1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 09


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Entering the living area, except for the car keys on the counter the suite was empty. I went to the lobby to check out, still no Emily. The clerk was sorry I was leaving early but reminded me there would be no refund for the other days.

My heart soared when I found Emily sitting in the passenger seat. Opening the trunk I put my suitcase in and checked on the box with the vase. Opening the driver's door I took my seat and looked over at Emily.

"I want a kiss before we leave."

Emily looked at me and knew I was serious. She turned and looked out the windshield, I could see a tear roll down her cheek. Reaching around Emily released her seatbelt.

"Do you still love me Parker?" Emily voice was filled with doubt.

"I will never stop loving you Emily." I reached out and took her hand. "Now, if you want to go home I want my kiss."

Emily popped up on her knees and thrust herself in my arms weeping.

"I love you Parker..."

With my lips pressed to hers she couldn't say another word. The drive home was almost ten hours. Considering how the day started the rest of trip was uneventful. Well, except for lunch. Besides talking with Emily and trying to figure out why we're leaving two days early, I had many other things on my mind as well.

Stopping for a quick lunch and gas I pulled into another fast food place. Opening Emily's door I helped her out and closed the door behind her. From under her hat Emily gave me a curious look before again taking my hand.

After lunch I again opened her door and helped Emily get seated. Before closing the door I looked up and down the street comparing gas prices. I checked to see if Emily was seated then closed the door.

We drove a short distance to the station before getting on the highway. With a little over five hours to go I planned to get home for a late dinner.

"What are you doing?" I looked over at Emily shifting in her seat.

"This thing itches." Emily complained.

"What thing."

"My bra." Emily replied.

"Then take it off." I suggested.

"Really?" Emily asked with a frown.

"Well you can't spend the next five hours wiggling around over there." I laughed.

Without removing her shirt Emily removed her bra and placed it in the glove box. Continuing our earlier conversations we motored on. We were about two hours from home on a Friday night when we hit not only rush hour but construction.

Creeping along at walking speeds I knew my plans were now in jeopardy.

"Em, I was hoping to get home before we had dinner but at this pace we'll starve to death." I joked. "I know a place a couple of exits up we could eat, then head home when some of this traffic clears. Ok?"

Emily hesitated to answer but as she looked out the windshield she knew I was right.

"Is it a fancy place?" She looked at me oddly.

"It's really nice but casual." I replied.

"Ok Parker, as long as we're not under dressed." Emily answered.

"We'll be fine." I assured her.

Just getting to the restaurant took thirty minutes. As I pulled into the parking lot Emily became agitated.

"Parker I can't go in like this." Emily protested.

I looked her over again wondering what I was missing. I had on shorts and so did she. I had on a casual shirt and she had on a nice blouse. I had on loafers and she had on canvas walking shoes. I looked out the windshield as another couple dressed just like us passed in front.

"Em, look at them they are dressed just like we are." I pointed out.

"She's not." Emily argued.

"Yes she is." I assured her.

"Parker she's wearing a bra."

Like a dummy I looked back out the windshield and looked for the tell take signs of bra straps. Even at this distance it was clear she was.

"So?" I turned back to Emily to see her reaching in the glovebox.

"So I have to put this on." Emily insisted.

"Why?" I asked stupidly.

"Because!" Emily shouted starting to cry. "Now make sure no one is watching."

Another thing I learned from my father is never argue with an emotional woman.

"Ok." I reassured her as I scanned the parking lot.

It only took a minute to get the bra back on but five for Emily to regain her composure before we could go in. Not once did Emily squirm through dinner. Not once did a patron or server leer or make a snide remark. I still wasn't sure why we had to get home today, but I knew Emily was now conscious about how she dressed.

"Here you are safe and sound." I turned to Emily as I shut off the car.

"Grab my bags and come with me." Emily jumped out before I could open my door.

Opening the trunk I pulled out two suitcases as Emily grabbed the box with the vase.

"Leave the rest for later." Emily ran to the back door and rang the bell.

I had just put the key in the lock when Lilly answered the door.

"Why aren't you at the lodge?" Lilly asked flabbergasted.

"Ask your mom." I said stepping aside.

"Emily?" Lilly asked in an accusatory tone.

"I'll explain later. Parker bring those bags and you both come with me." Emily said sitting the box on the counter, then headed up the stairs. "Where is Rose?"

"She and Daisy went to see a horror film." Lilly explained looking at me for answers.

I shrugged my shoulders confirming I really didn't know. When we reached our bedroom Emily was standing on the bed dressed but barefoot.

"Mother what is this all about?" Lilly asked a bit out of breath.

"In a minute. Parker set those down and come here.

Placing the luggage to the side I stood in front of Emily.

"Good now undress me." Emily grinned.

I turned and looked at Lilly and then back at Emily.

"You heard me. Take my clothes off." Emily repeated.

Gripping he blouse I pulled it over her head. Folding it I sat it to one side. I removed her bra and folded it placing it with her blouse. Emily's erect nipples enticed me but I reached for her shorts instead. Her panties joined the pile next.

"Now open that suitcase." Emily looked at Lilly and pointed to the larger one. Lilly opened the lid and on top was the tube top Emily wore to the park.

"Parker put that on me." Emily commanded.

Lilly handed me the thin material and I stretched it over Emily's tits.

"Mother you didn't?" Lilly said aghast. "Not in public?"

Lilly and I watched as the tears from this morning rolled down Emily's cheek.

"The thong and shorts Lilly." Emily asked for weeping.

Lilly hesitated before handing them too me. Without a word I helped Emily dress as she was the day before.

"Mother I can see your pussy lips." Lilly pointed out a distinct camel toe. "Where..., where did he take you?"

Emily started crying harder now.

"A theme park." I admitted

"You let kids see her dressed like this?" Lilly now pointed her finger at me.

"Lilly it's not his fault." Emily bawled. "Now those."

Pointing to the clothes Emily wore shopping, Lilly pulled them from the suitcase. I was surprised she even handed them to me. With Emily still crying I undressed her and redressed her. Again Emily stood for inspection.

"Tell me she wore a bra." Lilly spoke to me again. I shook my head no. "Again in public?"

I nodded yes. "Antique shopping."

"I'm surprised someone didn't rape you while Parker watched." Lilly spat.

"They did." Emily wailed.

Lilly looked at me with pure fear in her eyes.

"No they didn't." I assured Lilly.

"Yes they did, maybe not physically but they did in their minds." Emily explained sniffling. "Parker wanted to beat up the one man but he ran away before I let Parker pass."

"So why are you telling me this now Emily?" Lilly put her hands on her hips.

Oh how I remember that stance. This is when I knew my mother was really serious.

"Because I can't lose Parker. I'm in love with him Lilly." Emily looked at her daughter and then at me. "I know you want to share Parker with me but I don't deserve him."

Any normal wife might agree at this point but then my wife isn't normal. Lilly moved beside me and took my hand. Pulling me down Lilly gave me a passionate kiss.

"Don't you dare come downstairs until you fix this Parker." Lilly pointed her finger at me.

"And you..." Lilly moved to Emily and kissed her mother. "...that ass is off limits until I say so."

Lilly then walked out of the bedroom and closed the door. Still standing on the bed I reached out to Emily and pulled her tight.

"Can you forgive me Parker?" Emily sniffled.

"I already did. But then Lilly said the ass thing." I looked up hoping Emily wouldn't be mad.

Emily removed her top and tossed it aside. Taking my hand she placed them over her breasts.

"How about these? I have been told 'Those are some damn nice titties'." Emily laughed.

"Yeah they are. But how tight is that pussy." I teased her again.

"Not as tight as my ass, but you're welcome to find out if you want?"

"I think I'll do that real soon, but first I think you owe me another kiss."

"Ok, but I warn you, I might not stop at one."

"Deal." I agreed pulling her shorts and panties down.

Emily stepped out of the garments and moved closer. My hands slipped down her back and gripped her ass cheeks. Pulling her tight against me I nibbled on her right breast. Emily mewed while holding my head in her arms.

"Parker I'm sorry I embarrassed you." Emily whispered. "I wasn't thinking...I just...I'm not young like the twins."

I released Emily's nipple and looked in her eyes. I could see the vulnerability she seldom shows.

"Em, you're sexy enough for me if you wore a tent." I said caressing her ass cheeks.

"But I thought you liked it when I flash you?" Emily pouted.

"I love it when you flash 'me'." I agreed. "Sometimes I have a hard time keeping my hands off of you."

"Are you going to punish me?" Emily leaned her forehead against mine.

"I am going to make love to you..." I kissed her tenderly. "...but first I have an idea."

I kissed Emily passionately as she stood on the bed. I moved my hand down the crack of her ass and found her cunt sopping wet. Passing the temptation to finger her I instead diddle her clit. Emily moaned in my mouth as her passion built.

Ok, four piles." I stepped back leaving Emily confused. "Trash, house only, property only, preferably the back yard, and lastly in public."

"What are you talking about?" Emily squeezed her legs tight.

"Your clothes, we're going to sort them."

"Right now?" Emily protested.

"Right now. If we have any disagreements the twins decide." I explained. "You stay there and try on any debatable garments."

"What about those?" Emily pointed to the clothes she wore at the lodge.

"The clothes you wore home today we agree are appropriate. You decide on the others."

"On the property?" Emily grinned.

I picked up the billowy top that exposed her tits and looked at it closely. Handing it to Emily I had her put it on.

"In the house." I stated.

"Even with a bra." Emily teased.

I ran my hands up under the blouse and caressed her tits. Emily pressed against me and offered her lips. I kissed her firmly the backed away.

"I would enjoy it more if you didn't." I teased back.

"Ok, house only." Emily giggled taking the top off and tossing it in a new spot.

Most of her clothes were easy to grade. All of her bras and panties. Her nice blouses, shorts and slacks. Most of her skirts and dresses passed muster. We disagreed on three but agreed to let the twins decide.

I had Emily try on several items, each time she did we sealed the decision with a kiss. Seeing her naked, I just wanted to throw her on the bed and fuck her. Emily herself was growing impatient as I teased her repeatedly.

We were down to the last pile I pulled from the drawer. These were the worst of the worst.

Emily let me dispose of a few garments, but then we came across the shorts she wore in her garden that first time.

"On the property. " Emily suggested.

"Put them on and let's see." I countered.

Emily plucked them from me and started to slip them on. Pulling them over her ass Emily shimmied them in place. The gusset of the shorts rode tight between her labia's. From where I was standing, and without any panties, I could see Emily's trimmed pussy hairs.

"House only." I argued.

Emily looked down at her favorite shorts then looked back at me.

"Sit down Parker." Emily pointed to the bed.

Not sure why she said it, I wisely did as instructed. Emily jumped off the bed, her tits bounced freely for my enjoyment. Emily reached for my zipper and pulled it down. Reaching in she found my hard cock waiting in anticipation.

"Ouch!" I cried out as she tried bending my cock.

"Sorry." Emily blushed.

I could have unbuckled my belt and release the clasp but Emily was determined to fish it out. I wiggled inside my shorts until my cock and one ball emerged.

"That's better." Emily squealed. "Hold me Parker."

Emily crawled back on the bed then straddled my thighs with her feet. I gripped her waist as she bent her knees positioning her pussy over my cock. Hooking a finger inside her shorts Emily pulled the gusset to one side.

The moment her dripping cunt rubbed against the head of my cock it swelled.

"I vote for on the property." Emily giggled. Looking at me Emily dared me to vote against her.

"Only with panties." I moaned.

Emily lowered her cunt until just the head of my cock disappeared.

"It would be easier to fuck me in the garden if I wore a thong." Emily leaned in to kiss me.

I gripped her waist tighter and pushed her quivering pussy over my cock.

"Deal" I grunted.

"Fuck me Parker." Emily moaned.

With her arms around my neck and me still gripping her waist Emily lowered her cunt over my cock. The material of the shorts drug along the shaft causing more than a little discomfort. If that wasn't enough the metal zipper gouged into the tender skin of my balls. Still I wouldn't have changed a thing.

I was in love with Emily all over again. I caressed her back and squeezed her ass. Emily's tongue sparred with mine as her kisses became more intense.

"You want me to be your dirty little girl don't you Parker?" Emily whispered her chin digging into my shoulder. "Prim and proper, maybe even sexy in public, but here at home you want me to be the exhibitionist we both know I am?"

"Yes." I moaned on the edge of an orgasm.

"I love you Parker, I love teasing you with my tits, I love taunting you with my pussy." Emily moaned in my mouth. "I will suck your cock and drink your cum. I will let you eat my pussy and fuck my ass until I can't sit."

I kissed Emily as I thrusted so hard I thought she would crush my balls. Her pussy started contracting around my cock as our excitement continued to build.

"I will be your dirty little girl my love, but you must promise me one thing." Emily pressed her forehead against mine.

"I promise I will never leave you." I groaned on the edge of and orgasm.

"Oh Parker, Rose was right, you do understand." Emily gushed. "Cum with me Parker! Fill me with your love."

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Well I was about to say your about to lose me but I read the other comments and it was one of the best storys starting out so it hard to say when is a good time to stop it before it get where it not good anymore so hope you can figgier that out please dont stop writing just not this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not Good

I gave this chapter One star and I think that’s generous. One more chapter but it’s already circling the drain. This one may go down as the biggest fail ever, in the history of ever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I'm compelled somehow to finish this story but boy is it long winded! How many times do I have to read 'I love you' ??? Doe's this really happen in real life? NO

paulyepspaulyepsover 4 years ago
I should have stopped at California

Man this story started out great but went off the rails at California.. I’m not even going to finish it .. all I can do is shake my head ... it went from a 5 to a 1 in the blink of an eye !

Rapierwit24601Rapierwit24601over 5 years ago
Thing you missed in grade school:

The past tense of DRAG is DRAGGED not DRUG.

The past tense of THRUST is THRUST not THRUSTED.

I mention this only because you write exceptionally well and elementary errors like this are ludicrous.

Still hanging in with the story - though just barely. Surely there will be a satisfying twist at the end, right? Some epiphany that brings Lilly to her senses? Parker grows some balls?

I have no problem with Emily’s age - she’s still young from my perspective. But you can’t fix insane.

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