Adulterous Honeymoon


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As might be expected, the idea met with an enthusiastic response. There was no one in sight, so, not even hesitating, I pulled off my pants and stood there naked, saying, “You’d take them off in the water, anyway! This way they won’t get lost! Come on!” Not waiting, I ran into the small waves and waded up to my waist, looking back in time to see the two men dropping their pants and shorts and following me, nude, into the water. For the next half-hour we floundered around in the water, chasing around with me, of course, being the quarry. I had hands on my tits, on my ass and all over my cunt. For the first time, Bob had my naked cunt to feel and he made the most of it. Actually, he managed to not only feel my ass and cunt, he was actually able to penetrate both a bit! He couldn’t really get deep into my bottom, but there was no question that his finger was pushing in at the hole and might have been up to the first knuckle. He had more success with my cunt, and was able to insert a finger into it several times and actually finger-fuck me a bit! There was nothing surreptitious about Bob’s exploration of my “charms!” The most obvious time was when the three of us were right together, me floating on the surface with Alan holding me up by my tits with Bob having his hands between my legs! There certainly was nothing secretive about that!

Gradually, we calmed down and left the water. It was something, standing on the beach, completely naked, with two naked men, and not caring. Actually, there was no one nearby, although with the moonlight I could see several figures further down. Anyway, it felt wonderful and, as we walked up our path, carrying our clothes, I had my arms around both men – almost as if I had two husbands. Still, where the path separated, Alan and I went one way, Bob the other. However, I kissed Bob goodnight as we split up, and, as I did so, I felt something poking into my stomach which gave me the idea that he would have liked to take me with him!

After we left Bob and went in, I was so hot that I think that I was going off as I hit the bed! Alan was excited too, of course, and in different circumstances, he would have been on me in a second! Still, he got pleasure out of working on me, and, even if his cock couldn’t get hard, he had everything except the actual act! That’s a big “except,’ of course, but the mental part of the whole thing worked for him. He felt and licked me and, as before, I moved so violently that he had to work to stay in place. After I had come twice, I was finally able to settle down and talk about the evening.

“I can’t believe that I was in a wet tee shirt contest, much less that I won! Oh, I hope the pictures come out – even if no one back home can see them! Gods, what would they think! And, boy, you and Bob really worked me over in the water! He certainly knows what my cunt feels like in the water – my bottom, too!

“Yeah, that was something, seeing his hands between your legs! Did he finger-fuck you?”

“Yeah, he got in, probably an inch or so, and maybe a fingertip in back. He pushed in right at the holes, but the angle probably was wrong to get in any deeper. He certainly tried both places, though! It really felt good to me, being touched! It must have really felt good to him!”

“Damn, that must have been something! I’ll bet he was hard!”

“Oh, he was hard, all right, very hard!”

Wow, how do you know? Did it touch you?”

Touch me! The whole time we were together it was rubbing against me, and….and..

he put my hand on it while you were holding me up by my tits! While he had his hand on my cunt, I was holding his cock!”

“My god, how did it feel? Was he really hard?”

“It felt nice, very much like yours. About the same size, and very hard! When he put my hand on it, I started to jerk away, and I thought, ‘why,’ and just held it and even rubbed it a bit! I just can’t believe I did that, but I did. And, when I kissed him good night, it was hard against me then!”

“And you were talking about not going so fast! Man, he must be hot for you! I’ll bet that if he had you alone, he’d put his cock where his finger was!”

“I’m sure that he would try! That’s why I am not going to be alone with him anytime I’m undressed! I know you like all of this and, I’m shocked to admit, so do I, but I’m not going any further down that road! I’ll strip for the two of you, let both of you see and feel everything, but my cherry’s going back home with us! Don’t even think of leaving me alone with him!

“Ok, ok – I won’t leave you alone, but you sure are going to be very well explored by the time we do get home! It’s going to be fun for both of us, actually, all three of us, when you open your legs when he’s rubbing sunscreen on you! I‘ll bet you‘ll go off one of these times when he‘s working on you!”

That would be embarrassing! It might be fun, though! We’ll see.”

Wednesday, August 12. I woke up, like any other morning in Belize, and suddenly remembered what had happened last night! I won a wet tee shirt contest! The whole experience hit me suddenly, and I felt a wave of heat flow through me as I pictured myself up on that stage, hearing the roar of approval from that crowd! I had never even dreamed of that kind of public exposure or the almost unanimous support from everyone there! The heady feeling that only stage performers ever get was mine! Unbelievable! Then, almost as an afterthought, I remembered holding Bob’s cock while he felt me! That was not quite unalloyed pleasure, for I could foresee complications. Oh, I really enjoyed the whole experience, but I was worried that things could get out of hand if I wasn’t careful. One thing I knew: I was not going to be undressed and alone with Bob! I was going to stick to Alan like a second skin when I was naked! Actually, I really wanted to be naked, wanted to be felt and explored, but no more! I knew that Alan was almost certainly right when he said that Bob probably wanted to put his cock where his finger had been last night – in my cunt! That wasn’t going to happen! There was no question, my cherry’s going back home with us! I was a virgin bride and my husband was going to take it, not a man we had met about a week ago!

That thought got to me! We had met Bob on August 4, and it was now August 12, eight days ago, this would be the ninth, and in that time I had gone from an almost untouched virgin bride to a woman who had walked in public wearing nothing but a pair of very brief panties, been stripped naked by her new husband and another man, won a wet tee shirt contest, and, finally, had her tits and cunt felt by that other man, plus holding his cock! Had any inexperienced woman had so many sexual occurrences in such a short time? Gods, and I had wanted to slow things down! This would be our eleventh day in Belize, leaving nineteen more! I had better put the brakes on this thing before we really went too far! I had to admit, however, that Alan was enjoying everything that we were doing, and certainly wasn’t jealous! Good heavens no! Anything but! Just last night he held me up in the water while Bob felt my cunt! And, I did say what we were doing! Alan started it, but I became a co-conspirator almost immediately – in fact, I started it in a way by letting Bob feel the sides of my breast that first day! In case, for my own peace of mind, I really needed to slow things down and draw the line at I guess would be very heavy petting!

In the meantime, I was very hot and, I’m ashamed to admit that, while Alan was in the shower, I put my hand on my cunt and masturbated to orgasm, thinking of all that had happened yesterday! When I came, the triggering thought was Bob’s cock in my hand! That was embarrassing! I was really going to have to cool things off for awhile. However, Alan was still very upbeat about everything that had happened yesterday and, when I mentioned that I felt a little funny about touching Bob and having him fingering me, he laughed it off, saying, “Come on, Nita, we were all having fun last night! Your tits won the contest, it was a beautiful night, all three of us were hot – what are you worrying about? We both want Bob to play with you. That’s why we planned to take your pants off in the water, and everything has worked out just as we wanted! Here, look at this.”

He opened up his laptop and brought up the pictures that he had downloaded from yesterday showing me lying on the mats, face up, and Bob running his fingers through my cunt hair! He had downloaded the movies from the cameras before, but we had decided to wait and look at them at home in order – although we had peeked at a few scenes like this. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! It was like looking at a porno movie, or how I assumed a porno movie would look! It was very graphic and you could clearly see his fingers fluffing up the hair and then concentrate on my clit. As I watched that scene, I got so excited that I actually played with my cunt right in front of Alan, something I had never done before.

“See, he said, “you do like it! You like him feeling you and there’s no reason you shouldn’t. I approve, so it’s not being unfaithful or whatever you are worrying about! And, I know that you enjoyed holding his cock last night and I’m glad you did! So, what’s the problem?”

I had to admit what was clearly evident – I did really like the sex play we had had yesterday (and before) and was really excited about it. Probably at a more conservative time I might have argued with Alan’s rationalization of our illicit sexual conduct, but right then I embraced it with enthusiasm! It was what I wanted to hear, so both of us were committed to continue – although neither of us articulated where we thought it would end up. Nature would take its course, but I did repeat, emphatically, “I don’t want you to leave us alone, particularly if I’m naked. My cherry’s going back home with us! Promise you‘ll stay with me!”

“I promise! Any time you’re naked and available, I’ll be right there!”

“Ok, then do what you want! I’ll go along with it, and we‘ll all have a good time!”

We hadn’t made any arrangements with Bob for that morning, so we took a ride through some inland areas, plus seeing several other beaches with more violent surf. That was fun and allowed me, and Alan, to come down a bit from the excitement of last night. We had lunch at a nearby restaurant and returned home for our next adventure. We hadn’t really discussed any plan the way we had before, but it was just understood that I would open my legs to let Bob see my cunt. Of course, he had felt between my legs last night, but things just don’t feel the same under water. It was funny, calmly assuming that I was just going to lie there, probably naked, and let a man see and feel me! I, who had never done anything (except lately with Alan) of a sexual nature and who had absorbed Aunt Agatha’s teaching without question! Weird!

Actually, it turned out to be quite an interesting day with me doing something I had joked about not long ago, going off! We rested awhile and went down to the beach about 3:00, with Bob joining us shortly afterwards. I think that he must have stood at his window waiting for us to arrive. We were in the water for about 45 minutes, playing around as usual, except that they let me keep my pants on. Still, both men managed to get their hands under them, so my cunt and bottom were well felt, as was true of my tits. (Interestingly, I now thought of them as “tits” most of the time, not breasts or, even, boobs!) It was fun and the sexual play no longer was the least bit traumatic. By the time we left the water, we were cool, and I welcomed the heat of the sun through the cover of out shade tree. I started to flop down on the mat after toweling off, but before I could do so, Alan suggested, “Why don’t you take off your pants, Nita?” His question was immediately backed up by Bob, “Yeah, we both like you that way – very sexy!”

“You two are sex fiends! I can’t just lie here naked! What if someone came up the path or, for that matter, just looked up here?” However, as both just stared at me, waiting for me to strip, I gave in, saying, “Oh, ok, but if anyone comes this way you had better be prepared to cover me!” Of course, I had intended to take my pants off, anyway, but doing it after a protest made it easier. So, there I was, completely naked as I turned face down to be less blatant – or, at least, to pretend to be so!

Bob immediately began spreading the sunscreen lotion over me despite the shade. I didn’t make any protest as he worked down my body. It did feel very good as always, and I lay there comfortably and enjoyed the gentle massage. However, when he reached my hips, he just ran his fingers up and down the cheeks, getting closer and closer to the division. Finally, the fingers delved between and ran down the entire furrow until it ended in my cunt. I had relaxed my thighs and, for the first time out of the water, he felt the lips of my cunt and, even, the groove between the lips. One finger actually went into me a bit and, then, slowly came back up, pausing momentarily at my asshole before going on up. Then he reversed and went all the way back between my legs and up again. However, this time, he pushed in slightly at the hole before going on. This happened five or six times, each time his finger became lubricated by the moisture developing in my cunt and transferred that moisture to my asshole, pushing in further each time. For some reason, I became somewhat embarrassed by this penetration and, after the finger went in, probably, to the first knuckle, I protested, “Bob. Stop that!”

Obviously Bob knew what I was objecting to – and Alan, watching avidly did too – but he asked, “Stop what, Nita?” As he asked the question, his newly moistened finger came back to the hole and he just pushed in, impaling me up to his second knuckle and quickly moving in and out, finger-fucking my ass!

“Bob, for heaven’s sake, you know what I mean!” As I said that, I pulled away from him and rolled over on my back, actually blushing as I did so. “That’s indecent!”

Alan asked with a straight face, “What’s wrong, Nita? Bob is just putting the lotion on to protect you from sunburn!”

“I don’t get sunburn there! You’re as bad as he is. You’re probably egging him on. Now I don’t dare lie on my stomach! You’re both incorrigible!”

“Ok, Nita, I’ll concentrate on protecting your skin on your front.” Then, as he cupped and squeezed my breasts, he commented to Alan, “Boy, these are perfect tits! Those other girls last night must have turned green with envy when they saw them revealed in that wet tee shirt! There just was no contest! I’ll be most of the people in that crowd, men and women, would have loved to feel them like this!”

“I don’t doubt that! The looks on their faces was priceless. I’ll bet that 90% of the men had hardons and the women had wet cunts!”

There they were again, talking about me as if I wasn’t there or couldn’t hear them. “Alan, what are you saying? That’s embarrassing, talking about me like that!”

“Come on, Nita, Alan’s right. You could see it on their faces. When your shirt got wet, there was a moment of awed silence and, then, the applause started! I know that my first thought was, ‘Gods, I’ve felt those tits!” As he said that, obviously sincere, he squeezed hard, sending a wave of pleasure through me.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to admit that I’m flattered, but if what you say is true, I’m glad I was up on the stage, not down within reach! I wouldn’t want everybody feeling me! Now, stop talking, it‘s embarrassing.”

That’s when everything changed. Leaving my tits, Bob worked down until he reached my cunt hair. He was just feeling me, making no pretense that he was applying lotion. He ran his fingers through the hair, ruffling it up as he had done yesterday, and moved directly onto my cunt. As he reached my clit, I just opened my legs, giving him full access to everything. He ran his hand all the way between my legs back to my ass and back up. He did that several times, letting his finger trace the way between by cunt lips and slipping a bit inside as he passed my cunt hole. He paused at my clit and went back again, actually letting his fingertip enter my asshole for an instant with no verbal opposition from me, and then into my cunt with the same finger. I was lost, beyond opposition. He finger-fucked my ass and cunt lightly, with me raising my hips to make things more assessable. I wasn’t even aware of it at the time – I really wasn’t aware of anything other than my body – but I had begun moving my pelvis up and down in rhythm with his fingers. I really was in a different world, doing something I never would have conceived of – letting another man set me off, building me up to a tremendous orgasm! He had stopped finger-fucking me and was concentrating exclusively on my clit, finally sending me into a paroxysm of pleasure, twisting and squirming against his hand as he brought me to orgasm.

I lay there, comatose – breathless, heart racing, mind closed down – slowly coming down from the peak. Dimly I heard Bob, gasping out, “Good god, I’ve never seen anything like that! I could hardly keep my hand on her at the finish! You’ll need a seat belt when you’re screwing her. Wow, that was fun, though!”

Finally I recovered enough to say, breathlessly, “Oh, you shouldn’t have done that to me! Heavens, going off right out here on the beach in broad daylight. That’s humiliating! Oh. I can’t even look at you.” As I managed to get that out, I pulled a towel over my head – leaving the rest of me exposed, of course. They wouldn’t permit me to hide, so, shortly, my crimson face was revealed no matter how I would try to cover it. I genuinely was embarrassed because going off like that was completely unexpected and more personal than the nakedness that I had come to enjoy. It was one thing to be seen physically, much more to be seen in that most intimate moment. I had intended to show my cunt and let Bob feel it, but I was totally unprepared for my reaction! It was quite awhile before I could compose myself, but, finally, my shock at what had happened wore off a bit and things returned more to normal. At that point, Alan and Bob felt free to tease me and, while that was somewhat embarrassing, it felt good. At the end of the afternoon, when we prepared to go in, I was able to admit what was obvious – that I had really enjoyed it and, when pressed by Bob, I agreed that we probably could do it again! Shocking!

When Alan and I went in, we began talking about the afternoon’s activities. I was still feeling peculiar about doing such a private thing with another man, but Alan tried to put it in perspective by pointing out that the whole thing was relatively innocent – just three friends playing around with no emotional attachment. “Look, I’m your husband and I was right there watching. Bob set you off, but you probably could have had the same result using a vibrator or, for that matter, your own fingers. Obviously, this was different from those because it was another person working on you, but the result was the same. I certainly didn’t disapprove – in fact, I thought it was very exciting! It was like watching a porno movie except that I knew the actors. Watching my wife having an orgasm while another man played with her was wild! My cock won’t get hard until we get home, but sex is in the mind and I can get hot watching a movie without going off! You were wonderful – just letting yourself go and exploding! You heard Bob’s comments! We all three loved it, so you should forget being embarrassed and think how sexy you looked. Here, I’ll download the pictures and you can see yourself!”
