Babe in Toyland


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"You better just stick it in me before it comes to me what I'm doing." Deanna sprawled out on the sofa spreading her legs as best she could.

Nervously, but anxiously, Adam moved into position and slowly aimed and slid his cock into his mother's pussy. It was the most glorious feeling he'd ever experienced, far eclipsing his two previous sexual encounters. He expected her to be somewhat loose, but he was pleasantly surprised that she felt tight and that the walls of her vagina closed around his shaft and caressed it with a softness the likes of which he had never known. The pleasure he felt was so intense he could almost pass out. But to do so would rob him of life itself.

Even though she'd already come, just having her son inside her was more pleasurable than her climax. He was gentle and if she'd thought his cock felt perfect in her mouth, in her pussy it was made to be there. His thrusts were slow but deliberate. "Just like that," she whispered.

Deanna wanted this to go on and on and on, and despite her previous orgasm, a new one was building already. It was like being in the water at a beach and watching a wave coming to shore, and then it was upon you, and then it swept over you taking you with it and touching all of your senses, and it continued to carry you, and you never wanted it to let you go, but then it did, and you were left to drift into a euphoria like nothing you've ever known.

All the while, Adam was still pumping her. Deanna's pussy was sensitive, but she endured it to allow her son to come, but also just maybe another wave would wash over her.

Likewise for Adam, his mother had already stroked him and sucked him, and finally the fantasy he had lived for since maybe achieving puberty and the understanding of an orgasm to have his cock sheathed in the center of the universe was more than his body could handle without exploding. And again, like his mother wanting this to go on and on, so did he, but he also knew this was going to be a climax unlike any other, and likely a massive one, and he didn't want to lose that. He pumped and pumped knowing he was going to blow any second but desperate to wait until the last possible moment to pull out. His skin tingled so much he wanted to scratch it completely off.

And then, he knew the moment had arrived. When he pulled out, he was so charged up his cock spewed cum like an out-of-control fire hose spraying jism everywhere in a feeling so powerful, so pleasurable, so ecstatic it was almost an out of body experience. It was more spectacular than anything he had ever imagined. It was all his previous orgasms rolled into one, all happening at the exact same moment. He completely lost control and collapsed onto the floor.

Deanna sensed when he fell that it was involuntary. She quickly turned to see him sprawled on the floor. But he was breathing, albeit heavily. "Are you okay?" she had to ask.

"Never better," he gasped.

She had to smile at that, feeling a similar emotion.

* * *

Lying in bed much later, unable to sleep, Deanna surprised herself not by thinking about how wrong sex with her son had been, but how good it had been, how much better it had been than it ever had been with her husband, and wondering if it was just two people at the right time and moment, and/or if the fact that it was with her son made it any better. She pondered those thoughts until her brain shut down and sleep finally came.

But those thoughts were still with her when she awoke in the morning and went through her morning routine. The new day did bring with it a new outlook. And that was, after all the years of misery she had endured with her husband, she believed that his leaving was her blessing in disguise, and part of that blessing was the experiences she was now having. If part of that was what had happened with Adam the last three days, then so be it. For all the good to have come from it, then how could it be wrong?

"Gooood morning, mom," Adam cheerfully greeted in the kitchen.

And he obviously didn't have a problem with it. "Well, you're chipper this morning."

"How could I not be after last night. It feels like one of those days where nothing can go wrong. How are you?"

"I feel pretty good, too."

"Do we need to talk about last night? Please tell me we don't."

"We don't. I have no regrets."

"I'm happy to hear that. And neither do I." He stepped over to peck her on the cheek. "You have a great day with your handsome boss, but not too great."

Deanna had to chuckle after he left. She couldn't remember when she'd last seen him in such a good mood. His father leaving them had unchained both of them.

* * *

Deanna had to wait around the office for Jim. She assumed he was late, but he actually came out of the storage room looking as handsome as ever. He greeted her warmly, even touching her upper arm. "Good morning. Give me a couple of minutes and we'll be on our way. It's about an hour's drive. Might want to grab a coffee for the road."


Ten minutes later, they were sitting in his Ferrari, pulling out of the parking garage. It was a warm day, so she'd worn a casual skirt of a respectable length, four inches above the knee, but these low seats in this super sports car had it sliding up pretty high. She tugged it down a couple of inches just for propriety, but she really didn't care. He'd seen it all.

"Business must be good," Deanna commented on the car.

"It is. You worked the phones and processed internet orders. How many didn't buy?"

"Hardly any."

"It's a lucrative business. It was particularly good during covid. So many people were stuck home having to entertain themselves. A lot of them chose to satisfy themselves with our toys. One the one hand, I hated to have profited over something so terrible, but at the same time, I'm glad we were there for so many people."

"Well. It is what it is. A lot of companies profited but also provided people with something to do. It's not like you created the pandemic to profit off of."

"Well, when you put it like that. Did you get to watch the video last night?"

"Most of it. I agree with your assessment. There were some good scenes. Add a little story to it and you might have something."

"Any thoughts on distributing the videos?"

"Without knowing what proposal the company came to you with, I'd only want to offer to take orders for them and let them do the mailing. Charge them for the service but don't tie us up with inventory if it doesn't sell well."

"That's a damned good idea," Jim said enthusiastically. "They really just want the exposure they can get from being on our website and in our catalog. I'm impressed. You're the only one to come up with a perfect solution. A handful of others said the videos were crap, don't touch them. Most of the others said, yes, good or not, it's product to sell."

Deanna couldn't help but smile proudly.

"Keep coming up with ideas like that and you'll go far in the company."

"I bet you tell that to all the girls."

"You've been talking to Marjorie."

"She actually spoke highly of you. Although, she thinks you've fucked all of the straight girls at work." Then she caught herself. "I said that out loud, didn't I?"

Jim broke out into laughter. "No worries, but it's not true. A very few."

"Including me?"


"Why me? Is that part of your interview process?"

"It had nothing to do with you applying for the job. I was—am—attracted to you. I took a chance with you, and I told you to stop me at any time. But you didn't. And don't let Marjorie fool you. She's always on the prowl."

"I know. She asked me if I was into girls."

"Not surprising."

"I do have another idea."

"Really?" Jim asked, somewhat surprised. "Let's hear it."

"We have fake penises and fake vaginas, how about a fake tongue?" Deanna suggested. "Of course, it would have to be very flexible. Maybe even able to be shaped differently, like flat for licking, pointed for flicking and jabbing."

The tone of Jim's voice revealed that he was impressed. "You thinking something mechanized and battery-powered?"

"If that could be invented, why not?"

"That's amazing and an excellent idea. Damn, you're good."

* * *

The manufacturing plant was amazing, but also not as big as she expected it to be. And as they walked through it and Deanna saw dildos and other products being made, she was surprised that more items weren't under construction. Jim reminded that they didn't manufacture all the products they sold. Many were made by other companies.

Jim spent considerable time speaking with various employees of the plant, which left Deanna doing quite a bit of standing around. She always made certain she remained out of earshot of the boss. She didn't want him to think she was eavesdropping. He did introduce her to some as a new salesperson, and she was able to chat with some workers to get an idea of the care that went into their products. The plant manager had lunch brought in for Jim, Deanna, and some of the administrative staff. But after that, it was back to meetings and such, and for her, more standing around.

Finally, around late afternoon, Jim came to Deanna, and she hoped it was to say they were ready to leave, but instead, he asked her to follow him.

He led her to an out of the way area to a door with a numeric keypad lock. "This is R & D. Only the six people here who work in this room have access. Only three others at the main office have access." He then punched in a code.

"You're letting me in?"

"You've come up with two great ideas," Jim reminded. "You've earned entrance. And I want you to tell them about your tongue idea."

"You could have told them."

"I want you to get the credit. I don't need to take credit for coming up with an idea. I do need to recognize when someone else does."

The room was fairly large and resembled a laboratory, except there was a corner made to look like a bedroom with a bathroom. It could have been a movie set. The six employees, three women and three men, approached to greet their boss.

Jim shook hands with each person and called each by name. Deanna could see by their expressions that each appreciated it. It also gave Deanna insight into the kind of boss he was.

"Anything new going on?" Jim asked.

The man who was obviously the head of R & D spoke. "We've been working on different formulas to make the material in the tubes and sleeves more skin-like."

"It's pretty good as is, isn't it?"

"Can always be better."

"That's what I like to hear. And it could work for a new idea. This is Deanna, a new employee in the main office. She's going to tell you her idea. Deanna?"

Nervously, Deanna moved front and center. Even though it was only six people, she was still uneasy not only about having to address them, but also to present her half-baked idea. "Uh, well, uh—"

"Just tell them like you told me," Jim said.

"Okay. I, uh, I thought that it would be nice if there was a tongue device that could, uh, simulate licking your, uh, your, uh—"

"Pussy," Jim filled in for her. "We all know the words, Deanna. Just say what you mean."

"Right. A device that would be like having your, uh, pussy licked. It could also have a pointed position for flicking and jabbing. And it could release a saliva-like lube." Deanna stopped to look at the faces of her audience. They all seemed to be engrossed in her description.

"I don't have a pussy," one of the guys joked.

"No. You are one!" someone else quipped.

There were polite chuckles. Deanna liked the camaraderie.

Then one of the two women showed everyone a sketch pad on which she'd been doodling. "I'm thinking a multi-arm device like a rabbit vibrator with two or three tongues you can switch between."

"Yes!" Deanna agreed, pointing at the sketch.

"Way to go, Judy!" Jim complimented. "Everyone, start working on this," Jim ordered. "I like your idea Judy, but let's not limit ourselves."

"Who's our contact on this at the main office? Deanna?" Judy asked.

Jim looked at Deanna and smiled. "That's correct. Deanna."

Deanna was stunned.

"Any questions?" Jim asked. Hearing none, he added, "Okay. I've kept Deanna up past her bedtime, so we'll be on our way."

* * *

Back in the Ferrari, Deanna had to ask, "What did you just do?"

"I promoted you."

"You did what?"

"I promoted you from salesperson to project manager," he clarified. "Congratulations. I'm starving. Can I take you to dinner to celebrate?"

"You're a hard person to keep up with."

"I'm decisive, Deanna. Situations arise and I make decisions. Dinner? I could go for Italian. I know this great little place. Angelo's."

Her head spinning, Deanna said, "I know Angelo's. Italian would be fine. As fast as this is moving, you should know I was married and I'm actually going through a divorce right now," Deanna felt she should admit.

"I know. And you have a nineteen-year-old son who's in college."

To her perplexed expression, Jim added, "I might move quicker than you like, but I'm not stupid. We run checks on all new employees."

"I didn't expect that."

"We've had a couple of sex offenders apply for jobs over the years, not to mention some other kooks, so we have to be careful. I hope that doesn't offend you."

"No. It makes sense. Do you mind if I call my son and let him know what I'm doing?"

"Of course, not."

So, she dialed Adam. He answered right away.

"Mom, I've been worried about you."

"Sorry. I should have phoned earlier. It's been a busy day. There was more to do at the plant than we thought. We're going to grab some dinner, and then I'll be home."

"We? You and your handsome boss?"

"Yes. Would you like me to bring you something?"

"No. We have leftovers. Enjoy yourself. And behave!"

"Always," she answered, and even though he said it jokingly, she detected a note of seriousness in his voice.

"Everything okay?" Jim asked, noting the concern on her face.

"Yes. My comical son told me to behave myself."

"What fun is there in that?"

* * *

Seated at a table at Angelo's, Jim offered Deanna a drink. She quickly questioned in her mind if she wanted to do that. But while waiting for her to answer, he ordered an expensive bottle of Orin Swift wine. She didn't know if he was just trying to impress her, but she didn't want to call him on it, either, if he wasn't. She said she'd just have a glass of the wine.

"You come here often?" Jim asked as they sat through the bottle-opening and tasting routine. He did his part sniffing the cork, swirling the wine in his glass, inhaling the bouquet, examining the color, and finally, taking a sip, then nodding his approval.

"Did all of that really do anything?" she had to ask.

Jim grinned. "I saw it in a movie once. Were you impressed?" After another chuckle, he said, "It actually does. I've sent bottles back."

With a nod, Deanna said, "I've only been here a couple of times. My husband wasn't big on dining out."

"That's unfortunate. It's a great restaurant."

Deanna shrugged. "It is fortunate that I'm now out from under that. But can we go back to my sudden promotion? Exactly what is my job?"

"You'll oversee the development of your new product. You'll have complete control. You'll make all the decisions. You report to no one but me, and I'll be happy to consult with you when you need it. Any more questions?"

She took a sip of the excellent wine. "Will it affect my job if I question my boss's sanity in giving this new employee such an important job?"

Chuckling, Jim said, "You can always question me. I'll usually try to give you an answer, but there might be a time when I won't feel I need to explain a decision I make. Deanna, if we come up with a viable product, we'll make a killing. If we don't, it won't be the first idea we've had that didn't work. And just so you know, for some of those ideas that didn't work, the project manager had tons of experience. So, just relax and enjoy the meal. You'll do fine."

"Okay. Thanks. That does make me feel better."

They finally ordered.

As they sipped the wine while waiting for their food, Deanna asked Jim if he started the company. As he launched into his story, she listened with one ear, but watched him with both eyes thinking she could easily fall in love with this man. He was kind, he was gentle, he was funny, he was good in bed, he was everything her husband was not.

The expression jumping from the frying pan into the fire came to mind. Was she ready to do that?

Still, she dreamily listened as he explained that he came to work for a small company right out of college. It sold cheap sex toys, and after a few years, it was about to go under. Jim had ideas, got a small business loan, and bought the company for a good price. He worked hard and built it into what it was now by taking some chances that paid off and hiring the right kind of employees, those who were looking for more than just a job.

He took her dreamy expression as boredom. "I'm sorry. I'm rambling on."

"Oh, no, that's a fascinating story."


"I'm stuffed."

* * *

Back at the office, everyone was gone for the day, which they expected since it was nearly eight. Deanna followed Jim into his office. He quickly glanced at the messages on his desk while commenting, "Now, I need to find an office for you."


He smirked. "I guess it can wait until tomorrow." He headed for a door in the corner behind his desk.

"Yeah, I won't be using it tonight."

He signaled for her to follow. "You mean you want to go home?"

"It's late."

"Aww, was hoping you'd stay a while."

And then she reached the doorway and peeked in. There was a full bedroom and bathroom. Suddenly, all was clear. "Gee, Mr. Riley, don't be coy. Tell me what you really want."

"I was hoping you might want it, too."

"Well, I don't want you to think I'm easy, but I thought you'd never . . . make a move."

"See. I can be subtle."

"We could have skipped dinner."

He stepped up to her and put his arms around her. "I really was hungry, and from what I saw, you were, too."

They kissed deeply.

Turning Deanna around, Jim eased the straps of her top and bra off her shoulders. He gently caressed her bare breasts to her soft purring, while bestowing kisses on her neck and shoulders. He captured her nipples between his fingers but didn't squeeze hard. She leaned back into him wanting to feel him all around her.

Slowly, his hands slid down her sides, hips, and legs, and he gathered the hem of her skirt up above the line of her panties. Between her legs he felt the wet spot on her underwear.

Moving near the bed, Deanna turned Jim around and teasingly pushed him back. She undid her skirt and let it drop to the floor. When he was stretched out on his back, she climbed onto the bed resting one knee between his legs and stretching her body up for their lips to meet again. Casually, she reached down to close her fingers around the obvious bulge in his pants, rubbing his cock through the material.

She didn't want to seem too eager, but she slid down to undo his belt and pants, and then slid them down just enough to expose his dick. Teasingly, she kissed and licked his belly button, abdomen, and pubic area before taking him into her mouth. Her oral attention was soft and tender. She focused on the head instead of trying to take the whole thing down her throat, which she felt she could easily do. Making love to his cock rather than sucking the skin off was her goal.

After a few minutes, Jim wanted his dessert, so he maneuvered Deanna onto her back, removed his pants and underwear, and then took off her panties with no urgency, spread her legs, and feasted on her sweet pussy. And sweet it was, as delectable as anything confection he could have imagined. He loved eating pussy, and hers was a culinary delight. He slid two fingers in to enhance her experience, but he couldn't keep his tongue away.