Babe in Toyland


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Still feeling dirty when she arrived home, Deanna took a quick shower. After drying off, she noted that it was nearly noon. Adam was at school and would not be home for another few hours, so she did not dress, but rather sat on her bed nude examining the box of goodies Jim had given her.

Finding the nipple clamps, she reapplied them to herself, which sent a shiver down her spine at being so naughty. There was another box with a picture that showed a ring with three chains attached. Each chain had a clip, and a picture showed two clips attached one to each nipple and the third to the clit. That was interesting. There was another box with a chain and a clip on either end that obviously each went to a nipple.

There were three different kinds of anal plugs. She shrugged, wondering what those would feel like but with no immediate to desire to try one.

There was another vibrator in addition to the one she had tried, and there were a couple of dildos shaped like penises, one flesh-colored and one clear. Deanna could imagine having fun with those.

There was also a box of something called Ben Wa Balls. They were magnetic. The description said to slide them into the vagina and keep them in by flexing the Kegel muscles and enjoy a workout. Deanna shook her head. Who thought of these things?

A couple of bottles of lube were included, as well as a catalog. Quickly thumbing through it, Deanna was amazed at the many assorted products there were to assist people in pleasuring themselves. She also realized that for someone like her, some of these were just what was needed to get through a lonely night.

Looking at all this stuff and reliving the "interview" was relighting a fire within her that she thought had been doused some time ago. It was as though having sex again had awakened her. That had her fishing out the penis dildo. She held it up for a closer look than she'd given it before. It was bigger than her husband's, but about the same size as Jim's, and his had felt pretty good.

Putting it in her mouth, Deanna coated it with saliva really good, and then pressed it to her pussy. She teased herself with it before slowly sliding it into her vagina. "Mmmm." That felt nice, too.

Then she heard a noise, followed a moment later by the sound of Adam entering the house.

"Mom, I'm home," he called out.

"Okay. Be out in a minute." Silently swearing, Deanna hurriedly tossed the dildo back into the box, removed the nipple clamps and did the same. She quickly slid the box under her bed, and then wasted no time in dressing.

"What are you doing home so early?" she asked, finding Adam snacking in the kitchen.

"My last class was cancelled," he responded in between munching. "How did the interview go?"

That caught her off guard. She hadn't considered what she would tell him about that, so she merely said, "Okay. They'll let me know."

"What kind of products?"

"Oh, uh—" she forced her mind to think quickly and what came out was "—toys."

"That sounds interesting."

"It would be a job." She turned to leave the kitchen. "I'm going to look for more jobs online," she said to avoid talking more about the interview and to really look further for something maybe more appropriate.

A while later, they had dinner, watched TV afterward as usual, but tonight, Deanna could not wait to go to bed to play with her new toys, so she excused herself early.

"Are you okay?" Adam asked.

"Yes. Today was tiring. Just going to turn in early."

In her bedroom, she closed the door, which she didn't usually do, and stripped down. Instead of lying in bed naked, she decided to wear a short nightie without panties. Pulling the box from under her bed, she reapplied the clamps and grabbed the penis dildo. She considered using the lube, but preferred the wickedness of saliva, so she once again gave the fake dick a blowjob.

"Ohhhhh," she moaned as she slid it into her pussy. Pumping it, Deanna imagined she was back in Jim's office, and this was his cock. It felt wonderful.

* * *

With nothing particularly good on TV and his mom having retired early, Adam decided he'd go to his room also, watch some porn on his iPad and jerk off. In the hallway, he could see that his mom had closed her door, which was unusual. He stepped over to it and listened. He clearly heard her moaning and became concerned that maybe she wasn't feeling well. He was about to knock to see if she was okay, but listened a few more seconds, determining that it was not a sickly moan, but a sexual one.

Going back, Adam turned off a light that rendered the hallway almost completely dark, but the faint light from under his mom's door was enough to guide his way. With moans still coming from inside, he very quietly opened her door only enough to peep in. He could vaguely see the silhouette of her lying in bed, knees up and legs spread. She was pumping something between her legs, but he could not make out what it was.

Obviously, she was masturbating. Adam was not particularly surprised. His mother was an attractive woman, and he was sure she had sexual desires. He'd never heard such sounds coming from her room as he had tonight, so he wondered if this was something new or if she'd just been more discreet. He knew his dad had been an asshole and not treated her very well, so he did not find it odd that she'd had to resort to doing herself.

He wished the light were a little better. He'd love to be able to really see her masturbating herself. As it was, he already had a raging hard-on. He considered whipping his cock out now and jerking-off, but not only did he not want to disturb her, he didn't want to get caught. That could be embarrassing for both of them.

Quietly, Adam closed her door back and hurriedly went to his own room where he stripped down and beat his cock until he blew a massive load all over his bed. Cleaning up afterward, he wiped up as much of his cum as he could. He slept well that night.

* * *

As she brought herself to a satisfying orgasm, Deanna was oblivious to prying eyes. She was amazed that such pleasure could come from these devices. She wished she'd known of such "toys" a long time ago, nor could she wait to try some of the other goodies. She'd try another right now if she weren't so tired. One thing was for certain. She was taking the job. Life was all about being happy and feeling good about yourself, and today had provided both.

Tossing the dildo back in the box—she'd clean it tomorrow—Deanna undid the nipple clamps and threw them in, as well. She was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

* * *

When she awoke, Deanna saw the box of sex toys on the floor beside her bed. She considered grabbing something and trying it, but the time told her she'd have to wait, wanting to make certain Adam was up getting ready for school. He normally fixed his own breakfast, but she felt like doing it for him this morning. She threw on the robe that matched the nightie she wore. It was short, but longer than the nightie. She felt sexy, and the nightie and robe contributed to that.

As she passed Adam's room on her way to the kitchen, she tapped on the door. "You up?"

"Yeah, mom."

She fixed them pancakes, which were waiting for Adam when he entered the kitchen.

"Wow! What's the occasion?" he asked upon seeing the morning meal. He also noticed her attire. He'd never seen her in something so . . . sexy. It reminded him that she was a very attractive woman. Thinking also about what he'd seen last night had him having to adjust his cock under the table.

"Nothing. Just felt like doing this for you today."

"Thanks. This looks delicious."

She joined him for breakfast, sitting across the table from him, the low-cut nightie and unfastened robe revealing her nicely rounded breasts. He'd known for a while that she had great tits though she seldom dressed to show them off. He wondered what had come over her yesterday that had her masturbating in her bed last night and dressing as she was this morning.

"So, what's on your agenda today, mom?"

"I have to go in for a follow-up interview today." She didn't have to, but she was.

"With the toy company?"

Deanna looked up at Adam. "Uh, yes." She realized she'd have to figure a way to tell him what kind of toys the company manufactured and hope he didn't have a problem with her working there.

Adam finished breakfast, walked around the table, and pecked his mother on the cheek. This gave him a clear look down her nightie at her magnificent boobs. His cock pulsed in his pants. A part of him was embarrassed having such a reaction to his mother. However, he also knew he was looking at a very beautiful woman. Why would his dad want to leave someone like her?

Tilting her face to accept his kiss, Deanna noticed his cock move in his pants. This called her attention to what was a large bulge. It aroused her a little to think that her son might be so well-endowed, but she also was ashamed of herself for noticing and having such thoughts. She'd really undergone a change yesterday.

A few minutes later, she heard Adam leave, so she quickly cleaned up the kitchen. In her bedroom, she looked through the box for something to use in the shower. The glass dildo would work, but she feared accidentally dropping it and having broken glass everywhere. Perhaps she'd ask to sample the plastic ones.

* * *

It didn't occur to Deanna to call before going to Alby Products. Instead, she merely showed up thinking Jim was expecting to hear what her decision was. The busty receptionist was there, again showing off her boobs. She instantly recognized Deanna.

"I'm not showing an appointment for you. Is Mr. Riley expecting you?"

"Not really. He is waiting for my decision. Sorry, I didn't think to call first."

"No problem. Let me see if he can see you." She turned away from Deanna, picked up the phone and dialed. A few seconds later, she rotated back forward. "He'll see you in a few minutes."

"Thanks. Mind if I ask a question about working here?"

"Not at all."

"Given the nature of the business here, I'm wondering what the atmosphere is like." Deanna wasn't sure how to ask anything more specific.

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"Uh, yeah. Uh, well, this is a company that sells sex paraphernalia. So, I, uh, I'm wondering if, uh—"

"If we get free samples of products?"

"Uh, well, that, too."

"Yeah, they like us to try the products."

"Deanna?" Riley stepped into the reception area. "Come on back. I can answer your questions."

Once in his spacious office, Deanna said, "I was just—"

"You were just wondering because of what we did yesterday, how much sex goes on here?"

"Uh, well, something like that."

Jim chuckled. "We actually have work to do here. Having said that, the people who work here are open-minded about sex."

"I would think you would have to be to work here," Deanna commented.

"You do need to have a positive attitude about it. Do some people here like to have sex with each other? Yes. As long as it doesn't interfere with work, we don't discourage it. It is not—I repeat, not—a requirement. Do we want you to use our products? Of course, we do. We value your feedback. But you don't need to do it here unless you want to. Sometimes, we will ask for volunteers to try products for us to observe how they are used, are they effective, do they do what they're supposed to? But again, that is strictly voluntary. Does that answer your questions?"

"It does."

He smiled. "Good. So, have you reached a decision about working here?"

"I have. I accept."

"Wonderful!" He came to her and hugged her.

A part of her hoped that would lead to more, but sadly, it did not.

Instead, Jim discussed salary and benefits, then said, "Let's get you to our human resources manager and sign you up."

It was all business after that.

* * *

He tried to convince himself he was doing it out of concern, but he knew deep down it was more the intrigue of wanting to know what was going on with his mother. Adam had skipped his first class and waited until she left to sneak back home. He went straight to her bedroom and easily found the box of toys right away. It was on the side of her bed hidden from the door to her bedroom, but she carelessly had not pushed it completely under the bed.

Pulling it out, Adam did a double take upon seeing the collection of sex toys. He recognized the dildos and vibrators but did not know what some of the other items were, such as the two round metal objects with knobs. Oddly enough, among what seemed to be mostly female toys, there was one of those things that men used to masturbate. He thought it was called a sleeve. Regardless of what it was known as, why was one in this box of mostly feminine "toys?"

Adam toyed with the idea of trying it, but he didn't know how much time he had, nor did he want to risk being detected. He'd been wanting to get one but couldn't figure how to pay for it or where to hide it that his mother wouldn't find it.

But that was immaterial right now. And as many questions as this box answered, it raised many more. Adam shoved it back under the bed, careful to replace it as exactly as he found it. He quickly left home.

* * *

After meeting with HR, Deanna was sent to the sales manager, Toby, who provided details of her job. They'd start her with three retail stores. When she wasn't in the field, she'd take phone and online orders.

"You'll get a lot of calls from young guys who want some kind of masturbation device," the manager informed her. "They'll be nervous and embarrassed wanting to order one and having to talk to a woman, so you'll need to be very encouraging. You can't sound like they are pathetic for wanting one. You understand?"


"They'll mostly just want to ask questions like which one is best, and you'll point out which ones are the best sellers. If they seem undecided, you can say which one your husband or boyfriend likes, and of course, it will be the one we manufacture rather than one of our competitors. That might seem devious, but they really want one so you're just helping them to decide. Those who really know what they want will order online."

"What about women?" Deanna asked. "Will they call?"

"Oh, yeah. They'll be more proactive. Many will even ask if you use one and which is your favorite, so you might want to try some. Again, we push our own products, but don't discourage the others. Don't try to oversell the product. If you do and they buy it and don't like it, you'll have an unhappy customer who might not buy again."


"I know Jim gave you a box of products, but here's another with some different things."

As she walked through the office to leave, she noted how employees were dressed. All were casual, mostly jeans and shirts, some women had casual dresses or skirts; some like the receptionist, wore sexy clothes. But no one was in any kind of business attire. As she had dressed for an interview both yesterday and today, she was actually overdressed. As she drove home anxious to see what new toys she now had, Deanna was also concerned about how she would explain this to her son. What would she say? How to tell him?

But this became secondary when she arrived home, went to her bedroom and explored the new box. There was another male masturbator, different brand; a rabbit vibrator which stimulated both pussy and clit; a couple of different egg vibrators that are inserted into the vagina, one of which had an app that could control it; there were anal plugs and stimulators; and there was a strap-on penis.

Deanna giggled at the last item as she imagined herself fucking her husband in his ass, showing him who was boss. She lubed one of the egg vibrators and slipped it into her pussy. Switching it on caused her to shiver and she felt it tickling her insides. It took some getting used to, but she gradually came to enjoy it. She left it in as she caught up on housework.

Part of that included straightening out Adam's room. He was pretty good at keeping his space tidy, but the mother in her always wanted to help. He rarely made his bed, instead just pulling the covers up to the pillows. She didn't actually make it, but rather just straightened out the sheet and blanket. In doing that, she saw the yellow stains on his sheet. Well, she really couldn't blame him for masturbating since she did it herself. She just wished he'd use tissues.

That had her wondering if he had any sex toys, so she quickly snooped around. A minute later, Deanna heard Adam's car door slam, so finding nothing, she quickly left his bedroom.

She headed for the kitchen because she knew he'd go there first for a snack.

"Hi, mom!"

Hi, Adam, how was school?"

"Same as usual. Nothing exciting. How did your second interview go?"

"Oh, uh. It went well." Perhaps if she gave him a little at a time. "They offered me the job."

"That's great! Did you take it?"

"Still thinking about it."

"What's to think about?"

"Oh, not sure I really want to do sales," she told him to stall.

"I think you'd be good at it. Besides, how hard could it be to sell toys?"

If this conversation was becoming uncomfortable enough, even though she had the vibrator on its lowest setting, that coupled with the sight of her handsome son with an obvious bulge in his pants had her feeling the beginning of an orgasm. She hadn't thought that would happen on the lowest setting, and the last thing she needed was to have a climax in front of him.

"Yeah," she answered. "Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom."

Once out of the kitchen and his sight, Deanna moved quickly to her room and bathroom. She switched off the vibrator and gently removed it, taking a deep breath. She wiped the excess lube off her, flushed the toilet, and then cleaned the egg.

* * *

Adam followed his mother, and when he heard her bathroom door close, he looked into her bedroom. He saw a box on her bed similar to the one he'd found earlier, but this one was a different size. However, he had to take off when he heard the toilet flush.

Recalling what he'd seen her do last night, even though only in silhouette had him aroused again, so he headed to his bedroom, pushed the door closed and whipped out his cock to jerk off.

* * *

Returning to the kitchen, Deanna noticed her son's door closed, but not all the way. There was an inch or so gap, so she quietly peeked in. She quietly gasped when she saw him sprawled out on his bed stroking his cock. She was less surprised that he was masturbating than she was by the size of his cock. She remembered seeing a large bulge this morning, but she hadn't expected him to be this big. He was certainly bigger than his father and even larger than the penis dildo. So mesmerized was she that she continued to watch him until he shot his load all over his chest and abdomen. Then she quickly moved on the avoid being caught.

Deanna considered returning to her room to use one of the toys to get herself off but didn't want to arouse Adam's suspicion. It also occurred to her to re-insert the egg. However, she didn't want to risk having an orgasm in front of him. With a heavy sigh, she resolved herself to wait until she went to bed later.

"Something wrong?" Adam asked.

"No, why?"

"That was a heavy sigh."

"Oh, uh, didn't realize I'd done that. What do you want for dinner?" she quickly asked to change the subject.

"How about that baked chicken dish you do?"

"Sure, that's easy."

"Mind if I go study while you cook?"

"Not at all."

* * *

Another casual evening: dinner, TV, and both mother and son anxious to go to bed; Deanna to try out new toys, Adam to hopefully spy on his mother using those new toys.

After a reasonable amount of time, Deanna excused herself with a similar reason to the night before—tiring day. She donned the same nightie and selected the new rabbit vibrator. It didn't take her long to have a big orgasm. And it was so good, she wanted another.