A Wife's Revenge Goes Wrong


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We returned to our room and I was ready to get changed for dinner. Once I got my swim shorts off, though, Elaine grabbed me by the cock and let me to the bed, turning me and pushing me down on it like I had done to her so many times. She climbed right up and descended on me. She was really wet. While she humped me I was trying go find some explanation. Had those guys really gotten her that hot and horny? She wasn't even looking at me as she humped me. She was in another world, and except for providing the cock, I wasn't sure I was part of that world.

My mood nearly spoiled it, and I had to fight to not go soft. She finally climaxed with a loud "AAHHnnn," and collapsed on top of me. I let her lay there, feeling myself quickly soften, slip out, and then the cum was flowing down onto my cock and balls. It was almost the last day of our 30th anniversary vacation, and I felt like it was the worst vacation I had ever been on.

I tried to hold her, but I had no magic today. It was a hold. She had kept my hand through most of the hugging and groping and even swats the guys had given her, but I felt totally alone now, with a soft female body on top of me. A body that used to be all for me. I knew she had enjoyed the young guys grabbing her. If this was the future, maybe 30 years was enough and it was time to just move on.

The rest of Thursday was quieter than the past couple of days. Elaine seemed to be lost in thought, and my mood was certainly ruined. I sat on the balcony watching the ocean and trying to look away from any seemingly happy couples passing below or laying together on the beach. We went out for dinner, brought a bottle of wine back to the hotel, and she had one glass while I finished the rest. It didn't help my mood. I felt worse and a little buzzed.

After our wild afternoon, or, HER wild afternoon, there was no thought of sex for tonight. I sat on the balcony while I drank the wine, and she came out for a while after dark. I kept hoping she would say something. Elaine was certainly taking the lead on this trip, and considering how wet she was when she jumped on top of me this afternoon I felt she owed me something. She went back into the room after aabout a half hour. I heard a few soft laughs or giggles, but nothing else until I finally decided it was bedtime.

She had her phone in her hand with a cord leading to her computer. A big smile played on her face.

"Something good?" I asked. I had a bad feeling already.

She didn't look away from her computer. "I think it is. You know, I think another 10 minutes and I would have had my whole fist in your ass, but that does sound a little gross, doesn't it?"

I picked up the empty bottle, looked at it, and set it down again. "Yeah, without an enema it might not be something you want to do." I looked at her. "And don't start thinking about enemas."

"It's a lot like those porn videos, you know? I didn't even have to touch you, well, I couldn't touch you, and yet there you were, pumping out warm cream. A year ago I didn't know anything about this."

"Probably 4 months ago you didn't know." I was assuming she had started researching ass sex after my mistake, and her quick agreement confirmed it. "So what was that bit with the cage? Are you planning to cut me off so you can chase the kids?" As soon as I said it, I wished I had thought better, but most of a bottle of wine got to my tongue before my brain got there.

Anger flashed in her eyes for a moment, then she softened a little. Not much, be enough to slow her down. "You're making me sound like a slut now, and I don't appreciate that. I'm playing a little game, we have one more fucking day here, and then we can go home and you can mope around all you want wondering if I'm chasing the kids that our kids grew up with. Shit, maybe I'll make out with their moms and dads while I'm at it."

For once I did stop. I paused, a conscious pause, before talking. "Elaine, you're right. The wine was talking and I'll admit your playfulness with those guys today really affected me. They were pawing you, swatting you, hell, Jerome's hand nearly disappeared under your swimsuit. This is our anniversaty trip and you're flirting with muscle men, embarrassing me in restaurants, I feel like you don't even want to be with me."

The smile at least was gone and she was pulling the cord from her computer. "I held your hand today. You heard them, they wanted to kick you to the curb and take me out for drinks, but I held your hand and told them you stayed with me. It's a game, Neil. It's just a game."

I pulled off my shirt, seeing myself in the mirror. I wasn't really flabby, but I was no match for the muscle boys when it came to looks. "Why are you playing this game when we're on our anniversary trip? This was supposed to be a special time. remember when we decided to do this? If you want to play with hot studs, we could have scheduled that for 2 weeks ago or 2 weeks from now. Or you could even go alone and I'd tell you I didn't want to hear any details of your trip." Good grief, I felt like sitting down and crying.

"Hot studs? No details? Is that what you think of me now? I'm just a cheap whore looking for a good fuck?"

"Hon .. shit ... Elaine, you were soaked this afternoon. They got your motor going like I haven't done in years. I'm like your, your, I don't know. Your purse, something you take when you go out because you're supposed to have it. Anyway, that's how I feel."

She put her computer aside and walked over to me. "Tomorrow is the actual day, you know. Our very own 30th anniversary day." She took my cock into her mouth and sucked on it until it stirred and began straightening out. "Let's just see what the day brings, shall we?"

She walked to the bathroom, leaving me standing naked, cock wet and half erect, watching her. I looked at my cock held it up against my belly. Dominic and Jerome probably had at least 3 inches, maybe more like 4 or 5, on me. I felt very insignificant at that moment. They hadn't held back from rubbing her and letting her know what they had.

I was in bed 10 minutes later, naked and nervous. I knew she had a plan for tomorrow. I could sense it. Since I had no idea what it was, I had a feeling my pleasure was not going to be a factor in the celebration. Our anniversary. I fell asleep thinking of the girl I dated, begged, and eventually married.

The room was bright when Elaine shook me. "Come on sleepy, shower and let's go. The breakfast bar closes in 45 minutes."

I blinked and looked up at her. She was already dressed, if it could be considered that. She had on a pink tank top that allowed her somewhat soft belly to show above a very short pair of dark blue shorts. He nipples poking thought told me there was no bra under her top. It was, actually, very much like the morning of the day we got married, so why did it bother me so much now?

"You go ahead, I'm not hungry." It was largely true. I could just get some coffee in the room.

She got that indignant look and crossed her arms under that delightful pink garment. "I am not going to breakfast by myself on our anniversary. Now get that ass out of bed and into the shower. Come on, I'm hungry. I've been up for hours."

What the hell was she doing for hours while I slept? And how had she kept it so quiet that I didn't wake up? I took the time to shave and went back into the sleeping area still naked. She had laid out clothes for me. There were white socks, a zip up pair of khaki shorts with their belt in the loops, and a light blue polo.

I looked around. "Where are my boxers?"

Elaine laughed and grabbed me from behind, wrapping her arms around me and giving my cock a few playful strokes. "You aren't going to wear any today. You don't wear them with your swim shorts, so you don't need them for one day."

The discussion about propriety was short and she won. With time running out and her pushing me to hurry, I finally stepped into the shorts and pulled them up. It wasn't like I had never worn shorts without underwear before, but not in a crowded place. That logic cut into my argument, so the better choice was to put them on and if somebody saw something, then I should feel good that they even looked.

She was a chatterbox at breakfast and then as we went to some of the shops. She bought some new earrings and a necklace with a fake diamond that she said she would wear to remember the anniversary. Overall, she was acting like we had been a perfectly happy couple all week, not where she had put me through an emotional vise.

I noticed she got a lot of looks at her nipples, still poking into the top. She certainly wasn't the only woman who obviously had no bra on, but she was the only one I cared about. We stopped back the the same restaurant where she had embarrassed me twice and had lunch. It was the same server as the first time, and she gave us a 'you behave' kind of look. Elaine just ignored the look, happily talking away with the server and giving me nothing more than a peck on the lips as a thank you when I paid for the meal.

A couple of tables had groups of young men who kept looking, and even one table with three couples. Both men and women were looking at her nipples and the bit of soft roundness showing between her tank top and her shorts didn't seem to stop anybody from appreciating how she looked.

The only surprise, aside from her acting as if nothing was wrong all week, was that she had a cocktail for lunch. She said it was our anniversary and she was going to celebrate. My wild woman. The problem was, it was entirely NOT the Elaine I had fallen in love with and lived with for 30 years.

We got back to the hotel and she told me to sit on the balcony for a while. I could hear her moving around, but I assumed she was just pre-packing. At one point I thought I heard the door open, but when I turned to look she was the only one in the room.

I felt her hands on my shoulders, gently rubbing, thumbs at the base of my neck. That always felt so good when she massaged me. I considered comparing middle aged athletic build to the outfight muscular shapes of yesterday's flirtations, but decided to keep quiet. It seemed to pay off as she kept massaging me for at least 10 minutes.

"Ok, Neil, come on in." She took my hand and I stood up to follow her. Nothing really struck me as out of the ordinary, but when she turned around I did see she had her new earrings on, and the necklace carressed the top of her chest. She took a pose and smiled.

"Wow, that looks, you nailed it ho ... sorry, Elaine." The earrings and necklace were just icing on the cake, her being the cake. The week of sun had been good to her and her deep tan set off the silver of the necklace. Hell, I even enjoyed the little extra ripple of skin just above the waist of her shorts. She was simply hot, and I was responding.

Elaine looked down and smiled. "Oh, look at you, getting excited about a little jewelry now?"

I moved toward her. "It isn't the jewelry, it's the woman wearing it. I think you're more beautiful now than the day I married you." Odd, did she wince a little?

For a few minutes we held, our hands running over each other and my cock now pushing into her belly. She had worn me out over the week and here was my cock begging for more. If I had only known.

She pulled my shirt up over my head and tossed it aside. "There's a towel on the bed. I'd like you to lay face down on it." She undid my shorts as I climbed onto the bed, pulling them down and off as I got into position, then the boxers I had put on after breakfast.

I made sure my cock was up against my belly and not in a place where it would press down into the unyielding mattress, then allowed myself to relax, putting my hands under my head.

"Arms out to the sides," she directed as she climbed onto my back. For the next minutes she massaged my naked back, quickly moving down to my ass, and then down my right leg. I felt her slide off my sock and closed my eyes. I could feel her tongue licking at my ankle. Wow, what a sensation. The left leg followed. My head was turned to the right, and she was on the left side, so it was natural for her to lick her way from my elbow down, lifting my wrist to get the underside and even licking at my palm before lowering my arm and licking the wrist again. There was a short pause before she was on my right side. I waited for the feel of her tongue, but instead the dream ended and a nightmare began.

She pulled on my arm a little, very gently, and I felt her hand pass over the back of my hand. Another short pause before my arm was suddenly jerked straight out and I felt something tighten around my wrist. I opened my eyes to see her bent over near the head of the bed and a white rope running from my wrist to the edge of the bed near her. I tried to reach for it with my left hand, but after only a few inches of movement something tightned around that wrist as well. I looked that way and there was another white trail leading from my wrist to the side of the bed.

"Elaine, what's going on?" I had just turned my head back to her when her hand pushed my head to the bed and she was crawling over me. I saw her drop off the side of the bed and then the rope was pulled tighter, causing me to drop fully onto my chest. She must have had something preset because it took only a short time before she stood up and put her hands on her hips, looking down at my arms spread helplessly out toward the upper corners of the bed.

"Hey, this hurts, oww," she had smacked my ass as she moved down the side of the bed. I pulled on my leg to keep it away from her and found that it was already loosely bound. It didn't stay loose for long as she pulled it tight and tied it. I was trying to talk to her, but she was ignoring me. Then I got inspired.

"Elaine, stop. Please, stop. I don't want this." She was at the other corner and I knew what was about to happen. I tried to use my male muscles to keep my leg loose, but she smacked the back of my leg with her open palm and in pain I straightened my leg. Seconds later I was spread, face down on the bed. Naked. "Ok, that's enough. This isn't fun any morrngghh"

She had pulled my head back and pulled the ball gag out from under the pillows. She had the gag ready? I tried to pull my head back down, but she already had me and was stuffing the red ball into my mouth. My tongue pushing back was no match for her hand holding it in. When she released my head she just slid her hand around my head and slid the other along the strap. Her first words since telling me to lay down came as I kept turning my head to avoid the inevitable.

"Stop moving your head around or I'm going to make this much worse for you. Maybe I'll tie your balls to your toes after I bend your feet up and you can try to keep your feet bent for a few hours."

Considering my position, and how carefully she had planned this, I had to assume tying my balls was a very real option in her mind, so I stopped and let her finish gagging me. She pulled it really tight and she knew it, shoving a towel under my head to catch the drool that would soon begin working its way around the ball.

Before getting off of me, she massaged my shoulders a little more, then leaned down and pretty much hissed into my ear, "I told you that you would regret that night."

My eyes went wide and I began incoherently mumbling into the ball as she climbed off me and pulled off her shorts, then her panties. The panties were tossed across the other bed, landing on the floor. The shorts she pulled back up. I was pleading with her but she was entirely on point when she said, "I can't understand anything you're saying." Just like I had disregarded her telling me to stop. But this, this was planned in advance. I suddenly understood that my being tied was planned at least a month before we arrived here. As for the rest, I didn't know, and by the time I learned it was far too late.

"Just relax and enjoy the view. I'll be back in a few hours to release you. If the young guys get me hot enough we might even end this with some really wild sex, or maybe I'll just rub myself on you until I climax as often as I want to." I mumbled louder, but still in complete nonsense. She had her cell phone in her hand and was moving her finger on it. Leaning over me, I could hear the ringing, and the male voice that answered. "Hello Dominic, this is Elaine. I was held up just a bit, but if you're still free we can meet for a couple of drinks."

My breath left me when I heard him respond that he'd love that and she should leave the puppy in his kennel. She smiled at me when she said the puppy would not be with her. A few more things were said, mostly indicating how much Dominic wanted to get his hands onto my wife, then the call ended. She stood and grabbed her purse, holding her phone ready to drop it in, then she stopped. The three pictures she took showed different angles. She made sure she got the gag, and there was one shot that sounded like it went right up between my legs to my ass, and I couldn't tell the third angle with my head turned.

Now the phone went into the purse, she made sure she had a key, and she headed toward the door. I heard her say, "You can wonder what he and his friends are touching while you lay there. If you get too horny, that towel under your cock is in case you want to hump the bed." There was no mistaking the door closing this time.

I happened to look at the clock. It was 1:48, and I was going nowhere without some help. The unreality of things sank in slowly and I struggled with it. Our anniversary, and she had tied me to a bed so she could go out and flirt with some 20-somethings. Guys the ages of our children. And taking off her panties. I stared at the bed she had tossed her panties over. Was that also part of her plan? All these rooms came with two queen size beds, but of course we only needed one. The other had been untouched, other than laying out some clothes. Now I looked at that bed and felt an icy fear. She said she would come back and we might have wild sex. But she was going out drinking, and it was drinking that had done me in. What might happen if she remembered that detail and decided to just drink and let go?

The knots weren't going to let go. It took me about a half minute to see that. She had done her homework for sure. The only problem for me was that the wrists and ankles were tied with slip knots, to make it easier for her to tie them and then surprise me. That had worked. The light kissing and licking had me completely fooled and by the time she actually tied off the wrist, I had been trapped.

No way was I humping the bed. How many times had I circled that theme? I had forgotten, but I looked at the clock again. Now it was 3:45, almost two hours since she had left. And I began to feel that annoying bladder sensation when you first know that you're going to need to piss soon. She couldn't call to tell me she was running late, or early, or anything, because my cell phone was in my shorts which were somewhere on the floor where she had tossed them. But I hadn't heard a clunk from the phone, so maybe they were up somewhere.

I lifted my head to look around. My range of view was limited, but looking back over my left arm I saw the chairs where we had read and used our computers. My shorts were on one of the chairs. At least she wasn't totally heartless.

The urge to pee was getting stronger and I was beginning to worry when I heard the door open. I glanced at the clock. It was now 4:14, almost two and a half hours since she had left me. Elaine was talking and she seemed a bit loud. It was the next set of voices that froze me to the bed.

"Damn, look at that." Dominic's voice?

"Shit, girl, you got him done up good." Was that Jerome?

The last voice was definitely Elaine, and it sounded a little loud and a little slurred. "See, you didn't believe me and here he is, naked and tied to the bed. Oh, let me check." I looked over my shoulder as she came up on one side and I felt her reach under me. "No, he didn't even hump the bed. The poor dear."