Babe in Toyland


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"Don't tease me anymore," Deanna whispered. "I want you inside me."

Sitting up, Jim removed his shirt and tossed it aside, and then walked on his knees between her legs, aiming his cock at heaven. Between his saliva and her arousal, she was wet enough for him to slide right in, and her pussy seemed to swallow his dick. Jim's company strived to manufacture toys that provided men with this feeling, but if they could ever invent a device that felt this real, life as the world knew it would never be the same.

Deanna was pivoting her hips to get him to start thrusting, but he loved the feel of just having his cock in a pussy and being caressed by it. But it took two to tango, and his partner wanted to dance. His compromise was to pump as slowly as he could get away with. They'd invented thick gels in attempts to duplicate this feeling, and he'd tried them all. But nothing ever came close.

She pulled him down to her and held him tightly, and suddenly, he knew this was more than just two people having sex. When he pulled out too far, Deanna rolled onto her side so Jim could spoon her and enter from behind. Now, he held her firmly.

This was nice, but it was lazy, and they couldn't kiss. He pulled her on top of him and let her ride cowgirl. Their lips came together again.

But the evening had been so laced with sexual undercurrents and Jim was so mesmerized by this woman that he couldn't hold out. "You're too spellbinding. I'm going to come." He tried to pull out of her.

"Stay right where you are!" she commanded. And she sat up to lock him inside her.

A moment later, she felt him fill her, and that triggered her own climax. She bent over and held him as tightly as she could. It was one of those gentle orgasms that soothed the body like a warm bath. She felt it, and only it, all over without all the peripherals. It might have been even more satisfying than any other climax she'd had all week.

Deanna rolled over spread-eagle onto her back. "That was wonderful! What a perfect end to terrific day."

Jim laid on his back next to her. "It doesn't have to be the end."

"Unfortunately, it does. I've got some tough explaining to do."

"To your son? How much of an explanation do you owe him? We worked at the plant. We were busy. You had two great ideas. We had dinner and came back to the office to strategize, and time got away from us."


"Or you could be honest and say I fucked my boss," he suggested jovially.

"Hmmm. Think I'll stick to the lie."

"So, you're going to lie to your son," he said in a playful tone. "If you're a liar, how do I know I can trust you to be honest with me about the project?"

"There is that, isn't there?" she responded in kind. "But then, you're the one who came up with the lie. So, who's the liar? Is this project manager job real, or did you just lie about that to get me into your secret lair?"

"You don't call this strategizing?"

Deanna got up and started dressing. "I will if you will."

"Compromise. Now, that's what I like."

* * *

"Wow! That must have been some dinner."

Deanna had tried to sneak into her home hoping Adam would be asleep. She wasn't so lucky.

"Trying to sneak in?" he asked.

"No, I didn't want to make noise if you were already asleep."

"You've been at dinner all this time with your handsome boss?"

He kept throwing that "handsome boss" at her in an insinuative tone. She knew at some point she was going to have to talk to him about that, but now we not the time. But she did speak in a firm tone. "Adam, we worked at the plant. We were busy. I had two great ideas. We had dinner and came back to the office to strategize, and time got away from us. And I got promoted to a project manager."

"What did to you have to do for that?"

She gave him a stern look that told him he was treading in thin ice. "I told you. I had two great ideas."

"Oh, yeah. What were they?" He toned his attitude down and tried to make it sound like he was interested.

"A solution to the video distribution and a new toy."

"Like what?"

"I'll tell you in the morning. It's late and I'm tired."

* * *

And of course, Adam was waiting for her in the morning in the kitchen. "So, tell me about your promotion."

"Good morning to you, too."

"Sorry. Good morning. I'm just excited to hear about your new job."

He'd already brewed a pot of coffee, so she poured a cup and sat at the table with his eyes on her. First, she told him her idea about video distribution. "Mr. Riley—" she was careful not to refer to him by his first name "—said no one else suggested that."

"That is as good idea," Adam agreed.

Then she described the tongue dildo/vibrator concept. "Even the Research and Development team liked it and immediately started sketching ideas. They asked who they would report to, and that's when he appointed me project manager."

"A tongue dildo/vibrator," Adam repeated. "I'm trying to imagine that."

"The initial sketch had two or three tongues, each of which did something different," Deanna said. "But that might not be the final design."

"That really will be something if they can do it."

"If we can do it," she corrected. "I'm part of the team."

"I'm proud of you, mom." He went to her and hugged her. "Let's do a special dinner tonight to celebrate. I'll grill steaks."

"Sounds good."

* * *

And if that exchange hadn't been predictable, so was her arrival at work as she stepped through the door from the reception area to the inner office and was instantly greeted by Jim who led her to her new office. She didn't know if to be surprised or concerned that he'd found a small office next to his that was not being used. He claimed it was isolated from the rest of the workers, so no one wanted it.

"How did you just happen to have an empty office?" Deanna wanted to know.

"It was intended to be for my second in command, but I never did hire one," Jim explained. "Actually, I did offer the job to Marjorie, but she didn't want it."

"Really? Why?"

"She didn't want the responsibility. Did I tell you she's my older sister?"

That was a shock. "No, you didn't," Deanna said, her tone expressing her surprise.

"Oh, sorry. Anyway, she just wanted a job, not any managerial responsibility, and particularly not with me."

"Do the two of you not get along?"

"No, we get along fine with the usual sibling rivalry."

"I wonder why she didn't mention your relationship at lunch the other day," Deanna mused.

"It's not a secret, but we don't broadcast it. Don't want other employees to think she gets special treatment."

"Why tell me?"

"Well, as I said, it's not a secret," Jim reiterated. He moved closer to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "But I really like you, Deanna. I'm attracted to you, and I'd like to have a relationship with you outside of the office. So, I want to be completely honest with you."

She wasn't as alarmed as she probably should have been. "A relationship," she repeated. "A romantic relationship? Like dating, fucking, hanging out on weekends?"


"Is it wise to have a romantic relationship with a fellow employee? Is it wise for me to have a relationship with my boss? Particularly after only knowing each other barely five days."

"So, how do relationships start? You meet someone. You spend time with them, perhaps on a date. You like them enough to spend more time with them, perhaps on a second date. And then it becomes a third time together or date, and then you're in a relationship. For us, we met through employment. We've spent some time together . . . enough for me to know I want to spend more time together. Get to know you better and for you to get to know me better, and hopefully, an ongoing, lasting—I really hate the word 'relationship,' but what else do you call it? I really enjoyed being with you yesterday. I felt extremely comfortable with you, and I haven't felt that with a woman in a while."

"Well, I guess you know I have to ask how much this contributed to my promotion?"

"I'd already given you the promotion before I knew I wanted to have a . . ."

"I know, the word you hate."

"I can separate business from personal," Jim professed.

"That's why you have a hidden bedroom next to your office."

"Sometimes I work really late and I just crash here."

"Or use for a conquest."

"Believe it or not, you're the only woman I've ever done that with." He took her silence as indecision. "Let's go out on a real date tonight. Last night was more business than—"

"Even back here at the office?"

"Oh, no. That was definitely not business."

"I promised my son I'd be home for dinner tonight. He wants to make something special to celebrate my promotion."

"I understand. How about tomorrow? It's Saturday. Perfect night for a date. A nice dinner, conversation—no business—and if after that you decide you don't want it to go any further, then we'll keep it strictly professional."


* * *

He let her go to get settled and arrange her office. Deanna had never had a private office, so it would likely take some time to get it the way she liked it. She received a video call from the R and D team at the plant wanting to discuss some ideas. The refinement from yesterday's rough sketch would be simple device: cylindrical with a flat tongue on one end and a pointed one on the other. Both ends would vibrate at a few selectable speeds. The flat could be placed against the pussy or clit; the pointed could be inserted into the pussy or anus.

Deanna liked the concept but had also been thinking of a more complex device with more movement than vibration. A flat tongue that could move in a licking motion, and a pointed one that moved in a thrusting motion.

"That would be a different kind of motor," one of the men noted.

"Could we create a device that vibrated on one end like you suggested and had a thrusting motion on the other?" Deanna asked. "Or perhaps two different devices: one vibrating, one thrusting. Maybe even interchangeable tongues."

The team agreed to work on all the ideas. They liked the idea of two different devices. The call ended with everyone wishing everyone else had a good weekend.

Almost before Deanna had a chance to do anything else, Marjorie popped in. "Congratulations!"


"Hell of an idea," Marjorie commented.

"Which?" Deanna had to ask.

"Well, both, really. But the tongue device."

"Thanks, but it's hard to believe no one ever thought of it before."

"Sometimes it takes fresh eyes."

"So, you didn't mention you and Jim."

"I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. Sometimes that happens when someone finds out I'm his sister. They feel like they have to watch what they say," Marjorie explained.

"Or they can unwittingly say something that will get back to him." Deanna was careful in her phrasing.

"I don't do that. If I did, I'd have no friends around here. It's awkward enough being his sister."

"I can only imagine."

"So, we're good? I really like you, Deanna. Jim made a good decision in hiring you."

"Yeah, we're good."

"Can I say one more thing?" Marjorie asked.

The way she said that put Deanna on alert. "Sure."

"Jim really likes you, too. I've haven't seen him take to a woman as he has with you. I think the two of you would make a terrific couple."

With a frown, Deanna asked, "What is this? High school? Did he put you up to this?"

Marjorie laughed. "No. He doesn't know I'm talking to you. He simply asked what I thought about him pursuing a relationship with you outside of the office. I told him I thought it was good. I'm telling you this because, my little brother needs a good woman, a partner. Someone who will want him for the man he is, not because he owns a profitable company and can keep her in a well-to-do lifestyle."

"Well, thanks for the vote of confidence."

* * *

Oddly enough, after lunch, Deanna didn't really know what to do with herself. Jim had popped in a couple of times, more just to say hello than for any need to discuss something with her. Although, she did update him on her call with R and D, and he was pleased with the results. She decided to visit the company's website and peruse through their products, both to familiarize herself more with what they sold, and to see if it produced any more ideas. This carried her through the remainder of the day. She stuck her head into Jim's office on her way out to tell him goodbye. He stopped what he was doing and asked if her plans for tonight had changed. When she said they had not, he wished her a pleasant evening.

Adam was happy to see his mother when she arrived home. He had a glass of red wine waiting for her, he had seasoned the steaks, covered them in cellophane and they were waiting in the refrigerator alongside a tossed salad in a bowl. Two potatoes were ready to be baked.

"Wow! I'm impressed," Deanna said, even though grilling was the extent of his culinary skills. It was undoubtedly a bag salad, and the potatoes would be microwaved on the potato cycle. Still, it was nice of him to take care of all of this.

"Thanks. You want to enjoy your wine first or should or should I start cooking?"

"Start. I'm tired and hungry. It's taking some getting used to working every day."

"Anything new on the tongue device?"

"Just some design variations. Nothing exciting." Deanna played it down because she was more concerned about how to tell Adam that she was going on a date with her boss. But her son was seemingly so thrilled to do this meal that now was not the right time. "Go ahead and light the grill."

So, he did.

When he returned inside, Deanna asked, "So, how's school?" That was to get him to change the subject.

It worked, and he went on through cooking and dining about his classes and what he was learning. It was somewhat tedious listening to him, but it was also gratifying that he was so engrossed in his education.

They cleaned up the kitchen together, and afterward, they ended up as usual watching television. He suggested a movie, and she agreed to avoid any further conversation. First, she decided to change out of her work clothes, but instead of slipping on her nightie—which might send the wrong message—she put on a T-shirt and shorts.

Back in the family room, she sat in the corner of their L-shaped sectional, and not surprisingly, Adam sat next to her. He turned the movie on. It turned out not to be that exciting a film, and Deanna found herself becoming drowsy and was having difficulty keeping her eyes open.

She found herself dreaming Jim was caressing her breast, and then his hand moved slowly down to her thigh. It was both soothing and arousing. Gradually, his fingers wormed their way into the wide leg opening of her shorts where he gently teased her pussy and clit. They were lying down, almost spooning, and her pussy responded to his touch with short thrusts. She spread her legs wider as his face moved closer to hers.

Deanna turned her head slightly to his, but still did not open her eyes.

He'd managed to slide his arm under her neck, and they were close enough together that his hand could cup most of her breast. It felt divine.

Their lips came together in a . . . oh, shit! This wasn't Jim. She could tell by the kiss. This was Adam! She hadn't wanted this to happen tonight. Not with her upcoming date with Jim. It might send the wrong message to Adam. But as his hand found its way inside the neck of her T-shirt to caress her bare breast, her son was difficult to resist. The kiss was also quite pleasant and arousing. And she feared what stopping would mean, particularly if she explained her reasoning.

Then there was the fact that it felt too good to stop. He was pulling the bottom of her shirt up to expose her breasts. He twisted her nipple softly and slipped two fingers into her pussy. What a slut she was to succumb to this.

She kissed back when he reapplied his lips. His fingers felt good inside her pussy, and she knew his cock would feel even better. She was so aroused now she reached down to rub his dick through his pants. He didn't hesitate to push his own shorts down enough to free his rod. Her fingers immediately wrapped around it. She pressed it against her leg very close to the leg opening of her shorts. She was certain it was wide enough to slide right in and into her pussy.

But Adam was already grabbing the elastic waistband of her shorts and tugging them down. So, she helped. They had them off in seconds. He kicked his off the rest of the way. Deanna angled her body toward his, and he aimed his cock at her pussy. The first touch of his dick to her labia was almost electric. Instead of shoving it in, Adam stuck only the tip in, then pulled it out, and repeated this teasing action several times driving his mother crazy. Finally, he drove it all the way.

"Mmmm," she couldn't help but mouth. Was she to a point now that she just liked being fucked and it didn't matter by whom? Surely this could not continue if she were going to start seeing Jim, could it? The thing was her son had become really good. He was sensitive, he was loving, he was concerned as much about her as he was getting himself off. That was really hard to resist.

The problem was, so was Jim. They were both good.

Adam stopped thrusting to rub his cock up and down her slit, making sure to hit her clit. He then got onto his knees and pulled her up to arrange her in a doggy-style position. He re-entered and resumed thrusting. Deanna liked the deep penetration this position provided. He removed his shirt, and then helped her to remove hers, rendering both of them completely naked. He did his best to reach over and toy with her dangling tits.

After a minute or so, he again held his dick and rubbed it up and down between her labia. He obviously enjoyed this, and she didn't mind it, either, particularly, rubbing her clit was bringing her close to orgasm. As she felt her body begin the build-up, she found it increasingly difficult to hold herself up, so she allowed herself to fall partially on her back and partially on her side. Adam quickly repositioned himself and had his cock back inside her barely missing a stroke.

Deanna sprawled her upper body out as it tingled with the climax. She tensed her muscles as though that would enhance the feeling. She felt that it did, or perhaps it was such an intense orgasm it didn't matter.

"Ungh, ungh, ungh," she muttered. "Mmmm. Oh, yeah!"

As she was coming, Adam felt his balls churning. He pulled out, rubbing his cock against her pussy between her labia until he spurted cream on her abdomen and pubic bone. "Oooohhhh, yeah!" he grunted as the last few drops dribbled out. "Damn, that was good!"

It had been, Deanna knew. But she also was more troubled by it, and also knew she should have stopped it from the beginning. "Well, this movie was a dud. I'm going to clean up and go to bed. Good night."

Adam knew she was tired but was a bit miffed by her abrupt leaving. "Okay, mom. Goodnight. Sorry about the movie."

Needless to say, Deanna slept poorly, troubled by the news she knew she'd have to break to her son in the morning.

* * *

Of course, Deanna finally fell asleep in the wee hours of the morning. But she was not to sleep nearly as long as she needed to because of the feeling in her pussy. Unfortunately, it was not another dream about Jim. It was . . .

Opening her eyes by the hardest, Deanna sat up to find Adam between her legs, his mouth firmly affixed to her pussy. She pushed his head away. "No, we can't do this."

Adam looked up; his lips smeared with her juices. "What? Why?"

"Because." She hesitated for a second. "I have something to tell you."