Willing Slave, Unwilling Master Ch. 14


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I begin to answer her, then stop myself. If I tell her the truth would she help me? She might, but the more important question is: If I tell her the truth will it get my Master into trouble. I pause for a long moment thinking, before softly answering. "I'm sorry Miss," I say. "I think I picked up some bad habits."

"You realise that even if you make it up the stairs you are in the very centre of the compound. You'll never escape."

"I'm not trying to escape," I say, before I can stop myself. My head isn't working right, it aches, and throbs and pounds all at the same time.

"Then what—" Dr. Walker suddenly stops speaking, and I look up at her, she's gone deathly pale. "Rose, sweetheart," she tries to speak calmly but there's an unmistakable tremble in her voice, "does anyone else know you're here?"

I take a long time in answering, trying to imagine what Master would say. Before deciding to tell the truth. "Yes, lots of people, I think."

"Oh stars," Dr. Walker whispers. "Do," she pauses, "do you know why you and your sisters are special?"

Again, I decide to tell the truth. "Yes, we don't grow older like normal girls, or we won't look older. But it also makes us sick without medicine." As if my body wants to prove my point I'm hit with a sputtering coughing fit.

"Oh fucking hell," Dr. Walker whispers, so quiet I can barely hear her even in the silent corridor. Letting go of my arm she moves away, leaning against the wall with her chest heaving.

"I'm sorry," I say, feeling guilty for causing her so much distress. I don't want to make anyone unhappy. Well, okay, maybe I wouldn't mind if the evil Wardens were unhappy. But Dr. Walker has always been kind to me.

She looks at me her eyes sparkling as if she's on the verge of tears. "Oh Sweetheart," she says, "I'm the one who should be sorry. When you were younger..." She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"When you were younger it was so much easier. I was so new, and I didn't know you. For all the world you were basically just obedient lab rats. But, it's not like that now, you've all grown up into such beautiful young women and I feel, like... Well, lets just say I care for you. All of you."

"I'm going to die," I say softly, blinking back tears of my own. "If you don't help me, I'm going to die."

"I can't," she replies with a sob, not meeting my eyes. "Even if I had enough time to run the gene sequencer for the therapy, I would never be able to requisition the materials. They watch everything I do. Everything Rose!"

"Just let me go," I say quickly, feeling fresh hope rise in my chest, followed swiftly by another wave of nausea. "Let me find the inspection team."

She suddenly looks up, blinking at me. "The inspection team?"

"I need to find them," I say again. "The people who know I'm here, they can help me. They can help my sisters. Please just let me find them."

The doctor looks scared, but somehow, despite how much older she seems to have gotten since I left, she suddenly looks much younger. Almost as I remember her as a child. She considers me for a long time, before slipping off her white coat and handing it to me.

"Put it on," she says, smiling softly. "And, well, then I'll take you up."

I look at the white coat in my hand. Is this a trick? I glance at the stairs, they seem to go on forever. I don't have a choice, I have to trust her.

"Thank you," I say quietly, meeting her gaze. Pulling on the coat I wince as the soft marital brushes against my raw bottom.

Dr. Walker doesn't say anything as she takes my arm, leading me to the stairs. The only sounds in the entire world are our footsteps. Time seems to slow and disconnect as together we step over Warden Smith, and begin to climb the mountain of stairs. My body shifts between agonising pain and numb dizziness as we move.

At last we reach the top step and emerge onto a small landing, with what looks like a solid wall in front of us. It takes me a moment to notice the door handle. Dr. Walker smiles at me gently, "I wish they would let me see the look on the boards face when all this comes out."

I nod. I don't really understand what she means, and I don't want to waste what little breath I have left on asking. Dr. Walker, however, doesn't seem to have been expecting an answer. With a grunt she pushes down the door handle, pulling the entire wall towards us.

A broom-closet. All of this was hidden behind a broom-closet! I can't help but marvel at the way the entire rear wall of the tiny room folds back. Leaving the sink and shelves, cluttered with cleaning supplies, still attached.

Stepping over a dustpan and brush, we open the outer door of the closet, and step out into the compound itself. I blink away the bright new lights, looking around as memories hit me one after another. This is where my sisters and I grew up. White walls, White ceiling, no colour or variety except what the Wardens gave us.

"Ready?" Dr. Walker asks gently.

I nod again, trying my best to smile. Though, for some reason, even that seems to hurt now.

I wonder if Dr. Walker has a Lower Vil of her own? A male one perhaps like Zack. I hope she does. I think she would be a kind Mistress.

We walk past classroom after classroom of girls of different ages, all kneeling behind desks obediently. The large windows in the walls must be one-way phased like the door downstairs. Because Wardens in grey overalls stand by some of them, taking notes and pointing to the girls. There must be thousands of Lower VIl here. And not just those who look mostly human like me, but girls with scales and spikes, pink skin, blue skin even a few with violet scales. I shake my head, trying to clear it to remember the details. Master will want to know about this!

We get a few odd looks as Dr. Walker hurries me along, almost causing me to stumble. At last we come to a junction where another long corridor branches off of this one. Turning the corner quickly, we almost walk straight into a someone.

Dr. Walker gasps and we both look up at the people in front of us, a mixture of well dressed humans and tall scale-covered Vil. All wearing those bright yellow vests that humans wear when they want to be seen. I've found them! I think giddily. The inspection team!

"What is this?" A man asks. I can barely hear him over my heart hammering in my chest. I found them! I found them! I can go home! I feel like crying and screaming and dancing all at the same time! Even though I don't know how to dance, maybe Master will teach me? I'm so happy the room starts to spin. Wait that isn't righ—

And just like that, the world turns to black.

--- --- ---


Rose, for all that she's pale and lifeless does at least look peaceful. I double check the heart rate monitor, just to make sure she's still alive. Which she is. Thank the stars. Her list of medical problems is as long as my arm. It's literally as if she's started falling apart from the inside.

I look up at her blonde sister on the other side of the bed—Leilani, I think?—and I try to smile. "The doctor says she's doing okay. She just needs time to heal."

"Yes, Sir," the girl says at once, bowing her head.

I try not look too disappointed. 'Yes sir' and 'No sir' are normally the only words I can get out of any of them. It's been three days, but I keep hoping they might open up, if only a little. Still, I suppose they are worried about Rose. I've noticed that none of the girls will let Rose be without at least one of them holding her hand, or stroking her hair. Timid as they are, they obviously care for their injured sister.

I frown, watching the other two girls take turns sitting down opposite each other. One watches the other sit down, then they trade roles. It takes me a moment to realise they are practicing not flashing their panties while wearing skirts.

I don't know why, but I kind of assumed that Rose and her sisters would be identical, like twins. But no, they are all unique. Which is helpful, as my sister has decided completely matching outfits are in order. I thought her head might explode when I told her she had three life sized dolls to dress to her heart's desire.

Though they are all different. They still share the maze like markings that run from their necks to their hips. They arrived completely naked, so I got a peek. I'm just hoping Rose never finds out I spent time around her naked sisters. Though, I doubt she would see any problem with that.

Sitting down beside Rose's bedside, I grunt in pain. The burns around my tased stomach are still a little raw. I look up once again at Leilani, "Your sister's is a really good artist."

A look of panic flashes across her face so fast that, if not for the fact I've spent so much time with Rose, I never would have spotted. "Yes, Sir," She says gently, and that's the end of that conversation.

I'm not entirely sure how the girls see me. They know I own Rose, and they don't seem actively afraid of me. They will do anything I ask them without hesitation. Other than open up to me, obviously.

I have wondered if they try and say as little as possible in case it gets their sister into trouble. So I've tried to keep things light and friendly. Though now I'm wondering if silent and friendly might not be the better option.

Still, there's a subject I need to breach. "I have some friends coming to visit," I say softly.

"Yes, Sir," the girl opposite me replies. Seemingly not sure how else to respond.

How to say this, "Are you still sure you want an owner?" I ask tentatively.

It was black haired girl, Dahlia? Who first asked me about an owner, and I've been racking my brains to find a way of talking them out of it ever since. But, in my heart of hearts, I knew they would never settle for being free, at lest, not yet.

"Yes Sir," Leilani answers quickly. "We all do Sir, please."

I glance over to where the other girls nod once, bowing their heads. Right, well hardly an unexpected answer. Just one that causes a few complications. "Well, my friends are coming," I say again. "And, if it's agreeable to you three, they may consent to be your Masters."

I pause, "Well, one will be a Mistress I suppose. Is that a problem?" The brown haired Thistle's head snaps up and our eyes meet, before she quickly looks at the floor. I can't help but laugh. It's a very Rosy thing to have done.

"We will all be happy to have any owner, Sir," Leilani, who is apparently the leader, says gently. I think that might be the most words she's ever said to me in one go.

"Well," I say, leaning back in my chair, "I can't promise anything." Maybe I should have mentioned to my friends in the anti-slave society that I intended for them to be slave owners by the end of the day? Nah, they might not have shown up.

The two girls behind Leilani return to their sitting and standing practice. While Leilani herself takes Rose's hand in hers. I smile at her, before turning my attention back to Rose. Despite her injuries she's as beautiful as ever. I even find myself marvelling at how her deep red hair contrasts with the white fabric of the bedclothes.

She twitches.

I blink. Did she just move? Is my mind playing tricks on me? I've spent the last three days staring at her, and the only movement I've seen is the gentle rise and fall of her chest. But no, there it is again. I start to rise ready to run and find a Doctor in case something is wrong, when with a soft sigh she blinks once and opens her eyes.

"Rose!" I say, leaping to my feet.

"Dan?" She replies hoarsely, blinking at me.

All her sisters gasp, gathering around the opposite side of her bed. Their eyes fixed on their sister.

"Our sister is confused, Sir," Leilani says quickly, earning sharp looks from the other two—or at least what constitutes a sharp look by Lower Vil standards. "She didn't mean to disrespect you."

I snort out a laugh, kissing my slave girls forehead. "Are you kidding? I've spent weeks trying to get her to use my real name."

"Master!" Rose says again, struggling to reach for me.

"I'm here! I'm here," I say gently pushing her back down into the bed. "Don't try and move, okay?"

She nods slowly, her eyes growing wide in panic as I start to turn away from her. I can't believe someone can make me feel guilty for finding them a glass of water.

"I'm not going anywhere," I tell her, "I promise."

I hold a cool glass of water to her lips. "Have a drink, It'll make you feel better," she obeys without complaint, and I smile as her eyes start to wonder around the room.

I'm lucky enough to catch the moment she realises all her sisters are present. "Master!" she says as I pull the glass away, "These are my Sisters! Leilani, Thistle and Dahlia," the excitement in her voice is adorable.

"We've met," I grin, leaning my head against hers. "Stars Rose, I thought I had lost you."

"The communicator didn't work," Rose says apologetically. "I tried to find high ground, but it still didn't work."

"The place was shielded," I tell her. "Apparently they were even more paranoid that we realised."

There's a long moment of blissful silence, before, with a blush in her cheeks, Rose whispers, "I love you."

There's an audible gasp from her sisters, but I ignore them.

"I love you too, so, so much" I reply, kissing her cheek and meaning every word.

"Where are we?" Rose asks, straining to look out of the window behind her bed.

"The Weston Hub," I laugh, gently pushing her back down into bed once again. "As it turns out the department of Inter-Species relations has a private ward here."

"When can we go home? Can my sisters come as well? What about their owners?"

"Rose!" Leilani hisses.

"She's really allowed to ask questions?" Dahlia asks.

"She really is," I reply, smiling at the girl, who blushes. Stars, if you ever want an ego boost just spend your time in a room of Lower Vil girls.

"But I'm afraid I don't know yet sweetie," I say, peering over my shoulder as a guard opens the door. Letting three people enter the room.

"Hello Miss Clare," Rose says politely. Ever a stickler for rules, even after a top secret spy mission. "Mr Theo, Mr Jasper," she smiles at each of my friends in turn. Well, thats new.

Rose's sisters, as one, drop to their knees. I sigh. They were doing so well remembering not to kneel for me or the medical staff here. Though, I suppose from their point of view they just want to make a good first impression on their future Masters.

"Rose!" Claire says, "you're awake!"

"She is," I say with a smile. "Guys, I would like to introduce you to Leilani, Thistle and Dahlia, Rose's sisters."

"You should stand up," Rose tells her sisters softly, "Master's friends aren't like normal humans."

Theo and Jasper turn to the new girls introducing themselves. Apparently determined to be less nervous than when they met Rose. Claire on the other hand walks over to me.

"How are you feeling Dan?" She asks, not quite able to meet my eye. I don't blame her for what happened, but she certainly blames herself. And she's not prepared to let stupid things like my opinion of the matter change her mind.

"Still a little sore," I reply, "but it's nothing."

"What happened?" Rose squeaks, looking at me with wide eyes trying to sit up once again. This time it's Thistle who pushes her back down.

Ah, of course she had no idea about my heroics. Well, there's no reason to worry her.

"He tased himself in the stomach," a strong confident voice says, as the door swings open. Mr. X grins as he walks in followed by two black clade enforcers.

Oh wonderful, X is here.

But he's not alone. He's followed into the room by a tall tan-skinned man. His long nose and small beady eyes make him look something like a hawk, and I instantly place him on the do not trust list in my head.

I'm just about to ask the man who he is, when a green scaled head, covered with rainbow feathers, ducks under the door way. A Vil, followed quickly by her small scale-covered slave. I stare at them both in amazement. The last time I met one of her kind she seemed tall, but that was in the massive transport hub. In a normal sized room they seem enormous.

Talking of the last time I saw a Vil, why does she look so familiar?

--- --- ---


Ignoring all the new people entering the room, I focus on my Master, trying to spot any obvious signs of damage. I was punished with a taser once at the compound and the idea of my sweet gentle Master going though that much pain! It's unbearable.

"Why did you tase yourself, Master?" I ask, unable to keep the worry from my voice.

"I tactically tased myself," Master says, his cheeks going red as he turns back to me. "It was a brilliant piece of strategic genius."

Mr. X snots but doesn't add further comment. I wish I could tell all these people to leave so I could speak to my owner alone. Make sure he isn't all twitchy like I was after being tased.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly.

"I'm fine," he says, leaning down and pressing his soft warm lips on my forehead. I feel myself purring, and blush as Claire and my sisters turn to me.

"I'm afraid we need to make some decisions," Mr X says, nodding to the man beside him.

I can't help but think of Suit-man from the compound as I look at this stranger. He smiles at all of us, but he doesn't seem friendly at all. I shiver, taking Master's hand in mine.

"I'm Senator Lane," the man says, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

"So, you're the man responsible for institutionalised abuse, rape and enslavement of thousands of innocent people?" Mistress Claire demands, turning to the man with anger burning in her eyes.

The man takes a deep breath, before beginning to speak, "Although the breeding, raising and ultimately sale of Lower Vil is controversial to some people. It is undoubtedly the best way of ensuring peace and prosperity between our decimated worlds."

"Rest assured that this government does everything within its power to ensure the Lower Vil are treated fairly, and within the confines of the original peace agreement." The way he replies, it's almost as if he's reading from a script.

"Why you smug son-of-a—" Mistress Claire starts, but Master gently pulls her away.

"That will do Claire," he says, before leaning in and whispering something in her ear. She frowns, but nods slowly and takes a step back.

"Why are you here?" Master asks.

"We need to discuss what happens to these former test subjects," Senator Lane replies.

"Oh, well you don't need to worry about that," Master says taking a step forward and deliberately putting himself between me and the senator. "We have things completely under control."

The man laughs, a cruel sound that reverberates around the room. Taking Masters absence as a chance to move, I sit up. I'm happy to find my bottom no longer burns as much as it did.

Looking around I notice that Mr. X doesn't seem to react to the senators laugh, but the Vil woman raises her scalely eyebrows. She looks a little like Emily, but a lot more scary.

"I suppose you are going to tell me that everyone will be leaving in a peaceful commune where freedom and happiness will reign?"

"No, actually," Master says. "There are three girls here who, by law, require owners. And there are three humans here who are the best possible owners for the girls."

All of Master's friends spin around and look at him. But my sister's don't seem surprised by the news. It's a good idea, Master sees his friends often, and that means I will be able to see my sisters often as well!

Ignoring the looks from his friends Master carries on talking, "We plan to move in together when we attend university in the Point Loma Hub. I was thinking more student housing than a hippy commune."

"You think you have this all planned out?" Senator Lane laughs.