Babe in Toyland


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"I . . . I . . . I should have told you last night."

"Don't tell me you're pregnant?"

She frowned. "Noooo. I, uh, I have a date tonight."

That got his attention. Now, he frowned. And there was anger. "With your handsome boss?"


"What the fuck? Your boss? Shit!" He scurried off the bed and hurried out of her room.

"Adam, wait!"

But then she heard drawers slamming, and a second later the front door opening and closing, and finally, his car speeding off.

Well, that went well, Deanna thought.

She laid back down in annoyance. She didn't intend to go back to sleep, but it was nearly noon when she awoke again, feeling no better. The earlier exchange still heavy on her mind, she quickly got up and searched the house for her son. No surprise he was not home, nor did Adam answer his cell phone.

Where would he go? It had been a few months now since his father had left. He and Adam had gotten together a few times for dinner. He always complained about having to do that, but Deanna believed there was a part of Adam that wanted to have some connection to his father. Would he have gone to his dad's?

Deanna called the man she knew she had to start referring to as her ex. He answered right away. "Hello, Deanna." He was actually civil.

"Hi." But there was no need for the "How are you?" routine, so she jumped right in. "Adam and I had . . . a disagreement . . . about something this morning and he stormed out of here. He won't answer his cell. I was wondering if he came to see you?"

He was silent, non-responsive.

"Are you there?"

"I'm here."

"Nothing to say?"


Then it occurred to her. "Can I assume that he's there, but he doesn't want you to tell me?"

"That's fair."

"Thanks. That's a relief."

"What was the disagreement about?"

If Adam was there, which this vague exchange seemed to confirm, then he probably already told his dad. "I have a date tonight."

"So soon? You're already seeing someone else?"

"It's just a date. First time. And don't tell me you haven't already seen someone else."

"Okay, I won't tell you."


"Hope you find him."

As she hung up, Deanna was certain her ex made that last statement because Adam was probably nearby.

* * *

The call did provide her with some relief, so she decided to shower and then go shopping for a new outfit to wear tonight.

She was not surprised that Adam was still not home when she returned in the late afternoon. It was time to get ready for her date, so she showered again, applied her make-up appropriately for a night out, and put her new dress on. It was a dark wine red that overlapped in the front to form a V-neck that showed her impressive cleavage and was the short length—four or five inches above the knee—that she liked. Viewing herself in her full-length mirror, she was extremely pleased with what she saw, with only minutes to spare before Jim picked her up.

Deanna heard the security system chime for the front door opening and closing, leading her to wonder if she'd left it unlocked or . . .

She raced to the front, shocked to find both Adam and Jim standing there.

"Well, don't looked so thrilled to see me," Jim quipped.

"She's not," Adam interrupted. "She's shocked to see me."

"We arrived at the same time and he let me in," Jim said. "I hope that's alright." However, seeing a frown on Deanna's face like he never saw before, he had to ask, "Why would you be shocked to see your son? Am I coming into the middle of something?"

"Hi, Jim. No, you're fine," Deanna finally spoke. "Adam and I had a . . . difference of opinion . . . this morning, and he chose to leave instead of doing the adult thing and discussing it."

"Why don't you tell him what the difference of opinion was, mother? Maybe he should know."

"Adam, you and I will discuss this tomorrow," Deanna said firmly. "I'm sorry, Jim. Let's go."

"Are you sure? It really sounds like I'm in the middle of something. We can go another time."

"You are."

"Adam! Stop!"

"I think I see what's happening here," Jim deduced. "Do you not want her to date, or just not me?"

"Smart guy," Adam sarcastically said. "I can see why he has his own company and drives a Ferrari."

"Adam, that's enough. Let's go, Jim."

"By the way," Adam said, "you look smashing in that dress. Wish it were for me."

As they walked to the car, Jim had to ask, "What did he mean by that?"

"Oh, you know teenagers. Think they know it all."

"But why would he want you to wear a dress for him? Particularly one like that?"

"He's been trying to be the man of the house since my ex left."

"The man of the house? What exactly does that mean?" Then recalling the video, he gave her to watch the other night, he added, "How much of a man of the house was he trying to be?"

"Jim, can we just drop it?" she pleaded. "Let's just go out and have a good time. I've been looking forward to tonight. I even bought this dress for tonight."

"Yeah, I was about to compliment you, but he beat me to it." They stopped when they reached his car as it dawned on him. "Deanna, I have to ask. Are you fucking your son?"

She didn't answer, but tears welled up in her eyes.

And that was his answer.

"You're fucking your son," Jim stated factually, as though there could be no doubt.

"Jim, I—"

"I can't believe it. I can't deal with it." He quickly got into his car and roared off.

Deanna could only stand there and cry her eyes out. Without really think what she was doing, she headed back inside. Adam was still there.

"What happened?" he asked.

"You did an excellent job of sabotaging my date."

"He's no good for you."

"You don't even know him," Deanna shot back.

"What about us?"

"What us? I'm your mother, you're my son."

"You know what I mean."

"That was wrong. We should never have done any of that. You caught me when I was weak."

"Seems to me you initiated some of that."

"Yeah, well, then I was wrong." She turned and headed back to the front door, to her car, and she drove away, no destination in mind. She just needed to get away from him.

* * *

It took a while for her to answer the door. "Jimmy? What are you doing here?"

Marjorie was dressed only in a robe, obviously nude underneath.

He entered without waiting for an invitation.

"Sure, come on in," she said.

The girl on the sofa was scrambling to get dressed. She looked up. "Uh, hi, Jim."

"Hi, Judy," Jim greeted, slowly realizing he'd interrupted something. "Sorry for the intrusion."

"Uh, Judy needed to test some ideas for Deanna's tongue device," Marjorie explained, as if she needed a reason for Judy from R and D to be here.

"Yeah, whatever," Jim said.

"Speaking of Deanna, aren't you supposed to be on a date with her?"

"I like her," Judy threw in.

"She's fucking her son," Jim spit out. Realizing what he'd said, he pointed to Judy. "Not a word of this to anyone."

Judy merely nodded.

Marjorie started laughing. "So, what? You cancelled your date because of that?"

"I . . . I . . . it caught me off guard."

"So, you walked out on her?" Marjorie asked, still laughing. "Way to go, Romeo."

"Should I leave?" Judy asked.

"He's not going to be here long, sweetie. Then we can get back to . . . your research."

Now, it was Jim's turn to laugh. "Research, huh?"

Judy knew that her boss knew she was a lesbian, so she explained, "I thought that I needed to lick and be licked to get a true sense of what the device needed to do." She said it with a smirk, but he knew she was being as serious as she was playful.

"Jimmy, boy, even though Deanna has only been there a week, I can already see that she is the best thing to happen to you."

"You think I don't know that? I don't want to lose her."

"You might have already."

"What do I do?"

"Do you really have a problem with what she did?" Marjorie wanted to know. "I mean, with your kind of company, this shouldn't be an issue. Who is it always reminding everyone they need to be open-minded?"

"It wouldn't bother me if I weren't trying start a relationship with her. I don't want to be with someone who is also, you know, with someone else."

"Well, I guess I get that. Not to worry. I know what you should do. It's going to be hard because you've probably not ever had to do that."

"Oh, good. What?"



"Grovel. Beg forgiveness. Might even get down on hands and knees."

"I know what groveling is," Jim said. "I—"

There was a knock at the door. Marjorie stepped over and looked through the peephole. Quickly returning into the room, she whispered, "Believe it or not, it's Deanna. Does she know you're here? Where did you park?"

"I'm not in the Ferrari. I'm in the Mercedes."

"Go hide in the bedroom." As he complied, Marjorie returned to the door and opened it. "Deanna? What a surprise?"

"Hi, Marjorie. I'm sorry to come here unannounced, but—"

Marjorie quickly decided to cut to the chase. "Aren't you supposed to be on a date with my brother?"

"Yeah. Something happened."

"Come on in." After she closed the door Marjorie said, "You know Judy?"

Seeing that they were both wearing only robes, the imprints of their nipples in the material suggesting they were both nude underneath, Deanna said, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know the two of you were . . . I'm interrupting something. I'll go."

"No, no," Marjorie said. "You're already here." She led Deanna to the sofa where they all sat, Marjorie and Judy on either side. "Tell me what happened."

"As you know, my husband left me. It had been a while since—"

"You had sex."

"You knew where this was going?"

"Nowhere else for it to go."

Nervously, Deanna slowly went on. "I was getting kind of—"

"Horny?" Marjorie wanted to move this along so she could get back to Judy's talented tongue, but she didn't want to give away that knew already.

"Yeah. When Jim gave me a box of devices to take home and get familiar with, my son saw the masturbation sleeve. Anyway, one thing led to another and I, uh, I, uh, you know, I used it on him. And one thing kept leading to another and we, uh, we—"

"You fucked him."

Hanging her head in shame, Deanna admitted it. "Yes."

"Nothing to be ashamed of, Deanna. In a business like ours, we can't be concerned about who fucks whom. I certainly don't. Do you, Judy?"

"My sister and I used to do each other," Judy revealed.

"Really?" Marjorie said. "Well, there you go." Even though she already knew, she asked, "So, what happened with Jim?"

"He found out and he left. He didn't even want to discuss it. He just said, 'I can't deal with it.' I mean, I know it maybe wasn't something he was expecting, but he could have at least let me explain. Then if he still didn't like it, then . . ."

"You seem angry."

"I am a little angry. Tired of being with men who leave when things are not to their liking."

Nodding her understanding, Marjorie asked, "So, what brought you here?"

"I don't know. I guess I thought that maybe you could—"

"Do you still want to be with him?"

"I don't know. A part of me does, but I don't want to be with him if he's going to . . . run away . . . when things get . . . I mean, I guess I just expected him—of all people—to be a little more considerate. Like you said, 'in a business like ours . . .' I guess I was wondering if you knew where he might go."

"So, you still want to talk to him?"

"Would I be wasting my time?"

She shrugged. "Well, I wouldn't chase after him, Deanna. Let him come to you. And if he really wants to be with you, he needs to explain himself. Then you can decide if you want to forgive him."

"You really think so?"

"I think he's fallen head-over-heels for you. I've never seen him fall head-over-heels for anyone."

"She's right."

Deanna turned sharply to find him standing in the entrance to the hallway. "You've been here the whole time?"

"Like you, I came to my big sister for advice," Jim said, stepping into the room. "You're angry, and you should be. That was a little immature of me."

"A little? It caused me to have another argument with my son."

"Ah, your son. I overacted a little, didn't I?"

"A little?"

"No, you're right. It was a lot. I'm very sorry about that. I overheard you say how it happened and I understand. Deanna, I do still want to be with you. I just want a relationship in which we can be devoted to one another. Where neither of us is . . . with . . . anyone else."

"Well, I wouldn't have started anything with Adam if you and I had already been together."

"So, will you forgive me? I promise something like this won't happen again."

"I've got to resolve things with Adam first. Otherwise, we can't have a relationship."

Jim merely stood there and watched Deanna leave.

Marjorie stepped up behind him and ushered him to the door. "Better go after her."

"Gee, sis, if you wanted me to leave, why didn't you just say so?"

* * *

There was a car parked in front of Deanna's house that she didn't recognize, but that wasn't too unusual. Could be a guest of one of the neighbors. It happened from time to time. However, as she approached the front door, she thought she heard moaning. Before entering, she put her ear to the door. Definitely moaning. And seemingly female.

Did Adam have a girl over?

This had Deanna entering quietly. There was no one in the front room. The continued moaning was coming from a bedroom.

Tiptoeing down the hallway, she was surprised that the sounds of sex were emanating from her master bedroom. The door was wide open. Adam obviously wasn't expecting her back any time soon. She moved to one side of the door frame. This provided a clear view of a nude girl lying on Deanna's king size bed, legs spread, a naked Adam on his stomach, his face buried in the girl's pussy.

The boy certainly loved eating pussy.

Deanna couldn't help watching for a few seconds, remembering her son's talented tongue on her snatch.

"Oh, shit!" The girl muttered.

"You like that?" Adam asked.

"No, no, Adam." She pushed his head away.

In that instant, Deanna saw the pink stem of a vibrating egg hanging out of the girl's pussy.

"What? What did I do?"

"Adam, look." She turned his head toward the door, and as Adam saw his mother, the girl scrambled to cover up.

Not bothering to hide his own nudity, Adam said, "Mom." There was an ounce of surprise in his tone.

"I thought you said she wouldn't be home for a while?" the girl whined.

"Relax, both of you." Deanna was actually glad to see her son with a girl.

"Mom, what are you doing home?"

"This is the address on my driver's license."

The girl giggled and Adam shot her a frown. "It was funny," she said.

"You going to introduce me, Adam?"

"This is Chantelle."

"Hello, Chantelle. Nice to meet you. I've heard a little about you. Enjoying the vibrator egg?"

"Oh, shit."

"No worries," Deanna assured her. "If you like it, keep it."

The girl was clearly surprised. "Uh, thanks." She was obviously embarrassed. "Do you really work for the company that makes this?"

"We don't actually manufacture that," Deanna corrected, stepping into her bedroom. "We just sell it. We make other items." Spotting the box of toys on her dresser, she walked over to it and pulled out a rabbit vibrator, then walked to the bed and handed it to Chantelle. "We make this. Why don't you try it while I talk to Adam? You can have it also if you like it." Deanna walked out of her bedroom down the hall.

Adam joined her a minute later, having donned his underwear.

"You didn't have to dress on my account."

"I only did so I didn't freak Chantelle out."

"Probably a good idea." Deanna turned to face her son. "I didn't like the way we left things earlier."

"Neither did I."

"But I'm glad to see you didn't just sit home alone sulking about it."

He shrugged. "Well, I was, and then Chantelle called me. Then I figured if you could have a date, so should I."

"Yes, you should. Although, I'm not sure bringing her here qualifies as a date. Did she call to ask you out?"

"She just called to talk. And after several minutes, we talked about getting together again, and then she mentioned that her roommate was home. I said that you were out and that you probably would be for a while if she wanted to come over. I showed her your boxes of toys and she said she'd always wanted to try some, so I let her. And then you came home."

"I'm glad you invited her over. You need to be with a girl your own age. You might not think that now, but in time you'll see."

"But you and I are good together."

"That may be. But it can't go anywhere. It won't go anywhere."

They heard Chantelle moaning. Both smirked.

"Besides," Deanna added, "sounds like you might have found someone who can keep up with you."

"She is hot. And she likes sex."

"And she seems open-minded. But would she be so open-minded if she were to find out about us? Look at how Jim reacted, and he's in the sex business."

"I really am sorry about earlier with him," Adam said. "Is everything okay between you and him? Did you find him?"

"Yes. I think we're okay. If you and I are okay, then he and I will be."

"Yeah, we're okay. I guess I see the reality of our situation. Doesn't mean I like it."

"It's called life."

"I guess I owe Jim an apology."

Deanna walked to the front door. "Yeah, you probably do." She opened the door quickly only to have Jim stumble in from leaning against attempting to listen in. "Don't you agree, Jim."

Both men were stunned.

"How did you know I was here?" Jim asked.

"I saw that you followed me. You weren't too careful."

He merely nodded.

"I'm sorry about earlier," Adam said, extending his hand.

Jim took it and they shook hands. "You don't owe me an apology. I get where you're coming from. I don't want to give up your mom, either."

Another moan from the bedroom.

To Jim's questioning expression, Deanna explained, "Rather than sulk, Adam invited a girl over to try your toys."

"I love the sound of enjoyment," Jim said with a grin. "Seems like we should get out of here and let them . . . experiment."

"Sounds like a plan," Deanna agreed. "I'll probably be late, if at all, Adam."

"If at all would be better."

They all laughed.

"Let me know what she likes, Adam. I'll send home some new ones."

With a big grin, Adam said, "Thanks."

As Deanna and Jim headed out to his car, he asked, "So, will you be my babe in toy land?"

Deanna could only shake her head in stupefaction.


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ToughSailorToughSailor6 months ago

Great prose. It was straight forward with more than just a wink to what an actual situation might feel like. Disregard the comments by the naysayers. So, at risk of plagiarizing 'walkindatdog" I totally agree with his/her comments. As an aside, I really liked Jim's solid character.

walkindatdogwalkindatdog11 months ago

judging from the first six comments, readers get super touchy if the story line deviates from mom and son get together and it lasts forever. having said that, she DID come off as far too easy with her boss, but it did keep the story moving along. This story is grounded in reality in that she has to chose, cuz boss man wants them to be exclusive. It's the sane choice for her to make. And her son will always have the memory of giving her mom quite a few orgasms, orally and fucking, plus some to die for blowjobs. He will always be able to savor the flavor of his Mom. This certainly qualifies as a love story, my favorite kind of mother/ son tale. many many of these are conquests or trickery, subterfuge. This one was straight and satisfying. I only wish my mother and i had made memories like these. In hindsight, i think she was putting it out there; foolishly, i never took the bait.Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It was a great story (to me) until the ending. Can't say that I cared for the way it ended, but up until ten, Great story.

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