Becoming the Man He was Meant to Be Pt. 01


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He licked the dripping goo from Tony's chin, cheek and lips. This led to Tony's first gay kiss. He was astonished that it felt so natural. He had not imagined kissing another man in any of his fantasies. He thought guy/guy sex would be all about the physical sex and not romance or kissing or after sex connections. As their tongues danced and they embraced each other in post orgasmic bliss, Tony got another life lesson. There could be as much passion between two men as between a man and a woman. When the kiss broke after a few minutes, Tyler smiled, still breathless from the experience. Tony started into the blue pools of his new lover's eyes.

"Fuck dude, that was goddamn awesome!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Yeah," Tony said softly.

"You ok? Not regretting going over to the dark side are ya?" Tyler asked with a laugh.

"Hell no I feel great! Nothing dark about it. It is just all new and I guess that is giving me some weird feelings."

"Dude, it isn't surprising you feel a bit weird. Fuck you just had you first taste of cock juice. But this here was some new shit for me today too. I been with a lot dudes, Tony, but fuck none so fucking intense as you or anything like this. I swear I thought I was going to blow my load while you were spanking me."

"Seemed like you were into it and like you had wanted it," Tony replied hoping he was right.

"Not sure what I wanted. But I definitely provoked it and I am glad I did. I am fucking stoked!"

"You know Serena always claimed that she was really turned on when I spanked her. But I could never be sure if she was being honest or just saying what she thought I wanted to hear. That is the problem with paying for it; you don't know what is real."

"Fuck, dude, she was with you a long time. Had to be more than the money.

"Hey I am not saying she didn't like the sex. But look at it like this; she got a couple hundred grand a year to please me whenever and however I required while living in luxury. The alternative for her was fucking maybe five or six hundred guys to make that. I am a relatively good guy even if I do like to be in charge. No telling what she could have run into as a regular whore."

"First of all you are a great guy. Second that chick could have found another sugar daddy easy enough. She likes you dude. But now she has competition."

Tyler slid down to the floor between Tony's legs and began kissing and licking his cock. Before long they lay together in the small bed exploring each other's bodies with, fingers, lips and tongues. It was nearly dawn before Tony dragged himself to his own bed to sleep.

Fortunately, the students had no required activities until late afternoon the next day. There was a mandatory freshmen check-in and reorientation meeting at 5:00. Tony would have slept through that too had Tyler not woken up needing to pee.

"Damn, Dude! Wake up!" Tony heard through the haze of a sound sleep as Tyler poked and shook him back to life. "If you are late old Doc Stevens will have your ass standing a post in the quad!"

"What the hell?" Tony grunted as his senses began to slowly return.

Standing post was a punishment based on a long abandoned military academy hazing ritual where the upper classmen would make the plebs stand at attention outdoors for hours at a time. Ballmon had its own special take on the practice and at Ballmon tradition dies hard. Standing post meant standing atop one of the narrow posts that formed a center ring on the main quad. The length of time spent standing was determined according to the severity of the student's infraction. Tardiness and absenteeism were considered medium severity and always resulted in a few hours punishment. Ballmon men were taught to keep their commitments. Tyler explained all this to Tony and added that for the most part life was easy at Ballmon. The faculty and administrators were very cool. Most students followed the simple rules and were well treated. Tony grumbled something about post standing being Medieval threw on a pair of boxers and rushed off to the shower.

As he walked across the quad on his way to the main gym to sign in, Tony stopped to pounder the ring of posts surrounding a lush garden and small fountain. He imagined that students being punished were made to face outward from the circle. The view of the garden seemed too pleasant for one being disciplined. Just as he turned to continue on his mission a young looking student ran up to Tony. He took the fellow to be no more than 16. In reality, the slightly chubby freshman with disheveled brown hair was only a month away from his nineteenth birthday. Had Tony seen him naked he would have quickly realized his mistake. Though Brian Jacobs had barely begun shaving he was very mature below the waist. From his naval to his asshole he had a thick covering of fur.

"Excuse me, Sir. I think I got turned around. I am afraid I am going to be late for check-in. Can you point me in the right direction?" Brian asked timidly.

Tony studied the boy for a minute. As usual social graces did not stop the older freshman from hesitating with his answer. He reasoned that since the boy was obviously a student, he was either older than he looked or some sort of prodigy. He also felt an odd attraction to the kid despite the 30 or so extra pounds he carried and the total lack of style his clothes conveyed. Brian's wrinkled shorts hung down like they had been passed down from some even larger relative. Tony thought if not for the boy's rather ample ass the shorts would be around his knees. Brian's shirt was wrinkled and stained and gaping at the buttons. On his feet was a pair of well worn sneakers. The kid was definitely not like any of the Ballmon men Tony had met up to that point. But the oddest thing to Tony was the way Brian had addressed him. He wondered why the kid called him sir.

"Oh um well, I believe it is just behind that rather imposing looking building at the far end of the quad. I am on my way there. Shall we walk together?" Tony finally answered.

"Yes, thank you. By the way what do you teach, Sir?"

Laughing Tony told his classmate that he was not a teacher but just a freshman student learning the ropes.

"Oh shit! I am sorry, man. You just look and act so mature and well you just seem a lot older than me. You look great I didn't mean to say you are old looking or anything," Brian quickly blurted out trying not to seem like a total dolt.

"No sweat. I took a couple of years off due to family obligations and now I am getting back to the books. I am 20, but I know I have looked older than I am for awhile. I am Tony by the way."

"Brian, nice to meet you."

"So Brian, I have to say you look as much too young to be a freshman as I look too old. You one of them kids too brainy for high school?"

"Hell no!" Brian blurted out laughing. "Fuck if my dad hadn't donated a damn building or sumttin I would never been accepted here. I will be nineteen in a month."

"Well here we are. Good to meet you I am sure we will be seeing each other around. Good luck with all the newbee shit."

The two shook hands and went about the tasks of signing in and figuring out their schedules and such. Brian figured he was being politely blown off. He was used to the good looking fit guys not wanting to hang with the chubby goofy boy unless they were looking for laughs at his expense. He wondered if he would be able to find a group of pals like he had back home. Ballmon didn't exactly have a reputation as a good place for misfits. But his dad was an alum and there was no way he could have gone elsewhere. He sighed as he headed out of the gym in search of the dinning hall two hours later.

Tony couldn't have had a more different take on their meeting. He thought Brian was cute and with his new found interest in guys wondered what his new acquaintance's sexual orientation might be. It was just Tony's social awkwardness that caused him to leave the impression he was blowing the kid off. The two hours of filling out forms and listening to talks about campus policies and life bored Tony and made him very anxious. When they students were finally released to go to dinner he took a walk around campus and again stumbled upon Brian.

"Hey, Tony what's up you lost too? I can't believe that even with a map I get fucking lost. Guess it is good I didn't go to a really big college. I am starving too."

"Hi, no I am not lost. I was just poking round, trying to get a feel for the place. But now that you mention it, I am pretty hungry myself. I overslept and didn't have anytime to eat today. Let me see that map."

Tony quickly figured out how to get to the dinning hall and managed to ask Brian to sit with him while they ate. The younger man was thrilled to be joining his new friend for a meal. They ate and talked sharing some of their respective life stories. Tony learned more than he told. He liked Brian but didn't think the kid was ready to hear some of the more intimate details of his life. As it turned out Brian was all but a virgin. He had had intercourse only once with a geeky girl and they were caught in the act on their second time by her father. After that the old man wouldn't let her go anywhere but school and Brian didn't dare go within a block of her house. He did have a girlfriend for a bit that gave him hand jobs and even a couple of blow jobs but she wanted to remain a virgin and broke it off when things got too heated one night. Tony assured Brian that plenty of guys his age didn't have even that much experience. Tony of course minimized his own experiences and completely left out his most recent sexual activities.

As they were leaving the dining hall and heading off to the dorm complex a booming voice called to them, "Hey Tony where the fuck you been?"

It was Tyler with Johnny and Bob in tow. The trio joined Tony and Brian and in their typically boisterous fashion began joking around.

"So, who is your new little friend?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah rommie tell me about your new playmate," Tyler teased.

Tony could see that Brian was uncomfortable and getting embarrassed. He looked like he wanted to run off and hide under a rock and he was blushing as if he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Three good looking guys were teasing him and even Brian didn't miss the sexual undertone. He had always been curious about gay sex and had definitely been thinking about what might be in Tony's pants. He thought that the guys somehow had detected his thoughts. Of course he didn't know that they were just being the way they always were and would think nothing of it if they knew about those thoughts

"Lay the fuck off, guys! This is Brian. We met at the orientation thing and shared a table at dinner. He is a cool guy, so maybe you could dial it down and be normal! Brian, blondie there is my roommate, Tyler. The other two are our neighbors, Johnny and Robert. They are upperclassmen. The deans thought I was too old to room with the freshmen."

Johnny stuck out his hand and said, "Hey man, we didn't mean anything, ask anyone. The three of us are always jerking around like that. By the way the only one calls me Johnny is Tony, I'm JJ and the big guy is Bob."

Brian shook hands with all three and then declined their offer to join them for a tour of town. Tony went with the trio after telling the younger boy that he would look for him the next morning at the orientation breakfast.

As soon as Brian was out of sight, Tyler jumped on Tony's back and jokingly asked, "You sweet on chubbers, roommie?"

Tony tossed Tyler off sending the surfer sprawling to the ground.

"Cut the shit! He is a nice kid. Just because you are mister fucking hot and ripped surfer boy, doesn't mean every guy has to be a fucking gym rat or something to be ok!" Tony said, more pissed that Tyler made an obvious gay reference in front of the other guys than he was about the chubber reference.

"Geez, what the fuck dude? Can't a guy get a joke in?" Tyler said as he picked himself up.

"Sorry, Ty. Fucking guy has had a bitch of a time with friendships and I know what it is like to want to have friends. Just because he is soft around the middle shouldn't be a reason for us to shun him, ok?" Tony said softly.

All three agreed with Tony. They had never been the type of guys to shut anyone out and assured Tony that his friend was welcome anytime. Though Tony never did learn to call Johnny, JJ from that moment on he never addressed Tyler by his full name again. It was almost as if Ty became a pet name that he could use in public. Others occasionally tried the nickname but somehow it never seemed to feel right for anyone but Tony to call him Ty.

The foursome headed into to town and hit several of the local taverns. Though none of the guys were legal drinking age, they all looked old enough and Ballmon students were seldom carded unless they were obviously drunk or being obnoxious. The townspeople sort of thought it was their job to help teach the boys. To them part of a real man's education was learning to drink responsibly. The addition of Tony to the handsome group of students added to the usual attention the boys received from the local girls. They managed to get a few dances in and some flirting. However, it was Wednesday and the few locals that were out went home even before last call. The group as often happens to such groups of young men after getting their spirits oiled by booze and the libido fired up by flirting made their way to Prospect Lane.

Tony had no idea where they were going or why until the front door of the large house was opened. They were greeted by a scantily clad woman who appeared to be about forty. She was the owner and house madam. Even to Tony who had lived a sheltered life the nature of the house was instantly clear. Madam Sherry only strutted her still alluring stuff as window dressing. She hadn't peddled her pussy for a few years. There was much better money in selling others and her husband preferred to keep her all to himself for the most part.

"Welcome fellows, you are a bit late. I only have two girls free now. Unless you want to share, a couple of you will have to try down the street."

"We don't mind sharing!" Tyler exclaimed without asking the others as he stepped into the foyer.

He gave Sherry's ass a little pat as he passed by her. Though she wasn't for sale she never objected to a little touching as long as the boys didn't over do things. Besides, Tyler was one of her favorites and if she ever did decide to ride another young man she thought he might be the one. The other boys followed Tyler's lead minus the pat on the ass. Sherry led them into the parlor where in true old fashioned whorehouse tradition two very scantily clothed whores sat on antique furniture waiting to be picked by a customer to go to a bedroom. Tony found the twenty-something whores surprisingly pretty. These two were local products who had grown up on nearby farms. They found right after high school that they could make good money selling what they had been giving away for free. They had been at Sherry's ever since.

"So you guys want to pair up or do the four of you want to take Linda and Kelly into the playroom and have a party?"

"Let's do the playroom!" JJ piped in. "That way we can switch off."

"Cost you two-fifty each for as long as you can get em up, boys," Sherry added with a sweet smile.

As the guys reached for their wallets Tony said, "It's on me tonight. A thank you for the great tour and all the other stuff."

He counted off ten hundreds from a roll of bills and handed it to the smiling madam. Then he peeled off two more and pushed the bills into Sherry's bra making sure he got a squeeze of her tits for his money. She looked into the handsome new student's eyes half hoping he would give her more than a little squeeze knowing she would be hard pressed to turn him down if he asked for her services. Once again Tony was using money to say thank you. Of course these new friends all had plenty of cash. They were happy however, to let their cash go to tipping Linda and Kelly.

The sexy whores stood and led the quartet out of the parlor and down a long hallway. At the end of the hall was a set of double doors which opened into a large room. The room had a couple of nice sized beds as well as some comfy chairs and other interesting pieces of furniture which were clearly intended to be places to fuck. Before long the four guys and their paid dates were all naked. Tony got the answer to his never voiced question. Bob's equipment was neither directly nor inversely proportional to his body size. In length he fell somewhere between Tyler and Tony at about seven inches. As for girth he was not nearly as thick as the other three but he certainly couldn't be called pencil dicked. The most fascinating thing to Tony though was the color. Bob's cock was the same rich caramel color as the rest of his body. Unlike Tyler there were no tan line issues.

For the next several hours the two whores provided pleasure to the guys in various combinations. Most often it involved the women on the their hands and knees sucking two of the boys while the other two knelt behind them and fucked whichever hole they chose. The girls of Prospect were used to the Ballmon boys wanting anal as well as pussy. It wasn't unusual for the whores to have a group of the guys from school in the playroom and have it turn into a bi orgy. Linda and Kelly didn't mind when guys started fucking each other as long as they got paid. That particular night the guys stuck to fucking the hired help. The highlight of the evening for Tony was when he and Bob doubled Kelly. When Bob moved behind the whore as she was riding Tony's cock as they sat in a device the girls called a sling, he assumed that the big man was going to go for her ass. To his surprise he felt Bob's slender cock slide in alongside his own in Kelly's pussy. Tony sat and enjoyed the amazing sensations as Bob began fucking the girl sliding his cock along Tony's in the process. After several minutes of being stretched by two cocks, Kelly cried out as a powerful very real orgasm overtook her. Tony experienced his first squirter. Suddenly her cunt was overflowing with thick female cum. He could feel her juice flooding over his crotch soaking his pubic hair and balls and leaving him sitting in a warm puddle. As she came Bob increased the pace and force of his thrusts. Kelly's spasming cunt and Bob's rampaging cock rubbing along his cock sent Tony over the edge. His cock erupted and he serenaded the group with deep guttural moans. Bob came a moment later adding a torrent of his seed to the mixture of cum swirling inside Kelly.

"Damn!" Bob exclaimed as he slipped out of the whore's cunt. "She's always been a big two-cock slut. But shit, you and I fit her perfectly, Tony."

Kelly smiled broadly and turned her head to kiss the big guy who had just given her her favorite kind of fuck. It was obvious to Tony that Bob had shared her pussy with other guys in the past. It had been Kelly that had turned Bob on to the two cock maneuver. His lack of thickness made him the perfect man for the job. She was pleased that he learned it so well and liked it so much. She loved the way he got behind her and used his strength to fuck her while she was impaled on another cock. When big Bob really got going he drove her into the other guy causing her pussy lips to spread wide against the guy's pubic region. Having her clit pressed tight to the guy with his pubic hair rubbing against her clit while the big man was driving his dick home always gave her a strong orgasm. Even better was the way one of the guys in the group would usually jump in and lick the oozing cum mixture from her quivering pussy bringing her to additional peaks.

JJ provided that service on that particular occasion. He was sitting watching the scene while Tyler was giving the missionary position a go with Linda. JJ caught his breath as Tyler was so engrossed in his enjoyment of sloppy seconds he barely noticed the two cock trick was happening. JJ had recovered just enough from his last orgasm to be ready when Kelly slipped out of Tony's lap onto the floor. He practically pounced on her and buried his face in her clean shaven crotch. He loved the way she squealed when she came and he knew he would be well rewarded for his efforts. Besides triple cum cocktail was one of his favorite treats. Bob lay on the floor watching his roommate eat out the freshly fucked whore while Tony continued to hang in the sling above them. Kelly got so excited she was practically screaming her passion.