A College Boyfriend Draft


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She is telling me, not asking, "We are going to make changes starting today. You are my only client I can't have you fucking things up. After class, you will start working out again. You WILL have breakfast and dinner with me again. I heard last night that Donnie was in an auto accident. You just moved from third string to second."

She says sarcastically, "Congratulations. You need to be ready just in case."

She finishes shaving me.

Now she is being cruel to me, "Today's motivation, squeeze my tits. You do remember how to hold tits, right?"

She still has a blade in hand, I gave her tits a quick squeeze.

She raises the blade with a serious look on her face, "You better make me moan!"

This time I put more effort into it. I pull her nipples to get the moan. She turns around and leaves.

She still yells at me, "Wash your hair Mikey or I am coming back with a bigger blade."

I wash my hair. I go to get a bowl of cereal but am amazed to see my naked sister making breakfast.

I groan, "Jan, what are you doing?"

Spitefully, she answers, "Making breakfast, duh!"

Tired and uncaring I replied, "You know what I mean."

She looks at me seriously, "Mikey, I really got off on walking around nude before, so I am going back to what I like. Deal with it!"

I get home about 5:30 PM. I worked out, but she already knew that because she checked on me. She is naked again but has an apron on because she is frying chicken. She turns the chicken over, puts a salad on the table, drops some corn in the boiling pot then drops to her knees in front of me.

I freak, "Jan! We can't."

If anything, she is angrier than me and she spits out, "Mikey, shut up. I am going crazy and need some relief. I know you don't want to but I NEED it or I might do something stupid like have unprotected sex. So just stand there while I do what I need to do."

Her skills at cock sucking have improved. Five minutes of bobbing, sucking, and hand twisting my shaft and I am spewing cum down her throat. Dam, she just deep throated me.

Now she yells at me, "Mikey, go wash up for dinner."

What did I do wrong? Dinner was normal. Well as normal as it can be sitting across from a naked woman. She did the dishes and then forces me to watch a movie with her.

Jan orders me, "It's been too long since we had a movie night, get your ass over here."

We sit down next to each other, she snuggles up to me, and we watch a movie. The movie is a romantic comedy and it wasn't too bad. I almost enjoyed it and the evening. When the movie ends, she gave me a lingering kiss on the mouth and then went to bed with me watching her ass on the way out of the room. Damn, she is good to look at.

Four days later, it's a Monday, I wake up to Jan in my face. She is bouncing up and down on my morning wood and enjoying it. I have never seen her so happy.

She is giggling, "Today is a special day for Mikey."

I moan, "Jan, you know how I feel about this. This isn't right no matter how good it feels."

She ignores me, "Mikey, today your life turns around and I want it to start it with a good fucking. Now turn me over, pick a hole, and fuck me good. Enjoy it. You deserve this and everything that happens today."

She knows something I don't. She is too confident. I need pussy so she assumes doggie position and I got up and in her with one stroke. She is already well lubricated. She still has a tight hole but it has loosened some. Still feels wonderful to me though, it's been a while. We have quick hard sex. No love, no emotion, just physical need to have a dick in a cunt and rub together.

I last for ten minutes, it is great. I will feel guilty later but right now, this is awesome. I take a shower, enjoy another breakfast with my naked sister, and then off to classes.

After classes on a Monday, we usually have an easy practice as we put in plays for the new week. That means lots of watching for me. Today is a bit different, Josh Jones, an 8-time pro-bowl placekicker from the Bears is at practice.

He went to college here several years ago and is good friends with the coach still. Special teams go first today. Paul, our first-string senior kicker goes first. After several kicks, it is my turn. As expected, I didn't kick it as far.

Josh came up to me, "Where does your foot touch the ball?"

I put the ball in place with my hand.

I say, "Right there."

He laughs at me, "Exactly, however, you are not doing that. Your toe is too high, try again."

Why not, what did I have to lose? We line up, I hit it perfect and it went up and out of the end zone. Josh gave me a high five.

He is full of energy, "That's the way to do it. Can you do that three more times in a row?"

The first two are even longer and the third is just a bit shorter but still far longer than anything Paul can do.

Coach yells out "Field goal teams."

While Paul is on the field, Josh takes me to the side.

He shakes his head at me, "I saw your videos and you need a slightly different approach. It will feel more natural and you will be more consistent if you do it like this."

It wasn't a huge change.

He is smiling now, "Put your foot here to get more distance and accuracy. Try a few here in the net to test your style."

I did exactly as he instructed.

While I am practicing in a small net he explains, "Your girlfriend has been hounding me with questions, sharing a video with me, and being a pain in the ass. It reminded me of my sister, she did the same for me. You have some talent kid, you listen to what I tell you and I will be seeing you on Sundays."

Coach calls my name.

Josh yells, "Wait a minute, move the line back 20 yards, I want to see what he is made of."

I get in place, think about what I learned, I see that ball snap, I take my couple of steps and launch the ball right down the middle. My next 6 never wavered a bit even with them putting me at different spots on the field. Josh came to me, gave me a high five and asks where Jan is. I point her out.

He smiles at me, "I need to get that woman off my back", then he smiles again, walks up to Jan, they talk, they hug, and he leaves.

Chapter 8 – Dinner

After practice, Jan is waiting for me outside the locker room. She put her arm around me and we walk to the car, silent. I am a real bag of emotions. I just had the best practice of my life, a pro told me I am NFL worthy, and it is all due to my sister.

I stop her in the parking lot. I look her in the eyes and put my arms around her. Then for the first time in my life, I cry without having suffered an injury. She holds me and runs her fingers thru my hair.

As I stop crying she smiles at me, "Mikey, get in the car."

Back to my real sister. We didn't go home. Instead, she takes me out to the edge of town to a fancy Italian restaurant.

She is nuts, I exclaim, "Jan, we can't afford this."

She is shy, "Shhh, I talked to mom about our issues and I am using her credit card. Shut up and enjoy."

She grabs my hand and leads me inside, hand in hand like a couple.

Once inside she says, "Reservations for two, Jan & Mikey."

We are set in a booth and sit on the same side. I order baked lasagna while Jan goes traditional meatballs. While waiting Jan ran off to the washrooms. When she came back she has a goofy smile on her face. Three additional buttons are open, pretty sure there is no bra, so that means no panties either by looking at her grin.

She keeps glancing at me so eventually, I buckle and ask, "Jan, what did you do?", she took my hand and rubs her tits, (no bra), then moved our hands to scratch her pussy, (no panties). She leaves my hand there while she fed me bread and olive oil.

It was my turn to take control, "Ok girl, you have some explaining to do."

She gave me one of those "Who me?" looks. I wasn't amused.

Jan explains, "Not much to tell. I looked up hall of fame and pro-bowl kickers and sent them tapes of you in high-school and in college. I asked them what's wrong. Because of your college jersey, Josh answered that there are some issues.

"I modified the story a bit but explained how depressed you are because I screwed up and I want to make it up to you. He was coming out this weekend anyway because the Bears have a bye this week."

She now continues blushing, "We planned the whole thing. The hard part was mom, she didn't buy my story, so I had to tell a bit more truth."

Immediately I flush, "How much truth?"

She shyly responds, "A bit, like several bits."

I ask, "The letter?"

She replies, "Yes."

I am getting sick, I ask, "The training?"

She blushes, "Most."

Softly I ask, "The draft?"

She giggles, "Yes."

Now looking and feeling sad, I ask, already fearing the answer, "The trade?"

She smiles, "Not at first. But you know how mom is."

My perfect day is now in shambles, "I am amazed that I am still alive and not in jail."

Jan perks up, "Well, she was mostly happy with your training. She had a ton of questions. She thought it was a bit unorthodox and self-serving. She does love the changes in me. She loves knowing I am doing things and meeting people. She never thought that would happen."

Now really smiling, "She even admitted that she would like to be more like me. Then we discussed your depression." The smile left her face. "She agreed that you might do something stupid. Josh was my idea but the rest including dinner is moms. She is coming up for next week's game. She is worried about you."

Dinner came and is delicious. They do Lasagna perfect, the spaghetti sauce is always too watery and makes a mess, the cannoli are to die for. Through dessert, I go to work on Jan's pussy with just two fingers. She is between me and the wall, nobody can see her. However, she is so wet they can probably all hear the squishing sounds. She melts in my arms. Luckily, very few people are near us and those that are, smile.

We go home and immediately Jan strips her clothes off. I kind of like that. We both have homework, we go to our bedrooms. I finish my homework, it is late, I strip and go to bed. Twenty minutes later Jan walks into my dark room, gets in bed and moves to a spoon position. She pulls my arms around her and places my hands on her boobs.

Quietly she says, "Good night Mikey."

I don't know about Jan, but I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Next morning's motivation was a blowjob in the shower. Not a bad way to start the day. A sausage and cheese omelet for breakfast, and it is off to class. At practice it was back to normal, sit around and wait for the guys to finish practice before special teams gets to practice.

All night I had been imagining what Josh told me so when it was my turn, it feels natural like I always kicked like that. This time my kicks go even further. For field goals, I failed to adjust for the strong wind the first time but then nailed the next seven before the coaches call practice.

That night Jan is again naked and made a great dinner. We kiss before the movie and then did some light petting during the movie. After the movie, we both go to my room. Jan lays down, I snuggled behind her. My hands go to her breasts, she smiles, and says "Good night."

Chapter 9 – Game Day

The next morning, I wake up before my alarm with Jan's face inches from mine. She is fucking me again.

I get an excuse, "Sorry Mikey, I couldn't wait for your daily motivation. I have needs and that big fat cock has the answers. Just lay back and let me do all the work."

I happen to notice it feels better, no condom.

She looks at me, "I am on the pill, mom insisted. Better this way, just like she said it would be."

That freaks me out, "Oh fuck, she knows?"

If I wasn't enjoying this so much, I would have asked more questions. We both have poached eggs, hash browns, bacon, and juice. I get a nice handjob that relieved me of six ropes of cum and added a few more calories to Jan's breakfast.

The rest of the week is more and more sex, along with awesome kicking. However, that nagging guilt is creeping back. I know this can't continue. Friday afternoon they put up the list of starters and once again I am not a starter. This week's opponent is our hated rival and they play dirty. I would rather live than play, I accept being second string just fine.

Saturday morning, College GameDay is there, everyone is up (and drinking) early. The fans go out, scream, shout, and look crazy for the cameras. It also gives them an excuse to start drinking early. Mom is driving up for the game. She and Jan are up there in the 100,000 plus fans.

First play of the game we kick off, everyone runs down the field, and one of their guys blindsides Paul and earns an ejection from the game. Paul is on the ground for a long time before they wheel him off the field on a stretcher. Not a good start.

Great, now I have a target on me, my mom is here, the nation is watching, and I have never made a kick in a real game. No pressure. They get a 15-yard penalty. They play it safe, run the ball and punt. We put a block attempt on and smash into their punter, injuring him. They punt a few plays later. We run the kickback to their 10-yard line. Three plays later touchdown.

Extra points are easy, chip shot, up and good. However, one of their guys is still running at me. I run to our sideline. Hey, I am a kicker.

I get to kick off. Line up the ball, remember my form, three steps, and whack, send the ball out of the end zone. It's a touchback but still, we run down for the show. One of their guys is running full speed at me again. I pretend I am jogging, I see him out of the corner of my eyes. At the last second, I take an extra step and lower my shoulder into his guts. He is about 165 pounds while I am 275 and solid as a rock. He goes backward and has the wind knocked out of him.

A teammate of his complains to the referee, "did you see what he did?"

The referee answers, "I sure did. I saw your buddy try to blindside the kicker and he got his ass handed to him."

The referee then looks at me, "Son, you better go back to your bench."

He has a huge smile on his face. I have three more uneventful point after and touch-back kickoffs. End of the game it's tied, we have the ball, time is running out. The typical storybook ending, I get the chance to win the game! Ball on the thirty-five-yard line, easily within my range, and we sent out the punt team. So much for my big moment.

Overtime is a back and forth affair each team playing it safe, but the clock is ticking. You guessed it, time is almost out, we have the ball, nothing to lose at this point, the ball is on the far-right hash mark (horrible position), and it's now at the forty-five-yard line. The crowd is shouting, the band is playing, the place is loud. I use a meditation technique Jan taught me. I calm myself, the noise goes away, I line up, I see the ball snap in slow motion, I will my foot to be in the correct position, whack the ball with my foot, and away the ball goes.

I know it's long enough, I know it is straight enough, I raise my arms like a referee, it's good, about 10 minutes later in my slow-motion world, the referee agrees and we win. My world is still in slow motion as an opponent is throwing a punch at me. My right-hand goes out and catches the punch. My left hand comes up and waves a finger at him like "No, no, no." That is what gets played on ESPN for the next six months, not my game-winning kick.

Chapter 10 – Dinner with Mom and Jan

I texted Jan and mom that I would meet them at home, I am going to be a while because of the reporters. It is a reporter that gave me a ride home. She thought it was funny that the guy that won the game didn't have a ride home. Every teammate ignored me, the guy that won the game. She grabs me and takes me home. Life of a kicker I guess.

I am on the front steps, fidgeting, a bit nervous. Mom knows about us. How will she react? Am I about to be beaten with a frying pan? Are the police here? Did she bring a gun? Is it safe? I think of all the ways this could end up with me dead or in the hospital. I have no choice, time to meet my maker. Literally.

I step inside, nobody is waiting for me.

I timidly ask, "Anyone home?"

Jan yells, "We are in the kitchen making dinner. Mom is showing me how to make lasagna."

I walk into the kitchen and there are Jan and mom NAKED.

Mom says, "Oh hi honey", likes it's no big deal having my naked mom in my house.

She reaches for me and gives me a hug. She squeezes her huge tits into me.

She smiles at me lovingly then says, "Go get a shower and change, dinner will be ready in 45 minutes."

I am standing there in shock of seeing my beautiful naked mother. I am expecting a much different attitude as well.

She yells, "Go!"

I just had the game of a lifetime, will be on ESPN for six months, and I am sent to my room. Life isn't fair. Hey, wait a minute, my big boobed mom just crushed me in a hug, she is naked like Jan, didn't think anything of me seeing her naked, I am speechless yet happy to still be alive.

I go to my room, strip and take a nice hot shower.

I hear the bathroom door open and think "OH SHIT", Jan is coming in while mom is here! No way. What the hell is the matter with her? We can't do this NOW! However, it is mom that came into the shower with me!

"No fucking way", I whisper.

My mom is hot. She looks like Jan's older sister but with bigger boobs. A total MILF although up until now she was just mom. Nothing sexy, nothing interesting, not outgoing, not noticeable, just mom. She was what Jan used to be but older and bigger boobs.

Mom looks up at me caringly, "I can't think of this world without you in it. Parents will go to extreme measures to keep their kids' safe. I think I can help with your guilt and a whole lot more."

She pushes past me in the shower, puts her hands against the wall, sticks her butt out, then widens her stance to give me better access.

She looks at me seductively, "Fuck me, baby. I have been single for way too long, I need what you got, so give it to me good. NOW!"

I snap out of my daze, grab her hips, insert my cock, and start fucking her with long strokes. I am expecting a loose sloppy pussy, but it was just the opposite. She is tight, willing, and knew how to use her muscles. I dare say she is a better fuck than Jan. She isn't quite as willing, I can sense her nerves.

To build her confidence, I say, "Mom, you are so tight, you feel awesome. I won't be able to hold on for very long. YOU are way too good."

Mom babbles gibberish, "Oh baby, yes, yes, yes. Give it to me good. Fuck me. Oh my, it's so big. I feel like a virgin again."

I see Jan in the doorway watching us. She had a big smile on her face.

Beaming with pride, "I told you, mom. Would you believe me? No! You lose, you are our personal fuck toy. Do anything you want Mikey."

I pull out of her pussy causing mom to groan. She is happy a few seconds later when I stick my cock up her asshole. Long full strokes, she loves it. Obviously experienced.

Jan looks very happy, "You trained like I told you to, way to go, mom!"

I now have a lot of questions for dinner tonight.

I am getting close, I turn off the water, "Both of you, in front of me, mouths open."

They obey. I shoot seven ropes of cum on their faces.

They both reach for a washcloth when I casually say, "No, I like my artwork and want to see it during dinner."

They both shoot me looks of surprise but then smile and go back to finish dinner with cum on their faces. I dress only in a pair of boxers and a black t-shirt for dinner. Dinner is almost ready. Mom came in front of me for a hug while Jan came from behind. Four tits squeeze against me and they start to bob up and down a few inches making their tits wobble on me.

That is so cool. I grab Jan, bend her over the counter and fuck her hard and fast. Before I even touch her, I can see the fluids running down her leg. As the timer goes off, so do I. I leave a large load in her pussy that slowly slides out.