African Princess


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But then they told me that you were really just a normal person. You weren't some criminal going around defrauding people. You were probably a victim just like me and you had tried to save me my $200,000 by paying it for me because you didn't know that I had already paid. I started to realize that you were trying to save me. You were trying to be my hero. You might not be who I had been expecting but you were even better.

I know you might be feeling the way I did, that you were foolish to be taken advantage of. Maybe that means that what you said in the restaurant wasn't true at all but I remember you saying that you would really want to get to know me. If that's true then I would want to get to know you to. Please write me back and then maybe, hopefully, we can start as friends.


Melissa Payne

P.S. I should have mentioned this first thing. Please accept my check for $200,000 to reimburse you for your losses."

"Two hundred thousand dollars." I said out loud. Phone, contacts, dial, ringing, speaker phone.

"Hello." Crystal said.

"Two hundred thousand dollars!!"

"Shit." I heard her reply.

"Get your ass over here."

"I can explain."


"I'm a little busy."

"Ok, then I'll just call my lawyer."

"I'm out of town."

"Ok, bye."

"Wait. How did you find out?"

"Goodbye Crystal."

"I can explain but let me come over in a couple of days."

"I'm hanging up now."

"FUCK. Fine, I'll be over in an hour."

"I'll be waiting, slave."


I hung up and my mind raced as I thought over everything again and again. What was I going to do? I was totally fucking fed up with Crystals lies and scams and all of her other bullshit. And this Melissa lady, how the hell had she found me? This was not cool. I didn't reach out into the world to go fuck with other people, why did trouble have to come and find me?

When my sister arrived she looked like she had been in the process of getting ready to go out for an evening of fun. She started to talk but I just glared at her until she shutted the fuck up. I didn't say anything. I pointed to the back door and then we both went to my back yard.

"You're going to lecture me out here or something?"

"Get on your knees."


"Do it slave."

"And what's with the slave thing?"

"Fine, get the fuck back in your car and ride out."

"But I can't have you calling lawyers or police or anything."

"You're four months late fulfilling your slave obligations to me."

"I've been looking for a job. Honest. It's hard out there."

"As I recall you didn't just say you would do that one thing for me. You said you'd be my slave for two years. Ok, slave, get on your fucking knees."

"But I'm all dressed up."

"And I don't give a damn. Now do it."

She tried to find the best spot on the grass and she was trying to make it seem like she just couldn't possibly get all the way down on her knees out here. I patiently waited through all her passive aggressive pretend incompetence. She settled on putting her hands on the grass palm up and putting her knees in her palms. It was then that I revealed to her that I had my dick out.

"Don't move." I said.

"Kev, what the hell. I sure hope you're not going to ask me to do what I think you're going to ask me to do. Cause slave or no slave that's not happening."

"Shut up and don't move. I'm about to demonstrate to you exactly what I think of all your criminal behavior."

"I'm not a crimmm ... AH!"

She stopped talking when she started to feel the stray of my piss hitting her body.

"Not the face." she said as she pulled her hands from under knees to put them up in defense.

It was too bad I didn't have that much piss in me stored up just then because I wanted to get her a lot more wet than she was. I finished pissing and then got my dick covered up just in case she was going to lash out at me in anger. She started saying something but I went to my house, went into the back door and then I locked her dumb ass out. She rang by bell a few times but I wouldn't let her in. She seemed to think I was laughing or enjoying all of this but really I was angry enough with her to want to punch through the wall. I watched from my window as my sister covered in piss went to her brand new car. I couldn't see perfectly but she was trying to either towel off or maybe change part of her clothes before getting into the car. She seemed to be play acting for my benefit to make it look like she was just having such a really hard time.

Eventually my sister did drive away but not before sending me a long nasty text message which of course I only skimmed to see if she would reveal any details about her scams. She didn't so I deleted it and sent her a text telling her maybe next time I'd shit on her head and if she even had a thought of not complying then it would go very badly for her.

Now, to deal with this other bitch reaching into my life. I should just ignore her and if she had only sent me a letter then that would probably have been what I would have done but she also sent me a check. Well I certainly was not going to cash that. This whole situation had trap written all over it. So she fucking found me. I would really like to know how that happened. If she found me then she might have found my sister as well. Were they listening to my calls or reading my text messages? The woman's contact information wasn't written on the letter but it was on the check.

"Hello." she answered.

"Hello, is this Melissa?"

"It is. Who's calling."

"This is Kevin."

"Oh, Kevin. It's ... um ... it's nice to hear from you."

"I'll just get this part out of the way. In the state where I live it's illegal to record phone calls and if the police are there doing it then they need to issue me a warrant to record anything."

"No one is here doing anything like that."

"They better not be. After everything happened I got a lawyer and I am trying to track down Miss Helen Rodriguez."

"I'm trying to find her too."

"So you don't know where she is?"

"No. I was hoping you could tell me."

"I paid her $5000 to introduce me to a ... You know, as part of, it's embarrassing but she said she was working for a foreign bride service and I went to New York to meet an African Princess. I was told at the very last minute that you were an American feminist looking for a sperm donor to have a daughter through Artificial Insemination. I haven't gone to the police because I feel really stupid about all this but I did go get a lawyer. So if you have any contact information for Helen Rodriguez I'd really like to get that from you."

"I don't have anything. Her phone number doesn't work anymore."

"You're not in on it? You're not her partner?"

"Me? No. I paid her for surrogacy and I wanted to meet the man. That's why I was there."

"Your letter says you paid her $200,000. So it looks like I wasn't even the main target."

"I paid her the day before the restaurant. I was really surprised when you said you paid the fee for me."

"Well, I didn't pay anywhere near that so you understand that I can't cash this check."

"Totally. I get that now."

"I was actually really suspicious of this check like it might be one of those, cash a check and then you demand I pay you back cash right away, meanwhile later the check actually bounces kind of things."

"I'm good for it, honestly."

"I'm not cashing this. I'll just mail it back to you. Incidentally, I also looked for you but I couldn't find you with the limited information I had. How did you find me?"

"I hired a Private Investigator and she got your name from the restaurant and car rental place."

"Well, just to put it out there, I'm not a doctor and I've never told anyone that I was a doctor."

"Oh, I know. I know."

"I'm just a normal guy with a normal job. I do ok but I'm not rich or nothing like that."

"And I'm not from Africa and I'm not a princess. I'm just a normal person."

"Ok. Well, I was very happy to get your letter. I'm disappointed that you can't get me in touch with Ms. Rodriguez but ok. If you find anything, could you share it with me?"

"Will do. Certainly."

"Thank you. I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's not a bother. Before you go, can I ask you something?"


"Did you mean what you said in the restaurant?"

"I was trying to not make a scene and I had only just been told about the ..."

"Did you mean what you said about maybe wanting to get to know me?"

"Sure. Absolutely."

"Cause, if you don't mind, I think I would like that."

"I don't live in New York."

"I don't either. I'm from Los Angeles."

"That's still a little far just the other way."

"If I come out there for the weekend, do you think we could spend some time together."

"Spend time how? On a date?"

"Nothing so serious. More like friends. I want to get to know you."

"I'll probably have a document I'll need to translate. See I work as a healthcare translator."

"I know."

"You know what. Sure. Come on down. I'll make the time."

"You sure?"

"Absolutely. I'm due to take a couple of leave days anyway so if you tell me you're really coming then I'll put in for them and take Monday and Tuesday off too. How does that sound?"

"I'm coming. Where do you want to meet? I mean, I have your address but I've never to ..."

"If you're driving in from the airport get off the interstate by the zoo and I'll meet you. You can't miss it cause there's nothing else there."

"Or you could just meet me at the airport."

"Yes, or I could just meet you at the airport. Let me know what plane you're on."

"Is Friday too soon or would Saturday be better?"

"After work on Friday, sure; but knowing how the airlines are now I doubt you'll have much choice on when they're going to land."

"Airlines? Oh, no I wouldn't be flying commercial."

"Well, just letting you know, it's kind of too far to drive. Plus if you drive out here from Los Angeles the airport is on the other side. It would be better to meet up by ..."

"I have my own plane, is what I wanted to say."

"You ... you what?"

"It's not a big deal. Ok. I'm an Amelia Earhart fan so I took flying lessons and all that."

"You fly your own plane, like, as a pilot?"


"That is so cool."

"I'm not just some rich girl with a private plane, I'm an actual pilot."

"Ok. I'm legitimately impressed. That is very amazing. The only time I went to flight school was in a video game."

"Hey, you know, how about when I come see you I take you up."


"Yeah. You're not scared of flying, are you?"

"Not at all. That sounds really cool."

"Great. So I guess we should talk about ... where I'm going to sleep."

"Ok, Um, just to be completely honest, I do have a guest room and I am honestly excited for you to come see me but considering how we met and everything I hope you don't mind if I'm a bit cautious."

"Oh, I understand. I'll get a hotel room."

"I mean, if you really want to stay there you can but I just think you'll be so much more comfortable in other accommodations."

"I get it. I'll get a hotel. It's no problem."

Eventually the phone call ended and I sat to wonder at this situation for a bit. I pondered if I should call my sister or not when I got a text from Sally asking if I was free. She only ever texted me that for one reason. I was going to tell her no but then I figured I could spend the time to think on my troubles the next morning.

As I was fucking Sally that night my mind kept going back again and again to Melissa. With my new information I started to understand that I never had any chance of fucking her. My sister had lied to me.


My weekend with Melissa went very well. We did a lot of fun stuff that would probably be quickly put into a montage if the story of my life ever became a movie. We went to the zoo, the ate at nice restaurants, we went up in her plane, we went dancing, and on the last day before she was going to leave we drove all the way to the water park. We both had a really good time because Melissa was just a really nice person and for once it was refreshing to be with a woman socially who didn't just look at me like a sex object to be used and then forgotten about. I felt like I could actually be friends with her. It was nice.

One thing that happened we me and Melissa that would probably seems strange to a lot of other guys was she actually kept offering to pay for my way to do everything. I did let that happen but I was happy to let her pay for herself. Once a girl pays for something for me then it almost always turns into her somehow thinking I owe her a taste of my cock and with things going so casual and friendly with Melissa I just didn't want to even let things go there.

There were of course a couple of hiccups when Melissa was here. I had to totally avoid her learning anything about my sister until I could find a way to pay her back the $200,000 which my sister swore she didn't have anymore. I also had to keep Sally at a distance for a bit. I quickly found out that Melissa was a lot smarter and more educated than most of the other women in my life. I was actually able to have an intelligent conversation with her about linguistics of all things and she was right there with me understanding what I was talking about. Then she was explaining to me about planes and eventually rockets and satellites.

The last night she was here she cooked a meal for me in my house and we at together at my table and were able to quietly just talk. This girl knew about real stuff, not just singers and movie stars, actual real stuff. The closest we got to talking about entertainment was when we discussed classic literature and the 3rd movement of Beethoven's 5th symphony. I was able to enjoy all of that while eating one of the best meals I had ever tasted in my life.

I didn't let on but inside I could recognize in myself that I was sad when she had to go. I ... I liked her. That was a dangerous feeling for me even without the complication that my sister stole $200,000 from her. I could see in myself that I was starting to have feelings for her.

My nearly totally stress free extended weekend turned quickly into a stress bomb on Wednesday when Elizabeth came to bother me at my work. I had dated her when she had just gotten out of medical school but I wasn't sure what she was doing now or where she was in her medical career because I'm not a stalker and I don't go around chasing after a girl that dumps me. I honestly didn't know if she worked at the hospital or not but she seemed to have access to come to my office, though admittedly you didn't need a lot of access to get to me.

My relationship with Elizabeth was doomed probably before it even began. I'm just a translator and she was interning to be a doctor. It was funny too because everyone in the hospital kept commenting that she looked like the hot blonde from a tv show about interns working in a hospital. Elizabeth was blonde and she was tall, and she had those amazing tits and fuckable ass. But like the actress on the tv show was known for being a bitch in real life, Elizabeth was a real bitch in real life. I only dated her for seven months but unlike other relationships which were longer I think she was looking to permanently damage for the rest of my life.

As I saw her come into my offce I was just then exchanging a text with Melissa so when Elizabeth came in I had to quickly hide my phone. Then I realized that Elizabeth was nothing to me and there was no reason to hide my phone but then again I sure as hell didn't want her knowing anything about my life.


"What do you want?"

"Aren't you glad to see me?"

"Not particularly. What do you want?"

"Really. The last time we spoke you were crying like a baby asking me to ..."

"Get out."

"Rumor has it that ..."

I stood up, went around my desk and stood right in front of her, cutting off what she was going to say and instinctively she started to back away from me towards the door.

"I'm working. You're bothering. Get out."

"It's lunch time."

"If Mrs. Gonzales doesn't sign that form then they can't operate and if they don't operate then she's going to die. You want to tell me again about lunch time?"

"You're job is not that important."

"You going to tell that to her family?"

That got her to leave and I went back to not being in a hurry to translate the document because Mrs. Gonzales had already signed the English version without knowing what it said and I just needed to provide her with the translation after the fact. Hospitals say they don't do that except in real emergencies but when your place of work has an emergency room the it happens quite often.

On my phone Melissa was asking me if I knew about the difference between a single wing and a double wing. By all means, please enlighten me; what is the real difference between and single and a double. I smiled but that smile fell off my face when Elizabeth returned with my immediate supervisor.

"Mm, mm." she said with body language and tone to reflect displeasure. "Boy, you ain't hear that Mrs. Gonzales already consented. Dammit, take your little white ass to lunch. This a hospital. We have rules."

Of the three people there just then I was not the most pale person and as a matter of fact I was the tallest. I didn't know where that lady got off always calling me little and white every chance she got. She always said white as if me being that was somehow the absolutely most disgusting thing in the universe but I wasn't allowed call that racist or complain about it. Honestly, it usually never bugged me when my boss said that kind but with Elizabeth standing right there I couldn't mentally ignore it. The words sounded like when you have a movie you really like and then you want to show it to someone else and you realize as they are watching it just how stupid and embarrassing the film actually really is.

In the lunch room I paid my six dollars and then again realized that it was too much to pay for what I actually got and that I should have done like all the smart people and gone across the street to the guy selling sandwiches. Then again, on the times when I did that the wait was always so long that it would burn through my whole lunch. At least eating the lunch room food meant I could finish lunch quickly and get back to my work.

See people who don't do translation work don't really understand that it isn't all just mechanical. You don't translate words, you translate meaning. To do that the mind has to be in a certain sort of state and it can all just flow but if I don't have my mind right or I'm too distracted then it doesn't flow right the way it should. You can't put translation work on a lunch schedule. I have to hit while the iron is hot and the language is flowing through me.

"So, when were you going to tell me." Elizabeth said as she sat down across from me.

"It's my lunch time." I said.

"Yeah, I know." she gloated.

I ignored her and focused on my phone and the woman conversing with me there that had an actual intellect instead of being a high school cheerleader masquerading as a doctor.

"Hello?" she said.

I looked up. "What are you doing? It's my lunch break. You're not allowed to bother me."

She made pretend indignant face but she knew the rule I was eluding to. "I'm not your boss and I'm not bothering you."

I ignored her and went back to my lunch and my phone.

"Ok, Kevin, I do really need to talk to you and it is important."

Sigh. I looked up. "Did something crawl up your cunt and die." That shut her up. I waited for her to try to say something and just as words were about to come out of her mouth I hit again. "Oh, wait, no, I know what happened. You killed the thing in your cunt and had it sucked out in the clinic." Her eyes widened with rage but what did I care if she was angry with me. She could go be angry and leave me the hell alone. She made a couple of attempts to maybe say something but she was so offended and outraged by what I had said that she just couldn't do it and instead stormed off after a failed attempt to take my drink from me, likely to try and throw it at me.