A Shepherd Afield Pt. 03


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Ben added lube to the plug then proceeded to fuck Tina's puckered orifice with his tongue until she was gasping and begging for more. He looked at Lucy and saw she was watching with half lidded eyes as she ran her fingers back and forth along the gold chain between her nipples.

He placed the tip of the anal plug against Tina's rosebud and gently but firmly applied pressure to the disk. Tina moaned but after a moment the little eggs slowly slid inside.

"AHHHH! Oh fuck! Ben!" Tina wailed. He waited to see if she wanted it out but she settled down and the little disk pulled up tight against her body as the plug was sucked inwards by her twitching muscles.

"Oh... oh... oh..." Tina moaned quietly as her body throbbed around the intruder.

Ben caught Lucy's eye. "Lube me."

She immediately got closer and squeezed some lube out of the tube onto her hands. She gripped Ben's hard cock and her breath gusted out as she felt how fucking hard he was.

He slid his hand into her hair and took a kiss from her mouth as she stroked the lube over his cock and shook with her own lust.

"Enough," he said as he pulled back from her mouth. Lucy pulled her hands back and immediately rubbed the excess lube on her left hand over Tina's wet pussy as her right went onto her own.

"AHHH!" Tina squealed at Lucy's touch and her body shook with a minor release.

Ben knew he couldn't go in too deep but he doubted Tina would need much to get a satisfying result. He knee walked up behind her and leaned over her body.

"Guide me in," he said to Lucy. She immediately grasped his thick cock and lined up the head with Tina's opening.

"Oh Ben! Oh Ben! Yes!" Tina blurted as the head forced her lips open and he began to slide inside.

He leaned over her body until his head was just above hers and growled deep in his chest as he pushed a few more inches inside. He stopped at six inches as Tina was panting and moaning under him. She cried out when Lucy slipped her hand between them and gently tugged on the disk.

"BEN! LUCY! OH MY GOD!" she exclaimed.

Ben began to stroke in and out of her clenching pussy as Lucy kept up her tugging on the disk.


Ben stared down at the woman who was typically so quiet and reserved and couldn't get over the change in her. He sped up his thrusts but kept them shallow. Tina was bearing down so hard he was at risk of being pushed right out as he withdrew to the head.

Lucy pushed her other hand under Tina to rub her clit as she plucked at the anal plug's disk and Tina's eyes rolled back as her mouth dropped open. She made an odd guttural moan sound and collapsed on the bed, her body going slack. Lucy checked Tina's breathing and smiled up at Ben who was pulling his cock from the spent woman.

"I guess she liked your present," Lucy said with a grin. Ben smiled back and lifted Tina up to lay her on her back on her spot on the bed. Just to be sure he lifted one of her eyelids and saw her pupil react. Just passed out then. He gently removed the anal plug and tucked the sheet over her. He stepped over her and stepped into the washroom to quickly clean off the used lube and washed the plug. He applied a fresh coating of lube to his cock as he was far from finished for the night.

He returned and stood at the end of the bed, his hot gaze locked on Lucy. She watched his cock as it bobbed with his pulse.

"Come here," he said, his voice rough with his need.

Lucy knee walked closer to him. He took her face between his hands and kissed her deeply. She whimpered into the kiss as she tried to press her body against his but his hold kept her back. As he continued to kiss her he slid his hands down to hold and squeeze her large tits making her moan with need. Her nipples were so stiff and his gentle tugs on the chain sent jolts of pleasure through her body.

He pulled his mouth from hers. "Lie back."

Frantic, she threw herself back on the bed and squeaked when he surged forward to cover her with his own body. He kissed her again, hungry for the feeling of her soft lips and the taste of her pink tongue.

She felt a little overwhelmed by his passion. He wasn't crushing her under his heavy body but he definitely had her under his control.

Her whimpers grew as he rubbed his hot length against her pussy without letting himself slip inside. He was so hot and felt like iron against her. His hips had hers pinned down and though she pulled at his body he ignored her efforts and drew her pleasure upwards at a mind bending slow pace. When she was about to scream from frustration he drove his thickness into her body and all thoughts left her mind. Sensation was everything. He was so fucking thick! She felt like she was coming apart at the seams. He drew himself out to the head then drove his length deep inside. Three more times he did this until his pelvis slapped into hers. His cock was deep inside her body.

Lucy felt so full! He filled every little empty space in her body and mind!

"Oh fuck Ben! You feel so damned good!" she sighed.

When he drew himself out slowly she tried to stop him but his strength was just too much for her. He slammed himself back into her depths and she cried for joy. It felt better than before. She felt his cock getting thicker and hotter.

"Uhhnn! Fuck! Oh god Ben! Yes!" she gasped and clung to him.

Once more he slowly pulled himself out and she struggled to keep him inside. Then he was driving in again and Lucy felt her emotions coming off the rails, it felt so good.

Ben lifted the chain upwards and Lucy moaned with the sharp little pleasure/pain shooting through her. He touched her lips with his finger and her mouth automatically opened. He tucked the chain between her teeth and she looked at him in surprise. Now she had control over the tugging.

He growled deep in his chest and began to hammer her against the mattress with hard strokes that went faster and faster.

Lucy couldn't think. It was too much and Ben just kept making it more and more intense. She began to feel herself disconnecting from her body as the bliss washed over her.

Then her orgasm struck.

She may have screamed. She may have exploded into tiny crystal shards. It's also possible that she ascended to heaven.

Ben howled as his orgasm smashed against his mind. He held himself tight against Lucy's body as he fired jet after jet into her depths.

It seemed like forever for his body to finally settle down to a point where Ben felt like he could move again. It took three false starts before he was able to pull himself from Lucy. The woman spit the chain from her mouth.

"Oh my god Ben!" she gasped as her eyes rolled in her head.

He scooped her up and moved her to lay her head back against her pillow. He crawled under the sheets between the two women and tucked them against himself. He kissed Tina and she murmured happily in her sleep. He tenderly kissed Lucy and she sighed contentedly.

Ben had to admit he felt pretty damn content too. He sighed happily and let sleep drag him under.

Chapter 23

Ben felt a little shaky leaving Dr. Granger's office. He usually did after his sessions as she had the ability to bring his raw emotions right up to the surface where she could see them.

She was very pleased with the progress he'd made with his repressed 'hero' memories and told him she was looking forward to speaking with Rain. She was impressed with how she'd dealt with his breakthrough.

She discussed what Hannah had learned from Rochelle. She now knew there was music that could be used to trigger his dissociative episodes and had the names of a few pieces of music she would use in his future sessions. He'd given her a glum look when she announced that. He informed her of his travel schedule and she booked him to begin the hypnotherapy sessions a few days after his return.

Finally she'd asked him about how he was dealing with his ex's return. He mentioned the nightmare and she discussed that with him until he began to feel more than a little frayed at the edges.

The session ended and she thanked him for returning to her. She felt confident she could help him. She said he seemed to be ready and he could only nod in response.

Ben walked through the halls of the hospital in a daze. He knew he was looking for Hannah but his legs were just moving his body and he didn't seem to have much control over that.

Hannah found him standing at the window of the maternity ward, watching the babies sleeping.

"Ben? Is everything alright?"

"Hannah? What? Oh... yes. I'm fine. Just a little emotionally worn out from my session with Dr. Granger."

"Have you begun your therapy already?" she asked in surprise.

"No, not until I get back from Australia in a little over a week's time. This was just a refresher to bring her up to speed on my current state," he said with a weak smile.

"Come on. I'll get you some bad coffee and stale donuts. That always resets my perspective on life," she said with a smile. He nodded so she led him to the elevators. They got in and she pushed the button for the ground floor where the cafeteria was located. Ben still looked a little shaky so she wrapped her arm around his back. She suddenly found herself wrapped in his arms with her cheek pressed against his chest. He was so freaking big! He smelled so warm and comforting. She could hear the thump of his heart as her ear was pressed against his chest.

She felt him trembling and she hugged him tighter. Gradually his trembling slowed until he relaxed in her arms. She leaned back and heard the elevator ding. She jolted when she saw there were three additional people in the elevator with them, all admin staff on their way to the cafeteria. They were grinning from ear to ear, eyes twinkling with glee at the scandalous little tidbit they'd just witnessed.

"Thank you Hannah. I needed that. Dr. Granger's sessions always seem to unbalance my emotional equilibrium. Your hug grounded me. Thank you." Ben said honestly and the three women watching them suddenly lost their smug grins.

"That's fine Ben. That's what friends are for," she said calmly, straightening out her jacket. She looked at the women and nodded. They quickly nodded and rushed out when the doors opened.

As they were alone in the hall Ben stopped so Hannah did as well. "I'm sorry about that little display in front of your staff. I know you try to keep them all on their toes and my emotional episodes don't help you."

"Ben, you needed me and I was able to be there for you. That's far more important to me. Besides I have other ways I can bring down the hammer of discipline on the unruly. Don't worry about that!" she said with a grin.

They made their way into the cafeteria and Ben was treated to coffee and a donut just as good as Hannah had promised.

Ben looked into the cup and stuck his tongue out as his face scrunched up in disgust. "I thought you were just teasing! This tastes awful!"

Hannah grinned at him. "Wait 'til you taste the donut!"

"Thanks, I'll pass," he growled and pushed it away.

"Don't you feel better about your life now? You get to go home and drink good coffee and eat something delicious. Things are looking up, right?" she smiled and Ben couldn't stop his own smile from appearing.

"Clever girl." Hannah smiled happily at him.

"On a completely different topic, I was out at the mall with Tina yesterday having lunch when I was approached by Wendy's attorney."

"How did he find you at the mall?" Hannah asked.

"He followed us from the neighborhood and waited until we were in a public place with lots of witnesses before he approached. He basically told me that Wendy was going to do a televised interview about me unless I settled. I spoke to Walter, my attorney, who's going to sue Peeps magazine for libel. He's hopeful that will make the studios think twice about speaking with her."

"Hopefully but they may decide to risk it as you're a hot story right now," Hannah said in concern. "The TV studios have teams of lawyers and deep pockets."

Ben frowned at her and she shrugged. "Brutal honesty."

"Right. Well... damn." He shook his head. "I'm not going to worry about it."

"Did you find out why she's doing this? Aside from greed?" Hannah asked.

Ben nodded and looked at her bleakly. "Her lawyer said she's broke and has large medical bills because she's very, very ill."

"Playing on your sympathies. She's probably fine!" Hannah growled.

Ben expression remained glum.


"I spoke with the family doctor shortly before her mother passed away. Wendy has the same genetic markers for the disease that took her mother. It isn't a pleasant way to go and it's a lingering death. Wendy was in denial about it. The lawyer's story may be just a trick but it might also be based on her having to go through the same treatments her mother did," he explained.

Hannah looked at Ben and saw the pain there. "Ben, you were there for her all the way and she left you. You owe her nothing!"

Ben looked away and nodded absently. "I- I just thought you should know. You might be seeing her on TV someday soon, saying some not so pleasant, or true, things about me."

Hannah sighed as she saw Ben's evasion. She wished Gabriella was here to talk sense into him. Speaking of the woman, she touched Ben's arm. "When do you go to visit Gabriella?"

"I'm flying out tonight with Miriam and Daniel."

"Right! I wish I was there to see her expression when she sees her kids," Hannah smiled.

"I'll try to remember to record it."

"Yes please!" Hannah said and looked at her watch. "Oh geez! I have to go as I have a status meeting in two minutes! Have a lovely trip and take care! Say hello to Gabriella for me!" She jumped from her chair and with a final wave hustled off to the elevators.

Ben dumped his 'reality check snack' and made his way back out to his truck. The drive home was quick and he began packing. Apparently it was going to be chilly in Milan but very comfortable in Melbourne and Sydney. Ben packed light as he didn't want to be carrying too much. He had his computer bag as well as the duffle with the prototype so a heavy suitcase wasn't an option.

It was lunch time and walking through the living room Ben spotted a gourmet food truck parked in front of his newly renovated house. He turned to Tina. "Would you like some spicy fish tacos?"

"Yes please!" she said beaming a smile at him, her eyes twinkling with her love. She was especially affectionate this morning. Ben had woken to her kissing his cheek. She liked her present.

As he pulled on his coat and slipped on his boots he recalled Lucy's hug and kiss this morning was more... intense than usual. She must have liked her present as well.

The guys picking up their orders at the truck greeted Ben with a cheer as he walked up. He smiled and waved to them. He got in line behind Dominic and was about to greet the man when his cell rang so he answered it.

"Ben? It's Shelly."

"Hi Shelly!"

"Do you think you could swing by the office today? I have documents for you to sign. Should you wish to bring along the check, that would be fine with me as well," she giggled.

Ben looked at the time. "Yeah, I can probably swing that. I'll be out of town for a little over a week so better I get the purchase of the house out of the way before I go." He noticed Dominic waving at him. "Uh, hang on a minute Shelly."

"Sure," she said. He put the phone against his chest.

"Is this about number 9?" Dominic asked.

"Yup. You still interested?"

"Yes. My wife is ecstatic! I drove her through the neighborhood and walked her through the renovations we've done to your place and she's onboard. We can swing the full amount as she's willing to contribute from some of her inheritance. The woman has money tucked away in accounts I have no clue about!"

"So maybe I should just let you finish the transaction. Saves me the commission fee." Ben said and Dominic nodded. Ben brought the phone back up to his ear.

"Sorry about that. I'm going to put you on the phone with my friend Dominic Selleni. It turns out he's the one who will be buying the home. Same price. Same everything. That cool with you?"

"Oh! Yeah, that's no problem. I'll just get his details and update the documents to reflect the new owner," Shelly agreed.

"Great! Here he is," Ben said and handed the phone to Dominic. They made their way closer to the front of the line, Dominic answering Shelly's questions and once they were done he handed Ben his phone back.

"Thanks very much Ben. That was the easiest home purchase I've ever made and the most expensive," the big man said with a grin.

Ben returned the smile then it was their turn to order. When Ben gave his the truck owner recognized him and shook his hand. Ben's business had really helped them through a tough summer. This would be their last visit of the year. They were heading south to visit family in Monterray, Mexico.

Once his order was ready he headed home and ate with Tina in the kitchen.

"Dominic and his wife Sofia will be moving into Joanne White's place," he said. "I've asked Shelly to complete the transaction with him. Saves me some commission money."

She nodded as she enjoyed another mouthful of the spicy food.

They finished up in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company. Ben began to think about all the stuff that had to be done before his daughters could move into the house and worry lines appeared on his forehead.

"Ben, we have this. You can go to see Gabriella and Margaux without worrying about us. I have a plan and I have Catherine, Trish, and Lucy to help me see it through. We will make all the preparations to get the girls into the home. I can also reach you on your phone. Please, just enjoy your time with them and come back safe and sound to us."

He looked at Tina and felt his tension draining away. He nodded. "Thank you Tina for reminding me how amazing you are. I'm so lucky to have you here. I love you so much!"

She smiled in return. "I love you too Ben!"

He kissed her knuckles.

"When do you pick up Miriam and Daniel?" she asked.

Ben glanced at the clock. "In two hours. I sent them texts and they both replied they were ready." He grinned. "They were probably packed the night I asked them to join me."

Tina nodded with a grin of her own.

He cleaned up and Tina made her way back into the living room. She had begun working on some online courses to prepare herself for the accounting course she intended to take.

Ben went to his office in the basement and reviewed the plans for his security door one last time then sent the package to the milling tech at the shop to get his opinion on the feasibility and cost of building it. That done he tidied up and realized he had nothing left to do before his flight.

He collected his baggage including the duffle with the prototype and put them in his truck. He'd be leaving it in long term parking at the airport as no one here needed it during his absence. He thought about asking Tina and Lucy if they were planning on getting their driver's license.

He looked at the clock and saw it was time. He found Tina, gave her a big kiss and asked her to pass it along to Lucy and to give a hug to the girls. Then he drove over to Gabriella's place. Miriam and Daniel were immediately out the door. Miriam locked up and joined Daniel in the truck. Both were smiling excitedly.

"Ready to go?" Ben asked needlessly.

"YES!" they both cried in unison.

With a chuckle Ben got them on their way.

"How was Catherine this morning?" he asked, glancing over at Miriam as she'd be more likely to pick up the other woman's state of mind.