Adulterous Honeymoon


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“Alan! Give me my pants back! Alan, there’re people here! Please!” I was frantic (seemingly) to get my pants back and was (actually) concerned about what other people might have seen the instant that I was floating naked with my cunt hair above the surface! Of course, the exposure was brief and I saw no reaction by anyone, but that part of the situation was worrisome. In any case, the game of “keep-away” was started and continued as my pants flew through the air, and that, I’m sure was noticed. This game went on for some time, as before, with naked me struggling with the pants-holder, whichever it was, while being thoroughly felt. All three of us enjoyed that while the charade went on and my tits and cunt were explored under the water. Eventually, the game got old for me, and my pleas became more insistent.

“Come on, Nita, do what you did last time. Run to shore and we’ll follow!”

Damn it, Alan, you know I can’t do that! There are people all over the place! Give me my pants!”

“No, we want to see how fast you can run!”

This went on for some time, with me becoming more desperate as the relaying of my pants became more tiresome.

“Ok, Nita, I’ll give your pants if you’ll promise to take them back off when we get back to our place.”

“You’re kidding! I can’t do that! Please, come on, Alan. Give me my pants!”

This went on for some time, with Bob chiming in, saying, “Do what your husband says! Remember, you promised to obey!”

“Damn it, I didn’t promise to obey and even if I had, I’m not going to do it!”

“Well, I think I’ve been in the water long enough. What do you think, Bob? Should we go in?”

“Yeah, I’m getting waterlogged.”

“Don’t you dare leave me here! Give me my damn pants!” Finally, as they started inward, I thought that I had held out long enough, and I yelled out to Alan, “All right, you…you…whatever, bring them back and I’ll do it!”

“Promise? Say what you’ll do!”

“I’ll get you for this, damn it! Ok, I’ll take my pants off when we get in.”

“And stay that way!”

“Oh, Alan, I can’t do that!” Then, as he turned away and started inward, I continued, “All right, blast it, I’ll stay that way! Give me my damn pants!” He turned back with a big grin and threw them to me – fortunately, I caught them, put them on, with difficulty, and headed for the next stage!

I’m sure I was blushing as I walked up on the beach, certain that everyone there knew what was going on. Obviously, while they might have caught a glimpse of my naked body as I struggled with Alan and Bob, they couldn’t know that I intended to lie naked on our mats right on the other side of the low dunes. However, as I got to our place, I “tried” to cheat and run up the path to our cottage. Of course, Alan, with Bob’s help, grabbed me and said, “Oh no you don’t. I thought you would try to get away! You made a promise, and you’re going to keep it.”

“A promise that was made under duress! I’m not going to take my pants off!” I began a struggle to get away with, obviously, no expectations of doing so.

Alan grabbed me by my arms and held me still while saying, “Come on Bob, take her pants off.” Without hesitation, Bob did just as Alan said, pulling them off and leaving me naked – just what all of us wanted! Unfortunately, standing up like that exposed me above the top of the low dunes protecting our place, so anyone looking our way from the beach could see me. I quickly dropped down on the mats while struggling and protesting.

“Come on, fellows, let me go! Other people can see me!” When I managed to get down, I continued, “If anybody looks up our opening to the beach, they’ll see me here naked! Let me cover myself!” My efforts and complaints were futile, and, shortly, I was lying, face down (to hide part of me), completely naked. That was exactly what I wanted, but I was still embarrassed despite having been nude yesterday. Then the comments began.

Bob started by observing, “That’s still a nice little ass!”

“Yeah, nice and curvy! Say Nita, you are getting a decent tan without burning. Your bottom is pure white compared with the rest of your skin. Your suit didn’t cover much, but you certainly can see where it was. You’d darn sure had better cover that with sunscreen or you’ll have a sunburned ass for sure!”

“When you two perverts are through discovering the condition of my anatomy and referring to it in that vulgar way, put some sunscreen on me! I don’t even want to turn over! If someone should come up this pass, I’ll kill you! Damn it, I’m naked and there are people right down there on the beach!”

Bob picked up the lotion bottle and looked at Alan, “Do you want to do the honors?” Seeing Alan’s head shake negatively, he proceeded to pour a generous amount into his hands and rub it on my back, starting at the shoulders. He rapidly got down to my hips, saying “Boy you are white here! Interesting problem. If I put a heavy coat of the sunscreen here, it’ll be protected and stay white. If I put a thin coat, it may burn quickly. I’d better put a thicker coat on now and gradually cut back as your skin gets use to being out.”

“Just put it on! I have no intention of having my bottom out bare often enough for it to burn! That is, if you two will let me keep my pants on!”

Alan jumped in, “I don’t know, Nita! You look nice this way. Think of having an allover tan when we get home! We may have to find a nudist camp for you!”

“Yeah, and I may have to look for a new husband who won’t strip me in public and let my delicate anatomy be fondled by other men! Bob!

While the discussion was going on, Bob was carefully, and very slowly, smoothing the lotion over my bare bottom, the region he had felt under my suit yesterday. When I made the comment about being “fondled by other men,” he deliberately drew his slippery fingers between the cheeks of my bottom from it starting point on my back, down over my asshole and to the start of my cunt lips and back up! He even deliberately pushed in momentarily at the hole itself as he went by it! Bob, stop that!” I squeezed my ass cheeks together as tight as I could while both Bob and Alan laughed uproariously at my reaction. I was genuinely embarrassed by this unexpected exploration and I imagine that I blushed red all the way down to my hips! He went on down my legs then and, since I kept my legs tightly closed, there was no more sexual contact.

It’s funny how a traumatic experience can rapidly fade and become ordinary. After being stroked and felt, even having my intimate areas touched, I calmed down and just lay there just as if I were covered. The extraordinary becomes mundane very quickly. So, after a few minutes, I entered a normal conversation and, while certainly not forgetting my nakedness, I felt reasonably comfortable and, still, sexually aroused. That equanimity faded, however, when it was time to turn over. Bob had seen my front yesterday and joked about my blond cunt hair, but was different from just lying there, knowing that he was going to feel me. I was looking forward to it, of course, but I was still uneasy. However, the time had come.

I acted normally reluctant to turn over and expose everything, even pulling a towel over my middle, but that was immediately removed, and there I lay – Aunt Agatha would have died of shock on the spot, as well as, when I think about it, so would almost everyone I know! Actually, if anybody had told me ten days ago that I would be lying completely naked in broad daylight with beach goers all around the area, I would have been shocked that they had even thought of such a situation. Then, if you added to that idea that a man, almost a stranger, was not only looking at me but was about to run his hands all over me, including my cunt area, I might have joined Aunt Agatha! Still that was the situation!

Bob made a pro forma offer of the sunscreen bottle to Alan, asking, “Do you want to apply this?” Alan just waved him to go ahead. Interestingly enough, no one suggested that I do it myself since I certainly could reach everything in front. I remembered just a few days ago I said, “No thank you. I’m quite capable of rubbing sunscreen on my tits without help!” Now I wasn’t even asked and I made no protest, even knowing this was going to involve more than just my tits.

It was the most peculiar situation. Alan and Bob talked almost as if weren’t there and as if they were just two guys discussing a woman, not one the husband of the woman. Bob started at my shoulders as always and then reached my breasts. He fondled and squeezed them as he spread the sunscreen, saying, “You know, I think that these are the best tits I’ve ever felt! Hard and soft at the same time. And the nipples are unreal!”

“I know what you mean. I had no idea what they were like when we started to go out together. She always wore blouses and shirts that hid them. I’m glad she’s letting them show – so is everyone else on the beach!” With that, he reached down and squeezed my breast and tweaked a nipple!

Bob continued, inexorably, down my body until he reached my hair line. “She certainly is a true blond! Boy, I’d better put plenty of stuff on that white area! Look, you can see the white skin right through the hair.” I must have been bright red by this time!

“Yeah, she has a lot of hair, but it’s very fine and light. It really feels fluffy and soft and doesn‘t really hide her cunt!”

Bob took that comment as a suggestion and ran his fingers through my cunt hair, ending with his index finger rubbing my clit. “Boy, you’re right, it feels really nice and I’ll bet her cunt does too!” Surprisingly, he didn’t really go much between my legs, just quickly over the lips but not between them. I kept my legs together, but he could have forced his fingers in, but he stayed in the hair and on my clit. I was glad and disappointed at the same time!

He continued sort of fluffing up the hair, obviously fascinated by it. “You know, I’ve always liked a woman with a nice triangle of cunt hair. I’ve never understood why some men prefer a bald cunt! It just doesn’t look right.”

“I feel exactly the same way. I just don’t know why a shaved cunt is considered to be attractive. Why would a man want a woman who looks like a 10-year old girl! If she needs to remove some hair to wear a very brief suit, I can accept that, but I don’t understand why a man would want his girlfriend, wife or, whatever, to look like she wasn’t old enough to grow hair. In any case, Nita’s hair is nice to look at and feel!”

I knew that they were baiting me as they talked, but I couldn‘t hold back. “Damn it, quit talking about me! It’s bad enough having two sex fiends feeling me, but stop talking about it! I knew that if you got my pants off that this would happen. Here I am, an innocent woman, married for less than two weeks, being molested by you two brutes. A husband is supposed to protect his wife, not help debouch her! Quit talking about my tits and cunt or I‘ll damn sure keep them covered and out of your hands! Where’s Aunt Agatha when I need her!”

That brought gales of laughter as they finally got a rise out of me. The result was a wonderful feeling of comradery and closeness and the acceptance of me being naked with them as being natural and normal. Finally, after being covered with sunscreen and lying there for a brief tanning session, I said, “I think I’ve been out long enough. I’m going in, have a shower and lie down awhile before we get something to eat. Give me my pants. I still say that this could be very embarrassing if someone just looked up here as they walked pass on the beach. Me lying here completely naked!’

They both agreed with Alan’s statement, “They’d probably love it! The way people look at you when you go down the beach topless! Hey, there’s an idea, walk down the beach naked and see their reaction!”

Oh, sure! And get thrown out of the resort! Walking around in public wearing nothing but panties is enough for me. I don’t want a bigger audience – two is more than enough!”

The “conversation” went on for some time before Bob asked, "What are you two doing this evening? There’s a thing with music, dancing and some contest type stuff tonight at Jancie’s. Maybe you’d like to go there. Food’s pretty good, too.”

“Where’s that?”

“It’s further down the beach toward the harbor. Walking distance. It’s a nice little place if you haven’t been there. Lots of college kids go there, but mostly our age.”

“Ok, sounds good, but what should I wear,” I asked.

“Most people wear casual clothes, shorts, bathing suits. Very informal. You could wear those blue panties and a tee shirt and be right in style. That’s what a lot of the girls wear – well, not panties, I guess, but they‘d look good!”

Finally, we agreed that Jancie’s would be fun, and that Bob should come over about six and we’d walk down. It turned out to be a wonderful and very different evening, but before we could get ready, I needed to go off after all the sexual activity of the afternoon. Stripped naked in the water, forced to agree to take my pants off on shore! All planned, of course, but very exciting, anyway! Then, lying there, there, completely naked, while Bob felt just about everything! He had even poked at my asshole, pushing the tip of his finger slightly into me while Alan watched the entire performance. When I turned over, having my tits felt while they talked about my nipples, leading up to Bob running his fingers through my cunt hair! Even more, they talked about the hair, referring to my cunt, a word that had not been used before – and I was able to say tits and cunt! I think I went off three times with Alan working on me while we talked, me gasping most of the time! Alan was equally excited, mentally, about everything that we had done, but he had no physical relief. However, he loved seeing me being played with, and urged me to continue – but at my own pace. We assumed that nothing more would occur that night, but we looked forward to tomorrow when I might let Bob actually see between my legs. For now, however, we were ready for a pleasant evening out.

As I got ready, I chickened out and wore the new bikini suit pants instead of the panties. Actually, the panties covered more, but they were panties and this was a new place. Over them I wore a cover-up that buttoned up the front and went down over my hips. Relatively conservative compared with what I had been wearing. It was a pretty long walk along the beach, but it was pleasant going along the water line.

Jancie’s turned out to be very nice. It was a combination restaurant, dance floor and stage where a small band played while we ate. Afterwards, we watched several acts (mostly local talent) on the stage while quite a large crowd collected, standing behind the table area. Bob had left us for a short time and came back carrying a thin white tee-shirt which he handed and told me to put it on. I had seen a number of girls wearing those shirts, but I hadn’t thought anything of it, but now I had one in my hand. “Why should I put this on, Bob? I can’t put it on anyway. I don’t have a bra on under my cover-up, so I couldn’t do it here! What’s the deal?”

Before Bob could reply, Alan jumped in, “Come on, Nita, put it on! Everybody’s looking at the stage and won’t pay attention to you!”

“What’s going on? What are you two up to?”

“Just put it on! You’ll see!” Bob said as Alan nodded confirmation.

“All right, but you two had better have a damn good reason!” With that, I calmly unbuttoned my cover-up and, unbelievably, took it off, sat there naked to the waist with dozens of people right around me, and struggled into the tee shirt which was at least two sized too small. Looking at Alan and Bob, and ignoring the audience that had just seen my bare tits, I said, “Ok, it’s on! I feel like a sausage in it. I need a lot bigger size if you want me to wear this thing – it fits like the skin!”

However, before either could reply, an MC type jumped onto the stage and, through a microphone, announced to the crowd, “Ok folks, this is what you’re waiting for! All you girls in the tee shirts, come on up on the stage!”

I looked in utter consternation at Alan, getting only, “Go on, Nita! Go on up to the stage!” I saw at least twenty girls, all dressed in those shirts, wending their way through the crowd, propelled by thunderous applause. Before I could even think of protesting, both Alan and Bob had pulled me to my feet and pushed me toward the stage, and, as I stood there, other hands helped and, almost in a daze, I found myself on the steps and, then, on the stage. Ridiculous as it seems now, I had no idea as to what was going on – I think my mind was still on Alan and Bob and what they were up to. Suddenly, two things happened at once – like a flash, I thought this is a wet tee shirt contest, and, at that instant, I was hit on the chest by a blast of frigid water!

Nothing gets your attention faster than having a stream of water hit you, nor does anything cause nipples to stick out so well. I looked down a long line, it turned out, of twenty-one girls with forty-two nipples trying to get out of their now transparent shirts. Mine, of course, made forty-four. All down the line, you could see curvy breasts, mostly visible, crowned by those very visible nipples. The MC made some racy comments about all of us, and called out the names of three judges, one female TV actress form the US, and two men who evidently were well known locals. Those three walked slowly, carefully scrutinizing each pair of breasts and making notes. When each stopped in front of me, I had the most complicated emotions – both embarrassed and competitive at the same time. Then, after a brief consultation with each other, ten girls were eliminated. I was still there. Then, we were wet down again, very thoroughly, and the whole process was gone through again. At that point, seven were removed – and to my honest surprise, I was still there!

With each elimination, there were yells of approval and dissent, and at this last grouping, the place was in an uproar. Finally, after one more, even more thorough wetting down, the MC announced that the winner would be named by the verbal support of the crowd. Each of us was required to parade across the stage, tits visible and bouncing, and he brought us out, one by one. I was really out of it mentally at that point. I not only had never done anything like this, I had never even thought of anything remotely like it. In any case, the MC held his hand over the first girl and received tepid applause, the second girl got the same response, but when he indicated me, there was an unbelievable reaction. It was as close to unanimous as was possible in a crowd like that.

Overwhelmingly, I was voted as having the best tits in a wet tee shirt contest! I didn’t know how to react, of course, but I was giddy and I still don’t know exactly how I reacted or what I said. So, I got a trophy crowned with a nymph with embarrassingly large breasts, and a shirt with “Winner of Jancie’s Annual Wet Tee Shirt Contest” printed on the front. I still have both of them, but no one sees them! Alan got some very explicit pictures, and no one sees them either! I loved the whole thing and when we headed home around 11:00, the walk was shorter because I was floating!

We were talking all at once as we walked, all in a weird state after the surprising victory. We were all drunk on the events of the evening, each having something to add about his or her experiences and feelings. Bob had known of the contest, of course, and had run the idea of entering me by Alan before we left home. Actually, they admitted, they hadn’t really thought that I would win, figuring that some unbelievable pair of tits would show up, but when they saw us all up there with our shirts wet, they were sure that I was better than anyone. Filled with exuberance and excitement, I took off my shirt and danced along bare breasted. It was a lovely night, the moon so bright that you could see almost the full length of our beach as we neared home, the water was very calm, very little surf, and we walked in the water up to our ankles. When we approached our path through the dunes, I stopped and said, “I don’t want to go home yet! I want to go in the water!”
