A Master's Ring: Book 02


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I kissed her full lips. She tasted like the ocean spray of a wave when it crashed against the rocks.

"You taste salty," I whispered to her.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck to pull me into another kiss. Like the tide, she pulled me deeper until I put my hands under her shirt to be skin to skin with her. She gasped as I touched the small of her back. Her skin was warm as if she had come in from sunbathing. I grabbed the bottom of her loose shirt and pulled it over her head. Her hair fell back wildly giving me a preview of how it would look after sex. Her eyes were surprised when I put my hands at her waist and pushed down her string pants. She did not protest and stepped out of her sandals so I could take her pants off. I stood up and reached behind her to untie her bathing suit top. I pulled it away from her body and took a step back.

"Could one of you move a little to the left?" Michael said from behind me.

I ignored it only to hear him sigh and get up. He plopped down somewhere that must have given him a better view. I looked at Malia's breasts. Her nipples were milk chocolate drops, darker than her skin but lighter than her hair. I looked farther down at the teal bathing suit bottom that fit tightly on her body.

"That's your uniform in my house," I said. She looked down at herself.

"If you are ever wearing more than a bathing suit bottom and sandals when I set foot in my house, I'll give everyone present that isn't a Brother a spanking they will never forget."

Malia looked around the room nervously.

"Do panties count?" she asked.

"If they don't cover more than the smallest of your bathing suits," I replied.

"I have some really small bathing suits," she said with a cute sexy smile.

I stepped close and reached behind her. The back of her bottoms was more substantial than a thong, but I could palm the bare bottom of each asscheek. I pulled her against me tightly and she rubbed against my groin as we kissed.

"Janet will take you shopping for new underwear if you have any that's too big," I told her with my forehead against hers. She nodded and gave me a quick kiss.

"Shopping!" Janet exclaimed breaking everyone except Malia and me into loud laughter.

I moved too suddenly for Malia to avoid it. I had her over my shoulder between blinks. Her shriek of surprise was sharp. I turned around and carried Malia out of the living room. I turned towards the back of the house. I heard footsteps behind as everyone followed to see Malia's reaction to my 'feel at home' gift. I opened the back door and walked onto the porch.

The pool had been completed quickly but Michael's demands about the surrounding structure caused the first set of contractors to balk. The second set of contractors tried to change Michael's mind about what would make Malia happiest. The third laughed until Michael brought them to me. I was not amused by their humor especially when Michael told me if the delays continued the building would not be finished before it was too cold out for Malia to swim. The pool was heated so being in the water would be no problem, but I agreed with Michael that a wet Malia hanging around the pool was a spectator sport I was interested in becoming an avid fan of. My opinion on the situation was enough for Michael to get Melisa's approval on a large enough bonus from her discretionary funds that the contractors saw the light behind his madness.

Michael ran ahead to open the door to the pool. The building was made of thick glass cubes. The sides of each cube were six inches long. Refracted sunlight streamed into the pool area. The lighting was bright but unnatural enough not to remind Malia of her sun-soaked Hawaii beaches. She would love it at night. Michael had the contractors install emergency lighting strips vertically between the cubes. Other bright warm lights were available, but there were so many strips that they made the pool and building glow at night. I told Michael I could not take the credit so he would have to show Malia the effect the first opportunity he got.

The backyard was steeped upwards with the pool being almost a second floor. I walked into the glass building and stopped a foot from the pool. Michael insisted on at least six feet of 'hang around' room, which cheated Malia of water space but created a healthy lounging area. I looked up to make sure that Michael had not found a way to make the ceiling retractable. I checked every time I walked into the pool after Doris Alex asked why he had not gone the whole nine yards. Michael looked up with the frustration of someone who wished they had something to do over again.

I shifted Malia so that I could press her above my head. My right hand was cupping her pussy mound and the other was between her breasts. I looked up at her. Her eyes were wide as she tried to look around.

"Nooo!" she screamed when I smiled. I threw her as far towards the middle of the pool as I could. Malia let out a sharp cutting scream that was halted by the splash she made hitting the water. She stayed under long enough to worry the people around me. We watched as she finally swam underwater towards where I stood. She broke the water and grabbed the edge of the pool. She gave me a happy smile that I thought really should have been Michael's.

Malia looked fantastic wet.

I crouched down and waited for her to stop giggling.

"It's not an ocean or sand, but it is yours," I told her.

She nodded and dipped her head under the water. The tears had been washed away when she came back up. She reached an arm up for me.

"No pulling me in," I warned.

She smiled innocently, and I lay down to kiss her. Pool water was not the same as ocean spray but kissing a wet Malia was pretty fucking cool. I stood up and watched her swim in her pool for a couple of minutes. I decided there was enough summer left to find a place I could watch her surf.

Janet cleared her throat, and I turned to look at her. She tilted her head towards where I knew Heather was standing. I turned back to the pool for a few more minutes.

I learned to be enduring in the foster homes. Jason could outwait rocks, a trait I admired, but it was the jungles that taught us to feel the anxiety of others when the silence of patience became too much. I turned when Heather made the decision to leave. She slid to the right trying to get away, but my movement froze her momentarily. I did not get between her and the door, but she would have to pass a hand's breadth away to exit.

"Hello, Heather," I said softly.

The other Siblings pulled away from the tone of my voice. Rachel moved closer. Heather met my eyes for the briefest instant and looked away. She nodded to acknowledge my words.

"If you don't mind," I said. "You and I are going to go fuck now."

If I prayed, I would have thanked God that Heather could say yes with a shy smile.

I reached out and Heather's hand met mine in the middle. I turned and led her out of the building. I smiled at the skip in her step as I walked through the house. I pulled her in front of me at the doors to my room. She opened them wide and strutted inside. I watched her until she turned around. She gave me another shy smile and sat on the bed. I closed the doors behind me. I had planned the next hour with Heather but realized I would be lucky to get past the first ten minutes.

It was a still a good plan, and I had no other. I pulled the shirt over my head and tossed it on the floor. I was not vain but martial arts and weights made for sharp lines on my body. Heather leaned back on her arms, and her gray eyes clouded. She took a deep breath expanding her chest past what my pants could hold any longer. I kicked off my shoes and undid my belt. I unbuttoned my jeans, and Heather took another deep breath as my zipper's teeth unclenched. I pushed the pants and briefs down my legs. I kicked everything aside and straightened up. Heather stared into my eyes before looking downward.

She licked her pouty lips.

Her next breath expanded her large chest even further. My dick waved angrily at her demanding in its way that she come closer. She stood up from the bed, and I was standing in front of her a second later. My dick licked at her clothed belly.

I ached to play along her curves.

She was wearing a white shirt and jeans, more white than blue. Her hair was long and brown, but the ponytail kept it out of her face. I unbuttoned her shirt as I stared into her eyes. They were almost colorless in their gray, but there was a darkness that stained the area around the pupil. I pushed the shirt down her arms. I leaned over and kissed each shoulder as the shirt trapped her wrists. She moved forward, and my dick licked at her stomach again, leaving a swath of clear liquid.

Heather moved against me to drive me closer to losing control. I took a deep breath and forced the shirt off her arms. Before it touched the floor, my fingers were on the clasp of her bra. The move was as smooth as any teenage male might hope for, and the straps fluttered apart. She scrunched her chest, and I pulled the lace forward. I threw her bra behind me.

I wanted to suck her pink nipples, but the first hint of dangerous curves made me want to test the traction of my control even further. I put my hands on her belt buckle. She sucked in her stomach as my touch warmed her skin. I was close to the edge, but her restless movement assured me she was even closer.

The buckle came apart easily, and I felt the buttons that separated me from the gates of our release. I reached down and kissed her. She was surprised, but her nature was not. She put her hands on my shoulders to steady herself. She made sure to keep enough distance between us that I had no problems opening the front of her jeans. I reached into the space between the cloth and then down.

I felt only pubic hair; lower was a kiss of moisture.

I pulled my fingers out and broke our kiss. I painted her lips with her want and plundered the taste. Her hands moved off my shoulders to her jeans. She pushed them down, and I felt her effort to step out of them. She kicked them out of her way. She gasped as my tongue asked for entrance. She went up on her toes and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly. Her breasts pressed against my chest, and I forgot what I wanted to do.

I did not forget that I wanted to fuck her. I forgot that I wanted to go slow, to lick the line of every curve, to make her scream my name again and again, and then to take her. My dick decided short, thick, and curvy did not need foreplay. I was the Brother, and she was the Sibling. If fucking was required, it was her duty to lie back and enjoy it.

I pushed her back, and she sat heavily on the bed. I kept pushing and she slid backward drawing me towards her with blown kisses. I got on the bed between her legs. She lay down, and I lay on top of her. My dick touched moisture and I gritted my teeth not to thrust in.

She had better plans. She licked my shoulder and bit me hard in protest of my ignoring the baser need. I thrust hard, and she gasped as she grabbed my arms. She dug her nails in painfully trying to share the discomfort of my opening her body. I fucked in listening to the call, a savage beat on a native drum, of what I wanted.

Her body stopped me halfway into her. She dug her nails deeper; discomfort was nothing compared to drum asking her to dance for me. I reared back with my hips and thrust in powerfully. She turned her hips to perfect the angle of penetration. I moved into her depth and took all of Heather. She dug her nails in trying to cut me before she pulled them away. She licked her lips and moved her legs trying to adjust to my being a part of her.

I remembered some of the plan. I leaned down and took one of her nipples in my mouth. I sucked it hard.

"Brother!" she whispered.

It was not my name; it was her name for me. I turned my head and took the other nipple in my mouth sucking it even harder. Her pussy pulsed around my dick, and the drum called for more. I pulled back and thrust into her.

I did not have the control for anything but short, powerful strokes. Her thighs grabbed me tightly, and her body colored. I felt her moisten as her body accepted me like any Sibling did, with orgasm. Her wetness gained me smoothness, so I fucked her harder. I thrust into her open mouth with my tongue. She sucked it and released it so she could bite my lip as I thrust one final time. She whimpered as I thickened inside her.

For all the sex with Siblings that week, it still felt like I had been building a reservoir of cum for that moment. I poured it into Heather. Her pussy drank it all and milked me wanting more.

Heather hummed and liked to spread the sweat on my back around with her fingertips after sex. I liked letting her since it meant I could do what I wanted; stay on top of her until I slipped out of her body and then a little longer.

Our first time together, she adjusted her hips as I softened to keep me inside her. I kissed her, and she begged for my tongue with a hum. I reached down to grab her legs; I wanted to stay inside her too. She squeezed me with her pussy.

We kissed and kissed.

Finally, one of her squeezes met firmer resistance. She smiled against my lips and circled her hips as much as she could to entice hardness. I let go of her legs and grabbed her hips. I failed in my first hour's plans, but the second hour's was simpler. I tightened my hold on her hips and pulled back. I was not hard enough but the lubrication of our previous pleasure made the movement in and out her easy. Her mouth opened, and I kissed her hard. I worked the strokes slowly adding power and length as I hardened.

I put my lips against her ear when I was ready to just fuck her.

"My name is David,' I whispered.

Her thighs gripped me tightly, and her mouth released a low moan of pleasure. It was not good enough; I wanted to hear her say my name as a part of her orgasm.

It took time, but I had the patience.

I fucked Heather hard waiting for her to give me what I wanted. She came, and bit her lip still resisting. I smiled and fucker her harder.

"David!" she whispered finally. "David, David, David."

I smiled and slowed the thrusts that I had used to conquer what little resistance Heather had in her. We were covered in sweat from the time between when I whispered my name and she learned how to speak it correctly. I knelt up and grabbed her legs underneath her knees. She looked up at me with gray eyes. I pushed down on her legs. I stroked in and out of her with length but no power. She stared at me and smiled.

"Cum inside me," she urged.

Heather had her own way of convincing my body that she was not to be resisted. I emptied my reservoir into her a second time.


We needed food and drinks after the third time. I had not planned for it; but we fell asleep, and I woke up to Heather licking my already hard cock. She made no protest when I pulled her up and made her mount me.

I sighed when she went through the closet and pulled out the longest button-down shirt she could find. I decided on the spot that in the future I would buy my shirts in multiples of every female Sibling that lived nearby, plus one for me.

She opened the doors, and we were met by clapping. Janet jumped up and dragged Heather over to an open pizza box. Malia sat by Heather immediately. The three of them put their heads together and whispered to each other. Malia's eyes widened after something Heather said, and she looked at me with a blush.

I sat down and opened a box labeled with my name. I grabbed a bottle of water. I was starving so I dug in. I looked up a couple of minutes later to meet Rachel's blue eyes. She was staring at me openly. I stared back until she raised an eyebrow and looked away.

The trio of girls broke up, and everyone regaled the new Siblings about what was great about our school, things they had to try, and most importantly what professors never to take. The Sibling chatter relaxed me so I half-drowsed after I finished eating. My part of the conversation was only to nod when spoken to directly, which I could do that with my eyes closed. The Siblings trooped out of the room eventually until I was alone with Rachel. I could smell and feel her presence so I knew she was in the room.

"Do I want to know what's really going on in this house?" she asked.

I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"I don't think that would be a good idea," I replied seriously. "It would be very difficult to leave if you did."

She nodded and stood up.

"You know that's the first time you've ever said no to me," she said looking at the doors.

I had not said no, but chose not correct her.

"This thing with Melisa, it's not really about me, is it?" she asked softly without looking at me.

I hesitated before answering.

"The problem, Rachel, is that it's only about you."

=====Chapter 24=====

Everyone else in the house chose Monday to buy books and decided that I needed to be dragged along. With the upperclassmen pouring on campus, the bookstore was busier than when I stopped in on Saturday. The crowd would have been intolerable had I not been surrounded by people I knew.

I was studying a book for a class I intended to take at a later time when I noticed that Rachel was talking to one of the three Tau idiots; more accurately, he was talking to her. She turned to walk away only to be stopped by his hard grip on her upper arm. She yanked her arm loose; I moved towards them slowly.

Doris Alex intercepted me.

"That's not your business, David," she said.

"It's not?" I asked.

"He doesn't like no for an answer," she said with a shrug.

She took a step back when my eyes flattened.

"Not like that, David," she said quickly. "He's openly aggressive, and Rachel doesn't deal with that well. Plus right now, it would be best if you stayed away from her."

Rachel had not taken the new Siblings in my life well. Doris Alex was Doris Alex; a mystery one had to accept. Janet wanted me since the fight on the bus and did not give a shit about how she got what she wanted or if she had to share it. Melisa had drifted away from me, at least from Rachel's perspective, even if I behaved as if nothing was different. Those things Rachel could accept; the two Siblings and their automatic admittance into a circle Rachel could only perceive frustrated her. She had made the leap that there was more going on in the house than I had inherited a lot of money. I wondered if I should push the envelope by asking Susan to spend the night.

I watched Rachel take Michael's arm and use him as a shield against the Tau's attention. I turned back to my book thinking about the Tau. My lesson about it being safer to play outside my sandbox had not connected as well as I expected. People that stupid bore paying closer attention to.

We ran into a pack of Michael's frat brothers and ended up at their house. Each brother found it necessary to thank me personally for the changes to their living environment. I tried to extricate myself from the situation but found that every time I made an attempt to get out, one of the Siblings was there to corral me. The get-together became a party after the sun went down. I settled into watching the crowd from behind a screen of Siblings. Rachel had not let go of Michael after we left the bookstore, and Melisa was orbiting the pair.

Malia had begun the day as the Sibling the farthest out from me but had slowly moved closer. I noticed the trend earlier and contented myself with waiting for her to pick the right time.

The right time arrived accompanied with a salty kiss.

"That's not ocean spray," I said as we broke apart.

"Real salt," she said excitedly.

I licked her lips to get the rest of the spice off. Kissing her seemed a reliable method of making sure I got everything.