A Pleasure to a Prequel


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"She can buy the clothes but our changing rooms are ..."

"HOW are we supposed to KNOW if your rags are good enough for the work I'll have her doing if she doesn't try them on? HUH! You want to interfere with her work. Her COURT mandated work. Then you pay the fine."

I got no more lip from him. He opened the changing room for Lola but Lola hinted that we should just buy the clothes and go. I rejected this. The changing room was open and she was going to use it. She went in and amazingly I didn't even have a thought to wonder about her sexy naked body while she was in there. I instead was just staring down the shop staff. Then in a few moments she came back out wearing the top.

"Excellent." I said. I grabbed a scarf and tossed it to her. "Wear that with it and it'll be perfect." I had the guy ring us up while Lola was still wearing the new top and my suggested scarf to cover her collar.

"Please come again." the man said coldly, likely because it was required by his employer.

Once we were out of the shop Lola seemed down but I pulled her next to me.

"What's wrong? Cheer up."

"Sorry, master. I just get so worried when there's fighting."

"But it's over now. If you have to fight then you have to win. Otherwise life will be one long humiliating drudgery where everyone walks all over you."

"But master, I'm not allowed to win."

"Well look, I'm an Imperial and you're my girl." I said as I pulled her close to me as we walked. "So from now on, you're not allowed to lose."

The rest of the evening we did shopping, had dinner at a nice place, and finally had our ice cream. As we were riding home in the car Lola put her head on my shoulder and I was satisfied that she was happy. It was kind of a good feeling. I was doing the good and honorable thing with her. I wasn't an abuser taking advantage of her. I was helping her have a better life once I was gone.

Then when we arrived at the house I saw Brazfix royal guards in their red uniforms. Instantly I knew what this meant. I had to go.

"It's time." I said.

"You think?" Lola asked as she popped her head up and looked around.

I didn't answer. I got out of the car and approached them as Lola rushed out behind me to stand at my side. The android being oblivious to what might be happening here just proceeded to get the purchases together so it could carry them to the house.

"Brandon Pecarius?"

"That's me."

"Come with us."


The guard nodded at me and gave a salute. I saluted back. I could respect these guys. The four of them went over to their transport and waited for me. I turned to Lola who looked sad.

"Not yet." she said as she moved in to hug me.

"I have to go."

"Can I at least see you to the spaceport?"

"I don't know if that's where I'm going."


I looked over at the guards. "Do we have room for her?"

"Yes, sir."

Sir? The royal guards were calling me sir.

Lola got in the transport and I went to the house.

"Sir, we need to get moving." the guard called to me.

Oh, so this was a rush. No time to pack. It was a very Imperial way of doing things. Fine. I wouldn't need all this stuff anyway cause all I really cared about was the money. Well, the money and ... Lola. But there was no time to make arrangements for her so I'd have to do it over email. I got the taxi android out of my house and locked up.

Once I was in the transport with the guards we were on our way. Lola was holding my hand and I would have to keep my feelings from getting attached. I probably would never see her again.

We left the city and didn't go anywhere near the spaceport. We went to a place that even Lola did not know about it seemed. She was looking around out of the windows to try and understand where we were going. I didn't need to ask. I had been summoned and I was going. The guards didn't need to tell me. They were doing their duty.

We passed a guarded gate with a lift up fence and then the grounds outside the transport changed to this beautifully managed set of gardens with large hedges and what looked like orchards in the distance. We pulled up to a huge palace looking place and more red clad royal guards were outside.

I got out of the transport after it came to a stop but Lola seemed afraid to get out.

"This is the king's palace."

"Just be ..." I was about to say but my mouth stopped when several Imperial soldiers marched out of the front to greet me. They weren't just normal soldiers either. Somebody actually important was here. I swallowed. "Oh, shit."

The Imperial Ambassador who headed the mission to fifteen different independent systems in this sector had flown over to Blelm. As it turned out the Empire's plans for me did not include the kind of service I had envisioned. It seemed war would be certain and that meant Blelm would be extremely important to the Imperial war effort. The Ambassador and his staff were going to relocate his office here and take personal charge of logistics. However, my company already had business contacts here and so they had a say. This was their market and who was their guy here on the planet? Me.

The Ambassador was a duke, not as in the name but as in the real title granted by the Emperor. So needless to say I did not want to piss this guy off. He was an older man with all white hair but he was a huge boulder of muscle from long years in the army before getting an administrative job. I wondered if he had earned his title himself or if he inherited it. I had heard it said that inheriting a title was actually more difficult than just earning one fresh because the standards would be even higher and everyone would know he was working towards a title and would try to take him out.

Instead of getting directly to the business at hand I had to explain about the slave girl on my arm twice and I really thought the Duke would punch the shit out of me for causing trouble. We were at the royal palace of the king of Blelm and the little man who was the king did not look happy which made the Ambassador not happy. I thought we'd have to have some big discussion about it all with punishments handed down and some resolution but after my second time explaining the Ambassador brushed past it. What happened next revealed to me why the Ambassador was so interested in making sure that I had not broken the law down here.

The Ambassador planned to be on Blelm for the foreseeable future which meant the Empire would have a presence here and Imperial staff would need accommodations and services. If the Ambassador had to leave because he was in charge of fourteen other systems, then the Empire still needed to have an official presence here. As I had been on the planet the longest, made so much money here, already owned land here, and my bosses at the company seeing an opportunity were really pushing for it; the Empire decided that I was going to be the Ambassador's second and my company had to establish everything the Imperial soldiers coming and going from the system would need for leaves of duty on the planet.

Ok, that made sense to me. I could do that. We were going to have an office here anyway. But was this really the best way for me to support the war effort? Riding a desk, renting rooms, and ...

"Now kneel, boy." the Ambassador told me.

I didn't have to be told twice and I kept my expression stone solid but inside I was really afraid he was going to just shoot me in the head so he could replace me. The Ambassador held out his hand towards the king and the king's minister tried to offer the Ambassador some ceremonial looking sword he pulled out of nowhere cause I hadn't notice it before. The Duke growled at him and the minister instead handed the sword to the king. Then the king handed the sword to the Ambassador. The point of the sword was then aimed at my heart with the Ambassador ready to press in and end my life if he wanted to.

"Are you the Emperor's true and faithful servant?"

Holy shit. Was this really happening? To me? "From birth to death." I spoke the words as I felt the tip of the blade draw blood. No way. This could not be happening.

"Do you swear ..." the Duke continued as he administered the oath. I couldn't even really catch what he was saying since I was still in awe that this would be happening. To ME! Was I dreaming? A title. I was being given a title. What would my mother say?

"I swear." I answered.

"As I speak hear our Emperor's words. Rise Lord Brandon Pecarius, Marquis of Blelm."

I got to my feet as a chill ran down my arms and my back. Marquis. Whoa.

"Congratulations, boy." the Ambassador said as he handed the sword back to the king.

"You're recognized as a lord in my court as well and ... " the king said.

The Ambassador ignored the king and gestured for me to get to my feet. "Now, we have a lot to discuss."

I went with the Ambassador to a more secluded room and then long into the night we talked in generalities about the coming war. Well, he talked and I listened and when possible I took notes about what he wanted me to do. It didn't seem like he was interested in learning more about me, jut making sure I knew what was expected of me.

The meeting didn't really end until dawn.

Lola had been given a room in the palace and when I was exhausted and ready to leave she had to be woken up and then she needed time to get ready. Ugh. Hurry up.

I was nodding off in the transport as we were brought back to my house. Once home I took a shower after taping up the cut in my chest. When I got out I saw Lola making breakfast for me.

"Don't worry about that. Just go to school and when you're done, go to the office and do whatever needs doing."

"But master, it's Saturday."

Oh. I had forgotten. "Ok. I'm going to get some sleep. Just take care of the house and ... Did you change your collar?"

She raised her fingers to the gold colored satin ribbon that had replaced the previous one. "You're a lord now so I have to wear this one."

Oh. Ok. Whatever. I yawned. "I'll be in my room."

I moved to leave but Lola came running up to me in her new clothes and hugged me. "I'm so happy you're not going."

"Yeah, I'm happy too. I would have missed you."

"Cause I'm your girl."

"Yeah. You're my girl."

"What does it feel like, having a title?"

"Daunting." Pause. "Scary."


"These things don't work for us like they do for your king and his court. It's not just a word to put in front of my name that I get handed down to me from my parents with no effort. No child born to the purple ever becomes Emperor. For us a title means I have duties and responsibilities and if I can't perform then they'll find someone else who can. It's a military rank just not directly in the military. Don't get me wrong, it's a great honor but receiving a title means ... well, something like that collar on your neck. I owe service to the Empire. I'm not being rewarded for past efforts. That ceremony meant I got hired to do job. A lot of people will be counting on me. What if I'm not good enough."

"You will be. I believe in you. I ..." She paused and then started again. "I think you'll do a great job. Just do your best. If someone has to do this job then why shouldn't it be you?"

I nodded. She was right. If the Empire needed this so bad that the Emperor attached a title to it then it had to be done and I was the one who was here. So the task fell to me.

"Lola, listen. I'm sorry."

"You're my master. You never have to apologize to me."

"Cut that out. I'm serious. You're a grown woman and I'm not going to treat you like a child. I see how unhappy you are doing school work. I do need help in the office and I don't see any reason why you can't be smart like anybody else. But ... groan ... if you really do just want to be a dancer then ... it's wrong of me to tell you no. I'm not your father. I don't like it but ..."

"Why don't you like it?"


"I don't understand. I was a dancer before you met me."

"But now ..." I was about to say I was her owner but that was just really wrong for a good Imperial like me to say. "I have to protect you. I have to take care of you. I have to make sure no one hurts you."

"Other girls can't expect that from their masters."

"Well, I'm not like them." And then all of the sudden my mind was illuminated. The words came. I had words. Finally I had good proper Imperial words I could use to describe my relationship with her. "You're part of my household. You're a member of my house." I smiled. That would work. Yes. Not slave and master or prisoner and warden but head of household and member of household. Now that I had a title I could say that and it was totally true. Great relief. I embraced her and held her tight. "You're my girl."

"Master, thank you. But I don't have a choice anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"You're a lord now. You outrank a knight. I can't do anything that would bring scandal to you. So actually you were really smart to tell me to stop dancing when you did."

"But what do you want to do?" I asked her.

"I ..." she started to say and then she lifted herself up and kissed me on my cheek. The touch of her lips to my skin sent a reaction through my body. My hands realized that they were on her and my mind became aware of her feminine form once again. It would be so easy. I could take her right there. My breathing changed and my erection started to grow.

But I'm an Imperial. I have to restrain myself. Life was not about what I wanted. Life was about what I owed to others. I kissed her on the forehead.

"Thank you very much." I said to her. "I need to get some sleep."

"Master, may I join you?"

"I'm sorry. If you do that then I don't think I would be sleeping."

"We should celebrate." She started biting one side of her bottom lip and looking at me with seductive eyes. "Please."

"I need sleep. I won't be able to think right until I get some sleep. Please just give me a few hours to charge up."

She looked disappointed but it couldn't be helped.

I went to my room leaving her there as she watched me. I laid in bed and tried to sleep. And then I wasn't sleeping. I tried to sleep. Nope. Not sleeping. I still had a hard on and my imagination was imagining how nice it would be to take Lola and ... No, I can't do that.

I tried to sleep. I was so tired.

FUCK! I wasn't going to go forever with no sex. Impossible.

I got up from bed and went to the wall. I turned on the camera feed to the kitchen but then I was surprised. Lola wasn't there.

"Show me Lola." I said and then the camera switched to the garden in the center of the house. Lola was on one of the soft chairs that could fold out so you could lay down on it. She was face down and totally naked. "What the hell?" I watched and wondered if she was sunbathing but then I saw her hand motion between her legs. "Give me sound."

Moaning. Moaning. "Yes. Fuck me. Fuck me. Yes. Brandon. Yes. Fuck me. Please, yes, please. Fuck me."

"Off. Turn it off."

The wall turned back to normal and I threw myself back to my bed as my body shuttered with lust for her. Almost against my will I wrapped my fingers around my cock.


When I woke up I was rightfully a bit embarrassed to see that I had succumbed to unconsciousness in a pool of my own cum. Come on Brandon. Get yourself together. This wasn't basic right after high school. You're not a teenager.

Step one. Get washed up. I lit up the wall in the shower as the water sprayed down on me. Lola wasn't in the house. She was in back of the house near the dock doing something. Oh, good. I didn't feel like I could face her just now. I noticed the time. Four hours of sleep. Not enough but not bad. I could do a bit this evening and then go to bed early. That would make up for the lost sleep.

Step two, get my sheets to the wash and put new sheets on my bed. Oh, and bad timing, just then Lola came back into the house and wanted to do my laundry for me.

"No, I will do it this time."

"But master."

"Lola, don't make me snap at you. I will do it myself this time."

"Ok." she said with confusion.

As I was getting sheets on my bed my mind went back to thoughts of her, sexual thoughts of her. It was a struggle for a moment but I turned my thoughts away from her and got my body under control. Then I finished making the bed. There. A pure and clean bed without the stain of what I'd done earlier.

Then when I came out of my room I found Lola in a skimpy, Extremely Skimpy, swimming suit.

"Master, since the weather is so nice, let's go swimming."

Cough. Cough. "Sure. If you want to."

"Yay." she called out as she bounced up to me and then wrapped her arms around me. "I don't deserve a master as good as you. You make me so happy. And I really want to make you happy."

Ok. Enough was enough. I was going to go swimming with her and then if she threw herself at me ONE MORE TIME I was going to do it. At some point Empire or Blelm, Slave or Master, Title or no; eventually it all boils down to basic biology. She wanted dick and I had a dick to give her.

But not now. Not now. I had to get myself under control. Just swimming for now. I can't make a good decision when I'm worked up like this suffering from lack of sleep.

But then I was saved by the bell.

Or not saved. Depends how you look at it.

My door chimed and with a visitor here I told Lola to get to her room. I didn't tell her to change cause I had this thought in the back of my head that maybe it was just a delivery guy. Then I got to the front area. Though everything would still be opaque for someone outside the front door; the wall had turned all transparent on my side so I could see who had come. I saw red royal guards and a woman in an elegant black dress.

I rushed to the door and as soon as I opened it one of the guards announced my visitor.

"The Princess Sophia."

I bowed and then I got out of the way so she could enter. She did so but then it seemed like she was expecting me to do something.

"Please excuse me highness. I am as yet unfamiliar with the etiquette I need to follow."

"Lord Brandon."

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Shall we just stand here?"

"My apologies. There is a sitting room over here." I said. "Or perhaps you would like to sit in my garden."

She looked one way and then the other. She began to walk towards the center of the house and then once there she snapped her fingers and the invisible ceiling above dimmed. Well now, I didn't know it could do that.

"I want to speak with Lord Brandon in private. Do not disturb us. We will take our refreshments after." she said to her guards. She entered the garden and I followed her. By chance she happened to sit on the same seat where I had seen ... ahem. Once we were alone in the garden the walls of the garden on our side turned to a scene of a huge garden on all sides with the lake in the distance as if the house was not there at all. From the other side the walls would just be all black so the guards could not see in.

I sat down near the princess who looked to be about forty I guessed. Still in good shape but not twenty anymore. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"I find you to be a very interesting man."

"Do you indeed?"

"I know who's vacation house this used to be. Are you like him?"

"Do you mean Tsadda? Like him in what way?"

"The way that he is that is not like others. All children are originally female before they are born and the boys just change into boys as the baby grows. That poor man, his body didn't change enough but had already changed too much."

"Well, I am not like that."

"I heard you beat him in a card game to get this house. Is that true or is it just a story?"

"It's true. Why?"

"I had heard from another source that perhaps you did something else for Tsadda to ingratiate yourself to him."
