahlia that is."

The rest of my family step out of the house a few moments later. I almost laugh at the different levels of dress on display. My dad is wearing his finest suit, while mum is in her weekend clothes. Jezebel is still in her yellow nightdress.

"My little guys off to university," my mum says, wrapping me in a bone crushing hug. "Do you have your sun-cream? How about your swim trunks? And a sun hat? You still remember how to swim if you go into the sea, right?"

I laugh, "I have all of that!"

"And yes, I remember how to swim. Gotta learn how to surf though."

"Sorry," Mum says, sounding embarrassed. "Just, natural for a mother to worry."

"I understand," I say, glancing over at Rose, who is hugging Emily tightly.

"Good luck son," my father says, offering his hand.

Ignoring his outstretched hand, I pull him into a hug. "Thanks Dad," I say, "for everything."

"Do me proud son," he says gruffly, pulling away.

"I'll see you soon little brother," Jezebel says with a smirk. "You're not allowed to be the only one enjoying the golden coast."

Laughing, I hug her. Before taking a step back to look at my family, my home, my life.

"Better go before you get in trouble," Mum says with a soft smile, pointing behind me.

Claire is glaring at me, repeatedly checking the watch on her wrist. I wave at her and take one last look back, before pulling mine and Rose's suitcase over to the bus. I meet her by the door, the two of us being the last to get on.

"Ready for another adventure?" I ask.

"As long as it's with you Master!" she says, a wide smile on her face.

--- --- ---

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Great. Write the screenplay and make it a movie.

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

Man, I really want a spin off or something. Just to see a small glimpse of them again

Aussie1951Aussie1951about 2 months ago

I completely agree with Hunnam comments. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

HunnamHunnam9 months ago

Absolutely loved this story. It's a shame this was the final chapter, but every story has to end at some point. Maybe spinoffs in the future?

My one and only criticism is that you could do with a better proof reader than whoever has been helping you because there's a number of mistakes that kept confusing me until I realised the wrong word had been used. For example there was a point you typed mouth instead of month.

Five stars

202GE202GE10 months ago

This sci-fi tale was wrapped in conflicting emotions with a lot of nuance and character development hidden beneath the plot. The story was simple but the emotions were genuine. It ended happily and with love. Thanks so much for sharing this story with us. 5/5

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