A Perfect Marriage Ruined Pt. 01


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Chris nearly swerved off the road when he read that text. Damn, he thought. Did David really use what I said about Anna earlier? Brilliant! Thank you, David. Now it was his turn to counter with a compliment.

- You're the most unselfish person I know. -

Before she could reply, he fired off another text.

- And the most gorgeous. Without question. -

His cock began to stir in his pants, thinking of her. He was determined to step up his flirting game now no matter her reaction.

- Aw thank you :) -

He was having some trouble weaving through traffic and trying to message Anna, so he stopped texting with her until he finally pulled into his driveway. Once he put his car in park, he saw she had sent him another text.

- So what time is dinner? -

He was delighted she asked this. He feared her kid-duties would've gotten in the way. Knowing she was all-in on dinner, he decided to move forward with his bold "Plan A."

- How about instead of going out, you come over for a relaxing dinner, since you've had a rough day? I'll put something on the grill and open a bottle of wine. -

As soon as he sent it his heartbeat elevated. If he could get her to come over that would be a huge score in his book.

Anna actually loved the idea of staying in and was relieved he offered that, not realizing his true intentions. She indeed had a hard week and didn't have much energy to go home and get all dressed up. She was also uncomfortable at the thought of running into someone she knows at a restaurant and having to explain what she was doing without her husband, even though it was a friendly date.

Plus, this option afforded her time to head to the gym after work and blow off some steam! Being that her car was packed for the lake trip, she had clothes to change into and wouldn't have to go the opposite direction to her home if she could shower at Chris's. Sure, she didn't pack anything dressy that she could wear tonight, but if she was only going to Chris's house it didn't matter.

- Sounds great! I can have the kids stay overnight with my mom tonight. I plan to go to gym when I leave here. You mind if I come straight over after gym and shower at your place? -

His cock immediately came to attention at her response. Not only was she coming over, but she'd be showering at his place! He had to re-read the text to make sure. His horny mind started to wander. Is she giving me subtle hints? He figured he would respond with something flirtatious, yet humorous, to gauge her reaction.

- Of course you can. I need to shower too, but there's room for both of us. -

She busted out laughing at her desk, causing a couple heads to turn her way. Chris was so funny sometimes with his deadpanned humor.

- Lol -

He read her reply and wished she'd flirt back, but he had to remind himself that she was never one to flirt, so he shook off his disappointment and moved forward.

- Come over whenever you're done at the gym. -

- K, I'll probably be over by 7 -

- That works. Red or white? -

She paused a moment before typing.

- Wine? -

She immediately felt dumb after she sent it, realizing he must be talking about wine. Before she could reply answering her own question, he replied.

- Yes -

She shook her head and typed.

- I figured. blonde moment. Lol -

She then continued.

- I have to drive home later, so I can't drink tonight :( -

His heart sank when he read that. He had hoped Anna would let loose tonight. He wasn't going to give up easily, though.

- Nonsense. Just crash here. -

He immediately followed it up with another text.

- You have no kids or husband to go home to tonight anyways. -

Anna's initial reaction was to say, "no way," but he was right, it's not like she had anyone to go home to. And having wine was extremely tempting after the horrible day she's had. Back in college she used to crash at her friends' places all the time instead of drinking and driving, so it's not like this was unheard of.

- Hm, ok I could do that. I packed my car for the weekend anyways, lol. -

At this point he had gone inside his house and laid down in his bed when he read her text. Fuck yes, Anna, he thought as he unbuckled his belt. Not only was she coming over, but she'd be staying the night. His hands began to shake with excitement. He was so aroused at the possibilities.

His trembling hands unzipped his pants before he whipped out his large cock. He figured to turn up the heat, to see where her head was at. Perhaps bedding the married mother-of-two would be easier than he thought?

- What kind of sleepwear did you pack? ;) -

She shook her head at his implication, but she couldn't help but smile. He was flirting again. She wasn't one to flirt - with Chris of all people - but she figured why not have a little fun with him? After all, it was getting late in the day and she had lost motivation to work. She certainly had no desire to sit around and sulk about her husband. Theresa would encourage me to go with the flow.

- Who said I wear anything to bed? ;) -

He couldn't believe her text. He pumped his fists into the air. The unattainable Anna Hutchison was finally flirting back with him after all these years of desiring her.

For a moment, he considered that maybe someone had stolen her phone and was playing a joke on him, but he knew this was the result of all the groundwork he laid. Now was his time to be bold in order to reap the rewards.

- I would've guessed you packed some sexy lingerie for David. -

She bristled a bit when reading the text. She had in fact considered packing some, but she feared being rejected by David and how that would hurt her spirit. I can't believe it's gotten to this point in my marriage.

- No. Honestly, I'm not sure if he'd appreciate it. Sigh -

Chris smiled when he read her reply, knowing he was set up perfectly for another compliment.

- You'd look hot in lingerie tonight, but I'm ok with you being naked instead. -

Oh my, she thought as a shiver went through her body. He's being quite bold. She had to admit this conversation was suddenly getting her aroused, being that wearing sexy things for David was a favorite of hers. Though, she figured she'd be transparent with Chris that she wasn't actually serious about sleeping nude at his house in case he had the wrong idea.

- Haha. Actually, I packed my flannel pj pants, with my favorite comfy tshirt to wear. The pants are so cute, they have bears all over them! Bday gift from Sophie! They're my lake house jammies :) -

Chris was disappointed in Anna's response, hoping it would've been flirtatious. Instead it was a G-rated response you might hear in a Hallmark movie. But he was committed to being aggressive and decided to press on.

- I'm dying to know what kind of panties you'll wear with them. -

She gulped when she read his text. For a split second she felt ticklish all over. The word "panties" always seemed to turn her on, and she figured it was because early in her marriage she would sometimes send David texts teasing him about what panties she had on. It was a little game they played. But Chris wasn't her husband and shouldn't be asking such things.

- You're bad! -

After she sent the text, she had to get up to head to the restroom, cognizant of the dampness forming between her thighs. She knew she was probably blushing and felt like anyone in the office that looked at her would notice, so she wanted to go hide. Damn you Chris! she thought as she entered through the door and found an empty stall. Fortunately, with there not being many females at Lowery Finance and Loans, the woman's room was typically empty as was the case now. She sat down on the toilet and took a deep breath before reading his reply.

- And curious. -

She knew she shouldn't flirt back, and she didn't want to give him the impression she had some kind of interest in him beyond friendship. Though, she couldn't deny she was turned on. Despite that, she rationalized that she could stop at any moment before it got out of control. She wasn't quite ready to stop the titillating fun that was taking her mind off David.

- I thought you'd be more curious about whether I'd be wearing a bra, after the way you looked at my boobs earlier! -

He grinned at her continued flirting as he stroked his cock. Nicely done, Anna, he thought.

- I couldn't take my eyes off them. They're amazing. -

She reached up and squeezed her right breast, wishing it were unencumbered by her dress and bra. Her nipples were hard and ached to be touched. Why am I so horny all the time? She considered how she wanted to reply, but another text from him interrupted her train of thought.

- Will you be? -

- Will I be what? -

- Will you be braless tonight when wearing your comfy tshirt? -

- Not sure that's a good idea. My tshirt is very thin ;) -

- Wow, I wish there was an erection emoji on my phone. -

- Lol -

He waited for her to type more in her reply, but it didn't come, so he decided to pivot back to talking about her panties.

- You never answered my question about the panties you'll be wearing under your pajamas. -

She swallowed hard. There was that word again. Interested in my panties, are you Chris? Maybe David told him I like to wear sexy panties. In order to keep her guard up she decided to give him an honest answer instead of another flirtatious text.

- I don't know yet, I packed five pairs for the trip. -

But she underestimated how eager he was to break her guard down, as evidenced by his next text.

- You could try them on for me and I could pick for you. -

She gasped. Is he serious? She couldn't believe how fast this went from harmless fun to dangerous innuendo.

- What's gotten into you today Chris? Lol. And just for the record, if I stay there tonight, we are sleeping in separate rooms, so don't get any wild ideas. :p -

- Seeing you earlier reminded me of how sexy you are. -

- It must have been my glasses! -

- You did look hot in those. I was more focused on your legs though. And your tits, of course. -

- I'm going to make sure you delete this conversation when I'm over there! -

- Will that be before or after you try on your panties for me? -

- I never agreed to that! -

- Will you agree to go braless? -

- If you behave, maybe. -

He grinned as he read that. He was still stroking his thick prick up and down, occasionally stopping to massage the mushroom-headed tip.

- And if I behave, will you try on your panties for me too? -

A warm shiver vibrated from head to toe. She thought, this has gone too far, I need to end this conversation. Tell him goodbye and get back to work. People might start asking where I'm at. But her fingers ignored her, as they seemed to be controlled by her hormones and not her brain, and she tapped out another flirtatious text.

- But I packed some thongs. I can't show you those ;) -

- Thongs are my favorite, I think you can. -

- You know David wouldn't approve. -

Chris smirked. Not exactly a rejection, he thought.

- So what? He decided to avoid you this weekend. -

His text was a punch to the gut for her. It was tough for her to read that, no matter how true it was.

- That doesn't change the fact that I'm still married to him. -

- Showing me your sexy body doesn't change that fact either. And David doesn't have to know. -

She shook her head. She was incredulous he continued to flirt so overtly, but God help her, she was extremely turned on. It felt so naughty. Her legs were now trembling, and the goose bumps that had formed on her thighs indicated to her that it wouldn't take long to orgasm by touching herself. She knew she had to get back to work, but she couldn't tear herself away from her phone.

- He would go ballistic if he knew you want me to try on panties for you. -

- And if he knew I want to shower with you. -

- Lol, not happening either! -

- Surely you need help lathering your entire body. -

He won't quit! she thought, but she suddenly had an urge to reach down under her dress and... No! I'm in the bathroom at work for heaven's sake, I can't do that! This has gone too far.

- Stop it! You're David's best friend. -

- I just want to take care of his wife for him while he's away. -

- Lol, such a gentleman. -

- To give his wife things he's not providing. -

- Oh really. -

- And to appreciate his wife's sexy body while she shows me her panties. -

- Stop, you know that would be bad if I did that. -

- Very bad. So bad I'd have to spank you. -

- I'd deserve to be spanked. -

- And you'd like to be spanked -

Anna's heart was racing, and she felt flush all over. Her hands shook more than ever, but she managed to send a text.

- Maybe -

Chris smirked at her reply. He was trembling too as he pumped his cock that was on the brink of an eruption, but he managed to send a reply.

- You'd look sexy wearing a thong while I spanked you. -

Oh God. She could contain herself no more. She spread her legs, pulled her dress up, and thrust her hand inside her panties. She threw her head back and groaned out load as her fingers brushed her clit. Her legs were trembling, and her pussy was swollen and wetter than she could ever remember. Her orgasm happened before she even realized it.

She didn't even know how long the orgasm lasted. The entire time was spent with her head back and mouth open. Her eyes were shut, and her fingers stroked and circled her clit, intensifying the euphoric feelings. She couldn't tell if seconds or minutes had gone by.

At one point during her orgasm, her other hand had made its way under her dress and up to a breast, and she pulled at the nipple hiding beneath the bra. This caused her to moan. She pulled the nipple harder and pinched it tightly, continuing to moan.

She finally opened her eyes, and the florescent lights of the office bathroom jarred her out of her daze immediately. The tail-end of her orgasm ended abruptly.

After catching her breath, Anna let go of her breast and removed her hand from her panties. She hurried to the sink to wash up. Once her hands were clean, she reached for her phone to end her naughty text exchange with Chris.

- This has gone too far! I have to get back to work! Bye -

Chris received her reply, and though he would've loved to flirt more with her, his balls were swollen and his prick dripping precum. He had to relieve it. He put his phone down and finished jacking himself off.

His cum spurted a couple feet into the air and continued to spew out all over his stomach. He couldn't believe how much came out as he jacked it over and over. His eyes were closed, and Anna's body was clear in his mind as he continued to rub every drop out until it was spent.

As he lay in his bed catching his breath, he realized he'd finally made a breakthrough with Anna. It was a side of her he'd never thought he'd see. Even though she appeared to flirt somewhat harmlessly, he knew she'd soon understand he wasn't playing around.

Chapter 16

It was just about time to leave work when Anna called her mom. Fortunately, she was able to get some tasks accomplished in her relaxed state after her bathroom escapade.

"Hi mommy!" It was Sophie's voice on the phone.

Anna nearly had tears in her eyes hearing Sophie, but she wasn't sure if it was the joy of hearing her oldest daughter's voice, or the dread of having to tell her the lake trip was off.

"Hi Sophie! I miss you!"

"Are we going to the lake soon?"

"Oh... well... ah..." Anna was having trouble formulating a response. Disappointing Sophie was the worst feeling.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but daddy has to go out of town for work, so we can't go this weekend," Anna said with part sadness and part irritation that David put them in this situation.

"We can still go to the lake without Daddy?"

"No, my angel, I'm sorry. We can go to the park instead, the one you've always wanted to go to by Ethan's house."

"Noooo I want to go to the lake!" Sophie said before breaking down in tears. Anna was crushed.

"Don't cry sweetie, we will go to the lake another weekend," Anna said, but there was no response from her.

Anna sighed and felt empty. Sophie was not a bratty kid, so for her to be this upset about not going to the lake was telling.

"Anna?" Her mom's voice was on the phone now.

"Hi mom. Is Sophie okay?"

"What happened?"

"David has to work this weekend. We can't go." Anna had the urge to tell her mom that David CHOSE to go to work instead, but she wasn't in the mood to answer questions from her mother. Her concern right now was Sophie.

"Oh for goodness sakes, Sophie was so excited," her mom said. "Even Grace seemed to sense you guys were going away this weekend."

"It's not my fault, mom. David just dropped this on me today."

"Well, Sophie is in the bedroom crying now. I really wish you could still go."

"I'm NOT going up there alone. The Davis's were up there last week and saw three bears digging in their trash cans!"

"Maybe you can ask another family to go up there with you, like the Eckdahl's or Morrison's?"

"There's only three bedrooms," Anna said dismissively. Though I'm sure sleazy Dan Morrison would love sharing a room with me. "And it's too late besides. Why don't you and pops come with us?"

"You know pops has trouble breathing with the pollen up there."

With Sophie being so upset, Anna knew it would be bad to ask her mom to watch the kids overnight so that she could go over to Chris's. What seemed like a fun idea now sounded very awkward and inappropriate, especially after their text flirtation earlier. Wine and casual dinner with a friend on a Friday night sounded great, but she needed to be with her daughter. "Thanks for ruining the weekend, David," she thought with her brows furrowed.

"I'm leaving work now, I'll be over in a bit," Anna said before hanging up.


Shortly after, she was driving to her mom's when she realized she needed to cancel plans with Chris. She called him instead of texting while driving. She really hated abruptly cancelling plans on people, it was one of her pet peeves and made her very uncomfortable, which is why it was even more frustrating that David cancelled on their trip so nonchalantly.

Upon waiting for him to pick up, Anna blushed and felt a surge of guilt for what she'd done earlier in the bathroom, but she reminded herself it was just harmless fun. Besides, Chris didn't know she had gotten herself off. If he ever tries to be flirty like that again, I'll brush him off and tell him I was just being silly last time. As a friend, I'm sure he'd understand.

"Hi Anna, what's up?"

"Chris, I'm so sorry, but I'm not going to make it. Sophie is really upset about not going to the lake, and I need to go pick her up."

Chris felt like he was hit by a truck. He had been cleaning his place - including the shower floor, something he wasn't accustomed to - since their playful text exchange. Steaks were marinating, and the wine bottle had been selected.

He'd even calibrated his hidden camera to capture the entire bedroom, not just the bed, as he planned to steer Anna into dressing in his bedroom after her shower. The thought of finally seeing her naked and capturing it on video had his cock in a constant hard state for the past hour despite having jerked off earlier.

"Oh, that's disappointing, I already put the steaks out. Maybe she'll be fine once you see her, and then you can still come?"

Anna felt a pang of guilt having to say "no" for a second time, especially since he'd already started preparing dinner.

"She might, but I really should spend the night with her. I'm so sorry, I feel like a flake cancelling on you."
